The Belief in Immortality and the Worship of the Dead Novel Chapters
List of most recent chapters published for the The Belief in Immortality and the Worship of the Dead novel. A total of 134 chapters have been translated and the release date of the last chapter is Apr 02, 2024
Latest Release: Chapter 1 : The Belief in Immortality and the Wors.h.i.+p of the Sir James George Frazer.PRE
The Belief in Immortality and the Wors.h.i.+p of the Sir James George Frazer.PREFACE The following lectures were delivered on Lord Gifford's Foundation before the University of St. Andrews in the early winters of 1911 and 1912. They are printed n
- 1 The Belief in Immortality and the Wors.h.i.+p of the Sir James George Frazer.PREFACE The following lectures were delivered on Lord Gifford's Foundation before the University of St. Andrews in the early winters of 1911 and 1912. They are printed n
- 2 But before I address myself to the description of particular races, I wish in this and the following lecture to give you some general account of the beliefs of savages concerning the nature and origin of death. The problem of death has very naturally exer
- 3 [Sidenote: Some savages dissect the corpse to ascertain whether death was due to natural causes or to sorcery.]In the first place, certain savage tribes are reported to dissect the bodies of their dead in order to ascertain from an examination of the corp
- 4 [Footnote 41: A. Grandidier, "Madagascar," _Bulletin de la Societe de Geographie_ (Paris), Sixieme Serie, iii. (1872) pp. 399 _sq._ The talismans (_ahouli_) in question consist of the horns of oxen stuffed with a variety of odds and ends, such as sand,
- 5 [Sidenote: III. Story of the Serpent and his Cast Skin. New Britain story of immortality, the serpent, and death. Annamite story of immortality, the serpent, and death. Vuatom story of immortality, the lizard, the serpent, and death.]Another type of stori
- 6 [Sidenote: Similar view expressed by Alfred Russel Wallace.]A similar suggestion that death is not a natural necessity but an innovation introduced for the good of the breed, has been made by our eminent English biologist, Mr. Alfred Russel Wallace. He sa
- 7 [Footnote 97: Th. Williams, _Fiji and the Fijians_, Second Edition (London, 1860), i. 204 _sq._ For another Fijian story of the origin of death, see above, p. 67.][Footnote 98: Josef Meier, "Mythen und Sagen der Admiralitatsinsulaner,"_Anthropos_, iii.
- 8 Whenever the sacred store-house is visited and its contents examined, the old men explain to the younger men the marks incised on the sticks and stones, and recite the traditions a.s.sociated with the dead men to whom they belonged;[130] so that these rud
- 9 [Sidenote: The rite aims both at pleasing and at coercing the mythical snake.]This remarkable rite is supposed, we are informed, "in some way to be a.s.sociated with the idea of persuading, or almost forcing, the Wollunqua to remain quietly in his home u
- 10 [Footnote 151: Spencer and Gillen, _op. cit._ p. 320.][Footnote 152: Spencer and Gillen, _Northern Tribes of Central Australia_, pp. 199-204.][Footnote 153: Spencer and Gillen, _Northern Tribes of Central Australia_, pp. 179 _sq._][Footnote 154: Spencer a
- 11 [Sidenote: Creed of the South-eastern Australians touching the dead.]But to return to the ideas of the Australian aborigines concerning the dead, we may say of the natives of the south-eastern part of the continent, in the words of Dr. Howitt, that "ther
- 12 [Footnote 187: Spencer and Gillen, _Northern Tribes of Central Australia_, p. 628.][Footnote 188: As to the place occupied by the Pleiades in primitive calendars, see _Spirits of the Corn and of the Wild_, i. 309-319.][Footnote 189: A. W. Howitt, _Native
- 13 We naturally ask, What motive have these savages for inflicting all this voluntary and, as it seems to us, wholly superfluous suffering on themselves? It can hardly be that these wounds and burns are merely a natural and unfeigned expression of grief. We
- 14 [Footnote 240: Spencer and Gillen, _Native Tribes_, p. 510.][Footnote 241: Spencer and Gillen, _Northern Tribes_, p. 507.][Footnote 242: Spencer and Gillen, _Native Tribes_, p. 511.][Footnote 243: F. Bonney, "On some Customs of the Aborigines of the Rive
- 15 according to Dr. Haddon, "that the Torres Straits Islanders feared the ghosts but believed in the general friendly disposition of the spirits of the departed."[282] Similarly we saw that the Australian aborigines regard with fear the ghosts of those who
- 16 Tylor_, p. 180.][Footnote 286: A. C. Haddon, _l.c._][Footnote 287: A. C. Haddon, _op. cit._ pp. 182 _sq._; _Cambridge Anthropological Expedition to Torres Straits_, vi. 127.][Footnote 288: A. C. Haddon, _op. cit._ p. 183.][Footnote 289: T. C. Hodson, _The
- 17 Common people among the Mafulu are buried in shallow graves in the village, and pigs are killed at the funeral for the purpose of appeasing the ghost. Mourners wear necklaces of string and smear their faces, sometimes also their bodies, with black, which
- 18 [Footnote 315: C. G. Seligmann, _op. cit._ pp. 189-191.][Footnote 316: C. G. Seligmann, _op. cit._ pp. 185 _sq._][Footnote 317: C. G. Seligmann, _op. cit._ p. 192.][Footnote 318: C. G. Seligmann, _op. cit._ pp. 190-192. As to the desertion of the house af
- 19 I feel that I cannot begin my second course of lectures without referring to the loss which the study of primitive religion has lately sustained by the death of one of my predecessors in this chair, one who was a familiar and an honoured figure in this pl
- 20 When death has taken place, the corpse is first exposed on a scaffold in front of the house, where it is decked with ornaments and surrounded with flowers. If the deceased was rich, a dog is hung on each side of the scaffold, and the souls of the animals
- 21 [Sidenote: The Papuans of Cape King William.]In my last lecture I gave you some account of the beliefs and practices concerning the dead which have been recorded among the Papuans of German New Guinea. To-day I resume the subject and shall first speak of
- 22 [Sidenote: General summary as to the Yabim.]On the whole we may say that the Yabim have a very firm and practical belief in a life after death, and that while their att.i.tude to the spirits of the departed is generally one of fear, they nevertheless look
- 23 The meaning of the whole rite, as I pointed out in dealing with the similar initiatory rite of the Yabim, appears to be that the novices are killed and then restored to a new and better life; for after their initiation they rank no longer as boys but as f
- 24 [Footnote 426: S. Lehner, _op. cit._ pp. 430, 470, 472 _sq._, 474 _sq._][Footnote 427: S. Lehner, _op. cit._ p. 403.][Footnote 428: S. Lehner, _op. cit._ pp. 402-410.][Footnote 429: S. Lehner, _op. cit._ pp. 410-414.][Footnote 430: Ch. Keysser, "Aus dem
- 25 Sometimes the worthy soul who thus for a valuable consideration consents to waive all his personal feelings, will even carry his self-abnegation so far as to be present and look on at the murder of his kinsman. But true to his principles he will see to it
- 26 [Footnote 458: Ch. Keysser, _op. cit._ pp. 148 _sq._][Footnote 459: Ch. Keysser, _op. cit._ p. 149.][Footnote 460: Ch. Keysser, _op. cit._ p. 147.][Footnote 461: Ch. Keysser, _op. cit._ p. 145.][Footnote 462: Ch. Keysser, _op. cit._ p. 145.][Footnote 463:
- 27 Now it is significant that among these comparatively advanced savages the fear of ghosts and the reverence entertained for them have developed into something which might almost be called a systematic wors.h.i.+p of the dead. As to their fear of ghosts I w
- 28 According to their ancient creed, every man and every woman has two spirits, and in the nether world, called _sarooka_, is a large house where there is room for all the people of Windessi. When a woman dies, both her spirits always go down to the nether w
- 29 [Footnote 515: J. L. D. van der Roest, _op. cit._ pp. 164-166.][Footnote 516: J. L. D. van der Roest, _op. cit._ pp. 157 _sq._]LECTURE XV THE BELIEF IN IMMORTALITY AMONG THE NATIVES OF SOUTHERN MELANESIA (NEW CALEDONIA) [Sidenote: Melanesia and the Melane
- 30 Again, the natives have a stone in the shape of a canoe, which they employ in ceremonies for the purpose of favouring or hindering navigation. If the sorcerer desires to make a voyage prosperous, he places the canoe-shaped stone before the ancestral skull
- 31 [Footnote 541: Lambert, _op. cit._ p. 298.][Footnote 542: Lambert, _op. cit._ p. 300.][Footnote 543: Lambert, _op. cit._ pp. 301 _sq._][Footnote 544: Lambert, _op. cit._ pp. 217 _sq._, 300.][Footnote 545: George Turner, LL.D., _Samoa a Hundred Years Ago a
- 32 [Sidenote: Ghosts driven away from the village. Expulsion of the ghosts of persons who suffered from sores and ulcers.]In these islands the ghost does not at once leave the neighbourhood of his old body; he shews no haste to depart to the nether world. In
- 33 [Footnote 579: R. H. Codrington, _The Melanesians_, pp. 271 _sq._][Footnote 580: G. Turner, _Samoa a Hundred Years Ago and long before_ (London, 1884), pp. 335 _sq._ This account is based on information furnished by Sualo, a Samoan teacher, who lived for
- 34 And in Mota, when an oven is opened, they throw in a leaf of cooked mallow for a ghost, saying to him, "This is a lucky bit for your eating; they who have charmed your food or clubbed you (as the case may be), take hold of their hands, drag them away to
- 35 [Footnote 599: R. H. Codrington, _op. cit._ p. 139.][Footnote 600: "Native Stories of Santa Cruz and Reef Islands,"translated by the Rev. W. O'Ferrall, _Journal of the Anthropological Inst.i.tute_, x.x.xiv. (1904) p. 223.][Footnote 601: &qu
- 36 [Sidenote: Disposal of the dead among the Moa.n.u.s of the Admiralty Islands. Prayers offered to the skull of a dead chief.]Among the Moa.n.u.s of the Admiralty Islands the dead are kept in the houses unburied until the flesh is completely decayed and not
- 37 [Footnote 630: Rev. G. Brown, _op. cit._ pp. 270 _sq._, compare pp. 127, 200.][Footnote 631: Rev. G. Brown, _op. cit._ pp. v., 18.][Footnote 632: G. Brown, _op. cit._ pp. 141 _sq._, 144, 145, 190-193.][Footnote 633: G. Brown, _op. cit._ pp. 142, 192, 385,
- 38 [Footnote 674: W. H. R. Rivers, "Totemism in Fiji," _Man_, viii. (1908) pp. 133 _sqq._; _Totemism and Exogamy_, ii. 134 _sqq._][Footnote 675: U. Lisiansky, _A Voyage Round the World_ (London, 1814), p. 89.][Footnote 676: Ch. Hose and W. McDougal
- 39 Truly a religious revival of a remarkable kind![Sidenote: Description of the _Nanga_ or sacred enclosure of stones.]To conclude this part of my subject I will briefly describe the construction of a _Nanga_ or sacred stone enclosure, as it used to exist in
- 40 [Sidenote: Oracles given by the priest under the inspiration of the G.o.d.Paroxysm of inspiration.]The duty of the priest was to reveal to men the will of the G.o.d, and this he always did through the direct inspiration of the deity.The revel
- 41 Again, there is a very terrible giant armed with a great axe, who lies in wait for all and sundry. He makes no nice distinction between the married and the unmarried, but strikes out at all ghosts indiscriminately. Those whom he wounds dare not present th
- 42 [Footnote 724: Ch. Wilkes, _op. cit._ iii. 101; Th. Williams, _op. cit._ i. 197 _sq._; Lorimer Fison, _Tales from Old Fiji_, p. 168; Basil Thomson, _The Fijian_, p. 375.][Footnote 725: Th. Williams, _op. cit._ i. 197, 198.][Footnote 726: Ch. Wilkes, _op.
- 43 [Footnote 762: Ch. Gilhodes, "Naissance et Enfance chez les Katchins (Birmanie)," _Anthropos_, vi. (1911) pp. 872 _sq._][Footnote 763: A. W. Nieuwenhuis, _Quer durch Borneo_ (Leyden, 1901-1907), i. 91.][Footnote 764: Ch. Hose and W. McDougall, _
- 44 The Belief in Immortality and the Wors.h.i.+p of the Dead.Volume Sir James George Frazer.PREFACE The following lectures were delivered on Lord Gifford's Foundation before the University of St. Andrews in the early winters of 1911 and 1912. They
- 45 [Sidenote: Hence the need of studying the beliefs and customs of savages, if we are to understand the evolution of culture in general.]If this conclusion is correct, the various stages of savagery and barbarism on which many tribes and peoples now stand r
- 46 [Sidenote: The question of immortality is a fundamental problem of natural theology in the wider sense.]Hence if we are to explain the deification of dead men, we must first explain the widespread belief in immortality; we must answer the question, how do
- 47 His remarks apply to the Australian aborigines in general but to the tribes of Victoria in particular. He says: "The natives are much more numerous in some parts of Australia than they are in others, but nowhere is the country thickly peopled; some d
- 48 [Footnote 17: Albert A. C. Le Souef, "Notes on the Natives of Australia," in R. Brough Smyth's _Aborigines of Victoria_ (Melbourne and London, 1878), ii. 289 _sq._][Footnote 18: (Sir) George Grey, _Journals of two Expeditions of Discovery i
- 49 In my last lecture I shewed that many savages do not believe in what we call a natural death; they imagine that all men are naturally immortal and would never die, if their lives were not cut prematurely short by sorcery. Further, I pointed out that this
- 50 The Wemba of Northern Rhodesia relate how G.o.d in the beginning created a man and a woman and gave them two bundles; in one of them was life and in the other death. Most unfortunately the man chose "the little bundle of death."[100] The Cheroke
- 51 [Footnote 75: A. W. Howitt, _Native Tribes of South-East Australia_ (London, 1904), pp. 428 _sq._][Footnote 76: Antoine Cabaton, _Nouvelles Recherches sur les Chams_ (Paris, 1901), pp. 18 _sq._][Footnote 77: Baldwin Spencer and F. J. Gillen, _Northern Tri
- 52 [Sidenote: Backward state of the Central Australian aborigines. They have no idea of a moral supreme being.]Accordingly, in attempting to give you some account of the belief in immortality and the wors.h.i.+p of the dead among the various races of mankind
- 53 [Footnote 125: Spencer and Gillen, _Northern Tribes of Central Australia_, p. 273.][Footnote 126: Spencer and Gillen, _Native Tribes of Central Australia_, p. 141.][Footnote 127: Spencer and Gillen, _op. cit._ p. 140][Footnote 128: Spencer and Gillen, _Na
- 54 In all these ceremonies you will observe that the action of the drama is strictly appropriate to the totem. In the drama of the Hakea flower totem the actors pretend to make and drink the beverage brewed from Hakea flowers; in the ceremony of the fish tot
- 55 [Sidenote: Belief of the Australian aborigines that their dead are reborn in white people.]I have mentioned the belief of the Cape Bedford natives that the spirits of their dead are sometimes reincarnated in white people. A similar notion is reported from
- 56 [Footnote 163: W. E. Roth, _North Queensland Ethnography, Bulletin No.5_ (Brisbane, 1903), p. 29. -- 116.][Footnote 164: W. E. Roth. _op. cit._ p. 18, -- 68.][Footnote 165: W. E. Roth, _op. cit._ pp. 17, 29, ---- 65, 116.][Footnote 166: W. E. Roth, _op. c
- 57 [Footnote 210: P. Beveridge, "Of the Aborigines Inhabiting the Great Lacustrine and Riverine Depression of the Lower Murray, Lower Murrumbidgee, Lower Lachlan, and Lower Darling," _Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales_
- 58 [Footnote 218: P. Beveridge, in _Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales_, xvii. (1883) pp. 29 _sq._ Compare R. Brough Smyth, _Aborigines of Victoria_, i. 100 note.][Footnote 219: (Sir) G. Grey, _Journals of Two Expeditions of Disc
- 59 383.][Footnote 263: Maximilian Prinz zu Wied, _Reise in das Innere Nord-America_ (Coblenz, 1839-1841), ii. 235.][Footnote 264: T. de Pauly, _Description Ethnographique des Peuples de la Russie, Peuples de l'Amerique Russe_ (St. Petersburg, 1862), p.
- 60 A widow wore besides a special petticoat made of the inner bark of the fig-tree; the ends of it were pa.s.sed between her legs and tucked up before and behind. She had to leave her hair unshorn during the whole period of her widowhood; and in time it grew
- 61 LECTURE IX THE BELIEF IN IMMORTALITY AMONG THE NATIVES OF BRITISH NEW GUINEA [Sidenote: The two races of New Guinea, the Papuan and the Melanesian.]In my last lecture I dealt with the islanders of Torres Straits, and shewed that these savages firmly belie
- 62 Fighting and stealing are unknown, and all are united in a common brotherhood."[348][Sidenote: The names of the dead not mentioned.]In the south-eastern part of New Guinea the fear of the dead is further manifested by the common custom of avoiding th
- 63 [Footnote 339: C. G. Seligmann, _op. cit._ p. 655.][Footnote 340: C. G. Seligmann, _op. cit._ pp. 655 _sq._][Footnote 341: C. G. Seligmann, _op. cit._ p. 610.][Footnote 342: C. G. Seligmann, _op. cit._ p. 611.][Footnote 343: C. G. Seligmann, _op. cit._ pp
- 64 [Sidenote: Beliefs of the Tumleo people as to the fate of the human soul after death.]The people of Tumleo firmly believe in the existence of the human soul after death, though their notions of the disembodied soul or _ms_, as they call it, are vague. The
- 65 [Footnote 373: Erdweg, _op. cit._ pp. 288-291.][Footnote 374: Erdweg, _op. cit._ pp. 297 _sq._][Footnote 375: Erdweg, _op. cit._ p. 291.][Footnote 376: Erdweg, _op. cit._ pp. 291-293.][Footnote 377: Erdweg, _op. cit._ pp. 298, 371.] [Footnote 378: Erdweg,
- 66 But even when the ghosts have departed to their island home, they are by no means strictly confined to it. They can return, especially at night, to roam about the woods and the villages, and the living are very much afraid of them, for the ghosts delight
- 67 [Footnote 414: R. Poch, "Vierter Bericht uber meine Reise nach Neu-Guinea," _Sitzungsberichte der mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften_ (Vienna), cxv.(1906) Abteilung 1, pp. 901, 902.]LECTURE
- 68 Another equally effective cure for sickness caused by ghosts is this.You take a stout stick, cleave it down the middle so that the two ends remain entire, and give it to two men to hold. Then the sick man pokes his head through the cleft; after that you r
- 69 [Footnote 449: Ch. Keysser, _op. cit._ p. 83.]LECTURE XIII THE BELIEF IN IMMORTALITY AMONG THE NATIVES OF GERMAN NEW GUINEA (_continued_) [Sidenote: Offerings to appease ghosts.]In the last lecture I gave you some account of the fear and awe which the Kai
- 70 [Sidenote: Kai lads at circ.u.mcision supposed to be swallowed by a monster. Bull-roarers.]Before quitting the Kai tribe I will mention that they, like the other tribes on this coast, practise circ.u.mcision and appear to a.s.sociate the custom more or le
- 71 But while the Tami believe in G.o.ds and spirits of various sorts, the superhuman beings with whom they chiefly concern themselves are the souls of the dead. On this subject Mr. Bamler writes: "All the spirits whom we have thus far described are of l
- 72 [Sidenote: Restrictions observed by mourners. Tattooing in honour of the dead. Teeth of the dead worn by relatives.]The family in which a death has taken place is subject for a time to certain burdensome restrictions, which are probably dictated by a fear
- 73 [Footnote 494: A. Goudswaard, _op. cit._ p. 78.][Footnote 495: F. S. A. de Clercq, _op. cit._ p. 632.][Footnote 496: F. S. A. de Clercq, _op. cit._ p. 632.][Footnote 497: F. S. A. de Clercq, _op. cit._ p. 632.][Footnote 498: A. Goudswaard, _De Papoewa
- 74 [Sidenote: Prayers for sugar-cane.]Again, in order that a sugar plantation may flourish, the medicine-man will lay a sugar-cane beside the ancestral skulls, saying, "This is for you. We beg of you to ward off all curses, all tricks of wicked people,
- 75 The natives also ascribed sickness to the arts of white men, whom they identified with the spirits of the dead; and a.s.signed this belief as a reason for their wish to kill the strangers.[551][Footnote 517: F. H. H. Guillemard, _Australasia_, II. _Malays
- 76 [Sidenote: Ghosts of the great and of the recently dead are chiefly regarded. Supernatural power (_mana_) acquired through ghosts.]From this account of Dr. Codrington we see that it is only the ghosts of great and powerful people who are wors.h.i.+pped; t
- 77 [Footnote 554: R. H. Codrington, _op. cit._ p. 248.][Footnote 555: R. H. Codrington, _op. cit._ pp. 255 _sqq_., 264 _sqq_.][Footnote 556: R. H. Codrington, _op. cit._ 253 _sq_.][Footnote 557: R. H. Codrington, _op. cit._ pp. 254, 258, 261; compare _id._,
- 78 [Sidenote: Private ghosts. Fighting ghosts kept as auxiliaries.]In addition to the public ghosts, each of whom is revered by a whole village, many a man keeps, so to say, a private or tame ghost of his own on leash. The art of taming a ghost consists in k
- 79 [Sidenote: Black magic working without any personal relic of the victim.The ghost-shooter.]Unfortunately, however, an adept in the black art can work his fell purpose even without any personal relic of his victim. In the Banks'Islands, for example, h
- 80 [Footnote 622: R. H. Codrington, _The Melanesians_, pp. 205 _sq._][Footnote 623: R. H. Codrington, _The Melanesians_, pp. 209 _sq._, 218-220.][Footnote 624: R. H. Codrington, _The Melanesians_, pp. 210.][Footnote 625: R. H. Codrington, _The Melanesians_,
- 81 [Sidenote: Fijian doctrine of souls.]Like most savages, the Fijians believed that man is animated by a soul which quits his body temporarily in sleep and permanently at death, to survive for a longer or a shorter time in a disembodied state thereafter. In
- 82 [Footnote 651: Th. Williams, _op. cit._ i. 60 _sq._][Footnote 652: Basil Thomson, _The Fijians_, pp. 338, 389 _sq._ The Fijians are in the main vegetarians, but the vegetables which they cultivate "contain a large proportion of starch and water, and
- 83 [Sidenote: Sacrifices of foreskins and fingers in honour of the dead.Circ.u.mcision performed on a lad as a propitiatory sacrifice to save the life of his father or father's brother. The rite of circ.u.mcision followed by a licentious orgy.]A curious
- 84 _Internationales Archiv fur Ethnographie_, ii. (1889) pp. 254-266), and Mr. Basil Thomson (_The Fijians_, pp. 146-156). As to the interval between the initiatory ceremonies Mr. Fison tells us that it was normally two years, but he adds: "This period,
- 85 [Sidenote: The dead taken out of the house by a special opening made in a wall. Examples of the custom among Aryan peoples.]When a certain king of Fiji died, the side of the house was broken down to allow the body to be carried out, though there were door
- 86 [Footnote 702: Th. Williams, _Fiji and the Fijians_, i. 216.][Footnote 703: Th. Williams, _op. cit._ i. 216, 218 _sq._; Basil Thomson, _The Fijians_, p. 112.][Footnote 704: Hazlewood, quoted by Capt. J. E. Erskine, _Journal of a Cruise among the Islands o
- 87 [Footnote 742: C. Snouck Hurgronje, _Het Gajoland en zijne Bewoners_ (Batavia, 1903), p. 313.][Footnote 743: Aurel Krause, _Die Tlinkit-Indianer_ (Jena, 1885), p.225; Franz Boas, in _Sixth Report of the Committee on the North-western Tribes of Canada_, p.
- 88 MYTH OF THE CONTINUANCE OF DEATH[785] The following story is told by the Balolo of the Upper Congo to explain the continuance, if not the origin, of death in the world. One day, while a man was working in the forest, a little man with two bundles, one lar
- 89 The Belief in Immortality and the Wors.h.i.+p of the James George Frazer.Vol. II PREFACE The first volume of this work, which comprised the Gifford Lectures given by me at St. Andrews in the years 1911 and 1912, dealt with the belief in immortalit
- 90 [48] J. L. Nicholas, _Narrative of a Voyage to New Zealand_ (London, 1817), i. 61 _sq._, "The New Zealanders make it an invariable practice, when a child is born among them, to take it to the _Tohunga_, or priest, who sprinkles it on the face with wa
- 91 On the day after a burial the priest used to perform a ceremony to facilitate the pa.s.sage of the soul to its final rest. For this purpose some men would go out in the morning and kill a small bird of the swamps called _kokata_ and pluck up some reeds of
- 92 [96] E. Dieffenbach, _Travels in New Zealand_, ii. 40.[97] J. Dumont d'Urville, _Voyage autour du Monde et a la recherche de la Perouse, Histoire du Voyage_ (Paris, 1832-1833), iii. 685; W. Yate, _An Account of New Zealand_, p. 86; E.Dieffenbach, _Tr
- 93 Wilken, _Verspreide Geschriften_ (The Hague, 1912), iv. 125 _sqq._ [126] G. F. Angas, _Savage Life and Scenes in Australia and New Zealand_, ii. 67.[127] W. Yate, _An Account of New Zealand_, p. 142.-- 6. _Conclusion_ If now we attempt to sum up the effec
- 94 Intellectually the Tongans are reported to "surpa.s.s all the other South Sea islanders in their mental development, showing great skill in the structure of their dwellings and the manufacture of their implements, weapons, and dress."[26] They a
- 95 Some thought that the _mooas_, who ranked next below the _matabooles_ in the social hierarchy, also went after death to Bolotoo; but this was a matter of great doubt. As for the _tooas_ or commoners, who formed the lowest rung in the social ladder, they h
- 96 [72] W. Mariner, _op. cit._ ii. 221.-- 6. _Priests and their Inspiration_ Priests were known by the t.i.tle of _fahe-gehe_, a term which means "split off," "separate," or "distinct from," and was applied to a man who has a pe
- 97 [98] Sarah S. Farmer, _Tonga and the Friendly Islands_, pp. 132 _sq._ As to Hikuleo and his long tail, see also Charles Wilkes, _Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition_, iii. 23, "Hikuleo is the G.o.d of spirits, and is the third in orde
- 98 [131] E. E. V. Collocot, _op. cit._ p. 239.The statement of Miss Farmer, which I have quoted, that among the Tongans the souls of the dead were the object of wors.h.i.+p and received the most sacrifices, is interesting and not improbable, tho
- 99 5-1/2 feet. PROFILE OF THE STEPS._____________ 4 feet.Some thirty years later the tombs of the Tooitongas were visited and described by the French explorer, J. Dumont d'Urville. His description is worth quoting. He says: "I directed my steps to
- 100 [174] Above, pp. 74 _sqq._ Mariner has described for us the wors.h.i.+p paid by the king and his chiefs to one of the sacred graves at Mafanga. One morning Finow the king, accompanied by several of his chiefs and their ministers (the _matabooles_), landed