A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic
A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic - Chapter 59: Regret and Pacification

***Arc 3 The Precious, Chapter 59 Regret and Pacification*** The main camp was relocated a short distance from the Dragon's Maws. Inside the main camp, there was a tent with only one bed inside it. Clinging to it was a little girl. Her golden hair was jolting slightly. "...Selene, uhh..." After finishing the retreat and instructing the Black Century for their next move, She visited Selene's place without eating or taking a break. Her body was heavy with fatigue. Still, she visited Selene first. "I'm sorry. Right now, please leave me alone." Her voice was trembling. It was not the usual dignified and powerful voice. Krische let her gaze wander. Bery had said it would be better to leave her alone for now. She said it would take time for Selene to calm down.

Krische entered the tent, unsure of what to do. Bery didn't stop her. She also didn't know what to do. "Selene." Krische wanted to do something about it. Selene, who was always kind and loving to Krische, the Selene she loved.

Right now, Selene is drowning in sadness Krische thought she needed to console her, she needed to do something for her. "Umm, Krische, when... Selene feels sad, Krische also feel sad."

"Right now, please. Please, go outside." Krische's purple eyes shook at those words. As if to suppress her anxiety, she put her hands in front of her chest.

'What if it stays like this forever.'

Such anxiety crawled around in her chest. Even to Krische, Bogan was a kind person. She knew that he took care of her as her parents did and cared for her in many ways. It's a shame----sad. But she was partly responsible for Bogan's death. She was the one who let him die, and Selene, who cared for Bogan more than anyone else, must have been sadder than Krische. It was reason enough to hate Krische, and that changed into her anxiety.

Krische slowly approached, and Selene told her, 'don't come'. Just the fact that she said that to her was enough to make her feel anxious. "Umm... Krische, just wanted to comfort Selene, the sadness, halfsies."

"It's fine, just get out now... I'm begging you."

"Umm, do you, hate Krische, ......? Gotoushu-sama because of Krische"

"That's not it. I beg you, please shut up." She understood what Krische said. She also could understand how she felt. But she had no leeway to accept being comforted. She didn't want Krische to see her miserable figure, crying and clinging to the cold body.

She was worried about her. She knew why Krische didn't leave, and she knew why she was here. But now it was just annoying and irritating.

She wanted to just throw away everything, cry and scream like a child. Throw away her petty pride. But she couldn't do that, so she just got frustrated.

Krische didn't understand. She knew that, but she couldn't help herself. "Selene..." Krische moved closer. She moved to her side.

Her body trembled, wanting her to stop. She was not in the mood; she didn't have any leeway to afford it. Krische hand touched her armored shoulder.

That was the limit. "Didn't I tell you to stop!"

"Aah!" She swung her arm and felt an unpleasant sensation on her hand. When she looked, she could see that Krische's cheek was scratched by her gauntlet. "Sele...ne..." Krische's eyes widened, and then they slowly blurred. Then, for the first time, she saw Krische figures. Her hair was a mess, sticking with sweat and blood. Her whole body was stained with blood. ----Krische, while she was doing this, she was fighting desperately. For no one else but her. Only noticing this after all this time, she hurriedly extended her hand. "Hgh..." Krische backed away as if frightened. The hand didn't reach her.

Krische stroked her red, cut cheeks and her doll-like face. Still as if to bear it, she kept her face down and shook her head. "Sorry."

"Hgh, wait!" Krische left the tent and ran away. Selene looked on in dismay as she reached out her hands. Her vision distorted, and she hit the bed. "The hell you're doing?!" Regret swept through her, so much so that she wanted to kill herself. She was so pathetic; she couldn't help it.

Venting your anger like that. "The worst" As she pressed her face against the bed, Selene's shoulders shook. Bery saw Kricshe rush out of the tent and hugged her, and she regretted her decision, thinking that she should have stopped her. She saw a small scar on Krische's cheek. Bery recognized it, and for a moment, she even felt angry, but then she suppressed it, thinking that there was no way that Selene would want to do that.

But, the problem was Krische's feelings. "...Selene hated Krische."

"It's okay. It's impossible for Ojou-sama to hate Krische-sama."


"It's okay. After a while, Ojou-sama will calm down." Concerned about the surrounding eyes staring at them, wondering what was going on, Bery put her hand on Krische's waist and took her inside the tent. She had neither eaten nor rested. She looked very tired. For the time being, she had to make her take a rest. "For now, let's have a meal and get some rest." But Krische shook her head and separated from her. She lowered her eyes sadly and told Bery. "Krische has something to do."

"Y-you can't. Gallen-sama also asked Krische-sama to rest."

"...Krische, don't want Selene to hate Krische any more than this." She grabbed Bery's apron and looked up at her. Eyes shaking with anxiety. It was the face of a frightened child. "We fought using Krische idea and lost... on the contrary, even Gotoushu-sama died. Krische, Selene had high hopes for Krische, but Krische didn't live up to them at all."

"Ojou-sama knew that Krische-sama is working hard."

"Krische, didn't do her best at all. Even though His Highness's head is right in front of Krische, Krische got scared and came to the main camp... Krische, haven't been able to do anything."

"Krische-sama..." Krische tried to meet every expectation. She took living up to every expectation as only natural. She puts a lot of effort into everything----those are her strengths and weaknesses. What she asks of herself, is much too big for her. "...Still, please take a proper rest. I've heard from Gallen-sama to let you do that. In the first place, didn't Krische-sama just come back? If it's just a little--"

"... If Bery is worried about Krische, it's okay. It's an easy job. But it's important, and it's pointless if Krische doesn't act quickly. There's no time to rest..."

"Krisch-sama, please, don't be so stubborn. ...Please take some time to rest. Gotoushu-sama is gone and if something had happened to ...Krische-sama, I......." Krische may seem to be superhuman, but she is not superhuman. She knew that there are limits, she knew that she gets tired just like anyone else, and she knew that if she pushes herself too hard, she will collapse. What would happen if that happened on the battlefield. Bery was worried. She is more serious than anyone else, and she is a person who did the impossible as if it's only natural. Krische was confused by Bery's uneasy expression, but she looked down and shook her head. "...Krische is fine, really. Bery doesn't need to worry." Her will was firm. She was sure that the thing she needed to do was as important as she said, but she was also sure that Sellene was a big part of it. She have never seen Krische rejecting her own words so much, and Bery was at a loss as what to do. She just wanted her to rest and compose herself, if only for a moment.

Then a voice called out to them. "A-adjutant Corps Commander" It was a woman's voice. A girl with chestnut hair and a woman with black ponytail hair. They were wearing matching black leather armor. Krische raised her head and looked at them. "U-uh... the commander said the preparation is finished. He told me when we will be, leaving, um..." Mia had been watching the situation from afar for a while, but she didn't seem to break in easily. But Kalua was impatient with that she said to just call out to her and asks and get it over with, but she still had a sick feeling in her stomach wandering if the timing was too bad after all, the two of them was embracing each other. "...Then, we'll leave right away."

"K-Krische-sama," Krische walked away from Bery and told her she's sorry. "...... Krische would like to at least do what she can for Selene. Krische will be fine."


"Krische is very happy that Bery is worried about Krische. But it's Krische's job." Hearing those words, Bery lowered her eyes, and reached into her pocket. She took out a small bag of candies. She always carried it with her as a little sweetener, just in case Krische came back at any time. She approached Krische and placed it firmly in her hand. "... The same as last time. Please properly let me eat the last one." Krische looked at Bery and smiled "Yes. ...Krische will make sure Bery eats it properly." Bery reluctantly released Krische's hand, which was wrapped with the gauntlet, and cupped her cheek. And just like that, she kissed her on the forehead.

Bery closed her eyes for a moment and approached the two who were staring blankly at them. "... Krische-sama, I entrust her to the two of you. It might be wrong of me to ask this of you two who are fighting and risking your lives something like this."

"No, no, entrusted it to us." Kahlua looks sideways at Mia, wondering isn't her words becoming weird. And as she stepped forward, Kalua smiled like a lady as her appearance suggested. "Leave it to us. The Adjutant Corps Commander is our respectable superior and also our princess....We'll fulfill our duty and promise to return together."

"......Thank you very much. I am more than happy to hear you say that." Bery bowed deeply. It was a beautiful bow. The soldiers were not unaware of the fact that she was a noblewoman of legitimate nobility, a fact that was rumored among them. The two of them froze for a moment when she bowed to them, and then immediately saluted as if in a hurry.

Krische looked at them and said, 'Well then', to Bery. "Yes. ......I'm looking forward to seeing Krische-sama returns."

"....yes." Krische turned away and the two followed after her. Bery saw them off until she can no longer see them, then turns away and headed for Selene's tent.

And then, under the cloth---- "Ojou-sama.... excuse me."

"...Bery" Selene was crying as she crumpled the sheets and clutched at Bogan. Bery casted down her eyes and sighed quietly. "I've, done a terrible thing, to Krische......."

"Please apologize to her when she returns." Bery approached and crouched down beside Selene, stroking her cheek. "When she reurtns, you mean"

"She's going to lead the Century, probably straight to the twin mountains...... probably to prevent pursuit."

"Wait, that chils, is she not resting at all...."

"...... she didn't listen to me when I stopped her."

"....No way." Bery looked at Selene's tear-stained face and told her. "I don't blame Ojou-sama ....... You understand the reason, without me needing to explain it to Ojou-sama right.".


"I won't say lightly that I understand Ojou-sama feelings. For Ojou-sama grief is yours alone." After saying those words, she took Selene's head in her arms and stroked it. "But one day you have to move on from your grief. ...... As I did when I lost Nee-sama, Ojou-sama must one day step away and look ahead."


"For that reason, please cry as much as you want today. ......The sad feelings will flow along the tears, and eventually dried up." Selene pressed her face against her and nodded. Warmth seeped through her apron, and Bery turned to look at the lying Bogan. "... Gotoushu chose Nee-sama, who I respected more than anyone else, was a splendid Noble. Serious, proud, self-disciplined... just like Selene-sama."

"No, I'm not, at all..."

"It's similar.... When my sister passed away, he was quietly crying alone in his room. And said 'could you leave me alone for a while' Fufu, even that. Both of you is really similar." Bery lowered her eyes and kissed Selene's head. "Everyone feels that way. There's no shame in that."

"... but, Krische, I"

"... I won't blame Ojou-sama. But I won't forgive Ojou-sama either. Please be sure to properly apologize." Bery hugged Selene tightly. "Until recently, I thought she had a very strong heart. But the truth is, I just didn't know how sensitive and timid she is. She is as honest and vulnerable as a child." Selene nodded. Bery continued, slowly combing Selene's slightly damaged hair with her hand. "......Ojou-sama, even if you force yourself, you are still a small child. Having a small misunderstanding and a fights. Nothing is irreversible."


"So please don't worry. If Ojou-sama apologizes properly, I'm sure Krische-sama will become a kissing maniac, she will kiss Ojou-sama a lot."

"... that's troublesome."

"But you don't hate it, do you? Honesty is important. Oh, but if I said something like this, Ojou-sama might end up becoming my rival in love." With a chuckle Bery shook her shoulders and narrows her eyes. "Nee-sama said that the way Ojou-sama stretched herself was really cute. It seems that Gotoushu-sama also sees his past in Ojou-sama. ......But Gotoushu-sama was prouder of Ojou-sama than anything else. He even laughed and said, she's similar even in place he didn't want you to."

Bery smiled and closed her eyes. "I think so too. Ojou-sama who has stretched herself as hard as she can is dignified and cool, and looked Nee-sama and Gotoushu-sama." Bery also had many memories. Memories of two people who shine forever. Selene was the crystalization of that. "...The funeral will be held at the fortress tomorrow. Don't stretch yourself for that today, take a rest. Stand there the way Ojou-sama wants to be, in the form Ojou-sama wants to." Embracing the memories of the two people she respect and love. She kept her eyes closed as if to not blur it. "Until then, I'll be right here." Bery whispered.

A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic - Chapter 59: Regret and Pacification
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