An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 991 : Isl. _warg_, an exile. V. ~Wallidrag~. WRIGGLE, _s._ V. ~Windskew~. WRIGHT, _s._ The g

Isl. _warg_, an exile.

V. ~Wallidrag~.


V. ~Windskew~.

WRIGHT, _s._ The general name used for a common carpenter, S., Yorks.

_Gawan and Gol._

A. S. _wryhta_, a workman, one by whom any thing is framed; from _wryc-an_, to work.

_To_ WRIK, _v. a._ To wreck, to avenge.

A. S. _wric-an_, id.

_King Hart._

WRINGLE, _s._ A writhing motion, S. B.

V. next word.


1. A turning or winding.


2. A trick, a subterfuge.


A. S. _wrenc_, _wrence_, fraus, dolus, stratagema; Isl. _reinki_, fraudulentus; Teut. _renck-en_, to bend, to turn; _rencke_, flexus; also, fallacia.

~Wrinklit~, _part. adj._ Intricate, having many turnings.


WRITER, _s._ An attorney, S.


WRO, WROO, _s._ Perhaps inclosure; S. B. _wrae_.

V. ~Rae~.

_Pop. Ball._

WROIK, _s._ Spite, revenge.


WROKEN, _part. pa._ Revenged.


A. S. _wraec-an_, ulcisci.

WROUL, _s._ An ill-grown person, or puny child, S.

V. ~Warwolf~.

WUGGLE, _s._ A bog or marsh, S. B.

V. ~Waggle~.

_To_ WURBLE, _v. n._ To wriggle.

V. ~Wrabil~.

WURDY, _adj._ Worth, deserving.

V. ~Werdy~.

WULLCAT, _s._ A wild cat, S.

_To tumble the wullcat_, to whirl heels over head, S.

WULLSOME, _adj._ Wild.

V. under ~Will~, _adj._

Chapter 991 : Isl. _warg_, an exile. V. ~Wallidrag~. WRIGGLE, _s._ V. ~Windskew~. WRIGHT, _s._ The g
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