Tyranny of Steel
Tyranny of Steel - Chapter 749: Terrorist Attack in lberia

Two weeks prior to Berengar's return to the fatherland, Adelbrand sat in his office in the city of Granada. It was an ordinary day, as far as he was concerned. Currently, he was overseeing paperwork and managing the Sultanate of Al-Andalus in Berengar's absence. Lately, the conflict between the Iberian rebels who were supported by the Catholic church had turned more chaotic.

With weapons and munitions scavenged from deceased German soldiers finding their ways into the hands of the rebels, the German and Andalusian soldiers found themselves fighting against an enemy armed with explosives and single-shot rifles.

Though the rebels could not reproduce the weapons or munitions they scavenged, they could still use them to deadly effect in a series of ambushes. The more German soldiers who fell, the more advanced weapons that fell into the hands of their enemies.

In contrast to the Iberian rebels, the Royal Andalusian Army was modelled after their German allies. They had a strict hierarchy of soldiers and professional training. Though they had yet to establish an official military academy, the officer corps was made of up talented individuals who had proven their merit on the field of battle.

These men were selected from their units and sent to a crash course training where they would rapidly learn the skills required to become efficient officers in the field. This was an effective means of acquiring officers when one lacked a proper academy for them to study at for years on end.

With the increased threat of scavenged weapons ending up in the hands of Iberian Rebels, Adelbrand had taken drastic action by equipping the Royal Andalusian Army with G22 single shot bolt action rifles. How did he manage to convince Berengar to sell such advanced weaponry to his allies? He didn't.

Instead, Adelbrand deceived the German Department of Defense by requesting that certain German units under his control receive priority for replacing their old G22 rifles with the new G25 Service Rifle. After rearming the German units in Iberia, he transferred the old G22s into the hands of the Andalusian Army. He also managed to requisition some M1425 Trench Guns, M22 Stick Grenades, and M22 Service Revolvers for the Andalusian troops, greatly increasing their efficiency in combat.

Why would he go so far as to deceive the German Crown? Because Adelbrand felt the rising German casualties would reflect poorly on the Kaiser and his war in Iberia. Eventually, the actual statistics of German casualties would reach the fatherland, and by then, even the Kaiser's most ardent supporters would question the ongoing conflict in Iberia.

Afraid of the internal strife that would ensue from such a thing, Adelbrand planned to arm and train the Royal Andalusian Army to take a more frontline approach, while the Imperial German Army transitioned back to the role of Military Advisors.

To do this, Adelbrand had begun increasing propaganda efforts to recruit both Muslim and Catholic Iberians into the Army. Today was the graduation of the first mixed class of officers. In an act of defiance against Catholic terror, Adelbrand had sent General Ziyad Ibn Ya'is to give a speech to the newest officers of the Royal Andalusian Army.

While Adelbrand may be the acting dictator of Al Andalus behind the scenes, Ziyad was the public face of the new regime, and his words would act as greater inspiration to the troops than the man most Iberians thought of as nothing more than a foreign military advisor. Adelbrand had even gone so far as to pin his accomplishments on the Andalusian General, which acted as a source of fame among the Muslims, but great infamy among the Catholics.

Unintentionally, this had caused a target to be painted on the man's back. While the Papacy had learned its lesson about targeting Berengar's family members, they had resorted to the underhanded tactics of posting bounties on the heads of his subordinates. The sum on Ziyad's head was so large that it would even entice the most devout pacifist to turn against the Military Governor.

Thus, among the new Officers who were being celebrated for the graduation of their training, there was a young Catholic who had concealed something sinister beneath his jacket. He gazed upon his target, who took the stage and began to make his speech.

Ziyad was calm as he took the stand in front of the Andalusian officers. He gazed at them and smiled. Their uniforms were akin to those that the Ottoman army wore during the Russo-Turkish War of 1877, during Berengar's past life. Upon gaining everyone's attention, the Andalusian General spoke.

"It is with a great honor that I stand here today, speaking before the next generation of Andalusian soldiers. It has been my objective, since obtaining my current position, to put an end to the hostilities between Muslims and Catholics in the Iberian peninsula. Unfortunately, the papacy continues to stoke hatred in the hearts of their followers, resulting in the brutal campaign that we are forced to contend with today.

However, as I gaze upon you all, and see that many of you are Catholics who have put aside your bitterness, to help aid in the reconstruction of the Iberian Peninsula, into a new, and glorious Kingdom, I can not help but be proud of the sacrifices your forebears have made to achieve this level of unity. We have to stop thinking of ourselves as Christians, and Muslims, but instead as one people of Iberia. You all represent that vision, and I look forward to the future we can all create together.

I won't lie to you. The battles you will wage will test your faith in humanity. The Catholic zealots who seek to destroy all that we stand for have resorted to inhumane tactics to achieve their objectives. However, do not be frightened for I have good news! With the aid of our German allies, we have received new equipment and training to help put an end to these attacks. The dawn is darkest just before the dawn, but I believe together we can see the light of Iberia once more! I thank you all for your service and look forward to the results you achieve in your military careers."

After saying this, Ziyad stepped down from the stage and met with the individual soldiers of the cadet corps that were now graduating into the newest generation of army officers. He shook their hands and spoke with each one of them about their views of the current conflict. Eventually he reached the young man who hid a grenade beneath his jacket and shook his hand, too. The man had a stern expression on his face as he loudly cried out so that all could hear.

"Deus Vult!"

Ziyad immediately panicked, and his bodyguards tried to push him aside, but it was too late, the grenade detonated immediately after these words were spoken, and claimed the lives of the Andalusian General, his bodyguards, and the young man who had conducted the suicide attack, as well as a few innocent bystanders.

This attack, though sudden and unexpected, would initially act as a source of pride and inspiration among the Catholic Rebels. In the following weeks, they would increase the intensity of their attacks on the German and Andalusian soldiers, who continued to maintain the peace in the region. However, the reinvigorated assault would only last for a short while.

For when the Kaiser heard that a General he had placed in charge of the region was assassinated so viciously. He would retaliate in the most brutal of manners. No longer fearing the inhumanity of chemical weapons, Berengar would plan to show the world the undisputed might of the German Army, and their ruthlessness in the pursuit of victory.

Unknowingly, the Pope, by instigating these suicidal attacks on German soldiers, and Andalusian officers, had brought upon the Catholic peoples of Iberia the worst fate that they could suffer. For those who resisted the will of the Kaiser, only a painful death awaited them.

Tyranny of Steel - Chapter 749: Terrorist Attack in lberia
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