An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 900 : _To_ TOWEN, _v. a._ To tire, to weary out, Fife.
Isl. _thion-a_, laborare.
_To_ TOWEN, _v. a._ To tire, to weary out, Fife.
Isl. _thion-a_, laborare.
_To_ TOWIN, TOWN, _v. a._ To tame, Loth. Berwicks.
Teut. _touw-en_, premere, subigere.
TOWMONT, TOWMON, TOWMOND, _s._ A year; corr. of _twelve-month_, used in the same sense, S.
~Towmontell~, _s._ A cow of a year old, Ayrs.
TOWNNYS, _pl._ Tuns, large casks.
TRACED, _adj._ Laced; as _a traced hat_, S.
O. Fr. _tress-ir_, faire un tissu.
1. To draggle, to trail, S.
_Mellvill's MS._
Alem. _dregel-en_, per incuriam aliquid perdere.
2. To dishevel.
_Complaynt S._
Gael. _trachladh_, to loosen.
3. To drudge, to overtoil, S. B.
Sw. _traal-a_, duro labore exerceri.
TRACK, _s._ Feature, lineament, S.
Belg. _trek_, id. from _trekk-en_, to dilineate.
TRACK-BOAT, _s._ A boat used on a ca.n.a.l, S.
Belg. _trek-schuyt_, id. from _trekk-en_, to draw.
TRACK-POT, _s._ A tea-pot, S.
From Belg. _trekk-en_, to draw.
TRACTIUE, _s._ A treatise.
Fr. _traite_, id.
TRAD, _s._ Track, course in travelling or sailing.
Isl. _troeda_, terra, quod teratur et calcetur.
TRAGET, TRIGGET, _s._ A trick, a deceit, S. _triget_.
O. Fr. _trigaud-ier_, to embroil.
TRAY, _s._ Trouble, vexation.
A. S. _treg_, Su. G. _traege_, Alem. _trege_, dolor.
_To_ TRAIK, _v. n._ To go idly from place to place, S.
~Trackit~, _part. adj._ Much fatigued, S.
~Traikit-like~, _adj._ Having the appearance of great fatigue from ranging about.
Belg. _treck-en_, to travel; Sw. _traek-a_, niti.