Ultimate Antihero
Chapter 11 : Part 1 An envoy from the demon world. The visit of Elfiena that introduced herself as t

Part 1

An envoy from the demon world.

The visit of Elfiena that introduced herself as the Queen of the fairy race.

That notice immediately reached the j.a.pan government that managed the Tokyo life sphere with a shockwave along it like lightning.

The prime minister Kinugasa Yos.h.i.+nori who had continued to haul this dying country all this time since the , immediately put out a gag order in regards to this situation, and then, through Onjouji Kai he gave the instruction to the 101st trainee platoon so that they led Elfiena to New Tokyo Sorcery Academy without coming into contact with anyone.

And then, not even a hour since that, Kinugasa himself rushed to the New Tokyo Sorcery Academy.

The ones who welcomed Kinugasa, who jumped out from his official vehicle as if he was abandoning a crashed vehicle, were two people, Onjouji Kai and Kamis.h.i.+ro Homura.

“What a panicked arrival. It makes your tailored suit messed up y’know.”

“Ha, haha, I’m really in a panic here. …After all this is not an evil G.o.d, but for a demon of all things to come proposing political negotiation, this is the first time in the world.”

It was something that was truly misunderstood throughout the world, but evil G.o.d and demon were different from each other.

Both of their ominous appearance that surpa.s.sed humans’ understanding had many points in common, but if the existence of evil G.o.d was described in j.a.panese language, the most appropriate word was [s.p.a.ce alien].

They had lived in this world long before humans, the existence that was ruling over this plane, even though their existence itself was not of  the earth, most of them had their origin from any of the end of galaxy.

Therefore, no matter how ominous they were, but till the end they were still an existence of this world.

However, the demons were different.

They were invaders that came pa.s.sing through the dimension from an adjoined alternate dimension called the demon world, their origin was not of this world.

In other words they saw this world as nothing more than an object to be devoured greedily.

―The gap between demon and evil G.o.d existed in this point.

A century ago, that introduced itself as came into contact with the representative of mankind who was ruined by Baphomet, the magician Aleister Crowley, his reason for handing over also mostly originated from this.

For them, too, who were glorified as [G.o.d] that reigned over this territory as ancient ruler, the present condition where outsiders stepped into their world as they pleased and then acted like they owned the place was unpleasant.

Correct. …For the evil G.o.ds, in actuality they had the warped reason that [the only ones who could make sport of mankind was just them], but even so, although imperfect, they had a reason to cooperate with mankind.

However, ―the demons had no such reason.

Such reason supposedly didn’t exist.

But on this occasion, for the first time in human history, a demon of the demon world attempted to make contact politically.

In Kinugasa’s heart who had to deal with this situation as a country’s representative, he was filled with shock and impatience, there was also confusion in him.

Truthfully, he didn’t understand at all how he should treat the other party.

It seemed that the other side said that they wanted to form an alliance, but was that the truth?

In the first place, was the introduction as the queen of the [Fairy race] even true?

―Rather, wasn’t it better to just kill her immediately right now…

Even with many thoughts crossing his mind, but because this was something without precedent, he was unable to decide which was the best way.

(Sheesh, thinking too much is your bad habit, Kinugasa Yos.h.i.+nori.)

Kinugasa scolded his brain from thinking all over the place.

Trying to solve something that had no precedent before using one’s own experience itself was a mistake in the first place.

(First her t.i.tle as the queen of the [Fairy race], I guess that’s not fake. If that’s not true, then her coming to the human world will only become a stupid meaningless action that just asked to be killed.)

As expected no one would do something that stupid.

Then if she was really a queen, putting aside everything that could possibly happen, he first had to meet her so that they could start somewhere.

After coming to that clean decision, Kinugasa asked Onjouji.

“…So, where is the demon that introduced herself as the fairy race queen right now?”

“It seemed that before she crossed over to the human world from the demon world, she was swallowed by a kraken and got trapped inside its stomach all along. She said that she wanted to rearrange her attire before the negotiation, so I lent her the bath of the academy. Because of that we need some time before the meeting.”

“Tha, that’s truly…..”

Truly like a human, was what Kinugasa honestly said.

He didn’t even think that the demons had a culture of bathing.

Further, to want to arrange her personal appearance before a negotiation meant―

(By any chance, perhaps this is someone that unexpectedly can be talked to…?)

Kinugasa harbored such expectation inside his heart from this unthinkable common point with humans, but right at that moment.

The door at the back of the official car that Kinugasa rode was,

“Hah! Just a vulgar demon trying to put her clothes in order you said?”

Along with a hoa.r.s.e jeer, the door opened with a force as if it was kicked open.

And then a man with a large body like a bear came out from the door of the official car that was kicked open.

The man was wearing a white suit adorned by golden b.u.t.tons all over it, making it seem like he was s.h.i.+ning.

The large man with muscle ma.s.s that could be perceived even with his body covered with a thick suit was―

“It’s extremely overstepping itself for a monster to act like a human. Drag her naked right now and throw her into a cage. That’s what is fitting for a demon.”

The secretary general of China Republic Union・Wan Tairon.

In essence, the man was one of the pillars of the that ruled over the present world, he was also one of the S-rank magicians where only ten existed in the whole world.

And then there was one more person following after that giant body, his figure appeared from inside the official car.

“Haha, well isn’t that fine, secretary general Wan.”

A medium built man that was wearing a deep blue suit.

It was a dandy with his vibrant blonde hair, and his white teeth that sparkled even more than his hair as his characteristic.

“The demon’s appearance is really painful to look at even at the best of times. Our eyes will rot if we don’t at least let it rearrange its attire.”

He was the president of the large country United States of America that once reigned over in the position that could essentially even be called as the supreme ruler on the earth, Joseph Franklin.

Homura bluntly made an unpleasant expression from seeing the figures of the two.

“Hey prime minister. You brought over some really troublesome bunch ain’t you.”

Kinugasa too was in a position that really could understand that grievance of Homura.

Doing something like a diplomacy with the demons, just from that it would become a fact that could worsen the position of j.a.pan.

Kinugasa himself wanted to keep this a secret from them and took care of it behind closed doors.

However, the timing was too bad.

“When I received the notice, the timing was just when we were having the regulation conference about the .”

This was just a bad luck. It couldn’t be avoided in any way.

Especially when the other party was the , there was no way that he could take leave from his seat to accept the notice.

They had the conceit that they were exactly the order of this new world.

And in regards to that order, there was no way that they would tolerate anything to be hidden from them.

“…Besides, Homura-san and the other members of the 101st trainee platoon coming into contact with an existence of humanoid nature that seemed to be a demon had been caught by the satellite of some country, so… There is no way to hide this.”

“Ah… Now that you mention that, that’s right huh.”

Homura’s expression turned into a late realization from the reb.u.t.tal that Kinugasa whispered into his ear.

He forgot that he was constantly put under satellite monitoring.

“That’s depressing. Maybe I should just shot all of them down by pretending about some kind of incident soon.”

“Pl, please be gentle about it if you can…-“

When Kinugasa’s expression paled for real from that joke of Homura,

“Oy, you there. What are you b.a.s.t.a.r.ds mumbling at each other over there? Aa?”

A harsh and rude voice cut in their conversation.

It was Wan Tairon.

Tairon grasped the shoulder of both of them unreservedly before separating them and entered between the two.

And then he held up the collar of Homura―

“By any chance you b.a.s.t.a.r.ds, are you thinkin’ of doing something. Aa?”

After hanging up Homura’s body with one hand, he brought his face closer while baring his eyes threateningly.

That rudeness was just like a hooligan.

But, ―the coercion that resided in his eye gleam was in different magnitude compared to a mere hoodlum.

Inside the yellowing, stagnating, murky eyes.

The dull light s.h.i.+ning slipperily there was―[madness].

Seventeen years ago, he was a dictator that made rain of blood all over the continent under the name of revolution in order to solidify his own ruling body even more. Because he was a man that killed a lot of humans in a number that couldn’t even be compared with the average demon, he was able to emit this coercing pressure that could even surpa.s.s a bladed tool in reality.

That eye’s power could even make most people quiet.

It was not something that should be able to be praised, but this man was unmistakably possessing a dominating aura of a [supreme ruler that had reached the extremes].

But even that dominating aura was,

“It’s not like we’re thinking of anything like that y’know.”

In front of Kamis.h.i.+ro Homura it became nothing more than a paper tiger.

Homura was not moved for even a bit against Tairon’s eye gleam.

“Rather don’t get your mug so close to me. Your breath stinks, geezer.”

He lightly brushed off the thick arm that was like a log constricting his collar.

This casual treatment made Tairon’s voice shake.

“You b.a.s.t.a.r.d, it ain’t the place of a chained dog to put on an air here. …The other day that senile gramps Innocentius swallowed your bluff whole and released

“Ain’t that right. Though I think I remember someone that got ready to p.i.s.s himself from that. That yellow eye looked like it was gonna pop out you know. Looked really cute on you. Can you imagine your face at that time eh.”

Homura’s ridiculing and laughing gaze made a vein protrude out throbbingly at Tairon’s forehead.

“This big mouthed s.h.i.+tty brat… Then let’s just try talkin’ again after I cut open you b.a.s.t.a.r.d’s neck right here!”

Tairon’s temperament raised in proportion with the loudness of his voice.

But in inverse proportion to that, Homura’s tone was lowered down in an amazed voice.

“Even though I just crushed more than half of your country’s army you are already starting something like this again, what a fanatic geezer huh. Just stop it. You are gonna lose anyway, this is just a pointless waste of life whether for you geezer or for me, most of all the air of you geezer are gonna be pitiful in front of your underlings like this.”


Tairon grinded his teeth in frustration.

But even so he didn’t go as far as grabbing his hand at Homura.

No, he couldn’t do anything like that.

One couldn’t become a king of a country with just violence.

Laying out trickery with the cunning like a fox was also this man’s nature.

That was why, although he put on an air, he wouldn’t brave the risk.

Homura too understood that, so he was merciless at Tairon.

Like that, Joseph who couldn’t just watch the two who were being like that made a deep sigh.

“A fine adult won’t get provoked by a kid’s talk. Please calm down Wan-kun. We are not coming here in order to have this kind of quarrel. We are the representatives of the , therefore as the consensus of mankind, we came here in order to face the new threat.”

“…Chih. I got that even without you tellin’ me.”

Tairon said that reluctantly while drawing back his threatening att.i.tude.

However, surely, inside his heart he was actually relieved.

With his character, it was hard for him to draw back the threat that he let out himself.

He acted violent. That was because he understood how to personify his own dominating aura.

That was why, he was waiting for a third person’s interference as a chance to withdraw his threat.

…Really, what a small man that was too cunning.

After Homura glared at Tairon being fed up from the bottom of his heart, he looked at Joseph behind and said.

“Oi you geezers. I’m gonna be present at the discussion too.”

Both of them opened their eyes wide in surprise from that sentence.

“Aaaa!? You b.a.s.t.a.r.d, what are you sayin’?”

“There is no need for that right? Haven’t you heard for yourself from the demon that introduced itself as fairy that its business is to [form a friendly alliance with mankind], that’s the report that Kinugasa-kun received isn’t it? Then for you who has no connection at all with [mankind] to be present is unnecessary―”

“Shut up.”

But Homura forcibly cut down the objection of the two with a sharp voice.

“This is my decision that I decided myself. You two got no right saying this and that about it.”

From the start he was not looking for permission or anything.

Homura was just telling them straight his decision, to that the two ground their teeth in frustration.

These men who were standing at the top of their countries were at their wit’s end.

And then Homura didn’t even pay attention to them anymore.

He walked ahead by himself,

“Then, gentlemen, follow me. I’ve opened the board chairman’s room as the place for the conference.”

After that, Onjouji’s voice called out to the three visitors.

And then like that the three people were showed into the school from the guest gate,

“Aah, dirty shoes are strictly prohibited. There are slippers for the use of guests over there, so please change into that.”

Before Tairon and Joseph who were going to enter still wearing their shoes got warned.

Chapter 11 : Part 1 An envoy from the demon world. The visit of Elfiena that introduced herself as t
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