Qing Guo Yingxiong
Chapter 1 : The sky on the summer’s night was a layer of pleasant dark blue.The moon tonight was ext

The sky on the summer’s night was a layer of pleasant dark blue.

The moon tonight was extremely bright and clear, making all the scenery around the mountain all clear and distinguishable. The warm water in the pond in the depths of a grand mountain which was inhabited by human was raising its natural mist in spirals, floating and fluttering under the moonlight, seemingly it was trying to seduce and lure the heavenly fairy to come and visit the scenic beautiful place in the human realm.

From far away, the strong wind like horse’s hoofs sound could be heard. The continuous gallops broke the deep remote mountain’s tranquility. The hooves galloping sound gradually came closer and closer. Finally, it made its stop by the pond.

“Cong Yun, I will go and soak in the water for a while. You go and find a place to rest by yourself. Don’t go too far away.” The deep and low voice of the male had a warm tone to it. The partner he was talking to was a lively fine black steed.

That black steed was nodding its head, as if could understand the human language. Then turned around, with a light gallop it entered the forest, leaving the man on his own by the pond side.

The man squatted down his body, stretching out his hand to touch the limpid and clear water of the pond. The water’s mild temperature made a threadlike smile appeared on his face. He gently lifted up a handful of water and sprinkled it on his face, thereupon, he lifted his head with a completely satisfied expression on his face.

Going to the battle ground with the army had already taken more than a month. The troops advanced and entered the battlefield this basically didn’t let him have much leisure in bathing, however, his love of cleanliness nature made him conscious about his outward appearance, so, upon noticing a place with a hot spring, when the night fell, he couldn’t restrain himself from quickly rus.h.i.+ng to this place to immerse himself in a comfortable bath.

The distant from this place to Pingnan’s troops’ camping ground was about two Li[1]. Across from this place, on the base of Mount Pan Long*, was where the enemy’s troops were stationed. But because he had been enduring for almost a month this kind of dirty lifestyle, even if he had to face the danger of being captured alive by the enemy troops, this threat also couldn’t obstruct his determination.

He took off his clothing and other personal items then tossed them on a rock by the sh.o.r.e, the man was certain that this place was surely without another person’s existence. Freely untied his scarf headband, he jumped into the middle of the pond. In an instant, the feeling of being surrounded by the warm water of the pond made him unable to restrain a mouthful of chaotic air escaping from his chest.

This era was when the Datong Dynasty had been ruling for almost five hundred years. The glorious and flouris.h.i.+ng golden age from four hundred years of this Imperial Dynasty was already hard to keep up. The fatuousness of the current power holder immediately brought about the lie waste of livelihood of the people. The heroes in times of disorder, one after another, were starting their rebellious uprising, fighting to vie for supremacy and to take over the vast length and breadth of the Central Mainland. 

The Pingnan troops, among these many voluntary armies, were the latest to be established. Yet, because of the leader, Ouyang Fa De, the Provincial Governor of Jiangnan, at the right time and in the right place, for less than three years, he already gloriously occupied a large area within Jiangnan’s border. Also, recently he had taken a place of strategic importance into this area, making him even more the focus of people’s attention.

The man who was bathing in the middle of the pond was called Duan Shun Jie. His master, the Lord of Zhongnan, Guo Yue and Ouyang Fa De were brothers who learnt from the same master. Living in seclusion for many years, upon receiving a letter that requested him out from the mountain by his junior, Guo Yue decreed an order, to let his most favorite subordinate and disciple, Duan Shun Jie, to enlist in Pingnan’s battalion. Since then, more than a year had pa.s.sed.

Ouyang Fa De towards this wise and resourceful as well as brave and fiercely skillful in battle Duan Shun Jie appropriately put him in an important position. Duan Shun Jie also didn’t waste his expectation, again and again he showed him his outstanding merit. Recently, he forced the famous General of Datong who attacked Jin Ling, the Duke of Zheng, Huo Yan, to retreat. Once again he exhibited his rare talent in military.

As the proverb says, ‘Persons with mediocre ability wouldn’t attract jealousy’. Duan Shun Jie, continuously established his military merit, inviting both envy and jealousy, thus he had been pushed aside from Ouyang Fa De inner circle. More than once he had been humiliated in the presence of all. Although Duan Shun Jie had no intention to reach wealth and rank, eventually, to be provoked by the vile characters, he also would be troubled.

Tonight, using the bathing in the warm water as his pretext, he also conveniently let himself relax for a while from this kind of situation.

In such nights when the clouds were light and the air was clear, the reflection of the moon was scattered on the pond, Duan Shun Jie was swimming alone in the mountain’s water. His heart and mind were delightedly satisfied, definitely couldn’t be described by all words or writings.

Indulging himself in a good swim for more than an hour, even though he still wished to continue, yet, the distant from this place to the enemy camp was extremely near after all, it was hard to avoid that he would have a shred of worry in his heart. So, he turned his body to swim back to the sh.o.r.e, to get ready to put on his clothes and go back to his camp.

Upon turning his body, he was terribly shocked to realize that on the sh.o.r.e, since he didn’t know when, there stood someone in white clothes. Looking from a far distance, that person had jet black hair and skin the color of the snow. The figure was elegant. That was actually a woman of an unexceptional beauty.

That beautiful woman’s expression was rigid, her pair of winter night like pupils were staring at his body without blinking. Who knew how long she had been staring for.

The first thought in Duan Shun Jie’s mind was a ghost of a beautiful woman appeared. But that woman’s feet were evidently showing her tall and graceful figure. He pulled himself together, looks like that person was the same as himself, in the midnight coming to this uninhabited warm pond to have a bath.

After looking back at her in a daze for quite some time, only then did Duan Shun Jie realized his still bare naked body. He couldn’t help but be embarra.s.sed. In an instant, a crimson color rose up on his face. Pulling himself back into the water, only his head was showing on the water’s surface. Seeing that that woman was still standing there silently, without the slightest means of leaving yet, he finally couldn’t hold it: “Miss, can you face the other side, after I put on my clothes, I will leave.”

That woman was obviously astonished and dumbstruck. Duan Shun Jie was worried that she couldn’t clearly hear his words, so he shouted again: “Miss…..”

“What did you call me?” That person in white raised one of the brows, looking at him with a whole face filled with an astonishment look, “What Miss?! Who did you call Miss?!” The clear voice was deep and low, completely without any trace of the gentle and demure voice of a woman, obviously it belonged to a man.

Duan Shun Jie almost wanted to dig a hole and bury himself in there out of embarra.s.sment. Dumfounded for quite some time, he finally regained his senses and apologized: “Brother, I am truly sorry, I didn’t have a clear look, I thought you were a girl, I am very sorry. Please forgive me!”

He had an outspoken and straightforward nature, once he realized he was in the wrong, he would apologize at once. Definitely he would not because of treasuring his prestige refuse to admit his mistake.

The person in white laughed, “Your eyes are no good. But you are humble and unpretentious.” The rigid expression on his face was softened. Under the moonlight, his face appeared all the more like a dawn on the spring, elegant as if unworldly.

This person’s face was good looking in such a way, it’s a pity that he was a man, if he was a woman, truly he wouldn’t know how many men would go crazy and topple.

The Lord of Zhongnan had many disciples, each and every one of them were men. The Lord of Pingnan also wouldn’t have woman at their campsite. Duan Shun Jie grew up in his twenty-four years of life, meeting many men, even he himself had lost count, yet, there was not even a single one who had the same beauty as the man in white in front of his eyes now. He even suspected that he had met a celestial being who presented himself in this world.

“Isn’t the water supposed to be very cold?”

The man in white squatted on his heel, stretching out his hand into the water. ---Even though this was merely a simple motion to feel out the warm water, still, what he had done was extremely graceful and pleasant to the eyes.

Since he had known that the person in front of him was of the same gender, Duan Shun Jie of course wouldn’t have the same amount of nervousness. Looking at the man in whites’ eager to have a try expression, he had this joyous feeling that he had come across a kindred spirit who shared the same interest with him.

“Brother, do you also want to come into the water? The water has a mild warmness, come and have fun by swimming comfortably in this summer night.” His manner of speaking carried a tone of unconscious sense of pride. It was as if this pond was owned by his family.

The man in white was smiling while nodding his head, untying his outer garment and threw it on the rock. Duan Shun Jie could see that the outer garment of his clothing was made of an excellent material. On the corner of the clothes, there was a vivid and lifelike embroidery of a unicorn pattern. Obviously, he was born in a powerful and wealthy household. Absolutely not even near to a farmer or woodman’s cla.s.s.

The man was taking off his clothing and in a quick pace he tossed it, then slowly he walked to the water. His skin was pure white as the snow, however, contrary to his outward slender and delicate looking appearance, his body was considerably masculine with muscle to certain extent. --- To think that just now he actually took him as a woman, Duan Shun Jie couldn’t help but laugh at himself for having such poor sight.

“Brother, what is your name?” Duan Shun Jie was born with this frank and open personality, for two strangers to remain silent while sharing a bath was not exactly the thing he would like to have, of course he would try to find some topics to hold a conversation.

“My surname is Yan, Yan Xi Cheng.” The man in white’s deep and low voice had a kind of ambiguous tone. His face didn’t show a unhappy expression.

Knowing that the man in front of him didn’t really loath him, Duan Shun Jie had even more desire to make him as his friend. “My surname is Duan, given name is Shun Jie. Brother Yan, is your house nearby or you by chance pa.s.sing by this place?”

As if taken by surprise by this Duan Shun Jie who had a heroic spirit appearance, yet actually could be counted as a busybody, Yan Xi Cheng paused for a while before answering: “My house is nearby. However, it was not until yesterday I accidentally found out that this place has a pond. Tonight is unbearably hot, so I came here to give it a try.”

“I also just found out about this pond today. In this very hot weather, without a place to have a bath, really will make people stink to death. It is very good that I can find this place.” Duan Shun Jie had been pushed aside by Ouyang Fa De’s inner circle, naturally the other Generals from the Pingnan’s army wouldn’t dare to form a deep friends.h.i.+p with him; his subordinates and soldiers were respecting him like wors.h.i.+ping a G.o.d, all the more unwilling to accompany him to have an idle chat. The straight and lively Duan Shun Jie almost died from boredom in the military camp. For him to be able to find someone to hold a conversation with, he immediately dispelled his initial idea to quickly return to his camp. Determined to stay and soak in the pond for some more time. 

Too bad, Yan Xi Cheng wasn’t like him who loved to talk at all. Most of the time, he only smiled while listening to Duan Shun Jie’s babble to him, once in a while, he would say a word or two to reply. --- Although it was like this, Duan Shun Jie felt it was considerably satisfying enough.   

“Brother Yan, have you ever been to Tong’an? They said that the girls in the brothel, compared to the girls in the Imperial Palace, are much more beautiful, is that true?” After boasting about the beautiful scenery in the Zhongnan’s mountain, Duan Shun Jie started to make a discreet inquiry about the beautiful prost.i.tutes in the Capital.

Yan Xi Cheng probably had never run into such an overly familiar person, he seemed to be a little awkward coping with this person.

“I have been to Tong’an. Regarding the brothel, I have only ever seen the girls from Tonghua House… yet, I don’t feel that they are especially beautiful.” He loosened down his hat, scooping up the water to rinse his pitch black as the dark night long hair on his head. The beautiful face was revealing a slightly perplexed expression. --- If one overlooked his flat chest, truly he was like a beautiful woman painted on the spring festival’s picture.

“Is that so? But I heard that Tonghua House is Tong’an’s number one brothel.” Duan Shun Jie and his fellow apprentices were strictly prohibited by their Master to step foot in the red light district, therefore, they only could rely on the secret rumor to satisfy their craving. So, whenever they heard the other brothers brag about how beautiful the girls in Tong’an were, he and the rest of the brothers would crave for more as if drooling. Now, hearing Yan Xi Cheng say that the girls in Tonghua House were not that extraordinary, how could he not lose all of his hope?!

Yan Xi Cheng saw that Duan Shun Jie was obviously disappointed, he couldn’t help but laugh involuntarily: “Brother Duan hasn’t married yet?” He almost added “no wonder, your whole face was filled with unsatisfied desire” in his words.

“Brother Yan already has a beloved wife?” The Lord of Zhongnan himself had vowed a life of solitary, wouldn’t take a wife for all his life, of course he wouldn’t let him nor his brothers to find a wife. Also after arriving at Ouyang Fa De’s place, there was no one who was concerned about this kind of matter until today, Duan Shun Jie was still an unmarried man. Every time he thought about it, this matter caused him to have a distressed heart. 

Yan Xi Cheng quietly shook his head.

Duan Shun Jien immediately beamed with happiness and went to him: “Brother Yan actually is a fellow suffer regarding love misery. Don’t worry! Don’t worry! To think a real man like you and me would be troubled over this wifeless thing. Deal with this some other time, after we have succeeded and gained recognition, no more worry of not having a beloved wife in our arms.” He was saying this while disorderly patting the shoulder of Yan Xi Cheng. His whole face’s gesture was like a man who had come down from the end of the world.

In Duan Shun Jie’s opinion, after he said this kind of talk, Yan Xi Cheng should be showing the same feeling as him. So he lightly wished for him with the wishes that he would meet a pretty girl soon, and so on and so on. However, Yan Xi Cheng only used his pair of pitch black gentle pupils to look at him, whole face was of a smile, yet not a smile expression.

Despite that, Duan Shun Jie had a magnanimous temper as well as being broad-minded, he also couldn’t stand this kind of high and mighty att.i.tude of Yan Xi Cheng. Like a drain of gas rubber ball, he took down his hand which was initially on Yan Xi Cheng’s shoulder. Embarra.s.sedly said: “Brother Yan, you feel that I am somewhat too deep in conversation while I am a mere stranger, have I offended you?”

Yan Xi Cheng upon hearing what he had said was unable to hold back his laughter. He was such a beautiful person, with this kind of laugh, he appeared to be even more gorgeous without comparison. Looking at Duan Shun Jie open his mouth widely like an idiot, even the annoyed feeling in his chest had been forgotten.

“Brother Duan, you have misunderstood!” Yan Xi Cheng was trying hard to stop his laughter, speaking with a straightened face, “Little Brother here never encountered a man as straightforward as Brother Duan before, for a while, I didn’t know how to react properly. Definitely without the meaning of whatever Brother Duan had said. In case my manner had led Brother Duan to misunderstand, here, I will say that it is nothing like that to compensate for the earlier blame.”

His att.i.tude was natural and unrestrained, and appeared to be extremely sincere. Duan Shun Jie of course wouldn’t keep any unpleasant feelings, he laughed at once: “Since it is like that, I can be at ease. To meet with Brother Yan in this place also could be counted as being brought together by luck. I hope in the future I still can have a chat with Brother Yan like this.”

For one who had a thing for beauty, he sincerely wished for it --- If this Yan Xi Cheng was a dark coated with rough black skin big build man, perhaps Duan Shun Jie wouldn’t be as friendly and eagerly wanted to make him his friend. However, Yan Xi Cheng was born with such grandeur beauty, making him inevitably have this thought to be on good terms with him.

“Of course. But Brother Duan estranged himself this way, always called me ‘Brother Yan’, ‘Brother Yan’, making it harder for me to approach even though I wanted to have a closer feeling.” Despite speaking only a little, obviously Yan Xi Cheng was extremely skilled in literature. With merely two to three words, he already could coax Duan Shun Jie to burst out in laughter, almost bursting out his heart and lungs altogether in less than three seconds.

“Then, I will not be modest anymore. Xi…Xi Cheng.” Obviously the person in front of him was a man, Duan Shun Jie still couldn’t help being embarra.s.sed and fl.u.s.tered.

“Shun Jie.” Yan Xi Cheng responded with a smiling face. n.o.body could guess what was hidden behind his smiling face.

The two people were soaking in the pond while chatting for a little while more. Until the sky was slightly bright, Duan Shun Jie suddenly cried out as if awakened from a dream.

“Ai ya!! How come it is already daybreak? Who would have thought that we would hit it off, talked until we had forgotten the time. Sorry, sorry!! I still have some matters to attend to this morning, I have to take my leave first.”

He dashed to the sh.o.r.e like his b.u.t.tocks were burnt, randomly grabbed some clothes to wipe the drops of water on his body, in a very fast movement he put on his clothes. Turning his head, he saw that Yan Xi Cheng silently stood in the water, looking at him with a slight smile.

“Xi Cheng, will you come again tomorrow night?” Unable to restrain himself, he ran back to the sh.o.r.e, asking the good friend he made just now with his reluctant to part expression.

“You didn’t sleep tonight, just go and catch up on sleep. If you want to meet, the day after tomorrow, sometime after nine, I will wait for you here. I will not leave before we see each other!” Yan Xi Cheng’s words were clearly exquisite and showing consideration to some extent, as if he could be cla.s.sified as a whole different category from Duan Shun Jie.

“Then, no leaving before seeing me!” Duan Shun Jie made a foolish ‘he he’ laugh.

Waving his hand at Yan Xi Cheng, he made a whistling sound. Cong Yun came out galloping from the forest. Duan Shun Jie flew to ride on the horse, just before he left, he still didn’t forget to turn his rein and threw Yan Xi Cheng his final glance, afterwards, he urged his horse and left.

Looking at the fading figure of Duan Shun Jie, the smile on Yan Xi Cheng’s eyes slowly dissipated, returned to its original cold and stoic expression. Soon afterwards, he swiftly got on the sh.o.r.e to wear his clothes. After tidying himself in his neat clothing, didn’t know how he posed himself, in a quick and unseen movement, his whole person already soared high up in the sky. After repeatedly rising and falling amongst the thicket, he disappeared in the direction opposite to Duan Shun Jie.

Although Panlong Mountain topography was dangerously steep, however, for martial artists, running in this kind of place was similar to running on a flat ground. In the night sky, Yan Xi Cheng’s white garment was fluttering, flying in the air like the wind. As the same amount of time needed to gulp down a small cup of tea, the Datong’s military camp which was located on the other side of the mountain already could be seen in front of his eyes.

At this dawn time, there were already some soldiers who were on early morning duty lighting the fire to cook the food at the campsite. Yan Xi Cheng’s figure didn’t decelerate, pa.s.sing through just like that. His speed was extremely fast, exactly at that time the soldiers lifted their heads when they felt a gust of wind sweep over their heads, there wasn’t any trace of him already.

Yan Xi Cheng stopped in front of a big tent in the center of the campsite, raising the curtain, he casually stepped in. A young boy dressed like a servant, upon seeing him, stepped up and happily greeted him. Bowing while saying : “Your Highness, General Pei very early in the morning had come to ask an audience with you. I told him that you went to bed late in the night therefore hasn’t got up yet as an excuse. He told me to notify him once you have awakened.”

Yan Xi Cheng knitted his brows into a frown, with a distinct unhappy face said: “Why is he being so anxious? An De, you help me to change my clothes first. Let him wait a little bit longer.”

An De busily took off his clothes. In the tent, there were another two young page boys who held the clothing by the side and helped him to dress up.

After being busily changed, Yan Xi Cheng could no longer be recognized as the same white s.h.i.+rt scholar appearance a short while ago. --- On his body, layer upon layer were clothes embroidered with exquisite patterns of the glorious Imperial family’s emblem piled up. Also, the golden crown on his head in accordance to his cold n.o.ble expression was manifesting his honorable status as one of the people of the Imperial lineage.

“Go and call far Pei Jin Tian.” He ordered An De.

An De respectfully received the order and left. Very soon, he returned with a Great General whose whole body was in martial military attire following at his back.

“Your Highness.” Even though a courtesy between a ruler and his minister was unnecessary in the military, yet, Pei Jin Tian still respectfully bowed his body to pay his respect when he saw Yan Xi Cheng.

“What’s the matter? Why do you want to have an audience with me?” Yan Xi Cheng was showing his displeased place. n.o.body would have seen a trace of that a short while ago when he was still soaking in the warm pond and laughingly chatted with Duan Shun Jie’s ; of course, if Duan Shun Jie saw Yan Xi Cheng at this moment, he absolutely wouldn’t dare to pat his shoulder or touch his chest, or to call each other with intimate terms.

“Your Highness, regarding the letter our side sent several days ago to Ouyang Fa De asking them to retreat, they have sent their reply.” Pei Jin Tian in a completely respectful way held a letter in both his hands and showed it to him.

“What did it say?” Yan Xi Cheng didn’t even take the letter from him, instead, he straightforwardly asked about the content.

“Will not retreat.” Pei Jin Tian also gave him a brief answer.

Yan Xi Cheng laughed. His beautiful eyes glittered like the light reflected on the snow: “That ignorant oldman!! I have known that he wouldn’t retreat so willingly. Since our side has completed our military preparations now, even if he said he wanted to retreat, I would never let him off so easily.”

“Exactly. Ouyang Fa De failed to predict that Your Highness the Seventh Prince personally lead the army on this battle. Your Highness the Seventh Prince has the most wonderful foresight as well as accurate calculation regarding military strategy. Not to mention only one Ouyang Fa De, even if he had ten Ouyang Fa De around, he already couldn’t defend and turn around the situation.”

Pei Jin Tian originally was Datong’s most well-known, for he strived for fame as a General. The person who could make him earnestly bow down to and speak highly of, in this whole world, could be said as only one person --- that is the current Seventh Prince, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng, also known as Yan Xi Cheng.

Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng was bestowed with extraordinary innate skill. Outstandingly excelled at military strategy and was distinguishably good at the art of war. Though the ruling Emperor was foolish, towards this particular son of his, he actually regarded him with an extremely important position; making him the mastermind and relying on his behind the scene advise, every time the volunteer army tried to rebel, they could crush them completely. It could be said that it was all thanks to him that the Xuan Yuan dynasty could preserve their world domination until today. Mainly because of this, even though the Crown Prince was offended by his noticeable military merit, also wouldn’t dare to harm even the tiniest bit of his hair.

Yan Xi Cheng, no, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng listened to Pei Jin Tian praising him to such extent, his expression remained unmoved, still the same rigid and cold face as before. Throwing Pei Jin Tian a glance, with a considerably rude manner he asked: “So, just because of this small nonsense matter you came to find me so early in the morning?”

Pei Jin Tian’s face turned white at once. After struggling for quite some time, he finally opened his mouth: “Actually…. Actually it was about our side having intercepted the Pingnan’s army provisions’ problem….. The problem is…..” He said half of the problem then didn’t dare to speak any further, there was only his cold sweat that could be seen rolling down all along his forehead.

Upon seeing the state he was in, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng creased his brows, then spoke in a stern voice: “If you want to say something just properly say it, what’s that muttering and mumbling for? Be specific!!”

Pei Jin Tian didn’t dare to ignore his order, busily told the matters by fives and tens[2]. It seemed like last night he received some intelligence from their spy, saying that the nearest Pingnan army would transport their provision through the south. He dispatched a couple of troops to lay an ambush on the only mountain pa.s.sage. But who would have thought, not only the provision army didn’t pa.s.s by, but when the soldiers were about to return to their campsite, they were ambushed instead, resulting in heavy casualties, which greatly affected and discouraged the morale of the soldiers.

“Who told you dispatch the troops to the ambush?” After hearing the complete story, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng twisted his brows.

“I…. I thought this was only a small matter, therefore….therefore I didn’t report to Your Highness, and made an unauthorized decision…..” Of course Pei Jin Tian wouldn’t dare to say that he craved for greatness and success, thinking that after being successful with the surprise attack, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng would see him in a new light and esteem his progress. But resulting in this unexpected damage, he actually lost several hundred soldiers. Seeing that he couldn’t hide the truth, he had to admit his guilt first and to accept his punishment.

“Who is the enemy’s commanding General now?” Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng unexpectedly didn’t pursue the matter any longer, also, he changed the topic of the conversation.

“Report Your Highness, It is someone who is called Shun. This person joined the Pingnan troops several years ago. In only a short while after he enlisted, he rose and was promoted as the supreme commander. They say that this person is commanding the soldiers like a G.o.d, thus our army has been greatly troubled by him.”

“Shun…. Is it?” Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng narrowed his eyes, slowly, he recited that name out loud. A glint of light flashed through the narrow slit of his narrowed eyes. Pei Jin Tian knew that every time Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng displayed this kind of expression, it meant that someone would meet with his greatest unfortunate fate. He couldn’t help but consider himself lucky that his anger wasn’t really directed at him.

“Your Highness, Your subject would have to excuse himself first.” Now that he already examined his mistakes, Pei Jin Tian of course wanted to slip away as soon as possible.

“You may leave.” Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng seemingly immersed in his own train of thoughts, he only waved his hand to let him leave.

Pei Jin Tian was on his way to go out while considering himself fortunate, but suddenly, he was called back by Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng: “Oh!! I almost forgot! --- Go to official Xing to get twenty whips from the troops as your punishment, for deciding without authority, and to cause the wavered morale of the soldiers just before battle.” He spoke in such a casual way, as if getting twenty whips from the troops was not a serious punishment at all.

Upon hearing this, Pei Jin Tian’s both feet felt weak at once, with a “thump” noise he knelt down on the ground.

“Your Highness. Please be merciful Your Highness!! If it is twenty whips, Your Subject wouldn’t be able to walk at the very least for a full month!” Unable to walk was actually only a small matter, as the Great General, even before going to the battlefield, he was already knocked out by his own soldiers. How could he maintain his dignified face in front of his troops now?

Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng didn’t the least bit care about him. He only minded to enter the inner bedroom to catch up on his sleep. His cold-blooded and cold-hearted att.i.tude once again appeared on his beautiful face. Exactly because of this reason he was known as “The Cruel Prince”.             

End of Fallen Hero Chapter 1.

Chapter 1 : The sky on the summer’s night was a layer of pleasant dark blue.The moon tonight was ext
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