An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 894 : Belg. _toe_, id. _De duur is toe._ TOCHER, TOUCHQUHARE, TOCHER-GOOD, _s._ The dowry br

Belg. _toe_, id. _De duur is toe._

TOCHER, TOUCHQUHARE, TOCHER-GOOD, _s._ The dowry brought by a wife, S.


Ir. _tochar_, a dowry.

_To_ ~Tocher~, _v. a._ To give a dowry to, S.


~Tocherless~, _adj._ Having no portion, S.


_To_ TO-c.u.m, _v. n._ To approach.


A. S. _to-c.u.m-an_, advenire.

~Toc.u.m~, ~To-c.u.mming~, _s._

1. Approach.


2. Encounter.


A. S. _to-cyme_, an approaching.

TOD, _s._ The fox, S.

_Acts Ja. I._

Isl. _toa_, _tove_, vulpes.

~Tod's birds~, an evil brood; sometimes _Tod's Bairns_.

_R. Bruce._

~Tod and lambs~, a game played on a perforated board, with wooden pins, S.

~Tod's tails~, _s. pl._ Alpine club-moss, an herb, S.

_To_ TODLE, TODDLE, _v. n._

1. To walk with short steps, in a tottering way, S.


2. To purl, to move with a gentle noise, S.


3. It denotes the murmuring noise caused by meat boiling gently in a pot, Fife; more generally _tottle_, S.

_A. Douglas._

Isl. _dudd-a_, segnipes esse; Su. G. _tult-a_, minutis gressibus ire.


1. A building annexed to the wall of a larger one.


2. It now properly denotes one, the roof of which rests on the wall of the building, S.


Teut. _toe-vall-en_, adjungere se, adjungi.

TO-FALL, TOO-FALL, _s._ The close.

_To-fall o' the day_, the evening, S.

Teut. _toe-val_, eventus; _toe-vall-en_, cadendo claudi.

_Pop. Ball._

TOFORE, _prep._ Before.


A. S. _to-for_, ante, coram.

~Tofore~, _adv._ Before.


Chapter 894 : Belg. _toe_, id. _De duur is toe._ TOCHER, TOUCHQUHARE, TOCHER-GOOD, _s._ The dowry br
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