An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 864 : _Douglas._ _To_ TARY, _v. a._ To distress. _Wyntown._ Su. G. _targ-a_, lacerare. ~Tary


_To_ TARY, _v. a._ To distress.


Su. G. _targ-a_, lacerare.

~Tarye~, _s._ Vexation.

_Maitland P._

TAR-LEATHER, _s._ A strong slip of a hide, salted and hung, used for uniting the staves of a flail, S. B. perh. from Isl. _tarf-r_, taurus, q. a _bull's_ hide.

TARLIES, _s._ A lattice, S. _tirless_.

Fr. _treillis_.

_Hist. Ja. s.e.xt._

TARLOCH, _s._ Perhaps, a begging friar.

A. S. _thearflic_, poor.


TARLOCH, _adj._ Slow at meat, squeamish, Clydes.

V. ~Tarrow~.

TARRY-FINGERED, _adj._ Light-fingered, S.

From _tarry_, _adj._ belonging to tar.

_To_ TARROW, _v. n._

1. To delay.


2. To haggle in a bargain.

_Bann. P._

3. To feel reluctance.


4. To complain, Clydes.

A. S. _teor-ian_, to fail, to tarry.

TARTAN, _s._ Cloth checkered with stripes of various colours, S.

_Chr. S. P._

Fr. _tiretaine_, linsey-woolsey.

~Tartan~, _adj._ Of or belonging to tartan, S.


~Tartan-purry~, _s._ A pudding of red colewort mixed with oat-meal.


_Tartan_, q. parti-coloured colewort, and Teut. _purreye_, jus, sive cremor pisorum.

_To_ TARTLE _at ane_, _v. n._

1. To view as not recognising with certainty, Loth. Perths.

2. To boggle, Loth.

3. To hesitate as to a bargain.


4. To scruple.


Perh. allied to Isl. _tortallit_, difficult to reckon.

TARTUFFISH, _adj._ Sulky, stubborn, Renfrews.

Fr. _tortu_, perverse; or _tartuffe_, a hypocrite; _tartuffi-er_, to a.s.sume a false appearance.

Chapter 864 : _Douglas._ _To_ TARY, _v. a._ To distress. _Wyntown._ Su. G. _targ-a_, lacerare. ~Tary
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