My Mister Ostrich
Chapter 75 : 70 | Distance Between North and South Mingxi, I told you a long time ago. Qian Qian doe

70 | Distance Between North and South
Mingxi, I told you a long time ago. Qian Qian doesn’t like you.

In the faraway Z City, Gu Mingxi and his mother were busy setting up their new house. They went to the building supplies market and the furniture store. Li Han wanted to get the house set before Gu Mingxi started school.

Because of his body’s limitations, Gu Mingxi rarely carried his phone when he went out. Most of the time, his phone was turned off, lying inside the drawer of their rental apartment.

Sometimes he would think of Pang Qian. What was she doing right now? Was she also preparing for school? Gu Mingxi had grown up in E City. He’d spent 19 years there, and now suddenly, he was here in this foreign northern city. When he imagined spending the next four years there, or even longer than that, he couldn’t help feel lost.

He was a boy from the southern region, more suited to the weather and food there. He even spoke with such a warm tone. Gu Mingxi didn’t dare to ask Li Han if it was possible to move back south after he graduated. He was worried she would use Pang Qian as an excuse to scold him.

When they got on the train, Li Han had told him, “Mingxi, I told you a long time ago. Qian Qian doesn’t like you.”

After two months in Z City, Gu Mingxi felt that life was extremely dull and boring. Especially when they had been living with his grandmother. His mother seemed like she was just depending on others.

Li Han left her home more than 20 years ago. The few times that they’d visited, they’d stayed in fancy hotels. At the time, all her family and friends saw that she was living well in E City. Even if her son was disabled, everyone still envied her. But now, she’d gotten divorced and dragged her disabled son back to her hometown. The gazes and criticism she received were as you would expect.

Gu Mingxi’s grandparents were already more than 70 years old. They weren’t in the best physical condition, and they were worried about their daughter, so they naturally welcomed her return. As for Li Mu, who lived with and took care of the two elderly folk, he didn’t feel the same.

Li Mu was Li Han’s younger brother. He didn’t have a great educational background, so he was a security guard at a building. His wife, Huang Lingli didn’t work. And their son, Li s.h.i.+yu was 16 years old, about to start high school. Li Han’s parents’ home was rather small, with only two rooms. Li s.h.i.+yu had always slept in the living room, with a curtain to divide the s.p.a.ce.

Many years ago, Li Mu had told Li Han that she was always away and had left him to take care of their parents, so she should give him some allowance. He wanted to sell off his parents’ house and asked for some money to buy a new three bedroom home. Then Li s.h.i.+yu would be able to have his own room.

Li Han discussed it with Gu Guoxiang, but he refused. His reason was that they already sent 10 thousand dollars every year, which was enough. Their parents’ property would all be handed down to him later too. Him wanting to change houses wasn’t Li Han’s responsibility.

Because of this, Li Mu and Li Han had quarreled for quite some time.

After she divorced and brought her son back home, she wanted to buy a house as soon as possible. Knowing that her sister had brought along some money, he wanted to ask about it again.

Li Han had 650 thousand with her, which was her divorce settlement. At the time, homes in E City were pretty cheap, with just a 5 thousand dollar down payment for one floor. It was even cheaper in Z City, one floor for 3 thousand. Li Mu cried in front of his sister, and when Li Han and Gu Mingxi slept on the floor at her parents’ home, she personally saw her brother’s hards.h.i.+p. Thinking back to how Gu Mingxi had grown up wearing name brand clothing, whereas her nephew Li s.h.i.+yu only had clothes from the market and couldn’t even buy a new pair of shoes when his broke, Li Han felt terrible.

She picked out some of Gu Mingxi’s more gently-worn summer clothes to give to Li s.h.i.+yu. She even said that in a few days, she’d buy a pair of new shoes and some clothes for him. In the end, she agreed to help Li Mu. He wanted to get a new house, and Li Han helped cover 80 thousand of the cost.

Actually, she’d thought it over herself. She would get old in the future. If she helped Li Mu a bit now, his family would also be able to help Gu Mingxi in the future.


After Gu Mingxi and Li Han returned from getting building supplies and furniture, he suddenly remembered that he hadn’t checked his phone in a long time. He immediately went to pull it out of the drawer.

Gu Mingxi sat on his bed and turned on his phone with his toes. A short while later, several unread messages popped onto his screen. With a pen in his mouth, Gu Mingxi bent over to click on the small phone b.u.t.tons. He opened up the text messages and noticed they were from an unsaved number.

>> Gu Mingxi, why did you turn off your phone?! It’s Pang Qian. This is my new number in Shanghai. Make sure to save it.

>> Turn on your phone and call me. A text is fine too.

>> Gu Mingxi, are you unable to text?

>> Why don’t you turn on your phone?! Where did you run off to?!

>> It’s late, I’m going to sleep. This is my first night at school. My dorm room is for four people. It’s very clean, but there’s no bathroom. My roommates are very nice. Two of them are from Shanghai, and one is from Fuzhou. We even chatted for awhile before sleeping. One of the Shanghai girls is really funny. I really like her.

>> When my parents left, I cried, but I didn’t let them see. Gu Mingxi, I’m all alone in Shanghai now. I was thinking that if you were also here, that would be so great.

>> Alright, that’s enough. It’s time for lights out. I miss you. Goodnight.

Those were from the previous day. She’d sent more than twenty texts total. Gu Mingxi had been silently reading them all, when he finally grabbed his pen and started to send a reply.

>> Pang Pang, I’m sorry. I’ve been busy these past few days. I just saw your messages.

This was the first time he was sending a text. The b.u.t.tons on the phone were really small, and Gu Mingxi had tried pressing them with his fingers before, but it was too much trouble. So he just used a pen to press the b.u.t.tons. Now he’d learned this way of sending messages.

His phone quickly sounded in response. Pang Qian was calling. Gu Mingxi turned his head and moved the phone to his ear. He immediately heard Pang Qian’s excited voice. Pang Qian happily relayed how school was going in detail. Gu Mingxi couldn’t help but remind her, “This is a long distance call.”

“It’s okay! My dad gave me a lot of money to recharge it. Later, I’ll send you the number for the dorm. When you start, send me yours too. I’ll go buy an IP card (internet phone?) to call you, and then it will be cheaper!”

Just when Pang Qian finished speaking, another girl’s voice sounded in the background. “Crab, let’s go eat.”

“Okay, I’m coming,” Pang Qian turned to the side to say.

Gu Mingxi laughed. “You’ve only been at school for a day, and they’re already calling you Crab?”

“I don’t know why either, I never told them about it.” Pang Qian scratched her head and suddenly said, “Gu Mingxi, hurry and send me your address. Otherwise your present will expire.”

“Expire? Is it food?”

“No. But just hurry and send me your address.”

Gu Mingxi thought for a moment, and then told her the address to his grandparent’s house. He said to just address it to his mom, because he’d probably have to ask her to pick it up from the post office.”

Pang Qian happily agreed. “No problem!”

A few days later, Li Mu received the parcel notification from the post office. In a sucking up manner, he asked Li Han if she needed help to pick it up. Li Han was busy discussing the pricing for the house construction and decoration, so she agreed

When she returned to their rental apartment, Gu Mingxi said, “Mom, remember I told you last time that Pang Qian would be sending a package to grandma’s house. When are you going to check? I think it should have arrived by now. Can you help me pick it up from the post office?”

Li Han said, “Oh, it’s already arrived. Your uncle went to get it.”

Gu Mingxi was very excited, “Then that means it’s already at grandma’s house?”

Li Han replied casually, “Mm. We’ll be going over in a few days for dinner. You can pick it up then.”

Two days later, Li Han and Gu Mingxi went to her parent’s house for dinner. She asked Li Mu about the package.

Li Mu thought for a moment, and then said, “I left it on the table after I brought it back.” He went to look for it, but found that it was gone. Gu Mingxi watched him anxiously. Li Mu asked Huang Lingli and then went to ask Li s.h.i.+yu who was watching TV. “Son, have you seen the package I brought back and left on the table?”

Li s.h.i.+yu stood up and said, “Yeah, I saw it. It was for Aunt.”

Li Mu asked, “So where’s the package?”

Li s.h.i.+yu said, “I opened it.”

Gu Mingxi’s face immediately darkened.

Li Mu asked him a bit awkwardly, “If you opened it, then where’s the stuff?”

Li s.h.i.+yu pulled at the t-s.h.i.+rt he was wearing. It was a white Nike s.h.i.+rt with a light yellow and gray pattern on the front. He chuckled and said, “I’m wearing it. Aunt bought it for me, right? It looks good, but it’s just a bit too big.”

Gu Mingxi asked coldly, “Was there anything else in the package?”

Li s.h.i.+yu looked at him and thought, then said, “I think there was a card.”

Gu Mingxi stared at him, “Where is it?”

“I threw it away with the box,” Li s.h.i.+yu said indifferently.

Gu Mingxi suddenly took a step forward. Li Han grabbed him by the waist, and he clenched his teeth. After he calmed down, he lowered his head without saying a word.

Li Han whispered into his ear, “I’ll buy you another one that’s exactly the same. Stay calm.”

Gu Mingxi turned away and heard Li Mu and Li s.h.i.+yu’s conversation.

He was praising his son. “It really is a good brand. Our son looks great wearing it, much better than your cousin Mingxi.”

Li s.h.i.+yu said very pleased, “I’m going to play basketball tomorrow. I’m wearing this!” He glanced over at Gu Mingxi, and then his eyes landed on his empty s.h.i.+rtsleeves. He suddenly smiled and asked, “Oh yeah, Gu Mingxi, who’s Crab? Your girlfriend?”

“Where’s the card?” Gu Mingxi had been silent, but hearing those words, he couldn’t help asking.

“I said I threw it away.” Li s.h.i.+yu looked at him, raised his head and laughed.

Gu Mingxi’s s.h.i.+ning eyes stared at him. Li s.h.i.+yu stared back, feeling extremely happy.

He really hated his cousin. He hated him so much.
– – – –

From translator: The author posted this at the end of her Ch.73 update (when she was originally writing this), presumably because some of her readers were getting b.u.t.thurt that she wasn’t writing the story that they wanted. Personally, I appreciate that our leads are getting some time apart, because I always wanted to see what they would do without the other always by their side– Anyway, I felt the following was worth sharing.

Words from the author:

Let me say a few things about the story. Because the outline for this story was very detailed, when I was writing, I was also very calculative. My old readers will know that I won’t ever let a story run off course. But there are times when, inevitably, a writer’s intent and a reader’s expectations are contrary to each other. I welcome you to guess how the story will unfold, but I won’t give out spoilers. I know that everyone is waiting for the reunion, for the sweetness. But I haven’t even gotten to the real reason that they’ve separated yet, so it wouldn’t be suitable to write a reunion here.

In order to disperse any misunderstandings, I felt that I had to write a few words. Part 3 is indeed a bit tormenting, but it won’t be without any sweetness. I promise that (1) I won’t bring harm to the female lead, and (2) I won’t bring physical harm to the male lead. I can’t be too specific. All I can say is, please trust me that no matter what Gu Mingxi must suffer, he will remain strong inside.

As for Gu Guoxiang, I promise that I will write a reasonable ending. Not for the sole purpose of making him suffer, but he definitely won’t simply be joyous and happy. But that’s something that will come in the end.

Also, part 4 will be just as sweet as the beginning.

I suspect that a lot of girls will stop reading the text and wait until part 4 starts. But I want to say that if you don’t suffer through the pain of part 3, how can you understand the sweetness that comes for Gu Mingxi and Pang Qian in the end?

Of course, you’re free to do as you please. I will continue to write according to my plans. I only hope that if you’re going to stop reading, that you do so quietly. You don’t need to tell me about it. I will maintain the integrity of this story.

Actually, from the start, I was a writer who torments. But because my stories have happy endings, everyone feels that those tormenting parts are bearable (?). This is the same thing. All of Gu Mingxi’s past experiences become his fortune in the future.

Chapter 75 : 70 | Distance Between North and South Mingxi, I told you a long time ago. Qian Qian doe
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