An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 897 : _Ramsay._
TOR (of a chair), _s._ Perhaps the round, or the semicircular arm of a chair
TOR (of a chair), _s._ Perhaps the round, or the semicircular arm of a chair of state.
Fr. _tour_, Teut. _toer_, circulus.
TORE (of a saddle), _s._ The pommel, the forepart of which is somewhat elevated, S.
A. S. _tor_, a tower, an eminence.
_To_ TORE, _v. a._ To tear.
A. S. _teor-an_, rumpere.
TORFEIR, TORFER, _s._ Hards.h.i.+p, difficulty.
_Gawan and Gol._
Isl. _torfaer-a_, iter difficile et impeditum.
_To_ TORFEL, TORCHEL, _v. n._ To pine away, to die.
_Gl. Sibb._
Isl. _torfellde_, _torvellde_, difficilis, arduus.
TORYT. L. _taryt_, tarried.
_To_ TORN, _v. a._ To turn.
TORN BUT, retaliation.
Fr. _tourn-er_, to turn, _but a but_, on equal terms.
TORNE, _s._ A turn, an action done to another.
TORRIE, _s._ A term applied to peas roasted in the sheaf, Fife.
Lat. _torreo_, q. what is scorched.
TORRY-EATEN, _adj._ _Torry-eaten land_, poor moorish soil, exhausted by cropping, very bare, and bearing only scattered tufts of sheep's fescue, S. B.
Isl. _torgiat-r_, aegre reparabilis; or Fris. _torre_ vermis, and _eet-en_, q. worm-eaten.
TORRIS, _pl._ Towers.
_Gawan and Gol._
TORT, _part. pa._ Tortured; distorted.
O. Fr. _tort_, Lat. _tort-us_.
TOSCH, TOSCHE, _adj._ Neat, trim, S.
O. Fr. _touze_, clipped; Belg. _doss-en_, to clothe.
1. The deputy of a _Mair of fee_.
_Reg. Maj._
2. The name given to the office itself.