An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 882 : _Douglas._
A. S. _threap-ian_, redarguere.
~Threpe~, ~Threap~, _s._ A pertinacious aff
A. S. _threap-ian_, redarguere.
~Threpe~, ~Threap~, _s._ A pertinacious affirmation, S.
THRESUM, _adj._ Three together.
V. ~Sum~.
THRESWALD, _s._ Threshold.
A. S. _threscwald_, id.; _thresc-an_, ferire, and _wald_ lignum.
THRETE, _s._
1. A throng, a crowd.
2. _In thretis_, in pairs.
A. S. _threat_, caterva; _on threate_, in choro.
_To_ ~Threte~, _v. n._ To crowd, to press.
A. S. _threat-an_, urgere.
THRETE. _In threte_, in haste, eagerly.
Isl. _threyte_, certo, laboro; _thraa_, _thratt_, a.s.siduus.
THRETTENE, _adj._ Thirteen, S.
A. S. _threottyne_, Isl. _threttan_, id.
~Thretteint~, _adj._ Thirteenth.
THRETTY, _adj._ Thirty, S.
A. S. _thrittig_, Isl. _thriatio_, id.
THREW, _pret. v._ Struck.
Isl. _thrug-a_, premere, vim inferre.
THRY, _adj._
1. Cross, perverse, S. B.
2. Reluctant, S. B.
V. ~Thra~.
THRID, _adj._ Third, S.
A. S. _thridda_, Isl. _thridie_, id.
_To_ ~Thrid~, _v. a._ To divide into three parts.
_Acts Ja. II._
_To_ THRYFT, _v. n._ To thrive.
Isl. _thrif-ast_, Su.G. _trifw-as_, proficere.