An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 848 : SUTE HATE.
V. ~Fute Hate~.
SUTHFAST, _adj._ True.
A. S. _sothfaest_, id.
V. ~Fute Hate~.
SUTHFAST, _adj._ True.
A. S. _sothfaest_, id.
~Suthfastnes~, _s._ Truth.
SUWEN, _3 pl. v._ Attend; wait on.
Fr. _suivent_, id.
_Sir Gawan._
V. ~Sa~.
SWACK, _adj._
1. Limber, pliant, S.
2. Clever, active, nimble, S. B.
Teut. _swack_, flexilis; Isl. _sweigia_, incurvare.
SWACK, _s._ A large quant.i.ty, S. O.
Isl. _swack_, turba, motus.
SWADRIK, _s._ Sweden.
_Bannatyne P._
In Sw. _Swerike_, from _Swea rike_, i. e. the kingdom of the Suiones.
SWAGAT, _adv._ So, in such way.
A. S. _swa_, so, and _gat_, a way.
_To_ SWAY, SWEY, _v. n._ (p.r.o.n. _swey_).
1. To incline to one side. S.
Isl. _sweig-ia_, Su. G. _swig-a_, inclinare.
2. To swing, S.
~Sway~, _s._
1. A moveable instrument of iron, of a rectangular form, fastened to one of the jambs of a chimney, on which pots and kettles are suspended over the fire, S.
2. A swing, S.
SWAIF, _v._ Perh. ponder.
_Bannatyne P._
Isl. _sweif-a_, librari.
SWAIF, SUAIF, _s._ A kiss.
_Chr. S. P._
Lat. _suav-ium_, id.
_To_ SWAYL, _v. a._ To swaddle, S. B. _sweal_, S.
A. S. _swaethil_, fascia; _swed-an_, vin-cire.
SWAITS, _s._ New ale or wort, S. _swats_.
A. S. _swate_, ale, beer.