Third Prince Elmer
Chapter 12 : [Matthias] Green Water Palace. It isn’t strange that the energy here is overflowing, al


Green Water Palace. It isn’t strange that the energy here is overflowing, although at the back of the palace in a deserted corner where Elmer’s room is located, it was very quiet.

In the crus.h.i.+ng silence, Matthias hasn’t moved away from the bedside for several days already.

“Elmer-sama, I’m really very sorry! Because of me, such… such thing happened. I’m so sorry… Please wake up soon.”

After he rescued his Master, he hasn’t woke up even once.

After the Knight Order buildings blew up, through the help of Edna and Leont, they were able to bring him along without anyone taking notice.

Losing control of himself, he held Elmer in his arms and finally arrived at his private room. The despair Matthias felt as he placed Elmer on the bed was something he will never forget from this point on.

The innumerable wounds scattered in that little body were very painful to look at.

He has to treat those wound as soon as possible. As he felt his hands quivering in hopelessness, he rubbed the worn out clothes that were stained darkly in several places. When he noticed that the clothes he chose for Elmer was just a mere shadow of what it was the day they last saw each other, Matthias’ body lost all its strength making him crumble down.

“Just as that woman said, it wouldn’t be strange that you’ll wake up soon…”

Matthias noticed the setting sun’s rays s.h.i.+ne inside, he got up and stood in front of the window. The garden, whose maintainer he still doesn’t know, came into his sight.

As Matthias closed the curtains, he started to think about the first time the doctor came here.


Through Leont’s message, the doctor entrusted to manage the royalty’s physical condition was dispatched.

When the doctor arrived at the room, Matthias was very surprised. If one would think about it, something like that was natural. His biological son is dying. However, the King have only acted cold towards him so far.

The female doctor who examining Elmer next to the bed said nothing at all which made Matthias nervous.

Normally, it isn’t strange to say that he’s dying in this terrible condition.

At that moment, Matthias finally realized how foolish he was. In the end no matter what kind of preparation he does, he won’t be able to do it.

Looking at Elmer who was on the verge of dying, Matthias thought so. He was sure this person endured that unforgivable violence silently. Because he wasn’t able to save him, this was the result.

She must have read his thoughts or Matthias said it aloud without noticing, but the doctor shook her head while applying the bandage.

“I think you’re wrong. Please look at his wrists and ankles.”

Just as she said, Matthias took Elmer’s wrist. The traces of the rope remained red, the skin was also worn out.

It looks painful, and Matthias’ face twisted.

“I say he tried to run away desperately, he struggled so much that he became injured just to save himself. I think he shouted for who knows how long until his throat became swollen. You say he silently endured it? That is not the case. He was fighting the whole time.”

As he listened to the doctor’s speech, Matthias unconsciously clenched his hands tightly.

Were he crying the whole time? Were he struggling the whole time?

Matthias can’t imagine that at all as he only ever saw the figure of his Master always sitting and motionlessly holding a book, as if he’s similar to a doll.

“Usually, I’ll say he can’t be saved anymore at his current condition, but right now he’s alive because of his abnormal resilience. If he just rest for awhile, I’m sure he’ll wake up eventually. At that time, I expect that his wounds will already be healed. However, I think that this deep wound at his side will leave a scar.”

The doctor announced this after she finished the medical examination and treatment.

And then she told Matthias how to change the bandages and how to nurse a patient.

“Well then, with this it’s over. After this I’ll drop by everyday to check his condition, if something happens please contact me immediately.”

As the doctor went out, he told her ‘Thank you very much’ with a voice that has lost all its strength.

He thinks it was very accurate and quick treatment. But Matthias had no more energy at that time to properly express his grat.i.tude.

Maybe it was because of his mixed feelings that he became strange. It became hard to stay silent, and then he began to cry.

The doctor whom he thought had gone out, opened the door and returned. Matthias wondered why and raised his eyes from Elmer.

The woman hesitated for an instant, but she understood and opened her mouth.

“This is… this is an opinion not from a doctor, but a mother of two children. If I say something excessive, please forgive me.”

Just like she said, the doctor certainly had a daughter similar in age. That’s why, with Elmer’s complicated situation, she was trusted as a doctor and was asked to examine him.

Matthias nodded and waited for the woman’s next words.

“Even if you’re not related by blood with a child, he will trust the person who accepts his existence. Children are sensitive to the feelings turned to them… especially if the child is smart or even more than that.”

Saying that much, the woman bowed and left.


Several days had pa.s.sed since that day. Elmer continued sleeping as if he was dead, beside him Matthias thought of those words’ meaning.

He doesn’t understand everything about Elmer-sama.

As per the King’s order, he was one of the people who even planned how to kill him.

The truth is he wavered until the end. Taking out Elmer-sama, he was thinking that they could escape to some faraway place, as a matter of fact he even prepared funds and everything. Of course, he didn’t tell anyone about it.

While he thought that he didn’t want to kill him, on the other hand he thought that the prince was eerie. It was as if there was something different in his existence.

On the other hand, he didn’t think that Elmer recognizes his existence.

Before meeting in Elmer, Matthias heard he was a “failure child”. Because he was different from an ordinary child, they gave up on him and he was abandoned.

But, is that really the case?

The prince thought to be an empty husk can actually talk, he can also use magic.

Several days had already pa.s.sed since the incident, from what Edna heard from Knight Alois’ story, he learned that Elmer used magic to kill the remaining monsters.

“I made a terrible misunderstanding, is that it?”

Done changing the bandages, Matthias lowered his eyes as he talked to himself.

Elmer-sama also didn’t wake up today. I half-rose to my feet in order to say the same message as usual to Edna, it was at that time…


The rustling of clothes almost covered up that low groan.

Matthias ran to the bed in a hurry.


Leaning down, he looked at Elmer’s face.

Slowly, he opened his eyes.

“Elmer-sama, I’m glad. You finally woke up!”

He was happy that he came back to awareness. Nevertheless if he wake up at this time, he’ll only suffer the pain caused by his wounds. Matthias became worried.

Elmer moved his eyes, which wouldn’t focus, left and right then he slowly opened his mouth.

“…wound, you, okay?”

Elmer whispers in a hoa.r.s.e voice. Matthias who brought his ears near, catches it somehow.

“Are you in pain? Accroding to the doctor, you’ll get well if you just rest. I’ll bring over water and medicine immediately.”

Elmer restrained Matthias who rise from the seat in a hurry.

“Wro…ng. Back…”

Was the wound in his back hurting? There should be rather much more bruises in his stomach, Matthias worried for a while, and finally realized.

“Could it be, you’re talking about my wounds?”

Elmer nodded slowly when he heard Matthias’ words.

“It became considerably better. I can already move around normally.”

“…I’m glad.”

Elmer laughed weakly. No, there was almost no change in his expression, but Elmer’s voice was soft, so Matthias thought he was relieved in some respects.

Even though his Master suffered serious injuries, Matthias was astonished that he was worried about his injury.

(Such kindness!)

Though he was like the doll until now, he can talk properly and understand words, the usual understanding about him was blown off somewhere far and he was just impressed by the gentleness of his Master.

Deeply moved, Matthias stiffened. Elmer tried to lean on the headboard. However, the moment he tried to sit up, he let out a muttered groan. Matthias came to his senses after hearing that voice full of pain.

“Please don’t be force yourself! You still need to lie down.”

Elmer shook his head in disagreement when Matthias tried to get him back to the bed. Finally, Matthias relented and a.s.sisted him after piling up several pillows on his back in compromise.

“This isn’t, a dream. Was I really saved… Matthias-san really came to my rescue? Thank you very much.”

Elmer took a long look at his hand, then breathed in relief. He turned to Matthias’ direction and bowed his head awkwardly.

Matthias frantically stops Elmer.

“Lowering your head is unnecessary. I was the one who hadn’t held on tightly, Elmer-sama shouldn’t show me those eyes, the truth is I’m the one who is very sorry.”

Bowing, Matthias shut his eyes tightly and waited for Elmer’s words. The words of his failure as a retainer.

This was his responsibility. While nursing Elmer, he kept blaming himself as he wasn’t able to protect his Master, he was the worst retainer.

He can no longer be by his side.

From now on, he’ll give them what ever reason in order for them to disclose Elmer’s existence both inside and outside the country. Even if succeeding the throne will be impossible, he was certain that he’ll be able to accomplish his responsibilities and become a proper royalty of this country.

Matthias’ hands sweated and he felt his heartbeat becoming faster.

Instead of tension, it was despair that overruled Matthias’ feelings.

Elmer-sama growing into adulthood, thinking that he won’t be by that figure’s side in the future, breathing became painful.

Matthias was about to completely lose the existence called Elmer, before it began and before he became aware of it, he was already an irreplaceable partner.

The silent room as if it was detached from the outside world. Sitting on the chair by the window, the motionless Master who is holding a book even if he shouldn’t be able to read it yet.

Because Elmer never expressed any emotion, he thought of that face that is well-proportioned as eerie. Matthias lets his mind wander on what could he possibly be thinking.

When he begins the work he brings in, he hears the sound of Elmer occasionally turning a page.

During spring, a pleasant wind blows into the room, in summer there were the sounds of insects, during autumn the flowering plant that can be slightly seen from the garden begins to wither up and firewood snaps in the fireplace during winter.

Even if a year goes around, the actions of Elmer and Matthias don’t change. Simply, they just mutually behave as they please.

He did not think there was something interesting in that, Matthias’ daily life is something ordinary.

It’s scary, even if he can’t understand what he was thinking, after spending several years with Elmer, Matthias already considered him as his primary concern.

“That is…”

When Elmer opened his mouth, Matthias clenched his hands.

Elmer had a much clearer voice than what Matthias had imagined.

“That is… I’m the same, too. You got hurt from protecting me, I’m sorry.”

Matthias looked up in that unexpected response.

Elmer lowered his head deeper than awhile ago. Though he doesn’t voice it, but when Matthias saw him hold his side, he knew his body hurt from moving.

“That’s something natural to do. It isn’t necessary to worry about it. Elmer-sama! Just one more time, once again can I have the chane to serve as your retainer once again? This time, I’ll take care of Elmer-sama. I beg you. Also, please address me using just my name Matthias.”

Seeing Elmer’s form, the feeling of not wanting to be separated just like that, welled up in Matthias.

At loss for words, Elmer was stared blankly in puzzlement. Matthias had approached him with these requests.

“Then from now on, please take care of me…?”

Elmer who was embarra.s.sed after saying that, backed away a little.


Report to the King. Confirmation whether the prince can keep living or not.

I am submitting this report because I want to quit. I am not the King’s retainer, I already pledged my allegiance to the person in front of my eyes.


Matthias, in the truest meaning, became the Third Prince’s First Retainer at that moment.


“Elmer-sama, please stop bowing your head.”

While pa.s.sing to Elmer the meal that Edna brought, Matthias said so.

Even if it was a meal, what was prepared for Elmer was something gentle to the stomach since he haven’t eaten anything decent for a while. Edna was surprised she was called for water and meal, it must be because she believes the recovery will still be after while, but she prepared everything in case she was called anytime.

Matthias, who never got sick, saw the food for sick for the first time and was bewildered, but he settled down when Elmer swallowed them without any resistance in particular.


Elmer was completely confused and asked for an explanation.

“Someone of your social standing rarely ever display that sort of action. Especially since Elmer-sama is a prince, your position…”

While pouring water into the gla.s.s, Matthias noticed from the edge of his view that Elmer moved, he stopped and lifted his head.


“Yes. You’re a prince.”

“Uhm… it’s a… lie, right?

Elmer’s eyes moved in uneasiness when heard Matthias announced that in a decisive tone.

“Elmer-sama is a prince and could never be mistaken as a normal citizen.”

The spoon fell over the bed, it made a noise when it crashed on the floor.

Matthias doesn’t know why Elmer had such a reaction and was troubled.

Could it be possible that his body was hindered due to an injury? Or was it difficulty in remembering…?

Matthias, in order to make a fresh start in this new place, decided to talk about it since he intended to tell it sooner or later.

“The King ordered, ‘The incident this time was my fault. Rest slowly in this room until your body is fully healed.’ After that, Elmer-sama will have more freedom. If you have some requests, it’s will be granted. So please rest slowly for now.”

Saying this, Matthias puts away the meal and urges Elmer to sleep.

Not changing rooms, Matthias thought of using this room for awhile.

It is small, but the point that n.o.body comes here is convenient. They cannot afford to introduce Elmer to the nation as a prince without explaining the current circ.u.mstances. It will take time, and it was necessary to think it over.

Afterwards, we’ll surely be moved to a room in the center of this Palace. It will several times as wide as this room, the guards are strong, and that place is where the garden with flowers that bloom all over can be seen all the year round.

“That is the truth, is everything alright?”

“Umm, nothing in particular.”

When Matthias reported ‘Elmer-sama had a Prince’s qualifications,’ the King didn’t look up, just muttered ‘Is that so?’

After that, directions were given to introduce him to Matthias’ father who is the Head of a family.


Though he didn’t understand what to think of it this time, it was true that there is nothing wrong with Elmer. Matthias thought he will grant his wishes it if it’s to a certain level of selfishness.

To build another palace, or wanting a land somewhere.

It’s expected that Elmer will say something he wishes for. When he thought back on it, there wasn’t even a time when Matthias brought toys to Elmer’s room.

On the contrary, there is nothing in this room. Only the dusty books which looked so old that he didn’t even know how long it had been there, and also the furniture. The word tasteless doesn’t even fit this room. He regretted how he had been so inattentive until now.

With Leont’s help, he made plans in his mind to prepare various toys.

“Then, I’ll quit being a Prince. Starting this day. Is that all you want to tell me?”

“Yes, understoo… Wha- the P-P-Prince is…? Eh?

Just as he was nodding in agreement, Matthias can’t believe his own ears.

Elmer will quit being a Prince. It involves a big responsibility, but Matthias cannot comprehend the meaning of casting away this situation when he was just finally blessed with approval.

“And what are you going to from now on…?”

Matthias thought this was just a joke, and timidly ask that question to Elmer.

“For now, I’ll leave the town, work as I look for a place to live, and then…”

“Please wait a minute!! Are you really serious?”

After stopping Elmer who began to think seriously, Matthias tried to calm himself down.

“Uh-uh, I’m serious.”

Even if he was a Prince, he was just a small kid. He should explain it properly and get him to sleep.

Normally, that’s what he would think of, but when he saw Elmer’s eyes, he was lost on what to think. He felt that his will won’t bend.

“Though I don’t understand how you came into that outcome, but if that is certainly Elmer-sama’s will, I’ll go along with it. However, please stop thinking of living on the streets. Instead, if it’s fine, won’t you visit our West Vern House’s main residence? Of course, Edna and I will accompany you. “

“But it will be bad if I intrude on you all of a sudden…”

Elmer showed a manner of refusal.

“Please do not worry. Because only Mother lives in the main residence right now, there are more than enough workers.”

“No, arranging a new room will also be troublesome and…”

“I’ll say this, but the West Vern House is a family of aristocrat who received the t.i.tle Marquis from the royal family. I believe our estates to be worthy of its name. No matter how many vacant rooms you want, if it’s Elmer-sama’s wish then it will certainly be prepared.”

Th main residence of West Vern House presides over the country of Almerti’s West region. The residence with the wide expanse of forests and the courtyard with a lake, seemed to be perfect in healing Elmer’s wounds.

“The-then, please take care of me…”

Elmer who was overwhelmed by Matthias’ vigor, arbitrarily nodded his head.

“Understood. Well then, I’ll send a message to the others. It’s already late so please rest now.”

Elmer will visit his residence. Though it was only that much, Matthias was in good spirits.



Matthias was leaving the room when Elmer called so he looked back.

“Is something the matter?”

“From now on, it’s not Elmer… just call me El.”

He wanted to abandon his name as a prince. He to wanted to throw away the family name holding immense influence, he was just merely ‘El’.

Basically, that was just the reason. Matthias knew he wanted to quit from the royal family.

However, he incidentally noticed a strange point there.

Usually, it is impossible for someone from the royal family’s lineage of a large country like this to be able to live outside for a long term. They spend their lives inside the royal palace until graduating from the academy, and depending to one’s way of thinking, living in poverty will be extremely inconvenient.

However Elmer-sama is different. He threw away the position in front of his eyes, without anyone knowing, he wanted to obtain a life of freedom.

In other words, he is going on the path which none of the conventional princes has traced.

Was he born under that kind of star? What a strange destiny.

Thinking until that extent, Matthias tried to put out the lamp which illuminates the room.

Just before that, he heard Elmer mumble something softly.

“…I can finally go out. For a long time, I’ve always…”

Matthias stole a glance on Elmer’s expression unintentionally.

He had seen it momentarily before it darkened, Elmer’s expression full of insanity. He caught a glimpse of that frightening pa.s.sion, as if it can destroy everything in this world.

It only happened in an instant, but it was intensely etched on Matthias’ mind.

Matthias rushed out of Elmer’s private room to run away, and as he placed his hand on his chest, he thought.

Is that an expression that a young child can have?

It’s as if, those words had waited to be said for so long.

(By any chance, did Elmer-sama knew that this would happen…?)

Matthias tried to change his original impressions. Could it be, everything went just as planned by the ‘incompetent Doll Prince’ Elmer-sama? Did he make other people around him believe he can’t use magic?

That’s just not possible. That would mean he had been acting since he was a baby. With that perfect acting, no one would see through it, and then that incident happened.

Matthias started denying that possibility that had risen to surface, but he realized the frightening reality.

He noticed Ieden was watching him when not even one year had pa.s.sed since he was born.

The milk with the deadly poison was left all day long but he never drank it, was it because he knows the maid’s ulterior motive?

Not even talking to Matthias who was his retainer, was it because he understood that Matthias received a secret order from the King?

『…I can finally go out. For a long time, I’ve always…』

Elmer’s words turned several times around his mind, and never left.

Matthias felt his spine froze.

Chapter 12 : [Matthias] Green Water Palace. It isn’t strange that the energy here is overflowing, al
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