An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 981 : _To_ WIT, WITT, _v. a._ To know.
Moes. G. A. S. _wit-an_, scire, noscere.
_To_ WIT, WITT, _v. a._ To know.
Moes. G. A. S. _wit-an_, scire, noscere.
~Wit~, ~Witt~, _s._ Intelligence, information, tidings, S.
_To get wit of a thing_, to obtain information with respect to it, S.
_To let wit_, to make known, to communicate intelligence, S.
A. S. _wit_, _ge-wit_, scientia, not.i.tia.
_To_ WYT, _v. a._ To shun, to avoid.
Lat. _vit-are_, id.
WITCH-BELLS, _s. pl._ Round-leaved bell-flower, S.
Sw. _maerebiael_, i. e. the bell of the Night-mare, viewed as an incubus.
_To_ WITE, _v. a._ To blame, to accuse; the prep. _with_, or _for_, being added, S.
A. S. _wit-an_, Su. G. _wit-a_, imputare, exprobrare.
~Wite~, ~Wyte~, _s._ Blame, S.
~Wyteless~, _adj._ Blameless.
WYTENONFA, _s._ A disease.
V. ~Wedonypha~.
WITH. _To gae with_, _v. n._ To miscarry, to fail, as respecting either one's circ.u.mstances, or moral conduct, S.
A. S. _with_, Su. G. _wid_, against; A. S. _with-ga-en_, to oppose.
WITH THAT, _adv._ Upon that, thereupon.
Isl. _vid that_, id.
WITH THI, _conj._
1. Wherefore.
_Poems 16th Cent._
2. Provided, on condition.
A. S. _with_, propterea, and _thy_, quod.
WITHERWECHT, _s._ The weight thrown into one scale, to counterbalance the paper, or vessel, in the opposite scale, which contains the goods bought, S. B.
A. S. _wither_, against, and _wiht_, weight, q. opposite weight.
WITH-GANG, _s._ Toleration, permission to pa.s.s with impunity.
From _gang_, to go, and the prep. _with_.
WITH-GATE, _s._ Liberty, toleration.
_Acts Ja. VI._
S. _with_, and _gate_, A. S. _gat_, via.
_To_ WITHHALD, _v. a._
1. To withhold, S. _l_ quiescent.
2. To hold, to possess.