The Koran Novel Chapters
List of most recent chapters published for the The Koran novel. A total of 166 chapters have been translated and the release date of the last chapter is Apr 02, 2024
Latest Release: Chapter 1 : The Rodwell.INTRODUCTION THE Koran admittedly occupies an important position am
The Rodwell.INTRODUCTION THE Koran admittedly occupies an important position among the great religious books of the world. Though the youngest of the epoch-making works belonging to this cla.s.s of literature, it yields to hardly any in the wonde
- 166 18 Thus Mischn. Sanhedr. iv. 5, "We find it said in the case of Cain who murdered his brother-'The voice of thy brother's bloods crieth'-It is not said, blood of thy brother, but bloods, i.e. his blood and the blood of his seed. Theref
- 165 G.o.d will not punish you for a mistaken word in your oaths: but he will punish you in regard to an oath taken seriously.33 Its expiation shall be to feed ten poor persons with such middling food as ye feed your own families with, or to clothe them; or to
- 164 But whoever shall turn him to G.o.d after this his wickedness, and amend, G.o.d truly will be turned to him: for G.o.d is Forgiving, Merciful.Knowest thou not that the sovereignty of the Heavens and of the Earth is G.o.d's? He chastiseth whom He will
- 163 47 Verses 120-128 probably belong to the period after the return from Tabouk to Medina.48 While fighting for the cause of G.o.d.SURA V.-THE TABLE [CXIV.]MEDINA.-120 Verses In the Name of G.o.d, the Compa.s.sionate, the Merciful O BELIEVERS! be faithful to
- 162 _______________________ 1 The "Immunity" is said by some commentators to have formed originally one Sura with the eighth, p.375, and that on this account the usual formula of invocation is not prefixed. The Caliph Othman accounted for this omiss
- 161 This, for that they believe not in G.o.d and His Apostle! And G.o.d guideth not the unG.o.dly people.They who were left at home were delighted to stay behind G.o.d's Apostle, and were averse from contending with their riches and their persons for the
- 160 He it is who hath sent His Apostle with the Guidance and a religion of the truth, that He may make it victorious14 over every other religion, albeit they who a.s.sign partners to G.o.d be averse from it.O Believers! of a truth, many of the teachers and mo
- 159 SAY: Will ye teach G.o.d about your religion? when G.o.d knoweth whatever is in the Heavens and on the Earth: yea, G.o.d hath knowledge of all things.They taunt thee with their having embraced Islam.10 SAY: Taunt me not with your having embraced Islam: G.
- 158 If ye go forth to fight on my way, and from a desire to please me, and shew them kindness in private, I well know what ye conceal, and what ye discover!Whoso doth this hath already gone astray from the even way.If they meet with you they will prove your f
- 157 And other booty, over which ye have not yet had power: but now hath G.o.d compa.s.sed them for you; for G.o.d is over all things Potent.If the Infidels shall fight against you, they shall a.s.suredly turn their backs; then, neither protector nor helper sh
- 156 And when our clear signs are rehea.r.s.ed to them, thou mayst perceive disdain in the countenances of the Infidels. Scarce can they refrain from rus.h.i.+ng to attack those who rehea.r.s.e our signs to them! SAY: Shall I tell you of worse than this? The f
- 155 So oft as they, for very anguish, would fain come forth thence, back shall they be turned into it: and-"Taste ye the torment of the burning."But G.o.d will bring in those who shall have believed, and done the things that are right, into gardens 'neath
- 154 Truly they who oppose G.o.d and His Apostle shall be brought low, as those who were before them were brought low. And now have we sent down demonstrative signs: and, for the Infidels is a shameful chastis.e.m.e.nt.On the day when G.o.d shall raise them al
- 153 Now have we sent down distinct signs.-And G.o.d guideth whom He will into the right path: For there are who say "We believe on G.o.d and on the Apostle, and we obey;"yet, after this, a part of them turn back.16 But these are not of the faithful.And when
- 152 3 Like timbers or joists supported in a wall or leaned against it, i.e., their persons are bulky, but their hearts so hypocritical and cowardly that they are afraid of the slightest noise. In the original, sakat is perhaps an allusion to the shout of Gabr
- 151 O Believers! fear G.o.d, and speak with well-guided speech.That G.o.d may bless your doings for you, and forgive you your sins. And whoso obeyeth G.o.d and His Apostle with great bliss shall be blessed.Verily, we proposed to the Heavens, and to the Earth,
- 150 A n.o.ble pattern had ye in G.o.d's Apostle, for all who hope in G.o.d, and in the latter day, and oft remember G.o.d!And when the faithful saw the confederates, they said, "This is what G.o.d and His Apostle promised us,12 and G.o.d and His Apostle spo
- 149 The spoil taken from the people of the towns and a.s.signed by G.o.d to his apostle, belongeth to G.o.d, and to the apostle, and to his kindred, and to the orphan, and to the poor, and to the wayfarer, that none of it may circulate among such of you only
- 148 14 Lit. the companions of the sabbath. See [xci.] ii. 61.15 This refers to certain renegade Jews, who out of hatred against Muhammad, went over to the Koreisch. See Noldeke. p. 149.16 Lit. ripened.17 Mecca.18 And therefore a fit subject for plunder.19 Som
- 147 O believers! take not infidels for friends rather than believers. Would ye furnish G.o.d with clear right to punish you?Verily the hypocrites shall be in the lowest abyss of the fire: and, by no means shalt thou find a helper for them; Save for those who
- 146 A believer killeth not a believer but by mischance: and whoso killeth a believer by mischance shall be bound to free a believer from slavery; and the blood-money shall be paid to the family of the slain, unless they convert it into alms. But if the slain
- 145 How! when we shall bring up against them witnesses from all peoples, and when we shall bring thee up as witness against these? On that day they who were Infidels and rebelled against the prophet, shall wish that the earth were levelled with them! But noth
- 144 SURA IV.-WOMEN1 [C.]MEDINA.-175 Verses In the Name of G.o.d, the Compa.s.sionate, the Merciful O MEN! fear your Lord, who hath created you of one man (nafs, soul), and of him created his wife, and from these twain hath spread abroad so many men and WOMEN.
- 143 2 Muhammad had no doubt heard that Jesus had promised a Paracletos, John xvi.7. This t.i.tle, understood by him, probably from the similarity of sound, as equivalent to Periclytos, he applied to himself with reference to his own name Muhammad (i.e. praise
- 142 29 See Sura xvi. 121, p. 209, note.30 Muhammad insinuates that the claim to be equal with G.o.d could never have been made by Jesus himself, but by his followers, in ignorance of the Scriptures and of his true nature.31 That is, to call them rabb-a
- 141 For the Kingdom of the Heavens and the Earth is G.o.d's, and G.o.d hath power over all things.Verily, in the creation of the Heavens and of the Earth, and in the succession of the night and of the day, are signs for men of understanding heart; Who st
- 140 Ye had desired death ere ye met it. But ye have now seen it-and ye have beheld it-and fled from it!Muhammad is no more than an apostle; other apostles have already pa.s.sed away before him: if he die, therefore,40 or be slain, will ye turn upon your heels
- 139 And whoso after this inventeth the lie about G.o.d: These are evil doers.SAY: G.o.d speaketh truth. Follow, therefore, the religion of Abraham, the sound in faith, who was not one of those who joined other G.o.ds to G.o.d.The first temple that was founded
- 138 This is one of the announcements of things unseen by thee: To thee, O Muhammad! do we reveal it; for thou wast not with them when they cast lots with reeds18 which of them should rear Mary; nor wast thou with them when they disputed about it.Remember when
- 137 1 This Sura was revealed at a period after the victory at Bedr, when there was still some hesitation on the part of Muhammad's followers to take decided steps for securing their position. See 37.2 Lit. will He cause to wander, that is, from their pro
- 136 20 Authorising the ransom of captives.21 That is, a disposition to become Muslims.22 That is, on account of their infidelity.23 See Weil. Life of M. p. 84, n.SURA1 XLVII.-MUHAMMAD [XCVI.]MEDINA.-40 Verses In the Name of G.o.d, the Compa.s.sionate, the Mer
- 135 Believers! when ye confront a troop, stand firm and make frequent mention of the name of G.o.d, that it may fare well with you: And obey G.o.d and his Apostle; and dispute not, lest ye become fainthearted and your success go from you; but endure with stea
- 134 SURA VIII.-THE SPOILS1 [XCV.]MEDINA.-76 Verses In the Name of G.o.d, the Compa.s.sionate, the Merciful THEY will question thee about THE SPOILS. SAY: The spoils are G.o.d's and the apostle's. Therefore, fear G.o.d, and settle this among yourselv
- 133 Neither were they to whom the Scriptures were given divided into sects, till after this clear evidence had reached them!Yet was not aught enjoined on them but to wors.h.i.+p G.o.d with sincere religion, sound in faith; and to observe prayer and pay the st
- 132 67 Freyt. Lex. vol. ii. p. 477 Quid eos agere coegit quemadmodum d.a.m.nati agunt? But Mar. Quanta erit sustinentia corum!68 To whom his brother, that is, any Arab or believer, shall remit the penalty of death.69 Of the stricter Mosaic lex talionis, as we
- 131 22 By storing them up in violation of G.o.d's command.23 Jericho according to some commentators, Jerusalem according to others, but see verse 58.24 See Sura [lx.x.xvii.] vii. 162.25 Lit. all men. This incident is perhaps inadvertently borrowed from E
- 130 When Abraham said, "O Lord, shew me how thou wilt give life to the dead!" He said, "Hast thou not believed?"He said, "Yes; but I have asked thee, that my heart may be well a.s.sured." He said, "Take, then, four birds,107
- 129 War is prescribed to you: but from this ye are averse.Yet haply ye are averse from a thing, though it be good for you, and haply ye love a thing though it be bad for you: And G.o.d knoweth; but ye, ye know not.They will ask thee concerning war in the Sacr
- 128 The followers shall say, "Could we but return to life we would keep ourselves clear from them, as they have declared themselves clear of us." So will G.o.d shew them their works! Sighing is upon them! but, forth from the fire they come not.Oh me
- 127 But until thou follow their religion, neither Jews nor Christians will be satisfied with thee. SAY: Verily, guidance of G.o.d,-that is the guidance! And if, after "the Knowledge" which hath reached thee, thou follow their desires, thou shalt fin
- 126 They said, "Call on they Lord for us that He would make plain to us what cow it is-for to us are cows alike,-and verily, if G.o.d please, we shall be guided rightly:"He said, "G.o.d saith, 'She is a cow not worn by ploughing the earth
- 125 Deaf, dumb, blind: therefore they shall not retrace their steps from error!Or like those who, when there cometh a storm-cloud out of the Heaven, big with darkness thunder and lightning, thrust their fingers into their ears because of the thunder-clap, for
- 124 But those who, after having contracted it, break their covenant with G.o.d, and cut asunder what G.o.d hath bidden to be united, and commit misdeeds on the earth, these, a curse awaiteth them, and an ill abode!G.o.d is open-handed with supplies to whom he
- 123 19 Comp. Gen. xv. 5.20 See Sura xxi. 52.21 Lit. unless that my Lord shall will anything.22 Or, confuse not their faith with wrong, injustice, i.e. idolatry.23 Koran.24 This verse and the following were probably added at Medina after the Hejira; at least i
- 122 Lost are they who, in their ignorance, have foolishly slain their children, and have forbidden that which G.o.d hath given them for food, devising an untruth against G.o.d! Now have they erred; and they were not rightly guided.He it is who produceth garde
- 121 And this Book which we have sent down is blessed, confirming that which was before it; and in order that thou mightest warn the mother-city and those who dwell round about it. They who believe in the next life will believe in It, and will keep strictly to
- 120 And the uttermost part of that impious people was cut off. All praise be to G.o.d, the Lord of the Worlds!SAY: What think ye? If G.o.d should take away your hearing and your sight and set a seal upon your hearts, what G.o.d beside G.o.d would restore them
- 119 9 Thus Ullm. als naheverwandte Gotter. But Wahl, denen sie sich mit gottesdienstlichen Opfer naherten. Ad appropinquandum (magis ipsi Deo), by intercession. Mar. Beidh.SURA VI.-CATTLE [Lx.x.xIX.]MECCA.-165 Verses In the Name of G.o.d, the Compa.s.sionate,
- 118 53 Collected or sought it out. Beidh.SURA XLVI.-AL AHKAF [Lx.x.xVIII.]MECCA.-35 Verses In the Name of G.o.d, the Compa.s.sionate, the Merciful HA. MIM.1 The Revelation (sending down) of this Book is from the Mighty, the Wise!We have not created the Heaven
- 117 Einl. pp. 295 327. The Koreisch (we are told in Sirat Arrasul, fol. 26, and Beidh.), in order to instil a deep respect for the Caaba and other holy places into the minds of the Arabians, had forbidden all food during the processions, and required that no
- 116 And when some of them said, why warn ye those whom G.o.d would destroy or chastise with terrible chastis.e.m.e.nt? they said, For our own excuse with your Lord; and that they may fear Him.And when they forgot their warnings, we delivered those who had for
- 115 And they were vanquished on the spot, and drew back humiliated.But the other enchanters prostrated themselves adoring: Said they, "We believe on the Lord of the Worlds, The Lord of Moses and Aaron."Said Pharaoh, "Have ye believed on him, er
- 114 The messages of my Lord do I announce to you, and I am your faithful18 counsellor.Marvel ye that a warning hath come to you from your Lord through one of yourselves that He may warn you? Remember how he hath made you the successors of the people of Noah,
- 113 And, O Adam! dwell thou and thy wife in Paradise, and eat ye whence ye will, but to this tree approach not, lest ye become of the unjust doers."Then Satan whispered them to shew them their nakedness, which had been hidden from them both. And he said,
- 112 Then chastised I the unbelievers: and how great was my vengeance!Seest thou not how that G.o.d sendeth down water from the Heaven, and that by it we cause the up-growth of fruits of varied hues, and that on the mountains4 are tracks of varied hues, white
- 111 They also flourished before them, treated our apostles as impostors in like sort: but not to the tenth part of what we bestowed on them,6 have these attained. And yet when they charged my apostles with deceit, how terrible was my vengeance: SAY: One thing
- 110 2). But with the same tongue that sinned he did penance: Who is like thee, O Lord, among the G.o.ds? (xv. 11). The Holy One, Blessed be He, delivered him from the dead, ... so that he should not die (ix. 15, 16).-For now have I stretched forth my hand, an
- 109 And if ye turn your backs on me, yet ask I no reward from you: my reward is with G.o.d alone, and I am commanded to be of the Muslims.But they treated him as a liar: therefore we rescued him and those who were with him in the ark, and we made them to surv
- 108 Verily, this present life is like the water which we send down from Heaven, and the produce of the earth, of which men and cattle eat, is mingled with it, till the earth hath received its golden raiment, and is decked out: and they who dwell on it deem th
- 107 And no other protectors shall there be to succour them than G.o.d; and no pathway for him whom G.o.d shall cause to err.Hearken then to your Lord ere the day come, which none can put back when G.o.d doth ordain its coming. No place of refuge for you on th
- 106 SURA XLII.-COUNSEL [Lx.x.xIII.]MECCA.-53 Verses In the Name of G.o.d, the Compa.s.sionate, the Merciful HA. MIM. AIN. SIN. KAF.1 Thus unto thee as unto those who preceded thee doth G.o.d, the Mighty, the Wise, reveal!All that is in the Heavens and all tha
- 105 In the Name of G.o.d, the Compa.s.sionate, the Merciful ELIF. LAM. MIM.2 These are the verses (signs) of the wise Book, A guidance and a mercy to the righteous, Who observe prayer, and pay the impost,3 and believe firmly in the life to come:- These rest o
- 104 G.o.d truly knoweth all that they call on beside Him; and He is the Mighty, the Wise.These similitudes do we set forth to men: and none understand them except the wise.G.o.d hath created the Heavens and the Earth for a serious end.11 Verily in this is a s
- 103 11 By becoming apostates from Islam. Comp. Sura [lxxiii.] xvi. 108. This and the two following verses are said to have originated at Medina. His 230, Wah.Omar ben Muhammad. Beidh. Itq. 19.12 Lit. they have not esteemed G.o.d according to the truth of His
- 102 Is not G.o.d all-sufficient for his servant? Yet would they scare thee by their idols. But no guide shall there be for him whom G.o.d misleadeth: And he whom G.o.d guideth shall have none to mislead him. Is not G.o.d, all- mighty, able to revenge?And if t
- 101 17 That is, the Pentateuch and the Koran.18 The Meccan Jews and Christians who had formerly embraced Islam, and could now affirm that they had always held the same faith. This pa.s.sage could not have been written after Muhammad's experience of Jewis
- 100 And how many cities have we destroyed that flourished in wanton ease! And these their dwellings have not been inhabited since their time save by a few, and it is we who became their heirs.But thy Lord did not destroy the cities till He had sent an apostle
- 99 And the heart of Moses' mother became a blank through fear: and almost had she discovered him, but that we girt up her heart with constancy, in order that she might be one of those who believe.She said to his sister, "Follow him." And she w
- 98 And your Lord saith, "Call upon me-I will hearken unto you: but they who turn in disdain from my service shall enter h.e.l.l with shame."It is G.o.d who hath ordained the night for your rest, and the day to give you light: verily G.o.d is rich i
- 97 "This hath befallen you, for that when One G.o.d was proclaimed to you, ye believed not: but when partners had been united with him, ye believed: But judgment belongeth unto G.o.d, the High, the Great."It is He who sheweth you his signs, and sen
- 96 And most of them believe not in G.o.d, without also joining other deities with Him.What! Are they sure that the overwhelming chastis.e.m.e.nt of G.o.d shall not come upon them, or that that Hour shall not come upon them suddenly, while they are unaware?SA
- 95 Thus did we stablish Joseph in the land that he might house himself therein at pleasure. We bestow our favours on whom we will, and suffer not the reward of the righteous to perish.And truly the recompense of the life to come is better, for those who have
- 94 Now in JOSEPH and his brethren are signs for the enquirers;4 When they said, "Surely better loved by our Father, than we, who are more in number, is Joseph and his brother; verily, our father hath clearly erred.Slay ye Joseph! or drive him to some ot
- 93 A likeness of those who believe not in their Lord. Their works are like ashes which the wind scattereth on a stormy day: no advantage shall they gain from their works. This is the far-gone wandering.Seest thou not that in truth1 hath G.o.d created the Hea
- 92 And all that we have related to thee of the histories of these Apostles, is to confirm thy heart thereby. By these hath the truth reached thee, and a monition and warning to those who believe.But say to those who believe not, "Act as ye may and can:
- 91 And our messengers came formerly to Abraham with glad tidings. "Peace," said they. He said, "Peace," and he tarried not, but brought a roasted calf.And when he saw that their hands touched it not,12 he misliked them, and grew fearful o
- 90 There is no doubt but that in the next world they shall be the lost ones.But they who shall have believed and done the things that are right, and humbled them before their Lord, shall be the inmates of Paradise; therein shall they abide for ever.These two
- 89 Yet should we send a blast, and should they see their harvest turn yellow, they would afterwards shew themselves ungrateful.Thou canst not make the dead to hear, neither canst thou make the deaf to hear the call, when they withdraw and turn their backs: N
- 88 In the Name of G.o.d, the Compa.s.sionate, the Merciful ELIF. LAM. MIM.1 THE GREEKS have been defeated2 In a land hard by: But after their defeat they shall defeat their foes, In a few years.3 First and last is the affair with G.o.d. And on that day shall
- 87 To those also who after their trials fled their country,18 then fought and endured with patience, verily, thy Lord will in the end be forgiving, gracious.On a certain day shall every soul come to plead for itself, and every soul shall be repaid according
- 86 To whatever is evil may they be likened who believe not in a future life;10 but G.o.d is to be likened to whatever is loftiest: for He is the Mighty, the Wise.Should G.o.d punish men for their perverse doings, he would not leave on earth a moving thing! b
- 85 And all of varied hues that He hath created for you over the earth: verily, in this are signs for those who remember.And He it is who hath subjected the sea to you, that ye may eat of its fresh fish, and take forth from it ornaments to wear-thou seest the
- 84 This is "Guidance:" and for those who disbelieve the signs of their Lord is the punishment of an afflictive torment.It is G.o.d who hath subjected the sea to you that the s.h.i.+ps may traverse it at his bidding, and that ye may go in quest of t
- 83 And if an enticement from Satan entice thee, then take refuge in G.o.d, for He is the Hearing, the Knowing.And among his signs are the night, and the day, and the sun, and the moon.Bend not in adoration to the sun or the moon, but bend in adoration before
- 82 They say, "When will this decision take place? Tell us, if ye are men of truth?"SAY: On the day of that decision, the faith of infidels shall not avail them, and they shall have no further respite.Stand aloof from them then, and wait thou, for t
- 81 3 Because they slept with their eyes open. Beidh.4 The Muhammadans believe that this dog will be admitted into Paradise. One of its traditional names is Katmir, a word whose letters, it should be observed, are with one exception identical with Rakim.5 Lit
- 80 And Moses said to him, "Shall I follow thee that thou teach me, for guidance, of that which thou too hast been taught?"He said, "Verily, thou canst not have patience with me; How canst thou be patient in matters whose meaning thou comprehen
- 79 And thou mightest have seen the sun when it arose, pa.s.s on the right of their cave, and when it set, leave them on the left, while they were in its s.p.a.cious chamber. This is one of the signs of G.o.d. Guided indeed is he whom G.o.d guideth; but for h
- 78 Thou shalt not make the dead to hear; neither shalt thou make the deaf to hear the call, when they turn away backward; Neither art thou the guide of the blind out of their errors: none truly shalt thou make to hear but those who believe our signs: and the
- 77 They said, "We are endued with strength and are endued with mighty valour.- But to command is thine: See therefore what thou wilt command us."She said, "Kings when they enter a city spoil it, and abase the mightiest of its people: and in li
- 76 19 See Sura [lx.x.xvii.] vii. 71.20 See note on v. 1. The tree is Zakkoum, Sura [xlv.] lvi. The Rabbins teach that food of the bitterest herbs is one of the punishments of h.e.l.l. See Schroder's Rabb. und. Talm. Judenthum, p. 403.21 That is, with al
- 75 And say, "O my Lord, cause me to enter26 with a perfect entry, and to come forth with a perfect forthcoming, and give me from thy presence a helping power:"And SAY: Truth is come and falsehood is vanished. Verily, falsehood is a thing that vanis
- 74 Kill not your children for fear of want:13 for them and for you will we provide. Verily, the killing them is a great wickedness.Have nought to do with adultery; for it is a foul thing and an evil way: Neither slay any one whom G.o.d hath forbidden you to
- 73 The Commentators doubt whether they are spoken by the wicked of the impossibility of their attaining Paradise, or by the angels to the wicked.7 Said by Beidh. to be the polytheist Okbeh, the son of Abu Mo'eyt, who by Muhammad's persuasion profes
- 72 They who shall be gathered upon their faces into h.e.l.l, shall have the worst place, and be farthest from the path of happiness.Heretofore we gave the law to Moses, and appointed his brother Aaron to be his counsellor:12 And we said, "Go ye to the p
- 71 16 See Sura x.x.xviii. 37, p. 127.17 See Sura xix. 55, 6, p. 121.18 The man of the lot or portion. Or, of care, support. According to some Elias, as others say, Isaiah. It is more probable, however, that he is he Obadiah of 1 Kings xviii. 4, who supported
- 70 And sundry Satans16 who should dive for him and perform other work beside: and we kept watch over them.And remember Job: When he cried to his Lord, "Truly evil hath touched me: but thou art the most merciful of those who shew mercy."So we heard
- 69 And we set mountains on the earth lest it should move with them, and we made on it broad pa.s.sages between them as routes for their guidance; And we made the heaven a roof strongly upholden; yet turn they away from its signs.And He it is who hath created
- 68 _______________________ 1 This Sura is said by Wahidi Intr, and by a.s.suyti, 55, to be the last Meccan revelation. But there seems to be no reason for this opinion.2 In prayer. Eccl. v. I; Matt. vi. 7. But it may be understood of idle talk generally.3 Se
- 67 Do they not then heed the things spoken-whether that hath come to them which came not to their fathers of old?Or do they not recognise their apostle; and therefore disavow him?Or say they, "A Djinn is in him?" Nay! he hath come to them with the