An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 1000 : ~Youk~, ~Yeuk~, ~Yuke~, ~Yuck~, _s._
1. The itch, S.
2. Itchiness; without
~Youk~, ~Yeuk~, ~Yuke~, ~Yuck~, _s._
1. The itch, S.
2. Itchiness; without any relation to the cutaneous disease denominated the _itch_, S.
~Youky~, _adj._
1. Itchy, S.
2. Metaph. eager, anxious.
_To_ YOUL, YOULE, _v. n._ To howl, to yell, S. A. Bor.
V. ~Goul~, _v._
~Youl~, ~Yowl~, _s._ A yell, the act of howling, S.
YOULRING, _s._ A yellow-hammer.
V. ~Yeldrin~.
YOUND, _adj._ Opposite, what is on the other side, S. _yont_.
A. S. _geond_, illuc, ultra.
~Yont~, _adv._ Farther, S.
~Yontermost~, _adv._ Still farther, Fife.
From _yonder_, S. _yonter_, and _mair_, more.
YOUP, _s._ A scream.
V. ~Yout~, _s._
YOUSTIR, YOUSTER, _s._ Putrid matter, corrupt blood.
A. S. _geolster_, virus, sanies; _geolstru_, virulentus.
_To_ YOUT, _v. n._ To cry, to roar, S. B.
Teut. _iuyt-en_, _iuycht-en_, jubilare, vociferari.
~Yout~, ~Yowt~, _s._ A cry, a scream, S. B. _youp_, synon.
A. S. _geogeth-had_, the state of being young.
YOUTHIR OF THE SOD, the red ashes of turf, Ang.
YOW, YOUE, _s._ A ewe.
_Complaynt S._
A. S. _eowu_, Belg. _oye_, _ouwe_, id.
YOWDE, _pret._ Went.
V. ~Yede~.
YUIK, _s._ Itchiness.
V. ~Youk~.
_G. Buchanan._