A Concise Dictionary of Middle English Novel Chapters
List of most recent chapters published for the A Concise Dictionary of Middle English novel. A total of 255 chapters have been translated and the release date of the last chapter is Apr 02, 2024
Latest Release: Chapter 1 : A Concise Dictionary of Middle English.by A. L. Mayhew and Walter W. Skeat.PREFACE (+By
A Concise Dictionary of Middle English.by A. L. Mayhew and Walter W. Skeat.PREFACE (+By Professor Skeat+.) The present work is intended to meet, in some measure, the requirements of those who wish to make some study of Middle-English, and who find a diffi
- 155 +Open-lic+, _adj._ open, S2; +openliche+, _adv._, S; +opeliche+, S.--AS._openlic_, adv. _openlice_.+Opposen+, _v._ to question, SkD; +oposyn+, Prompt.; +opposed+, _pt.s._, PP.--OF. _opposer_; Lat. _ob_ + _pausare_. Cf. +Aposen+.+Opye+, _sb._ opium, C, CM.
- 154 +Onlepiliche+, _adv._ only, singly, S MD.+On-lesum+, _adj._ not allowable, S3; see +Unleuesum+. (+On-+ 3.) +Onlich+, _adj._ only, S; see +Oonli+.+On-lofte+, _adv._ aloft, S2, C2; see +Alofte+. (+On-+ 1.) +On-losti+, _adj._ idle, S2; see +Unl.u.s.ti+. +On-
- 153 +Ogain-saghe+, _sb._ contradiction, S2. Cf. +Igainsawe+.+Ogain-torne+, _v._ to turn again, S2.+Ogen+, _adj._ own, S; see +Owen+.+Ogremoyne+, _sb._ agrimony, Voc.; see +Agrimony+.+Oht+, _sb._ aught, anything, S2; see +Ought+. +Oht+, _adj._ valiant, doughty
- 152 +Obout-ga+, _v._ to go about, S2.+O-brode+, _adv._ abroad, P; see +Abrode+.+Obseruance+, _sb._ homage, C, S3; +obseruances+, _pl._, attentions, C2.--OF. _observance_ (Cotg.).+Obserue+, _v._ to favour, C2.--OF. _observer_; Lat. _obseruare_.+Ob.u.mbrat+, _p
- 151 +Noumbren+, _v._ to number, W2; see +Nombren+.+Noumpere+, _sb._ umpire, arbitrator, SkD, P; +nowmpere+, Prompt.; +nompeyr+, PP; +nounpere+, PP; +owmpere+, Prompt.; +umpere+, SkD.--OF._non per_, odd, not even; Lat. _non parem_.+Nouthe+, _adv._ now, C, P; +
- 150 +n.o.ble+, _sb._ n.o.ble, a coin so called worth 6_s._ 8_d._, S3, C3, P, WA.--Cp. Late Lat. _n.o.bile_ (Ducange).+n.o.blen+, _v._ to enn.o.ble, C3.+n.o.blesse+, _sb._ n.o.bility, worthy behaviour, S2, C3; magnificence, honour, C2.--F. _n.o.blesse_; OF. _n
- 149 +Nest+, _adj._ and _adv. superl._ next, nearest, PP, S, S2; +neist+, S2; +nixte+, S; +nexte+, C, PP; +nexst+, S, S2. _Comb._: +nestfald+, nearest, S.--AS. _niehsta_, adj.; _nehst_ adv.+Nest+, _sb._ nest, PP; +nestes+, _pl._, PP. _Der._: +nestlingis+, nest
- 148 +Naylen+, _v._ to nail, Cath.; +na?len+, S; +nailen+, PP, C2.+Nayten+, _v._ employ, use, S2, WA.--Icel. _neyta_; cp. AS. _notian_; weak verb, from Icel. _njota_; cp. AS. _neotan_. Cf. +Noten+.+Naytly+, _adv._ neatly, fit for use, S2.--From Icel. _neytr_,
- 147 +Myrie+, _adj._ pleasant, W2; see +Mery+.+Myrk+, _adj._ dark, S2, H; see +Merke+.+Myrk+, _v._ to darken, H.+Mys-+, _prefix_; _see both_ +Mis-+ _and_ +Mes-+.+Mysteir+, _v._ to be necessary, B; +mysters+, _pr. s._ is needful, WA. +Myster+, _sb._ trade, occu
- 146 +Mungen+, _v._ to remember, PP; see +Mengen+.+Mungunge+, _sb._ remembrance, reminding, S; +munegunge+, S; +mune?ing+, S.--AS. _mynegung_.+Munne+, _v._ to relate, mention, remind, S: see +Mynne+.+Munstral+, _sb._ minstrel, S2; see +Mynstral+.+Munt+, _sb._
- 145 +Motle+, _sb._ motley, a dress of many colours, Prompt.; +motley+, Sh., ND; +motteleye+, C; +mottelay+, Cath.--OF. _mattele_, clotted, curdled (Cotg.).+Motoun+, _sb._ a gold coin called a 'mutton' or sheep, P; +mutoun+, S2, PP; +moton+, PP.--OF. _mouton
- 144 +Mone+, _sb._ money, S2; see +Moneye+.+Monek+, _sb._ monk, S2; see +Monk+.+Monesten+, _v._ to teach, admonish, W, W2, CM; +moneishen+, Cath.(_n_); +monysche+, Cath.; +monest+, _pt. pl._, B. See +Amoneste+.+Monestyng+, _sb._ an admonition, W. W2, B; +monys
- 143 +Mirye+, _adj._ merry, CM; see +Mery+.+Mis+, _adv._ amiss, S, C3; +mys+, PP; +mysse+, S2.+Mis-+, _prefix_; +mys-+, PP; +mysse-+, PP.--AS. _mis-_; Goth. _missa-_._Comb._: +misbileue+, suspicion, C3; +misboden+, injured, C, CM; +misdede+, misdeed, S, PP; +m
- 142 +Meuen+, _v._ to move, suggest, PP; +meued+, _pp._, S3; see +Mouen+.+Mewe+, _sb._ a coop for fowls, C, C2, Manip.; +mue+, SD.--OF. _mue_, a coop for fowls, the moulting of feathers (Cotg.). See below.+Mewen+, _v._ to mew, moult, SkD, Cotg.--OF. _muer_ (Co
- 141 +Mersche+, _sb._ marsh, SkD; +mershe+, _dat._, S.--AS. _mersc_.+Mershe+, _sb._ March, S2; see +Marche+.+Mersuine+, _sb. pl._ porpoises, S2; see +Mere+, _sb._ (3).+Merthe+, _sb._ mirth, PP; see +Murthe+.+Merueile+, _sb._ marvel, wonder, PP; +merueyle+, S2;
- 140 +Menen+, _v._ to mean, signify, to intend, PP, S, CM, S2, WA.+Menen+, _v._ to remember, H, HD; +meyne+, B.+Menen+, _v._ to complain, lament, bemoan, S2, PP, WA; +meyne+, B; +menys+, _pr. s._, S3; +menyt+, _pt. s._, S2; +ment+ S2.--AS. _m?nan_, to make moa
- 139 +Maynful+, _adj._ powerful, SD; +meinfule+, S.+Mayre+, _sb._ mayor, PP; +maire+, PP; +meyr+, Prompt.; +maires+, _pl._, P; +meires+, S2, PP; +meyris+, chief justices, W.--AF. _meyre_, _metre_, _meir_, _maire_; Lat. _maiorem_, greater.+Mayster+, _sb._ maste
- 138 +Mer+.[[The form +Mer+ does not occur in the Dictionary. The entries for +Ful-mard+ and +Methes-chele+ both give _mear_ as the AS. root.]]+Martrik+, _sb._ marten, S3; +mertrik+, JD.+Martryn+, _sb._ marten's fur, HD; +marterns+, _pl._, HD; +marterons+, HD
- 137 _maledictionem_.+Malliable+, _adj._ malleable, C3.--OF. _malleable_, pliant to the hammer, hammerable (Cotg.).+Mamelek+, _sb._ a mameluke, S3.--Arab. _mamluk_, a slave, a possession, from _malaka_, he possessed; cp. It. _mamalucco_ (Florio).+Mamely+, _v._
- 136 +Lynde+, _sb._ linden-tree, HD, Voc., C2, C; +linde+, S.--AS. _lind_, 'tilia' (Voc.).+Lyne+, _sb._ cord, net, PP, S; +line+, S; +lynes+, _pl._, snares for birds, PP; +lines+, PP.--AF. _line_; Lat. _linea_.+Lynt-quhite+, _sb._ linnet, S3, JD; +lint-white
- 135 +Lufsumliche+, _adv._ pleasantly, S.--AS. _lufsumlice_.+Luft+, _adj._ left, S, S2, PP; see +Lyft+.+Luft+, _sb._ a weak creature, worthless fellow, PP; +lift+, HD. See above.+Lugen+, _v._ to drift about (on the waves), S2; +luggid+, _pp._, pulled about, PP
- 134 +Losenge+, _sb._ a kind of quadrilateral figure; +losynges+, _pl._, CM.--OF. _losenge_, praise, flattery, encomium, then grave-stone, square slab, lozenge in heraldry.+Losengere+, _sb._ flatterer, deceiver, WA; +losanger+, sluggard, S3; +losengour+, C; +l
- 133 +Loh+, _pt. s._ laughed, S2; see +Lahhen+.+Loht+, _sb._ light, S; see +Li?t+.+Lok+, _sb._ an offering, gift, S; +loc+, S; +lac+, S; +loke+, sport, PP; +lake+, _dat._, S; +lac+, _pl._, S; +lakes+, S.--AS. _lac_, a leaping for joy, sport, contest, also, a s
- 132 +Lit+, _sb._ stain, dye, colour, S, SD; +littis+, _pl._, WA.--Icel._litr_, colour, complexion, countenance, dye. See +Wliten+.+Litarge+, _sb._ litharge, protoxyde of lead, C, C3.--OF. _litharge_; Lat. _lithargyrus_; Gr. ??????????.+Liteled+, _pt. s. 2 p._
- 131 +Lid+, _sb._ a cover, lid, SD; +lydde+, Cath.; book-cover, HD; +lides+, _pl._, lids of the eyes, S.--AS. _hlid_.+Liden+, _v._ to cover, SD.--AS. _hlidan_, to cover (in _be-hlidan_), pp. _hliden_.+Lieftenant+, _sb._ lieutenant, deputy, S3; +lieftenants+, _
- 130 +Leuedy+, _sb._ lady, S2, H; +leuedi+, S2, S; +lefdye+, S2; +lefdi+, S, S2; +leafdi+, S; +lauedi+, S; +laeuedi+, S; +laefdi+, S.--AS. _hl?fdige_.+Leueful+, _adj._ allowable, PP; +leeueful+, S2, C3, W; +leefful+, S2; +leeful+, S2, S3.--AS. _leafful_.+Leuen
- 129 +Lered-men+, _sb. pl._ the learned, the clergy, S.+Leren+, _v._ (1) to teach, S, S2, S3, H; +learen+, S; +leoren+, S; +ler+, _imp. s._, S; +lerede+, _pt. s._, S; +leorde+, S; +lerde+, S2; +y-lered+, _pp._, S2. (2) +Leren+, _v._ to learn, S, S2, S3, C2, H.
- 128 +Leiten+, _v._ to flame, SD; to lighten, W2; +leitinde+, _pr. p._, S.See above.+Leityngis+, _sb. pl._ lightnings, W.+Lei?en+, _v._ to laugh, W; see +Lahhen+.+Lei?tir+, _sb._ laughter, W2; see +Lahter+. +Lei?yng+, _sb._ laughing, W.+Lel+, _adj._ leal, loya
- 127 +Lawelyche+, _adj._ lawful, S; +lagelice+, _adv._, S.+Lay+, _sb._ law, CM; religion, fidelity, S2; creed, C2, C3; +laies+, _pl._, PP.--OF. _lai_, _ley_, _lei_; Lat. _legem_.+Layes+, _sb. pl._ leas, meadows, S3; see +Leye+.+Layke+, _sb._ game, sport, trial
- 126 +Lasnen+, _v._ to lessen; +lasned+, _pt. s._, S2.+La.s.se+, _adj._ and _adv. comp._ less, S, S2, S3, C3, PP; +lesse+, S._Phr._: +la.s.se and more+, smaller and greater, i.e. all, C2; +on les that+, on a less supposition than that, unless, SkD; +onlesse th
- 125 +Laefdi+, _sb._ lady, S; see +Leuedy+.+Laefe+, +Lafe+, _sb._ belief, S; see +Leue+.+Laen+, _sb._ a grant, loan, S.--AS. _l?n_ (OET).+Laf+, _sb._ loaf, S; see +Loof+.+Lage+, +Lahe+, _sb._ law, S; see +Lawe+. +Lah+, _adj._ low, S; see +Louh+.+Lahfulnesse+,
- 124 +Kun+, _v._ to get to know, to learn, H; see +Conne+.+Kun+, _sb._ kin, S2; +kunnes+, _gen._, S2; +kunne+, _dat._, S, S2; see +Kyn+.+Kunde+, _adj._ natural, kind, S2; see +Kynde+.+Kunde+, _sb._ kind, race, nature, S2; see +Kynde+.+Kundel+, _sb._ offspring,
- 123 +Knawe+, _v._ to know, S2; see +Knowen+.+Knawen+, _pp._ gnawed, S3; see +Gnawen+.+Kne+, _sb._ knee, S, S2; +cneowe+, _dat._, S; +cnouwe+, S; +knes+, _pl._, S; +kneon+, S; +knowes+, C2, P.--AS. _cneow_ (_cneo_).+Kneden+, _v._ to knead, Voc., Palsg.; +cnede
- 122 +Keueringe+, _sb._ recovery, S2.+Keye+, _sb._ key; +kay+, MD; +cays+, _pl._, MD; +keis+, S; +kei?es+, S2.--AS. _caeg_.+Kidde+, _pt. s._ made known, S, P; _pp._, S; +kid+, S; see +Kythen+.+Kidnere+, _sb._ kidney, SkD; +kydney+, Voc.--Icel. _kvir_, belly +
- 121 +Iuwise+, _sb._ judgment, PP; +iuwyse+, CM, C; +iewise+, HD; +iewis+, PP; +iuyse+, C3; +iuise+, HD.--AF. _juise_; Lat. _iudicium_.K.+K-+; see also under +C-+.+Kacherel+, _sb._ bailiff, S2; see +Cacherel+.+Kaerf+, _pt. s._ cut, carved, S; see +Keruen+. +Ka
- 120 +Ient-man+, _sb._ gentleman, S3. See +Gent+.+Ieoperdie+, _sb._ jeopardy, S3; see +Iupartie+.+Ierkin+, _sb._ jerkin, jacket, S3.--Cp. Du. _jurk_, a frock.+Iesseraunt+, _sb._ a coat or cuira.s.s of fine mail, HD; +gesserant+, S3; +gesseron+, S3.--OF. _jazer
- 119 +I-e?+, _pt. s._ thrived, S2; see +Theen+. [[error for +een+]]+I-olien+, _v._ to endure, S.--AS. _ge-olian_.+I-oncked+, _adj._ minded, S.+I-tiden+, _v._ to betide, S; +it.i.t+, _pr. s._, S; +ityt+, S.--AS._ge-tidan_. +I-timien+, _v._ to happen, S.--AS. _g
- 118 _influentem_, pr. p. of _influere_, to flow into. (+In-+ 2.) +Inforce+, _v. reflex._ to strive, S3. (+In-+ 2.) +Infortunat+, _adj._ unlucky, S2, C3. (+In-+ 3.) +Infortune+, _sb._ misfortune, C2. (+In-+ 3.) +Ingot+, _sb._ mould for pouring metals into, C3,
- 117 +I-holde+; see +I-healden+.+I-hudeket+, _pp._ hooded, S. See +Hood+.+I-hure+; see +I-heren+.+I-hwulen+, _v._ to be at leisure, S. See +While+.+Ik+, _p.r.o.n._ I, P. See +Ich+. +I-latet+, _adj._ visaged, S. See +Late+.+-ild+, _suffix_. As in +beggild+, MD;
- 116 +Iaede+, _pt. s._ went, S; +ieden+, _pl._, S; see +Eode+.+I-bede+, _sb._ prayer, S; +ibeden+, _pl._, S.--AS. _gebed_. See +Bede+.+I-bere+, _sb._ noise, S.--AS. _geb?re_, gesture, cry: OS. _gi-bari_.+I-beten+, _v._ to amend, S.--AS. _ge-betan_.+I-biden+, _
- 115 +Hulpen+; see +Helpen+.+Huly+, _adj._ slow, moderate, JD; +hoolie+, JD.--Icel. _hogligr_, adj.+Huly+, _adv._ slowly, H; +holy+, H.--Icel. _hogliga_.+Hulynes+, _sb._ slowness, H; +huliness+, JD.+Humble+, _adj._ humble, MD; +humyll+, S3.--OF. _humble_, _hum
- 114 +Hostellere+, _sb._ inn-keeper, P; see +Ostelere+.+Hostelrie+, _sb._ inn, C; see +Ostelrie+.+Hostery+, _sb._ inn, MD; see +Ostery+.+Hoten+, _v._ to bid, promise, MD; see +Haten+.+Hou+, _adv._ how, S2, PP; +hw+, S; +hwu+, S; +wu+, S, S2; +hu+, S, S2; +whou
- 113 +Hond-fast+, _pp._ fastened by the hands, G.+Honest+, _adj._ honourable, worthy, C2, C3, PP; +onest+, W; +oneste+ W.--OF. _honeste_; Lat. _honestum_.+Homestetee+, _sb._ honourableness, C2.+Honestly+, _adv._ honourably, C3.+Hong+, _pt. s._ hung; see +Hange
- 112 +Hi?ingli+, _adv._ hastily, W.+Hi?t+; see +Haten+.+Hi?te+, _sb._ delight, joy, S.--AS. _hyht_, joy; cp. _hihting_, joy, exultation (Voc.).+Hi?ten+, _v._ to rejoice, be glad, S.--AS. _hyhtan_; cp. _ge-hihtan_ (Voc.).+Hi?ten+, _v._ to adorn, Trevisa, (1. 41
- 111 +Heyre+, _sb._ hair-cloth, C3, P, W; see +Here+.+Heythe+, _sb._ height, Prompt.; +he?the+, S2; +heyt+, S2; +hycht+, S3._Phr._: +on highte+, aloud, C.--AS. _hehu_. See +Heigh+.+He?e+, _adj._ high; see +Heigh+.+Hi-+, _prefix_; see under +?e-+. +Hi+, _p.r.o.
- 110 +Herte-spon+, _sb._ brisket-bone, C.+Herting+, _sb._ cheering, S.+Heruest+, _sb._ harvest, S, S2, P.--AS. _haerfest_.+Heruest-trees+, _sb. pl._ autumnal trees = _arbores autumnales_, W.+Hes+, he, her; see +He+. +Hesmel+, _sb._ collar (?), S.+Hesn+, _sb._
- 109 +Herde+, _sb._ herd, _grex_, PP.--AS. _heord_.+Herde+, _sb._ shepherd, CM; +hirde+, S, H; +hird+, S3, H; +hurde+, keeper, guardian, S; +hirdis+, _pl._, W, H.--AS. _hierde_ (_heorde_), herdsman; cp. OHG. _hirti_ (Otfrid).+Herde-man+, _sb._ herdsman, S3; +h
- 108 +Heling+, _sb._ salvation, S2.+h.e.l.l+, _v._ to pour out, H; +hel+, _1 pr. s._, H; +h.e.l.l+, _imp. s._, H; +h.e.l.les+, _pl._, H; +h.e.l.land+, _pr. p._, H; +helt+, _pt. s._, H; _pp._, H.--Icel. _h.e.l.la_, to pour. See +Helden+.+h.e.l.le+, _sb._ h.e.l.
- 107 +Hede+, _sb._ heed, care, C2, PP.+Heden+, _v._ to heed, S; +hedde+, _pt. s._, SkD; +hedd+, MD.--AS._hedan_: OS. _hodian_, cp. OHG. _huaten_ (Otfrid).+Hee-+; see under +He-+.+Hee+, _adj._ high; see +Heigh+. +Heed+, _sb._ head, C2, C3, G, W; see +Heued+.+He
- 106 +Haten+ (2), _v._ to be called; +hoten+, S, MD; +hote+, C; +hatte+, MD; +het+, MD; +hight+, MD; +hi?t+, _1 pr. s._, S2; +hy?t+, _pr. s._, S2; +hat+, P; +hattest+, _2 pr. s._, S; +hatte+, _1 pr. s._, am called, S; _pr. s._, S2; +hatte+, _pt. s._, was calle
- 105 +Hanselle+, _sb._ handsel, earnest-money on a purchase, a gift, PP, Cath.; +hansale+, _strena_, Prompt.; +haunsel+, MD; +hansel+, P, HD.--Icel. _handsal_, the confirming of a bargain by shaking hands.+Hansellen+, _v._ to handsel, to betroth, MD, Cath., Pa
- 104 +Hail+, _adj._ hale, whole, sound, S; +haeil+, S; +heil+, S. Cf. +Hool+.+Haile+, _adv._ wholly, S3; +haill+, S3.+Hailen+, _v._ to greet, Cath., MD; +heilen+, MD, S2.+Hailsen+, _v._ to greet, to say 'hail,' MD, Cath., P, S3; +haylsen+, S3; +halsen+, S2,
- 103 +Gurles+, _sb. pl._ children (of either s.e.x), C, PP; +gerles+, PP._Phr._: +knave gerlys+, boys, HD. Cf. +Gyrle+.+Guhede+, _sb._ youth, S; see +?outhede+.+Gyde+, _sb._ clothing, C3, MD; +gide+, MD, JD.+Gyde+, _sb._ guide, C3. +Gyden+, _v._ to guide, C2,
- 102 +Grot+, _sb._ weeping, S, MD. See +Greten+.+Grot+, _sb._ atom, MD; +grotes+, _pl._, S.--AS. _grot_, particle.+Grote+, _sb._ groat, C3, PP; +grotte+, S3.--OLG. _grote_, a coin of Bremen; cp. Du. _groot_, great. Cf. +Gret+.+Groten+, _v._ to weep, S, MD; see
- 101 +Greten+, _v._ to salute, S, PP, S2; +gret+, _imp. s._, S; +greteth+, _pl._, G; +grette+, _pt. s._, S, PP, S2, C2, C3, W; +grette+, _pl._, G; +gretten+, W; +gret+, _pp._, W.--AS. _gretan_, to approach (also _ge-gretan_), pt. _grette_, pp. _greted_: OS. _g
- 100 +Graith+, _sb._ preparation, PP.+Graithen+, _v._ to prepare, H; +grathis+, _pr. s._, dresses, S3. See +Greien+.+Graithly+, _adv._ readily, PP; +gratheli+, S2; see +Greiliche+.+Gramcund+, _adj._ angry, S.+Grame+, _sb._ vexation, anger, S, HD, C3; +grome+,
- 99 +Gold-beten+, _pp._ adorned with beaten gold, S3.+Golde+, _sb._ marigold, _souci_, Palsg.; +goolde+, _solsequium_, Prompt.; +guldes+, _pl._, C.--Cp. OF. _goude_ (Cotg.) +Gold-spynk+, _sb._ goldfinch, S3.+Gole+, _sb._ throat, SD, HD; +golle+, HD.--OF. _gol
- 98 +Gliffni+, _v._ to glance; +gliffnyt+, _pt. s._, S2.+Glod+, _pt. s._ glided, S2, MD; +glode+, MD; +glood+, C2; see +Gliden+.+Glommen+, _v._ to look glum, to frown, MD; +glomben+, MD; +glowmbe+, CM; +glum+, S3; +gloom+, ND; +gloume+, Manip.; +glommede+, _p
- 97 +Gistninge+, _sb._ banquet, S; see +Gestninge+.+Giterne+, _sb._ guitar, C3, PP, MD, CM; +gyterne+, PP, Prompt.; +geterne+, MD; +getyrne+, Voc.--OF. _guiterne_; cp. It. _chitarra_; Lat._cithara_. See +Citole+.+Giuenesse+, _sb._ forgiveness, S.--AS. _gifnes
- 96 +Gesting+, _sb._ lodgings, S2.+Gestinge+, _sb._ jesting, S3; +gestynge+, romancing, Prompt. See +Geste+.+Gestnen+, _v._ to feast, entertain; +gestened+, _pt. s._, HD; +igistned+, _pp._, S2.+Gestninge+, _sb._ feast, banquet, S; +gestening+, S2; +gistninge+
- 95 +Geinen+, _v._ to avail, profit, S, S2; see +Ge?nen+.+Geld+, _pt. s._ paid, requited, S; see +?elden+.+Gelden+, _v._ to geld, _castrare_, Prompt., Manip.; +geldid+, _pp._, W (Mt. 19. 12).--Icel. _gelda_.+Gelding+, _sb._ eunuch, W (Acts 8. 34); +?elding+,
- 94 +Gamen+, _sb._ play, sport, CM, S, S2, G, PP, H; +gammyn+, S2; +gomen+, S; +game+, S, G, Prompt., Voc., C2, C3; +gome+, S.--AS. _gamen_.+Gamen+, _v._ to be pleasant; +him gamede+, _pt. s._, it was pleasant to him, C.+Gan+, _v._ to go, S; +gon+, S, S2, C2;
- 93 +Fyr+, _sb._ fire, PP, C2; +fyre+, MD. _Comb._: +fyre-flaucht+, lightning, S3; +fyr-reed+, red as fire, C. See +Fur+.+Fyrth+, _sb._ a pa.s.sage, inlet of the sea, S3; +firth+, JD.--Icel._fjrr_.+Fyry+, _adj._ fiery, C; +fery+, S3. See +Fur+.+Fy?te+, _v._ t
- 92 +Ful-don+, _v._ to accomplish, S.+Ful-endin+, _v._ to bring to an end, S; +fulendy+, S.+Ful-forien+, _v._ to perform, S.+Ful-fremien+, _v._ to perfect, MD; +fullfremedd+, _pp._, S.+Ful-fullen+, _v._ to fulfil, perfect, to fill full, MD; +folvellet+, _imp.
- 91 +Fresch+, _adj._ fresh, new, MD, C; +fersch+, S2; +fresche+, W2, PP; +freis+, S2; +freissh+, S2.--AS. _fersc_.+Freschly+, _adv._ freshly, B.+Fresen+, _v._ to freeze, PP; +freost+, _pr. s._, S; +frese+, _pt. s._, MD; +froren+, _pp._, MD.--AS. _freosan_, pt
- 90 +Foute+, _sb._ scent, trace of a beast of chase, S2; see +Feute+.+Fownys+, _sb. pl._ fawns, S3; see +Fawn+.+Foyne+, _sb._ a foin, thrust, S3; p.r.i.c.k, _punctus_, Manip.; +foines+, _pl._, ND.+Foynen+, _v._ to thrust or lunge with a sword, MD, C; +feyne+,
- 89 (+For-+ 1.) +For-tuhting+, _sb._ seduction, S; +fortihting+, S.--From AS._for-tyhtan_, to lead astray. (+For-+ 1.) +Fortune+, _sb._ fortune, chance, MD, Prompt.; +fortoun+, B.--OF._fortune_; Lat. _fortuna_. +Fortune+, _v._ to make fortunate, to happen, S3
- 88 +Formel egle+, _sb._ female eagle, MD, CM. Cf. +Formaylle+.+Formen+, _v._ to form, Prompt.--OF. _former_; Lat. _formare_.+Former+, _sb._ former, creator, MD, PP.+Formere+, _adj. comp._ former, MD.--_Comb._: +formere fader+, ancestor, S2.+Formest+, _adj. s
- 87 +For-demen+, _v._ to condemn, MD; +fordemde+, _pt. s._, S; +fordemed+, _pp._, MD; +fordemet+, S; +fordempte+, _pl._, MD.--AS. _for-deman_.(+For-+ 1.) +For-don+, _v._ to destroy, S, MD, S2, C, P; +fordoon+, S2; +fordo+, _pr. s._, S, PP; +uordonne+, _ger._,
- 86 +Folten+, _v._ to behave foolishly, MD, Prompt.; +folted+, _pp._ crazed, S2.+Foltheed+, _sb._ folly, PP.+Foltische+, _adj._ foolish, W; +foltish+, HD.+Foltren+, _v._ to totter, S3; see +Faltren+.+Foltrye+, _sb._ foolishness, Prompt. +Folwen+, _v._ to foll
- 85 +Flote+, +Floten+; see +Fleten+.+Floteren+, _v._ to fluctuate, flutter, PP.--OF. _floter_ (+ suffix _-er_); Lat. _fluctuare_; see Constans.+Flotering+, _sb._ restless motion, W2.+Flour+, _sb._ flower, C2, C3; +flur+, S; +floures+, _pl._, youthful powers,
- 84 +Flateren+, _v._ to flatter, PP.+Flatlyngis+, _adv._ flat, B.+Flatour+, _sb._ flatterer, C, MD; +ulatours+, _pl._, MD.--OF._flateor_; Prov. _flatador_.+Flatten+, _v._ to dash, cast quickly (water); +flatte+, pt. s., P; +flattide+, PP.--OF. _flatir_, to da
- 83 +Fiers+, _adj._ fierce, S2, C2, C3; +fierse+, PP; see +Fers+.+Fiere+, _ord._ fourth, S, P; see +Ferthe+.+Fife+, _num._ five, S; +fyf+, PP, C2; +fiff+, B; +fiffe+, B; +uiue+, S; +fyue+, S2, PP; +fif+, PP.--AS. _fif_: Goth. _fimf_, see Sievers, 185.+Fifeten
- 82 +Feste+, _sb._ feast, S, PP, C2, C3; +fest+, S3; +festes+, _pl._, S2.--AF. _feste_; Lat. _festa_.+Festeien+, _v._ to feast, to entertain, MD; +festeyinge+, _pr. p._, C2.--OF. _festeier_, _festoier_; Late Lat. *_festicare_; cp. Prov._festegar_.+Festen+, _s
- 81 +Ferd+, _sb._ an expedition, army, MD; +faerd+, S; +feord+, S; +uerd+, MD; +ferde+, MD; +furde+, _dat._, MD; +ferde+, _pl._, S; +ferdes+, MD; +verden+, _dat._, S; +uerdes+, MD.--AS. _fird_, _fyrd_, _ferd_. See +Faren+.+Ferd+, _sb._ fear, PP, G; +feerd+, M
- 80 +Feffen+, _v._ to put into possession, MD, PP; +feffede+, _pt. s._, S2.--OF. _feffer_; cp. Low Lat. _feoffare_. See +Fees+.+Feht+; see +Fighten+.+Fei+, _sb._ faith, S2; +fey+, C2, C3; see +Fei+.+Feier+, _adj._ fair, S; see +Fayre+.+Feierlec+, _sb._ beauty
- 79 +Fauntelet+, _sb._ infancy, properly a little infant, PP.+Fauntelte+, _sb._ childishness, PP.+Faur+, _num._ four, MD; +faure+, S2; see +Foure+.+Faur-tend+, _ord._ fourteenth, S2. Cf. +Vourtee+.[[Cross-reference could not be identified. No form of "four"
- 78 +Faitour+, _sb._ pretender, impostor, vagabond, MD, PP; +faytowre+, _fictor_, Prompt.; +faytoures+, _pl._, S3; +faitors+, H.--OF. _faitour_, _faiteor_ (G.o.defroy); Late Lat. *_fact.i.torem_.+Falding+, _sb._ a kind of coa.r.s.e cloth, C, HD; +faldynge+, _
- 77 +Ey+, _sb._ egg, C, C3, Prompt.; +eye+, S3, W; +ay+, G, HD; +eyren+, _pl._, PP; +eiren+, PP; +eirun+, W2; +ayren+, MD; +egges+, PP.--AS. _aeg_ (pl. _aegru_); cp. Icel. _egg_, whence E. _egg_.+Eyle+, _adj._ loathsome, troublesome, NED; AS. _egle_: OTeut. *
- 76 +Ee-lich+, _adj._ slight, light, S.+Ethelyng+, _sb._ a n.o.ble, S; see +Atheling+.+Eem+, _sb._ breath, S.--AS. _?m_, _em_; OHG. _atum_ (G. _athem_), see Sievers, 45. 6.+Ee-moded+, _adj._ gentle, well-disposed, S, MD.--Cp. AS. _eamodian_, to obey. See +Ead
- 75 +Erthe+, _sb._ earth, S, C2, C; +eore+, S; +yerthe+, S3; +vre+, S2; +erd+, S3. _Comb._: +anere+, on earth, S2.--AS. _eore_; OS. _era_; cp. OHG. _erda_ (Otfrid).+Ertheli+, _adj._ earthly, S2; +erliche+, S; +earlich+, S.--AS._eorthlice_.+Erthe-mouyng+, _sb.
- 74 +Eom+, _1 pr. s._, am, MD; see +Am+.+Eom+; see +Eem+.+Eornen+, _v._ to run, S, S2; see +Rennen+.+Eorre+, _sb._ anger, MD, S; +urre+, S, MD; +oerre+, S; +irre+, MD.--AS._irre_, angry, anger: OS. _irri_, angry, OHG. _irri_, out of the right way (Otfrid): Go
- 73 +Enhastyng+, _pr. p._ hasting, S3; +enhasted+, _pp._, HD.+Enhaunsen+, _v._ to raise, C, W, W2; +anhaunse+, NED; +enhansed+, _pp._, PP.--AF. _enhauncer_, _enhancer_.+Enhorten+, _v._ to encourage, MD, C.--OF. _enhorter_; Lat. _inhortari_.+Enke+, _sb._ ink,
- 72 _hemispherium_; Gr. ??sfa?????.+Enamelen+, _v._ to enamel, MD; +enamelled+, _pp._ Sh.; +annamyllit+, S3. See +Amellen+.+Enbibing+, _sb._ absorption, C3.+Enbrouden+, _v._ to embroider, MD; +enbroud+, _pp._ S3; +enbroudin+, S3; +enbrouded+, CM; +embrowded+,
- 71 +Elderne+, _sb. pl._ ancestors, S2; see +Alder+.+Eldryn+, _adj._ old, H. _Comb._: +eldryn-man+, old man, elder, H.+Ele+, _sb._ oil, MD, S; +eoli+, S; +eolie+, S. _Comb._: +ele-saew+, oil, S.--AS. _ele_; Late Lat. _olium_ (cp. It. _olio_); Lat. _oleum_; Gr
- 70 +Eest+, _adj._ and _sb._ east, W (Mt. 8. 11), MD; +est+, S, S2, C2, C3, Prompt.; +aest+, Prompt.--AS. _east_: Icel. _austr_; cp. OHG. _ost_ (_ostana_, Otfrid).+Efenn+; see +Euen+.+Effecte+, _sb._ effect, MD; +affecte+, H.--Lat. _effectus_.+Effer+, +Effeir
- 69 +Dyuerseli+, _adv._ in diverse directions, W2.+Dyversen+, _v._ to make difference, to diversify, also to be different, MD, Prompt.; +dyuersith+, _pr. s._, W; +diuerside+, _pt. s._, W.--OF._diverser_.+Dyversitee+, _sb._ divers colours, W2.+Dyuynistre+, _sb
- 68 +Dungon+, _sb._ dungeon, S2; see +Donjoun+.+Dunt+, _sb._ blow, S, S2; see +Dent+. [[Addition]]+Dun-ward+, _adv._ downward, S; see +Doun+.+Dup+, _adj._ deep, MD; see +Deep+.+Duppen+, _v._ to dip, S2, MD; +dippen+, MD.--AS. _dyppan_, for *_dup-ian_, see SkD
- 67 +Dro?+, _pt. s._ drew, S, S2; +drou+, S, S2; +drow+, S2, C2; +drou?+, S2; +drouh+, S2; +drough+, C2; see +Drawen+.+Drubild+, _adj._ disturbed, H.+Drublen+, _v._ to disturb water, to trouble; +drubblyn+, Prompt.; +drobyl+, MD. Cf. +Drouen+.+Drubly+, _adj._
- 66 +Dremen+, _v._ to make a joyful sound, to dream, S; +dreamen+, S; +drempte+, _pt. s._, S; +dremden+, _pl._, S.--AS. _dreman_, to rejoice: OS. _dromian_; cp. Icel. _dreyma_, to dream.+Drench+, _sb._ drink, S, MD.+Drenchen+, _v._ to drown, S, S2, C3, W; +dr
- 65 +Dotard+, _sb._ dotard, MD, Sh.+Dote+, _sb._ fool, S, MD; +dotest+, _adj. superl._, very foolish, S2.+Dotel+, _sb._ fool, MD; +dottel+, Manip.+Doten+, _v._ to dote, to be foolish, childish, MD, S2, C2.+Doucte+, _pt. s._ had value, S; see +Du?en+. +Doughtr
- 64 +Diuise+, _v._ to tell of, describe, S2; see +Deuisen+. [[Addition]]+Diuulgate+, _pp._ divulged; +dy-wlgat+, S3.--Lat. _diuulgatus_.+Diuyn+; see +Deuin+.+Diyngis+, _sb. pl._ dyes, colours, W2; see +Deyen+.+Di?e+, to die; see +Deyen+. +Di?el+, _adj._ secre
- 63 +Disdeyn+, _sb._ disdain, C2; +desdayn+, CM; +desdeyn+, C; +dedeyn+, MD, W, H; +dedeyne+, HD.--AF. _dedeigne_, OF. _desdein_.+Disdeyne+, _v._ to disdain, C2; +desdainen+, MD.--AF. _desdeigner_, It._disdegnare_.+Disese+, _sb._ lack of ease, MD, S2, C2, C3,
- 62 +Dide+, _pt. s._ did, caused, put, S; see +Don+. [[Addition]]+Diefles+, _sb. gen._ devil's, S; see +Deuel+.+Dier+, _sb._ wild animal, beast; +diere+, _dat._, S; see +Deer+.+Dier-chin+, _sb._ deer-kind, beasts, S.+Diere+, _adj._ dear, S; see +Dere+. +Dier
- 61 +De+, _pr. s._ doeth, S, S2; see +Don+.+De+, _sb._ death, S; see +Dee+.+De-vuel+, _sb._ death-evil, S2.+Dette+, _sb._ debt, C2; +dett+, _adj._ due, H.--AF. _dette_; Lat._debita_. +Deue+, _adj. pl._ deaf, C3; see +Deef+.+Deuh+; see +Dew+.+Deuel+, _sb._ dev
- 60 +Dere+, _adj._ and _adv._ dear, S, PP; +diere+, S; +duere+, S2; +daere+, S; +dure+, MD; +deore+, S; +der+, S2; +deir+, MD; +derre+, _comp._, C; +derrest+, _superl._, P.--AS. _deore_, _dre_: OS. _diuri_, costly, loved.+Dereliche+, _adv._ dearly, MD; +derel
- 59 +Delit+, _sb._ delight, MD; +delyt+, S3, C2, C3.--OF. _delit_, _deleit_.+Delitable+, _adj._ delightful, PP, S3, W2, H; +delytable+, S2, C2; +dilitable+, S2.--AF. _delitable_; Lat. _delectabilem_.+Delite+, _v._ to delight, Cath., PP, W2; +delyting+, _pr. p
- 58 +Dedeyne+, _v._ to deign, S3. See +Deynen+.+Dedly+, _adj._ liable to death, H; see +Deedli+.+Deduit+, _sb._ delight, pleasure, MD, HD; +deduyt+, C; +dedut+, MD; +dute+, MD.--AF. _deduit_; cp. Late Lat. _deductus_, 'animi oblectatio'(Ducange); from OF. _
- 57 _dominus_; in oblique case OF. _dam_; Lat. _dominum_, see Bartsch and Roland.+Dang+, _pt. s._ beat, S3; see +Dyngen+.+Dar+, _1 pr. s._ I dare, MD; +dear+, MD; +der+, MD; +darst+, _2 pr.s._, S, C3; +daerst+, MD; +derst+, MD; +dar+, _pr. s._, MD, C2, C3, P;
- 56 +Cwalm-stow+, _sb._ place of execution, S, MD.--AS. _cwealm-stow_ (Schmid).+Cwa+, _pt. s._ quoth, S; see +Queen+.+Cwead-schipe+, _sb._ wickedness, S; see +Quedschipe+.+Cwellen+, _v._ to kill, S; see +Quellen+.+Cweme+, _adj._ pleasing, S; see +Queme+. +Cwe