An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 949 : _Ramsay._
1. Prodigality, S.
_Maitland P._
2. A personal designation,
1. Prodigality, S.
_Maitland P._
2. A personal designation, denoting a prodigal.
WANTHREVIN, _part. pa._ Not thriven, in a state of decline, S.
Sw. _vantrifne_, not thriving.
WANWEIRD, WANWERD, _s._ Unhappy fate, hard lot, S.
V. ~Weird~.
WANWYT, _s._ Want of knowledge.
Belg. _wanwete_, Isl. _vanvitska_, id.
WANWORTH, WANWORDY, _adj._ Unworthy, S.
Isl. _vanvurde_, dedignor; _vanvirda_, dedecus.
~Wanworth~, _s._ An undervalue, S.
_To_ WAP, _v. a._
1. To throw quickly, S.
_Gawan and Gol._
2. To throw, in a general sense.
3. To flap.
_Pop. Ball._
~Wap~, _s._
1. A throw, S.
_P. Buch. Dial._
2. A quick and smart stroke, S.
_Chr. Kirk._
Isl. _veif-a_, Teut. _wipp-en_, vibrare.
_To_ WAP, _v. a._ To wrap, to envelop.
_Minstr. Bord._
Su. G. _wep-a_, Moes. G. _waib-an_, to lap about.
WAPPIN, WAPPYN, _s._ A weapon, S.
A. S. _waepen_, Su. G. _wapn_, Belg. _wapen_, arma.
~Wapinschaw~, ~Wapinschawing~, _s._ An exhibition of arms, made at certain times in every district, S.
_Stat. Will._
A. S. _waepn_, weapon, and _sceaw-ian_, to shew.
WAPPIT, _part. pa._ Enveloped.
Su. G. _wep-a_, to lap about.