An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 916 : A. S. _twaede_, duplex; or _twa_, and _dael_, part. ~Tweddlin~, _s._ Cloth that is _tw

A. S. _twaede_, duplex; or _twa_, and _dael_, part.

~Tweddlin~, _s._ Cloth that is _tweeled_.

~Tweddlin~, _adj._ Used in the same sense, S.

_To_ TWICHE, TWITCH, _v. a._

1. To touch, S. B.

_R. Bruce._

2. To engage with.


~Twiching~, _prep._ Touching, concerning.


_To_ TWIG, _v. a._ To pull hastily, S. B.


E. _tweag_, _tweak_; A. S. _twicc-ian_, vellicare; Germ.

_twick-en_, id.

~Twig~, _s._ A quick pull, a twitch, S.

TWYN, _adj._ _In twyn_, in twain, asunder.


A. S. _twegen_, twain, from _tweg_, two.

_To_ ~Twin~, ~Twine~, _v. n._ To part, to separate.


_To_ ~Twin~, _v. a._ _To twin_ one out of a thing, to deprive him of it, S. B.

TWYNRYS, _s. pl._ Pincers, nippers.

Teut. _dwingh-en_, arctare.


TWINTER, _s._ A beast that is two years old, S, corr. _quinter_.


A. S. _twy-winter_, duos annos natus.

TWIST, TWYST, _s._ A twig.


Teut. _twist_, rami abscissi, ramalia.

_To_ TWITCH, _v. a._ To touch.

V. ~Twiche~.


1. That part of a thread that is spun too small, S.

2. Any person or thing that is slender or feeble, S.


TWO-PENNY, _s._ A weak kind of beer, sold at two-pence the Scots pint, or two quarts, S.

_Stat. Acc._

~Two-penny~, (or ~Tippeny-~) ~house~, _s._ An ale-house, S.


VADMELL, _s._ A species of woollen cloth manufactured and worn in the Orkneys.

_Statist. Acc._

Isl. _vadmaal_, pannus rusticus.

Chapter 916 : A. S. _twaede_, duplex; or _twa_, and _dael_, part. ~Tweddlin~, _s._ Cloth that is _tw
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