Third Prince Elmer
Chapter 19 : NOTE: Cruel description. [Elmer] “…Oi! Wake up!” In the darkness, I heard the voice of

NOTE: Cruel description.


“…Oi! Wake up!”

In the darkness, I heard the voice of someone calling repeatedly.

“Oi! Oi!”

The voice gradually came close. My consciousness abruptly cleared up when the voice shouted so loud as if it was near my ears.

“This place is…?”

Absentmindedly, I blinked my eyes several times to do something about my sight.

“So you’re awake, brat. You made me wait.”

Gradually, the man’s appearance emerged, and I noticed that I was sitting down on a chair placed across a desk where he sat opposite of me.

“What , what is this! Please untie me!”

I can’t move my feet or my arms in my current situation. Even if I made any efforts, it stays the same and the ropes merely cut into my skin.

Though I cannot understand the situation, I asked for help from the middle-aged man in front of me. However, the man never lend a hand and instead rattled the chair and laughed scornfully at me. It’s impossible to tear off such thick ropes. I, who understood that it was a futile effort, glared at the man.

“If you say it honestly, then I’ll untie the ropes.”

“Honestly… say what?”

Not understanding what he meant, I frowned.

To begin with, where is this place? The room only had a big door and there were no windows. There was only the narrow, dim s.p.a.ce that makes me feel sick.

“That you injured West Vern House’s second son, Matthias-sama. You ran away after you did it, and then you cried out and ran around the hallway.”

“You’re wrong! There’s some sort of misunderstanding…”

A terrible misunderstanding somehow happened, and I raised my voice to correct it. I tried to stand up with my disabled feet.

“Shut up!”


The man sat up from his seat, and at the next instant everything in my vision turned over.

Something bright red flowed into my view. From it’s coppery smell and lukewarm sensation, I understood that it was blood that dripped from my head.

I was. .h.i.t by that man. Since I can’t do anything because I wasn’t able to move properly, I fell down from the chair and my head crashed into the hard ground.

The blood didn’t stop, flowing to my cheek and to the cold floor, making a puddle in the ground.

“I didn’t do anything, I was just looking for someone…”

“It’s not as easy as that!! Aa? Give up, you failed your job!!”

The man who yelled suddenly at that moment, without letting me stand up, grabbed my hair while I was still lying down.

“If you just say it honestly, it’ll be easier, y’know?”


Those words of denial immediately changed into a groan.

The man lifted my head with sluggish movements and flung it against the floor several times.

My light body was lifted by the man’s right hand.

A striking sound that made me feel like covering my ears resounded in the room.

From the part of my body that was striked first, I reflexively twisted, but my strength gradually disappeared.

When I was at loss for words at the pain, and my body was rigid, the man finally stopped.

This time I was elevated against my will, and I was brought close to his face.

“Usually, most people would have lose consciousness already. As one would expect from someone trained. Who’s your client!?”


My mouth which I thought wouldn’t move anymore, quivered as I straightened out the misunderstanding.

It’s true that Matthias-san is injured. Because he protected me, I was the reason for that wound so that’s why it’s my responsibility. Still, this man thought I hurt him deliberately.

He called him Matthias-sama, I wonder if he has a high social standing. Because I hurt that kind of person, does this man think torture is appropriate?

I don’t know.

“Aa. if you received such training, is this really necessary? If you commit suicide, my achievement will come to nothing. Aa, if kids like you become then there’s really no hope for this world. Is this so we’ll let our guard down, hmm…?”

A man didn’t listen to what I was saying, he lost interest and let me go from his hand.

My body that was deprived of support hit against the floor and sprang up twice.

“Listen, o…oi.”

“For now that we haven’t found out anything, you’re still safe. For now, just admit you’re guilty.”

The man inserted something in my mouth, and breathing became difficult.

I can’t say anything properly. When he stopped jolting my head, I wasn’t able to resist anymore.

After he finished fixing in the metal fittings, the man sat his fat body on the chair. It was the chair I was previously sitting on. The chair was wooden, so it made a creaking sound.

“You’re an You received an order, that is to kill Matthias-sama. But, you made a blunder. You were found bloodstained by the soldiers patrolling in the Green Water Palace. Isn’t that right?”


You’re wrong!! I shook my head to say he was wrong. A lot of blood spilled, is it because my head was. .h.i.t many times? My head that should have strongly moved merely swing left and right slightly.

“d.a.m.n! You brat!!”

The man’s face flushed in anger one more time, and grab ahold of my head. Then, he swing it downwards.

It was as if my brain shook as it crashed down.

…if this goes on, I’ll be killed.

With my current condition, I can’t breath properly and I feel that my life in danger. Still, a small body like mine cannot possibly overpower this man.

I need to escape, in a place other than here.

This man must surely have other companions in the room. But if I don’t run away from here, I’ll surely be killed. This man who can hit a person’s head on the floor without hesitating is scary.

I desperately thought in my hazy consciousness. What came into my view was the sword placed at the man’s waist. Everytime he moves, it sways with a clatter.

When I heard that noise, I remembered. This is not Earth. That’s why one can carry a sword, and there’s magic.

On the floor, some of my silver hair scattered. I have no doubt that they fell when the man pulled on my hair. I didn’t just noticed when my hair fell off because I was in so much pain.

Will my weak magic work?

I observed the man who can’t seem to move very quickly. But his hair isn’t snow white, either. Even if that wasn’t considered, I have a feeling that my weak magic won’t match up to him.

In addition, those arms of the man can reach me, who is collapsing weakly, anytime.

I have no energy to resist, but the man isn’t vigilant at all.

If that’s the case then I can probably do it. I’ll use magic to get away from here,
and look for someone who will hear me out. When Matthias-san testifies, I’m sure I’ll be saved.

(Freezing abi…lity…)

I imagined the same magic I used against the monsters. Unsensible moans leaked out from me at the same time.

The large amount of red liquid on the floor and even my skinned arm, spread as if it was being collected at one point, and then it froze.

However, that was it.


The sensation that something is being sucked out from me rapidly spreads throughout my body. I can’t move, and breathing became more agonizing.

What went wrong with my magic?

Though I tried it again, this time nothing happened.

“Someone guided you to sneak in the royal palace. Isn’t that so?”

Suddenly, my face was. .h.i.t. I heard something cracked under my body which was lying on ice, but the man seemed to not hear anything.

Then I finally realized the reason why I can’t use magic.

This may seem like a bad dream but it’s actually the reality.

I was attacked by disgusting monsters, I rode on Kioran with an unknown soldier to returned to my room. With the exception of practice, this is the first time I used magic.

This sensation is similar to the experience I had several times when all my magic power was used up.

I can’t do anything anymore. The only thing I can use had disappeared.

Someone help me… I cried out in my mind desperately.

Who in the world will notice that I am suffering this kind of violence?

I don’t have parents, neither do I have friends.

When I realized that there were no one present here will save me, tears gradually flowed out my eyes.

“How pitiful! You committed a blunder, and now you’ve been abandoned. No one will come save you.”

That man said such things even though his face showed no sympathy at all, and then he began to drag me.

My feet sagged weakly on the ground’s surface, and the path I headed to left a long line of red blood.

“Commander! There was a loud noise inside, what in the world was it…?”

As soon as we left the room, I heard the voice of a young male. I held my breath as I was lost for words.

I can only absentmindedly see a line of blood blurring gradually, sand I had no more strength to look up so I didn’t know the man’s expression.

“What is it, what did you want to say?”

The man who used violence on me saw my state and felt more annoyed. His voice became more displeased.

“If that continues, wouldn’t he die? He’s still young, at least let him take a rest temporarily…”

“Shut up! Even if he looks like this, he tried to kill someone. We’ll continue. Prepare the bas.e.m.e.nt.”

I can’t understand what the two of them were saying, my head can’t follow, and I can’t comprehend their topic.

“But that place is a room used for rebels and spies. So…!”

“Yeah, yeah, I know. I didn’t asked for your opinion. And, don’t tell others about this guy. Someone might s.n.a.t.c.h him from me.”

The hand of the man grasping me shook and my body stiffened as I thought that I might be dropped again.

Eventually, the man didn’t release his hold on me so I was sincerely relieved from the bottom of my heart.

In this excessively unbelievable circ.u.mstance, my body starts to fear the violence I can’t go against.

Since awhile ago, my head hadn’t cleared up and started to suffer a white haze.

If something will be done to me anymore than this, I won’t be able to take it.

“And, we’ve arrived.”

We turned to a corner, descended on the stairs, and finally arrive at the room. We haven’t met anybody on the way.

As the man said that, he forcibly made me look up.

Simultaneously, I understood what the young man awhile ago was talking about.

This was certainly a room for torture.

“…That’s why I said, don’t do anything further! He’s really going to die. What in the world did this child do!?”

I woke up at the man’s echoing voice.

It’s cold. I got gooseb.u.mps, and brought my limbs somewhat closer to my body.

I wanted to confirm where I am now, but my eyelids were heavy and they fell when I lifted them.

“This guy, even if his like this, he’s an excellent criminal, you know?”

“Do you have any evidence? It’s doesn’t seem like that at all. I’m sure there was just some misunderstanding. Even if this child commited a crime, it’s still the guardian’s responsibility.”

Somebody were arguing in a loud voice. I realized my head hurt like it might break, I wanted them to be a little quieter.

A short time later, it became very silent.

In the silence, the sound of dripping water can be heard. It’s not me, so it must be Ryou or Father who forget to turn off the faucet in the bathroom, there’s no doubt about it.

It’s annoying, but I should go turn off the water. The other day, Mother was worried about the water rates.

As I thought about that and opened my eyes, a man I can’t see reached out his hand to me.


I spoke in surprise, a small voice leaked from my throat as a draft of cold air entered through it. My throat burned painfully.

Hearing my voice, the man from the other side of the iron bars drew back his hand.

I thought it was strange. My focus that wasn’t very good a while ago, now cleared up so my eyes caught sight of the appearance of the man.

In the dark, Aaron-san looked at the iron bars with a discerning eye, and chewed his lips thoroughly.

“Aaro…n…-san? Wha..?

When I said his name, Aaron-san’s facial expression became solemn.

“That’s right. I’m Aaron, and I’m detained here like you.”

“I, see…”

Certainly, Aaron-san was in the prison next to me, but he can freely move his arms and legs unlike me.

That’s why even if he’s imprisoned, I’m sure it was just a light crime. What could he have done to be imprisoned like this?

On the other hand, both my hands and feet are bound.

If I didn’t have this and I wasn’t hit, I can run away or take advantage of the situation, I thought unpleasantly.


The rope that was binding my feet tightly was nowhere to be seen.

Alarmingly, my clothes are dyed so dark that I can’t remember their original color.

“Boy, are you alright!? The meal is here.”

Noisy footsteps approached.

When I heard it, it wasn’t the voice of the man who was. .h.i.tting me until now.

My head hurts as a result so thinking was difficult. I have a feeling this is something alarming.

Aaron-san reactes to the voice at once, and began to ask a question to the soldier who came to the prison.

“How’s that guy?”

“A strong sleeping pill was added to his meal, I think it’ll buy time for awhile.”

The soldier responded in a rapid speech, and set up the meal on the ground.

Aaron-san who heard this breathed a sigh in relief.

“Aa, well done. But, this child is at his limit. I’m surprised he held on up to this point. Just now, his consciousness was cloudy and our conversation was incoherent. When he woke up, he didn’t understand me. What should I do? I should get in contact with the…”

Aaron-san said my consciousness was cloudy when I woke up and I realized that I’ve been feeling uncomfortable since I woke up, so I agree with him.

My limbs cannot move since they got used being bound by the ropes. They had traces from when I struggled. I didn’t worry too much about it, but my back burned from the pain. And a lot of blood was stuck on me.

My memory from then on came up. I recall fragments of them, but I can’t control which ones I can recall.

I can’t seem to remember the time when I met Aaron-san. Also, I felt like I was sick for a while but it must have been just a misunderstanding since I’m back to normal.

Right now, as my mind wandered, I wasn’t able to stop my eyes from closing.

I desperately held on to my consciousness that was fading. I’m afraid I won’t be able to wake up again. Even if I would be able to wake up, I’m still uneasy, who knows what state I would be in the next time?

“For now, eat you should eat your meal and then sleep. Isn’t that right, sensei?”

“That’s right. That soup is good. Can you eat by yourself? We have time so you can do it slowly little by little.”

I slowly extended my trembling hands to the cup. I felt the warmth pa.s.s through my frozen hands. Even so, I can’t ignore the eyes of those two people full of expectation.

I placed it on my knees and brought the spoon to my mouth.

Though they indicated by their way of speaking before that I should eat it, I understood that it was really soup when I placed it on my tongue.

I can’t really taste it, but when I swallowed it in my mouth, it warmed the inside of my body.

While I was gulping down the soup beside them, Aaron-san and the soldier started a conversation.

“This might be an unjustified investigation. Can’t you do somthing about this?”

“Right now, the Leader and Sub-Leader aren’t here. This is the first time… the Leader should have returned already if this was really true. Maybe they ran into some kind of trouble. I don’t have any influence, most likely if this leaks out, the child would probably be killed to put an end to this. And my actions for now are resticted, too.”

Even if I can’t see it, Aaron-san’s irritation can be felt from his atmosphere.

“Aa! What in the world is happening to this country’s military?”


My body was warm all over and I felt my eyelids gradually grow heavy.

The two of them were still discussing something. However, it only just pa.s.sed through my ears and the contents didn’t go into my head.

Before I went to sleep, I leaned my back on the hard stone wall and then finally fell deeply asleep.


[Extra: How Aaron and Elmer met]

It’s cold. I woke up with a start when I felt my body hurt all over.

In the silence, the sound of dripping water can be heard. It’s not me, so it must be Ryou or Father who forget to turn off the faucet in the bathroom, there’s no doubt about it.

It’s annoying, but I should go turn off the water. The other day, Mother was worried about the water rates.

As I thought about that and opened my eyes, a man I can’t see reached out his hand to me.


I spoke in surprise, a small voice leaked from my throat as a draft of cold air entered through it. My throat burned painfully.

Hearing my voice, the man from the other side of the iron bars drew back his hand.

I thought it was strange. My focus that wasn’t very good a while ago, now cleared up so my eyes caught sight of the appearance of the man.

The man who heard that almost crying voice, met my face and told me not to worry.

“My name is Aaron. You should sleep a little more while you still have time.”

Gently moving my body that was hurting for some reason, the cup slid down on my knees, it tumbled to the floor with a loud noise.

What was placed it the container? Was it water or something?

Not understanding no matter how much I thought about it, I inclined my head to the side.

Chapter 19 : NOTE: Cruel description. [Elmer] “…Oi! Wake up!” In the darkness, I heard the voice of
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