An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 960 : _Gawan and Gol._
_To_ WEIF, _v. a._ To weave; part. pa. _weyff_, woven.
_Gawan and Gol._
_To_ WEIF, _v. a._ To weave; part. pa. _weyff_, woven.
A. S. _wef-an_, Su. G. _waefw-a_, id.
WEYES, WEYIS, _s. pl._ A balance with scales for weighing.
A. S. _waeg_, Teut. _waeghe_, libra, trutina.
~Weigh-bauk~, _s._
1. A balance, S.
2. One is said to be in the _weigh-bauks_, when in a state of indecision, S.
Teut. _waegh-balck_, scapus librae.
~Weights~, _s. pl._ Scales, S.
_Z. Boyd._
_To_ ~Weight~, _v. a._
1. To weigh, S.
2. To burden, to oppress, S.
WEIGHT, WEGHT, _s._ A kind of sieve.
V. ~Wecht~.
WEIK, WEEK, _s._ A corner or angle. _The weiks of the mouth_, the corners or sides of it, S. _The weik of the ee_, the corner of it, S.
Su. G. _wik_, angulus, _oegen wik_, the corner of the eye.
WEIL, _s._ Prosperity, advantage.
~Weil is me~, happy am I, S.
~Weil is yow~, happy are you.
A. S. _wel_, _well_, bene; Su. G. _waeles mig_, O! me felicem.
WEIL, _s._ An eddy.
V. ~Wele~.
WEIL, WELE, WELLE, _adv._ Very.
V. ~Feil~.
_To_ WEILD, _v. a_.
1. To obtain, by whatever means.
2. To enter on possession of an estate.
WEILL, _adj._ Many.
Germ. _viel_, Belg. _vel_, id.
WEILL-FARAND, _adj._ Having a goodly appearance.
V. ~Farand~.