An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 951 : WARDOUR, _s._ Verdure.
O. Fr. _vardors_, id.
WARDREIP, _s._ A wardrobe.
WARDOUR, _s._ Verdure.
O. Fr. _vardors_, id.
WARDREIP, _s._ A wardrobe.
~Wardraipper~, _s._ The keeper of the _wardrobe_.
_Maitland P._
_To_ WARE, _v. a._ To expend, &c.
V. ~War~.
~Ware~, _s._ Price, estimation.
A. S. _wer_, _were_, capitis estimatio; or rather Su. G. _wara_, merx.
~Whole-ware~, _s._ The whole of any thing, the whole lot or a.s.sortment.
_R. Bruce._
WARE, _s._ A tough and hard knot in a tree.
A. S. _wear_, Belg. _weer_, callus, nodus.
WARE, WAR, _pret. v._ Wore.
WARE, WAIR, _s._
1. The sea-weed called _alga marina_; sometimes _sea-ware_, S.
2. Fucus vesiculosus.
A. S. _war_, _waur_; _sae-waur_, alga marina.
~Wared~, _part. pa._ Manured with sea-weed, Orkn.
_Stat. Acc._
_To_ WARY, WARYE, WERRAY, _v. a._
1. To curse, to execrate.
2. To bring a curse upon; _wareit_, really accursed.
A. S. _weri-an_, _waerig-an_, maledicere, execrari.
~Warying~, _s._ Execration.
_Abp. Hamiltoun._
_To_ WARY, _v. a._ To alter; for vary.
1. Expl. one who is draggled with mire, S. B.
2. The youngest of a brood, S. B.
V. ~Wallidrag~.
_To_ WARYS, _v. a._ To guard, to defend.
_Gawan and Gol._
Su. G. _waer-a_, _waer-ia_, id.