An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 996 : _Cleland._
~Yellowchin~, _s._ Yelling, S.
YELLOW GOWAN, the name given in
~Yellowchin~, _s._ Yelling, S.
YELLOW GOWAN, the name given in S. to different species of the ranunculus.
V. ~Gowan~.
_To_ YEME, YHEME, YYM, _v. a._ To keep, to take care of.
A. S. _gem-an_, _gym-an_, to take care of, to keep; Isl. _geym-a_, animum attendere, custodire.
~Yemar~, ~Yhemar~, _s._ A keeper, one who has any object in charge.
~Yemsell~, ~Yhemsell~, _s._
1. The act of keeping, custody.
2. Used nearly in the same sense with E. _wards.h.i.+p_, _guardians.h.i.+p_, _tutorage_.
Isl. _geimsla_, Su. G. _goemsel_, custodia.
YERD, YERTH, _s._ Earth, soil.
V. ~Erd~.
_To_ ~Yerd~, to bury.
V. ~Erd~, _v._
~Yerd-fast~, _adj._ Firmly fastened in the ground, S.
_Poems Buch. Dial._
A. S. _earde-faest_, settled, grounded, Isl. _iardfastr stein_, saxum in terra immotum.
~Yerd-meal~, _s._ Earth-mould, church-yard dust, Aberd.
_Gl. s.h.i.+rr._
YERE, _adv._ Certainly. _To yere_, too surely, or truly.
A. S. _geare_, _gere_, certo.
YERESTRENE, _s._ The night before last, S. A.
V. ~Here-yestreen~; also ~Here-yesterday~.
_Gl. Sibb._
To YERK, _v. a._ To bind tightly, as with a small cord, S.
_Gl. Sibb._
A. S. _gearc-ian_, parare.
To YERK, _v. n._
1. To be in a state of fermentation, a term applied to beer, Ang.
Germ. _gaer-a_, Su. G. _goer-a_, effervescere.
2. To do any thing with agility, S. B.
_Gl. s.h.i.+rr._
3. To be busy, or keenly engaged, applied to the mind.
Su. G. _yrk-a_, postulare, insistere.
_To_ YERK, YARK, _v. a._ To beat, to strike smartly, S. _jerk_, E.
Isl. _hreck-ia_, to beat, pulsare; _jarke_, pes feriens.