Chikyuu Tenseisha no Koroshikata
Chapter 11 : Chapter 10 – The Grimoire Store Girl Longs for Love with a Hero 3“I knew it, she was wr

Chapter 10 – The Grimoire Store Girl Longs for Love with a Hero 3


“I knew it, she was writing a novel. I was sure she was writing it in secret. She’s a bookworm and she had no friends¹. No doubt she’s writing one”
¹ «TN: Is this a jab at WN writers?»

I was reading Ruby’s novel that Liu stole on the bed in my room at the inn.
On the paper that filled a small wooden box, she described the world she created in her daydreams.

It was full of elaborate descriptions and was hard to read, but as expected from a bookworm, she had a way with words.

“Uwaa, Motoki, you’re peeking at a girl’s secret writings, you’re the lowest son of a b.i.t.c.h aren’t you. No way, you’re the worst, hurry up and let me read it too!”

“What, so you’re interested as well”

Liu and I sat side by side on the bed and skimmed through Ruby’s novel together.

Ruby’s novel amounted to 5 volumes of writing, also —

“Ghaa … ! This character’s completely modeled on Yuutarou isn’t he! And this one is modeled on Ruby herself! She’s flirting with the boy she likes inside the story, hah … so bittersweet!”

Liu slapped her hand on the bed.
You’re making a nuisance for the neighbors, please stop.

Ruby wrote a love story with Yuutarou and herself as the model.

A bashful hikikomori girl meets with a heroic boy, gained confidence, and became charmed by each other — that’s the gist of it.

“Hold on, hold on, THEY’RE KISSING! Only in the story though! Uwaah, they started petting! Waha, they’re stripping each other … ! Only in the story though!”

“Quiet down …”

Liu looked like she was engrossed in the daring scenes, she turned the pages over completely absorbed in the story.
She was gasping … and her lower half was fidgeting, so hot.

Well, I never expected that Ruby would be this extreme writing her novel.
I shouldn’t make light of a shy girl’s power of imagination.

She looks meek on the outside, but a beast inside.

I pictured Ruby with those enormous b.r.e.a.s.t.s of hers in a disheveled state, and gulped.

“Well now, Motoki, this lewd novel, no, Ruby’s dark history. What are you going to do with it?”

“What else, it’s obvious isn’t it — I’m gonna make a book out of it”

“Well then, I’ll leave you with the binding”

Using the travel money Luna gave me, I left the scribes who copied Ruby’s book to do the binding.
They said there would be a week until the delivery.

I’m sure Ruby would never have thought that the novel she was secretly writing was being made into a proper book right now.
It was unfortunate.
She should be noticing that her novel was missing from her room soon.

“You’re late!”

“Sorry sorry, I’ve kept you waiting!”

Leaving the publis.h.i.+ng guild’s request room, I met with Liu who was waiting outside.
I promised Liu I would give her some tasty meat today.
It was thanks for yesterday’s work.

With Liu in tow, I walk around the town of Coura.
By the way, I took the shape of a random man.

“Anyway, Motoki, why are you making a book out of Ruby’s novel? You’re a real son of a b.i.t.c.h aren’t you, going ahead and making a book out of other people’s dark history. Give me a copy too!”

“You’ve become a Ruby fan now I see … Well, if you ask why I’m doing this, it’s to separate Ruby from Yuutarou, to steal her. That’s the goal”

“Then how is this related to stealing Ruby? I don’t get it at all,” said Liu, “you’re being too roundabout about it. If you wanted to steal Ruby, couldn’t you just transform into Yuutarou and push her down?”

“Well, that method will definitely fail, I can tell you that”

“Hah? Why?”

“That’s because the G.o.ddess won’t be amused with us”

The G.o.ddess who gave Earthling reincarnators power wanted to enjoy seeing us spin interesting tales using our cheats.

Where a stereotypical reincarnator like Yuutarou becomes peerless and made a harem.
Or how an irregular trash reincarnator like me trying to crush that.

She was having fun from beyond the skies.

Between Yuutarou and I, the G.o.ddess will likely favor the one who has the more interesting story.

Which was why stealing Ruby the normal way was a no-go.
I had to be more indirect and more grand about how I go about making Ruby mine.

G.o.ddess, I faced the sky and muttered.

Ruby is an outstanding talent, too good to be a mere member of Yuutarou’s harem.

My way will make her life into something much more interesting.

Chapter 11 : Chapter 10 – The Grimoire Store Girl Longs for Love with a Hero 3“I knew it, she was wr
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