A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic
A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic - Chapter 28: U.E. C.28: Journey Memories

Stretch out your leg and take a large step.

Repeat that three hundred times and it is one league.

Walking at a normal pace, you can cover eight leagues in an hour, so travelling on foot, you can cover seventy to eighty leagues in a day.

(T/N: Ancient Japanese league, ranging from 533.5m to 655m. Not the modern Japanese league at 3.9km or nautical league at 5.6km which leads to interesting Krische walking speeds, hardly ‘normal’ pace)

The Christand estate is located in Gurgain, roughly six hundred leagues from the capital, Albernaria

Since they are travelling by carriage and horseback――there is no one on foot, they travel slightly faster than the average traveler and can cover close to ninety leagues a day if they wished too.

But that does not mean their journey becomes any shorter.

This is because towns along the main road are generally located about sixty to eighty leagues apart.

If they camped outside every night, they could reach the capital in six days.

But that is assuming they bring along all the necessary food and horse feed.

They would need an extra carriage for that and even more feed for the extra horse, leading to greater expense.

Thus there is a need for them to stop by towns for food and to feed the horses, but while they restock, the sun would set.

So whether they camped or stayed at an inn, they would spend the night in town either way, so the length of their journey is not much different from going on foot. Even if the distance is the same, if there are nine towns on the journey then it will take ten days either way. If there are eight towns, then nine days.

A day’s journey, whether on foot or horse, often refers to the short distance between towns.

In contrast, an army marches through mountains, forests and empty plains, so their day’s journey is often a little longer, but the distance covered in a day is also ambiguous.

The distance that can be covered each day is approximated from where the traveler can rest, so people usually estimate the distance by feel and the length of journeys are described in days instead of distance.

“Krische-sama, look, those are the Twin Mountains.”

――It is the third day of their journey.

Krische and Bery huddled together in the carriage, watching the scenery through a small window.

Selene, Bogan and Gallen are outside on horseback, riding together with the guards, so the two of them are alone in the carriage.

Bery is dressed in her usual white and black apron dress.

Krische is wearing a white one-piece dress under a black hooded cloak with silver embroidery.

Krische’s previous cloak was stained with too much blood and had to be thrown away. This new cloak was chosen for her by Selene and is her latest favourite because of how comfortable and warm it is.

Krische played with the fabric as she responded to Bery.

“Err……Mitskronia and Bernaich, right?”

“Yes. They each have their own names but are usually referred to as the Twin Mountains. See how their shapes are very similar? Just like twins.”

South of Gurgain, two steep mountains blocked the path to the capital.

The mountains are said to have been split into two by a battle between dragons. Mitskronia and Bernaich, the two Twin Mountains――also known as the Dragon’s Maw.

The two mountains separate the center from the north, they are the border between Kuriel and Alkeil.

In between the two mountains there is a gently sloping path that a carriage can just fit through, serving as the only trade route between the center and the north.

Five hundred years ago, the area north of here――basically the area around Gurgain, belonged to barbarians and these mountains were the border of the Kingdom.

Naturally, this was a key location for both the barbarians and the Kingdom (not that the Kingdom was much different from the barbarians at that time) and many fierce battles were fought over it. Vast amounts of blood has seeped into the ground of this strategic location.

Thus many soldiers follow tradition and call them the ‘Dragon’s maw’.

Because of the griffons, savage flying beasts tamed by the barbarians, the Kingdom suffered greatly on this land.

Mirskronia and Bernaich are the two heroes that finally captured the mountains.

Their names often appears in books.

The northern barbarians of that time were split into many clans. Bernaich infiltrated them alone, obtained the aid of the powerful clans and attacked the griffon clans from behind.

Mitskronia took that chance to lead a large force into the mountains. Many men were lost, but they broke through to the north and captured the Dragon’s Maw. They then constructed a stronghold on the north side, cementing their victory at the Dragon’s Maw.

When it is already five hundred years ago, the history in books could be fabricated and Krische hates reading those.

Krische judged that most of those are fiction, but there is one interesting exception, ‘The Battle of Dragon’s Maw’.

There are many records of it and it is often brought up in books that Krische has read.

The clans that cooperated with Bernaich went through a period of strife and formed the Arna Empire to the north of the Kingdom while the defeated barbarians scattered to the north-eastern and north-western mountains.

Thus the mountain clans do not have a good relationship with the Kingdom and the Empire, but they still honour the old non-aggression pact, so peace continues.

The battle was described as necessary to protect the peace of the Kingdom, not an invasion. But Krische could tell that it was definitely an invasion to expand the Kingdom’s territories, it is doubtful if the multiple supposed invasions by the barbarians even happened.

History is decorated and affected by perspective, political fronts are recorded as if they are facts, history books are not always right.

But among such cases, ‘The Battle of Dragon’s maw’ is quite interesting because it can be confirmed in many books. Krische absentmindedly stared at the mountains with Bery, thinking about how she would go about it.

Krische has knowledge of this area’s map, but it is the first time she has seen it herself.

Accurate maps are valuable and even then, there are often large differences with what she actually sees.

If Krische was to deploy an army here, how would Krische arrange them? How would Krische build a fort?

Krische stared at Bery as she imagined that.

“Fufu, are you sleepy?”


Krische looks at the scenery so that she can imagine such things.

She memorises the scenery and imagines how she would deploy troops against a potential enemy in various conditions.

By imagining these, she can be ready to deal with anything that happens and also pass the time.

Krische does not have the habit of enjoying the scenery.

Trees are trees, flowers are flowers. At night, the stars will show and the moon will shine.

These do not bring out any particular emotion in Krische. She simply sees and analyses what there is, she has never felt joy from looking at the scenery.

But Krische found it curious that Bery seemed to be enjoying the act of watching the scenery itself.

Bery had told Krische to ask anything that she found weird, but even Krische was reluctant to ask ‘what is fun about that?’ when someone is enjoying themselves.

For Krische, as long as Bery is happy, that is fine.

Bery pointed at this and that from the scenery outside the small window.

Today’s evening sun is beautiful. The flower patch over there was very pretty.

Krische nodded as Bery spoke, but did not feel what Bery seemed to be feeling.

“……ask me if there is anything you find weird, Krische-sama.”


Bery laughed softly as she stroked Krische’s cheek.

Bery had noticed that Krische had a question, but Krische did not ask it no matter how long she waited.

Normally, Krische would ask immediately.

But this time, Krische only stared at Bery curiously and did not ask anything.

Bery thought about why and finally realised Krische was being considerate, so she urged Krische herself.

Bery was overjoyed by Krische’s kindness and embraced her tightly.

“I do not have the habit of enjoying the scenery either. Well, the mountains feel large and I think the flowers are pretty, but that is it.”


“Yes, I am enjoying watching the scenery together with Krische-sama.”

“With Krische?”

Bery nodded and looked outside.

“Krische-sama, do you remember the roast bird we made? The one the three of us stuffed together.”

“Yes, it was very delicious……”

“Did you have fun making it?”

“……a lot. It was fun. Selene was very bad at it.”

Bery held up a finger as Krische nodded honestly.

“That is it. Fun memories are also fun when you recall them. Just like now, I am enjoying the act of making memories with Krische-sama by watching the scenery together from this carriage.”

“Making memories……”

“Yes. That previous memory was very fun because we cooked together. Right now, I am also together with Krische-sama, so I am having fun. And when I remember this, I will enjoy it again.”

Krische could kind of understand, but also could not.

Bery smiled as Krische groaned with difficult expression.

“I am happy simply by spending time with Krische-sama. It is fun whether we are watching the scenery or doing something else. Even if it is boring to watch the scenery alone, if I am with Krische-sama, then it is very fun.”

“……I see.”

Bery patted Krische’s head, her eyes gazing into the distance.

“……in the past, I also travelled this road in a carriage, with my nee-sama. At that time, I did not have the leisure to look at the scenery, much less enjoy it like I am doing now.”

“Err……does that”

“Fufu, of course it was not because I did not like nee-sama.”

Bery arms tightened around Krische as she spoke.

“It was almost twenty years ago. My father’s business failed and the Argan house was under heavy debt. My father did his best, but collapsed from illness after pushing himself too far……nee-sama and I were left alone and there was nothing we could do about the debt. The merchant that lent the Argan house money told us to participate in a ball at the capital.”


“Yes. There are many types of people in the capital. To some of them, the Argan house’s debt is trivial. We were told to become the mistress of such people……a common story for powerless nobles. There are many who want noble status.”

“Nn……Bery was told to become someone’s wife?”

Bery nodded.

The correct way to put it would be selling herself into bondage.

They would be lucky if they were chosen by someone who valued them for their noble status.

Many nobles are beautiful. There are those that buy ruined ladies and widows to fulfill their carnal desires, the two of them were sent to an infamous ball where such people gathered.

Bery was not even ten yet. At that time she was sickly and underdeveloped, basically a child, but she was still made to participate in the ball because she would be popular among certain people.

There is no slavery in the Kingdom, but there are people who are effectively slaves.

In the end, the two of them were sent to the capital as slaves.

“Since we were supposed to become someone’s mistress in exchange for money, we had no say no matter what kind of person it would be. It was a very difficult time for us.

They were made to wear vulgar dresses――to be toys for the men’s viewing pleasure.

Bery was smart and could understand her situation.

She had given up and prepared to become a toy for her sister’s sake. But her sister was a great, a kind sister.

She convinced Bery to stay back, covered for her and protected her from the hands of the men there.

Bery’s sister spent the night with a few of those men.

“That was when we coincidentally met master again and he found out about our situation. He took nee-sama as his wife and saved me.”

That was the first time Bery’s sister cried throughout that ordeal.

Bery had been happy, but also resented him for not saving them earlier.

But later, she found out that Bogan had sold many valuables, including family treasures, for them and grew ashamed of herself.

Bogan had only met Bery’s sister a few times when she was younger.

But Bogan was not put off by her sister’s experience and said she was the most wonderful and beautiful woman he had met. He was the only one suitable for her sister.

“Part of why I said marriage would be difficult for me is because it reminds me of unpleasant memories from that time. Honestly, even now I am still scared of men and do not like wearing dresses. I was also a little scared of boarding this carriage to the capital.”

Krische patted Bery on the head, looking at her worriedly.

Bery smiled brightly in reply.

“……but since I am together with Krische-sama, I am enjoying myself and am very happy. The scenery outside the window looks different from before and is very beautiful. This is all thanks to Krische-sama.”

“Er……Krische did not, do anything.”

“Basically, just being by Krische-sama’s side makes me happy enough to forget the painful things.”

Bery laughed and smiled gently.

Krische’s gaze wandered awkwardly, then she buried her face into Bery’s chest.

She then raised her face a little and said shyly.

“Er, Krische also, er……does not really like carriages, because it hurts Krische’s butt……but, Bery prepared a blanket, and hugs Krische like this, so it is not painful, and is comfortable……and, and Krische is happy.”

Bery widened her eyes, then smiled happily.

“Fufu, I see. I guess I cannot stop hugging you then.”

Not liking carriages was an extremely important secret for Krische, but as she had expected, Bery is kind and did not make fun of her.


Krische was delighted by that and embraced Bery, kissing her.

Bery realised what was about to happen from their position and the position of Krische’s face and tried to stop her, but Krische is one of humanity’s best at stealing lips.

Bery’s reaction was just too slow.

“You two, it’s almost lunch――”

Selene opened the small window right at that moment, peeking in from atop her horse and froze.

Krische drew away, satisfied. Bery’s face turned bright red as she looked at Selene.

“H, hey, in the carriage……!”

Selene hastily looked around and breathed a sigh of relief after confirming there was nobody around.

“――What’ll you do if someone saw, you idiot!”


Selene’s stifled scolding and hand came through the window, pinching Krische’s cheek.


Bery is definitely not reflecting, repenting or regretting. She is going all out

A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic - Chapter 28: U.E. C.28: Journey Memories
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