An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 956 : _To_ WAVEL, _v. a._ To move backwards and forwards, to wave. V. ~Weffil~. _Cleland._ *

_To_ WAVEL, _v. a._ To move backwards and forwards, to wave.

V. ~Weffil~.


* _To_ WAVER, WAWER, _v. n._ To wander; from A. S. _waf-ian_, id.


WAUGH, WAUCH, _adj._ Unpleasant to the taste, nauseous, S.

_Journ. Lond._

Teut. _walghe_, nausea, _walgh-en_, Isl. _velg-ia_, nauseare.

WAUINGEOUR, WAUYNGOUR, _s._ A vagabond, a fugitive.

V. ~Waff~.


_To_ WAUK, WAULK, WALK, _v. a._ To full cloth, S. p.r.o.n. _wauk_.


Su. G, _walk-a_, Belg. _walck-en_, Ital. _guale-are_, id.

_To_ ~Wauk~, _v. n._ To shrink in consequence of being wetted, S.

~Wauker~, ~Waulk-miller~, _s._ A fuller, S.

Belg. _walcker_, Su. G. _walkare_, Germ. _waukmuller_, id.

~Wauk-mill, Waulk-mill~, _s._ A fulling-mill, S.

_Stat. Acc._

Germ. _walk-muhle_, id.

WAUKER, _s._ A watchman, one who watches clothes during night, S.

A. S. _waecer_, Belg. _waaker_, id.

_To_ WAUL, _v. n._ To look wildly, to roll the eyes, S. O.


A. S. _wealw-ian_, to roll, Lat. _volv-ere_.

WALD, _s._ Government, power.

_In wald_, under sway.


Isl. _vellde_, _valld_, power.

_To_ WAUR, _v. a._ To overcome.

V. ~War~, _v._ 1.

WAW, _s._ Wave; pl. _wawys_.


A. S. _waeg_, _weg_, id. pl. _waegas_.

WAW, _s._ Wall, S. pl. _wawis_.


A. S. _wag_, _wah_, id.

WAW, _s._ Wo, sorrow.

_Maitland Poems._

WAW, _s._ A measure of twelve stones, each stone weighing eight pounds.

_Stat. Rob. III._

E. _wey_; as, a _wey of wool_, _cheese_, &c., from A. S. _waeg_, _waga_, _weg_, a load.

_To_ WAW, _v. n._ To caterwaul, S.

Chapter 956 : _To_ WAVEL, _v. a._ To move backwards and forwards, to wave. V. ~Weffil~. _Cleland._ *
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