An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 846 : SUMMYN, _adj._ Some.
_All and summyn_, all and every one.
A. S. _sumne_, al
SUMMYN, _adj._ Some.
_All and summyn_, all and every one.
A. S. _sumne_, aliquot.
SUMP, _s._ The pit of a mine.
_Stat. Acc._
SUMPH, _s._ A soft blunt fellow, S.
Germ. _sumpf_, Teut. _sompe_, a marsh; or Su. G. _swamp_, a spunge; also, a mushroom.
_To_ ~Sumph~, _v. n._ To be in a state of stupor.
~Sumphish~, _adj._ Stupid, blockish, S.
SUMPHION, _s._ A musical instrument.
O. Fr. _symphonie_.
_Gl. Sibb._
SUNDAY'S CLAISE, dress for going to church in, S.
SUN-FISH, _s._ The basking shark, S.
_Stat. Acc._
_To_ SUNYE, _v. a._ To care.
V. ~Sonyie~.
SUNK, _s._ Sunks, _s. pl._
V. ~Sonk~.
SUNKETS, _s. pl._ Provision of whatever kind, S. A.
Perhaps a corr. of E. _somewhat_.
_To_ SUOUFE, _v. n._ To slumber.
V. ~Souf~.
_To_ SUP, _v. a._ To take food with a spoon, S.
Su. G. _sup-a_, sorbillare. Usurpatur de cibis jurulentis.
SUPERFLEW, _adj._ Superfluous.
Fr. _superflu,-ue_, id.
SUPERSAULT, _s._ The somerset.
Fr. _soubresault_, id.
_Mellvill's MS._
_To_ SUPIR, SYPYR, _v. n._ To sigh.
Fr. _soupir-er_, id.
_To_ SUPPEDIT, _v. a._ To supply; Lat. _suppedit-o_.