My Mister Ostrich
Chapter 9 : The Youth, Xie Yi Gu Mingxi’s clothes are dirty. Why don’t you wash them for him, Crab?

The Youth, Xie Yi
Gu Mingxi’s clothes are dirty. Why don’t you wash them for him, Crab?

If you asked the girls of Thirst for Knowledge Elementary who the most special boy in their school was, almost all would give the same answer. Of course it’s Gu Mingxi.

But Pang Qian was one in ten. She would write down Xie Yi.

Many years later, there would be two words that could be used to describe him. One was gaofushuai (lit. tall, rich, handsome). The other was nanshen (G.o.d or male idol).

If the 12 year old Pang Qian could grasp the meaning of those words, she would happily slap her thigh and say, “That’s right, that’s right! Xie Yi is a gaofushuai! And he’s my nanshen!”

However, that year’s 13 year old Xie Yi was still only short, rich, and handsome. And at best, he would be described as a little G.o.d.

Xie Yi, Pang Qian, and Gu Mingxi graduated at the same time from Thirst for Knowledge, but they weren’t in the same cla.s.s. In sixth grade, he was the school’s star student. He was good looking, performed well on tests, and was talented. Every year for the school talent show, he would perform on his violin. His family was very well off. When he was in third grade, he saw the cement ping pong table the school had was in a bad state. With a wave of his father’s hand, the school was sponsored with five new match-grade table tennis tables. It caused quite the stir at school.

Xie Yi was a very particular and independent boy. He did a lot of things that no one could understand the reasons for. For example, he turned down the position of cla.s.s representative, turned down the position to host the school announcements. He didn’t partic.i.p.ate in daily exercise. He turned down the offer to represent the school in various compet.i.tions.

The thing that Xie Yi was most famous for was what happened when he finished elementary school. He gave up the chance to partic.i.p.ate in the exams for E City’s foreign language academy. When this news got out, the whole grade was in an uproar.

E City’s foreign language academy was like a G.o.d-like thing to the elementary students. One of the special things about it was that they didn’t let just anyone take an entrance exam. You had to be recommended by your school. Often times, they would let the top 3 or 5 students from a school take the test and then accept the highest scorer.

A lot of parents, in order to get their children recommended, would do almost anything. They hired tutors to give their kids extra lessons to improve. They would try to get close to the teachers, going so far as to send them monetary gifts.

Gu Guoxiang had also once wanted to get Gu Mingxi recommended, but in the end, Li Han dissuaded him. She said, “You have to live in a dorm when you study at the foreign language academy. How can Gu Mingxi study there?”

Gu Guoxiang thought it over carefully, but could only give up the idea.

And Xie Yi, right after the teacher said they would recommend him, refused it immediately.

He said, “I don’t want to take the test. That school is so remote. There’s no TV to watch, no games to play. It’s like going to prison. What’s the point?”

Xie Yi’s parents completely respected their son’s opinion, and didn’t force him at all.

Afterwards, of the three students that Thirst for Knowledge ended up recommending for the foreign language academy, none were admitted. When the grade supervisor got a hold of the exam papers, he quietly organized for several of the school’s top students to take the same test, lying that it was just a training exercise.

After the exam, out of tens of students, only Xie Yi and Gu Mingxi scored high enough to get into the foreign language academy. Of course, they would never know about this.

Xie Yi parked his bike and put on his backpack. He walked over, but he didn’t recognize Pang Qian or w.a.n.g Tingting. He did, however, recognize Gu Mingxi. With a bright laugh, he greeted him, “Hey, Gu Mingxi! What cla.s.s are you in?”

Pang Qian didn’t understand the world of top students. She just stood next to Gu Mingxi, quietly watching Xie Yi.

Xie Yi really was a very pretty boy. Thick eyebrows, big eyes, red lips, white teeth. He looked a bit like the Little Tornado, Jimmy Lin. And the clothes he wore were very fas.h.i.+onable. His backpack and shoes both felt very foreign-styled. He was fresh and clean. His disposition seemed like it was streets ahead of the other sloppy boys in the cla.s.s.

Hearing Xie Yi’s question, Gu Mingxi smiled and responded, “Cla.s.s 6. What about you?”

“What a coincidence, I’m cla.s.s 6 as well!” Xie Yi’s eyebrows jumped up, eyes s.h.i.+ning brightly. Just then, he took notice of the two girls at Gu Mingxi’s side. He smiled at them, saying, “Hi, how are you?”

Pang Qian’s face flushed red in an instant. Even her manner of walking had become very reserved. Gu Mingxi gave her a strange look and asked, “Pang Pang, what’s wrong?”

Pang Qian glared at him, but her heart was delighted.

She was very happy! The Xie Yi that wore a black suit, playing the violin for their art show! She and he were actually in the same cla.s.s!

Pang Qian and Gu Mingxi’s junior high experience kicked off. New school, new cla.s.s, new teacher, new cla.s.smates. All of it was very exciting, except– The seat that would never change in ten million years.

Pang Qian still sat with Gu Mingxi in the last row, in the corner by the window. After two weeks, the unfamiliar students in the cla.s.s had already recovered from their shock at seeing Gu Mingxi. Some students were very friendly towards Gu Mingxi, but quite a large number of students also usually didn’t dare to approach Gu Mingxi. From time to time, they would even observe him. They were very curious about everything about him, wanting to see the way he used his feet to perform a task. Whenever she came across these students and their probing eyes, she would stare them down with her big, white eyes.

So, not long after school started, there were already rumors forming in the cla.s.sroom. When everyone saw Pang Qian and Gu Mingxi, their eyes would unintentionally glimmer and they’d banter. They all said that Pang Qian and Gu Mingxi were a pair.

After hearing about this from w.a.n.g Tingting, Pang Qian became very upset.

She didn’t understand. After six years of being deskmates with Gu Mingxi, no one had ever started such a rumor before. But now, after changing, and only after one month, these new students had already started erroneously circulating that she and Gu Mingxi were a pair.

Moreover, even Xie Yi seemed to think so.

That day, after using the restroom, Pang Qian ran into Xie Yi in the corridor. Xie Yi looked at her and then said, “Crab, tell Gu Mingxi that we’re playing football later.”

Thanks to w.a.n.g Tingting and their other old cla.s.smates, the new students all called Pang Qian “Crab” (pangxie).

Pang Qian’s face was red and she said somewhat oddly, “Tell Gu Mingxi yourself.”

Xie Yi flashed a knowing smile at her, saying, “Telling him or telling you, it’s the same, isn’t it?”

After he finished speaking, he turned and left, leaving behind a stunned and dazed Pang Qian.

After school, Gu Mingxi and a group of boys went to play football at the sports field. Pang Qian grumbled nonstop. She wanted to head home quickly to watch her cartoons, but she also was a bit worried about Gu Mingxi.

Gu Mingxi said, “Why don’t you go home first? I can ride my bike home by myself.”

Pang Qian thought it over seriously, but rejected. “No, my dad said that there are a lot of cars on the street. I have to ride back home together with you.”

Gu Mingxi pursed his lips, then said, “Then wait a little. After we finish our game, I’ll treat you to ice cream.”

Pang Qian lit up with a smile, and said, “Really? I want chocolate!”

Seeing her happy, he also smiled, “No problem.”

As the boys played football, Pang Qian sat on the side of the field, head in her hands, watching.

During this time, China’s national team was competing in the final round of the 1998 World Cup qualifications. The grouping was advantageous, the lineup was neat, and people were looking at the World Cup promisingly. This resulted in a wave of interest across the country. Even a group of 12 and 13 year old boys were very excited.

A group of youths surrounded the goal, running and kicking cluelessly, chasing after the football. Pang Qian didn’t understand the game, but with the boys kicking all over the place, she understood even less. She felt it was very boring, so her sights focused onto one person on the field.

Xie Yi ran around on the field, but sometimes he would stop to rest. He often waved his hands around, shouting out commands. And the other boys actually listened to him. Pang Qian started looking over his clothes. Xie Yi wore a red t-s.h.i.+rt and black shorts. The t-s.h.i.+rt and shorts both had a check mark on them. Gu Mingxi told Pang Qian before, this was a brand called Nike. The mall sold it, and it was pretty expensive.

Pang Qian’s best pair of shoes were Double Star brand, and Jin Ai’hua had bought them at a discount. The truth was that Jin Ai’hua had bought most of her clothes from the children’s wholesale clothing market, very few were from the mall. Unlike Gu Mingxi. All of his clothes and shoes were from the mall, and they were pretty expensive. But Pang Qian felt that, even though their clothes were similar, Gu Mingxi wasn’t as handsome as Xie Yi.

The other girls in the cla.s.s all said that Gu Mingxi was good looking. w.a.n.g Tingting said before that Gu Mingxi was better looking Xie Yi. Pang Qian thought that their ideas of beauty must have some problems. How could Gu Mingxi be better looking than Xie Yi? Gu Mingxi…

When she though of Gu Mingxi, she looked over at him. In the midst of the ten plus boys, Gu Mingxi was easily spotted. He was running with long strides, his t-s.h.i.+rt sleeves flapping in the wind. He was scrimmaging with the other boys. When she saw, Pang Qian broke out in a cold sweat.

He didn’t have arms, but they would inevitably end up wrestling for the ball. He didn’t seem to care though. When he fell down, he just got back up. He fell again and got back up again. It was like he wasn’t afraid of getting hurt, just happily enjoying.

About an hour later, the boys were tired from playing. They ran off to the side of the field in groups of twos and threes, getting ready to go home. Pang Qian saw Gu Mingxi was covered in dirt from playing, even his face was dirty. She couldn’t help but say, “You got your clothes all dirty. Your mom’s going to scold you when you get home.”

Covered in sweat, Gu Mingxi shook his head, “She won’t.”

His good friends, Jian Zhe and Liu Hanlin were both also in Cla.s.s 6. The two of them, along with Xie Yi, walked along with Gu Mingxi. Liu Hanlin said, “Gu Mingxi’s clothes are dirty. Why don’t you wash them for him, Crab?”

Pang Qian didn’t react, and just foolishly asked, “Why would I wash them? What’s it got to do with me?”

Liu Hanlin smirked and said, “Aren’t you his girl…”

“Don’t say nonsense!” Gu Mingxi cut off Liu Hanlin’s sentence, his face reddish, looking a bit embarra.s.sed. In that moment, Pang Qian understood.

“How stupid.” She put on her backpack, and turned away in a huff to walk off. As she went, she saw Xie Yi. He was standing on the side, drinking water. As he drank, he was smiling and looking at her.

Gu Mingxi had Jian Zhe help him put his backpack on. Then he ran after Pang Qian. She was already getting her bike. Gu Mingxi stood at her side, not sure what to say.

After Pang Qian got her bike, she looked up at him, and with a m.u.f.fled voice, “What? Are you going or not? The sky’s getting dark.”

“…” Gu Mingxi said, “I haven’t changed my shoes yet. Wait a minute, okay?”

Pang Qian looked down, “Then, hurry up!”

Gu Mingxi quickly moved his shoulders, shaking his backpack off. Then he sat on the ground, bent over, and starting biting his shoelaces loose. He kicked off his shoes with his feet.

He did his best to work quickly. He used his feet to unzip his bag, then pulled out his shoes, and then put his gym shoes inside.

But when he was zipping his bag up, maybe because the zipper got caught on the cloth, it wouldn’t close. Gu Mingxi was in a bit of a rush. When he couldn’t zip the bag with his toes, he just bent his head over and used his teeth to pull at the zipper.

Pang Qian stood on the side for a long time, and finally walked over. She crouched down and helped him zip up his bag.

“Dummy,” she said.

Gu Mingxi didn’t say anything. After he put on his shoes, he stood up next to Pang Qian. Pang Qian looked up at him, and seeing the mud on his face, she naturally lifted her hand and gently wiped it off. Gu Mingxi was nearly a head taller than her. Looking down at her then, his eyes looked really calm.

It was at that moment that an explosion of screams came from behind them, “Oh, oh–” Pang Qian turned around in panic, and saw six or seven boys carrying their backpacks and clothes, heading to the bikes. It was obvious that they’d all watched the scene that had just occurred. Each of them was very excited, as if they’d caught a glimpse of a big secret.

Gu Mingxi’s face turned red. Pang Qian was extremely angry. She shouted at the group, “Oh, oh, oh! Oh yourself! So annoying! You guys are so stupid!”

And then, she saw Xie Yi in the midst of the other boys. He was still holding his bottle, drinking water. His bright eyes were full of laughter.

On their ride home, Pang Qian ignored Gu Mingxi again. Even when Gu Mingxi tried to tempt her with chocolate ice cream, she scowled without saying anything.

To a girl in her first year of junior high, this kind of rumor wasn’t something she could ignore. Whenever she heard cla.s.smates teasing about her an Gu Mingxi, Pang Qian would jump up and retaliate.

Adults say that a girl doing well in elementary school is useless. When she get gets into junior high and high school, her results will slowly decline. That’s because girls mature earlier than boys. It’s easier for them to fall into a mess of things earlier. For example, pretty clothes and makeup products. They pay more attention to their figure, and also– There will be boys that they like.

Although this saying was biased, there was just a bit of truth to it. At least, with regards to Pang Qian, it was more or less true.

Being deskmates with Gu Mingxi for six years, Pang Qian’s scores put her in the middle of the cla.s.s. But after the first midterm exam in junior high, she looked down the list of scores and was so startled she almost cried.

There were 47 students in the cla.s.s. The scores combined results from the language, math, and English exams. Xie Yi was first, Gu Mingxi was second.

Pang Qian was 41st.

Chapter 9 : The Youth, Xie Yi Gu Mingxi’s clothes are dirty. Why don’t you wash them for him, Crab?
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