An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 935 : _Douglas._ UPREUIN, _part. pa._ Torn up. _Doug._ _To_ UPSET, _v. a._ To recover from;


UPREUIN, _part. pa._ Torn up.


_To_ UPSET, _v. a._ To recover from; applied to a hurt, affliction, or calamity, S.

_A. Douglas._

_To_ UPSET, _v. a._ To overset; as, _a cart_, _boat_, &c. S.

_To_ UPSET, _v. n._ To be overturned, S.

UPSET, _s._ Insurrection, mutiny.


Su. G. _uppsaet_, machinatio.

UPSIDES, _adv._ Quits, q. on an equal foot, S.

_Pop. Ball._

_To_ UPSKAIL, _v. a._ To scatter upwards, S.

V. ~Skail~, _v._


_To_ UPSTEND, _v. n._ To spring up.

V. ~Stend~.


UPSTENT, _part. pa._ Erected.


Teut. _op_ and _stenn-en_, fulcire.

_To_ UPSTOUR, _v. n._ To rise up in a disturbed state, as dust in motion.


V. ~Stour~, _v._

UPSTRAUCHT, _pret._ Stretched up.

V. ~Straucht~.


UPTAK, UPTAKING, _s._ Apprehension, S.

_Bp. Galloway._

UPWELT, _pret._ Threw up.

V. ~Welt~.

UPWITH, _adv._ Upwards, S.


~Upwith~, _s._ _To the upwith_, taking a direction upwards, S.

Isl. _uppvid_, sursum tenus.

~Upwith~, _adj._ Uphill, S.


_To_ UPWREILE, _v. a._ To raise or lift up with considerable exertion.

V. ~Wreil~.


VRAN, _s._ The wren, Loth.

A. S. _wraen_.

Chapter 935 : _Douglas._ UPREUIN, _part. pa._ Torn up. _Doug._ _To_ UPSET, _v. a._ To recover from;
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