Lisa Jackson's Bentz And Montoya Bundle
Chapter 50 : Four rings.s.h.i.+t!Click.His heart nearly stopped."Hi, this is Abby. Leave a mess

Four rings.



His heart nearly stopped.

"Hi, this is Abby. Leave a message."

He slapped his phone shut, jammed it into his pocket, and silently raced through the dense foliage. He was swift, his body honed from exercise, but he didn't want to blow his cover by allowing an idiot dog to find him. He'd parked the car over a mile away behind the shed of an abandoned sawmill.

Even in the gathering darkness he didn't need a flashlight; he'd traveled this way many times. At the fence of the Pomeroy property, he slowed, carefully walking the perimeter, past a small utility gate far from the road. Breathing hard, he half expected Asa's d.a.m.ned Rottweiler to charge at the fence.

Another stupid dog to deal with.

But there was no growling, no barking, no thundering paws, no snarling, drooling jaws snapping at him from behind the iron bars sealing off Pomeroy's acres. He turned on the speed again, crossed the road, and slipped onto a deer trail that cut behind the old mill.

Minutes later he vaulted the rusted chain-link fence and landed behind the dilapidated drying shed where his truck was parked.

By the time he slid behind the steering wheel, he was soaked from running through the damp underbrush and his own sweat. His head was pounding, his breathing irregular, not from the run, but from the knowledge that he had come close to being discovered.

Not yet. Oh, no, not yet.

As he switched on the ignition, he let out his breath. Pulling out from behind the old drying shed, he flipped on his wipers to push aside the drops that had collected. He didn't bother with headlights. Just in case anyone was nearby.

The truck bounced and jostled over the pitted road. He had to stop to open the gate, drive through, then stop and close the gate behind him again, securing the hiding place for another time. He even secured the d.a.m.ned thing with his own lock. He'd already dispensed with the original one by snipping it with bolt cutters a few weeks earlier.

Because this was the perfect location to hide his vehicle.

Once inside the King Cab again, he eased toward the main road and, seeing no car coming, eased onto the highway and turned on his headlights. His heart was still pounding out of control, his nerves stretched to the breaking point. He rolled a window down to help with the fog inside, then once he'd put a few miles between himself and Abby Chastain's cottage, he switched on the radio and hit the b.u.t.ton for WSLJ.

". . . continuing our tribute to Luke Gierman tonight. All of us here at WSLJ, well, and I'm sure everyone in New Orleans, too, is outraged and saddened by what happened to Luke and we urge everyone who's listening, if they know anything that might help the police solve this crime, to call in. We don't have a lot of details as to exactly what happened yet, but it seems that the murder-suicide theory has been sc.r.a.pped, and that the police believe the double murder was staged to make it appear as if the female victim, Courtney LaBelle, shot Luke then turned the gun on herself. Local, state, and federal authorities are now searching for the killer of both Luke Gierman and Courtney Mary LaBelle. The minute we get any more information about this sick crime, we'll let you know, of course.

"Now, we've got several of his personal favorite shows and we'll run them back to back with a half an hour between each one where you, the listeners, Luke's fans, can call in with your comments, or if you'd rather, e-mail them to the station and we'll read them on the air. The first show will be taken from last summer, right before the Fourth of July and it will be replayed at nine P.M. . . ."

Satisfied, he snapped off the radio. The tribute to Gierman was pathetic, but it also kept the public aware of Gierman's death and that was important. So the citizens of New Orleans were "outraged and saddened." Good. It was time. Long past.

Tune in tomorrow, he thought as he considered his next act of retribution, his next victims. he thought as he considered his next act of retribution, his next victims.

They were out there.

Just waiting for him.


Montoya locked the door to the dorm room, then he and Brinkman clomped down four flights to the main reception area of Cramer Hall. While Brinkman peeled off to go outside and light up, Montoya found the small office behind the bank of mailboxes where Dean Usher sat behind a wide oak desk. A heavyset girl with obviously dyed black hair and a bad complexion that was partially hidden by white, ghoulish makeup glowered from a side chair. She was wearing a long black dress, black lacy gloves without fingers, black boots, and a bad att.i.tude as she sat cross-legged, one booted foot bouncing nervously.

"Ophelia, this is Detective Montoya." Usher looked past him to the doorway, obviously expecting Brinkman to follow. "Detective Montoya, Ophelia Ketterling."

"Just O," the girl corrected without a hint of a smile. "I go by O."

Montoya took the only remaining chair, near the girl. "Detective Brinkman will be here in a second," he explained. "But we should get started. I'll be recording this interview. That okay with you?"

A lift of one shoulder. As if she just didn't give a d.a.m.n and was waiting for the ordeal to be over. "Whatever."

"Good." He set the pocket recorder on the corner of the big desk.

Dean Usher eyed the tiny machine with its slow-moving tape as if it were a rabid dog, but she didn't argue. "Both detectives are with the New Orleans Police Department and want to ask you some questions about Courtney."

"You mean 'Mary,' don't you?" the girl shot back, coming to life a bit. "She was pretty insistent about her name."

The dean's irritation was visible in the tightening of the corners of her mouth. "Just answer the questions."

"What are they?" Looking past layers of mascara, she managed to appear bored to tears.

"First of all, was she dating anyone?"

Ophelia snorted derisively and folded her arms across her chest, thus increasing her cleavage. Which, he figured, was intentional. Montoya had seen dozens of kids with the same kind of att.i.tude as this girl, so hung up on being "bad" and "different" he could read her like a book. "No one, okay?"

"No boyfriend?"

She rolled her expressive eyes, as if she thought him a thick-headed idiot. "Not unless you count Jesus."

"Ophelia!" The dean came unglued. "This is an interview, you're being recorded."

"Well, it's true. It's all she ever talked about. G.o.d, Jesus, and the d.a.m.ned Holy Spirit. She was a freak. Went on and on about promising herself to G.o.d and being married to Him and how she couldn't wait to join an order of nuns, that she was just in college to appease her parents."

"How'd that sit with you?"

"How do you think?" she said and Montoya noticed a small red stone pierced into one nostril as well as a necklace that was really a long leather cord that encircled her neck. Hanging from the thin, twisted strap was a tiny gla.s.s vial that was dark from the liquid inside.

Using the exposed fingers of one gloved hand, she plucked up the end of the necklace and held the small bottle to the light. "Are you looking at this? Wanna know what it is?" She lifted one dark eyebrow in a vampish, s.e.xy come-on. "It's blood, okay."

"That's enough!" the dean said, reaching for the recorder. "Let's turn this off, at least for the moment."

Ophelia actually smiled, her glistening purple-colored lips stretching. "Don't turn it off. I want to get this over with, and for the record, we're on the record, right, isn't that what the recorder is all about? This is not only blood." She wiggled the tiny little jar with its dark liquid contents splas.h.i.+ng against the gla.s.s. "It's human."

At that point Brinkman, reeking of smoke, walked in, glanced around, and took up his vigil by the door.

Ophelia was in full shock mode now. Montoya waited, showed no emotion, let her run her game.

"Of course it's not human blood," the dean said, but her own face had whitened and one of her hands had curled into an anxious fist. "We have rules about these kind of things."

"No, you don't. It's my my blood and I can carry it around however I want whether it's in my body, or in a test tube or in this." She wiggled the leather strands. "It's rare blood, too," Ophelia added proudly. "AB negative." blood and I can carry it around however I want whether it's in my body, or in a test tube or in this." She wiggled the leather strands. "It's rare blood, too," Ophelia added proudly. "AB negative."

Brinkman cleared his throat. Looked uncomfortable as h.e.l.l.

"About your roommate," Montoya said, refusing to be derailed. The shock show was over as far as he was concerned. "Can you tell me the last time you saw Courtney LaBelle?"

Ophelia didn't bother correcting him on the victim's name this time. "Okay, on the day she was killed, nothing big was happening. I saw her getting ready to go to the library like she always does . . . did. She had her backpack with her and had changed into her jogging clothes, the ones she always wore when she was going to study and then run afterward."

"She seemed normal?"

"Oh, whoa. No way. She never never seemed normal to me," Ophelia said, twisting the vial in her fingers. "She was at least ten beads shy of a full rosary, to put it in her vernacular. But if you mean did she seem any different than usual? No. She was the same. Weird and holy as s.h.i.+t as ever." seemed normal to me," Ophelia said, twisting the vial in her fingers. "She was at least ten beads shy of a full rosary, to put it in her vernacular. But if you mean did she seem any different than usual? No. She was the same. Weird and holy as s.h.i.+t as ever."

"Ophelia," the dean warned.

"It's O, remember?"

Montoya asked, "What time did she leave that day?"

Ophelia dropped the vial and s.h.i.+fted in the chair. Her cleavage disappeared. "I'm not sure, but it was after dinner, if that's what you call the food they serve in the dorm." She shuddered and pulled a face.

"So it was night?"

"Yeah. Dark. Like . . . seven, seven-thirty, in there somewhere."

"What time did she usually come back?"

"Before midnight, I guess," she said, then looked out the window, where the reflection of her pale face was visible.

"Do you know if she met anyone?"

Ophelia shook her head, wound a finger in a strand of her straight black hair. "I don't know. Don't think so. She was like a loner. I told you. Extremely odd. Ultrareligious. A real nut case."

"She must've had friends."

Ophelia shrugged. "Maybe through the church. I don't really know. There's a youth group and then she knew someone, a nun, I think, in an order somewhere . . . h.e.l.l, what was her name? Melinda or Margaret, maybe. No . . ."

"Maria?" Montoya asked and a feeling of dread settled deep in his gut.

"Yeah! That was it."

"From Our Lady of Virtues?" He felt cold inside, cold as death.

"Could be. Yeah, maybe." She chewed on a small black fingernail, then sighed and trained her eyes on Montoya again. "I didn't pay a whole lot of attention, y'know. I can't remember."

"And as far as you know, she wasn't dating anyone special," Montoya asked.

Ophelia let out a puff of exasperation. "I think we covered that. She was married to G.o.d, remember? No dates with mortal males. I guess that was out. It wasn't an open marriage."

Ignoring the comments, Montoya pressed on, "Did she wear a ring?"

"Oh, yeah. Always. The virgin ring."


"That's what I call it. It's what some kids do who are really into the G.o.d-thing. They get a ring, or someone important gives it to them, like, I dunno, a parent or something, and they, the girl, she, like promises not to do the wild thing, you know. Have s.e.x? It's like some kind of a covenant between the girl who gets the ring and G.o.d. She swears to remain a virgin until she gets married, or . . . maybe forever in Mary's case, you know, since she was married to G.o.d and all." Ophelia rolled both palms toward the ceiling. "What's that all about? Virginity forever? Give me a break." She shook her head as if ridding it of obscene ideas. "See what I mean? Mary was really, really f.u.c.k . . . messed up."

"Did she ever mention Luke Gierman?" Montoya asked.

"Yeah, I guess so," Ophelia said dismissively. "Once, maybe, twice when she'd overheard part of his show and was"-she held up her hands and made air quotes with her fingers-"'shocked', by what he said. Jesus, wasn't that the whole point?"

Montoya felt a little jolt of electricity, that bit of adrenalin rush he always experienced when he hit on the first glimmerings of a connection. "Did she know him?"

"Nah. I don't think so."

"She ever call his program?"

Ophelia opened her mouth to answer, then closed it quickly and thought for a second. "I was gonna say 'no' for sure, but I don't know. She never said she called and I never heard her phone in. She wasn't like that. Didn't have the b.a.l.l.s. Was kinda mousy. But hey, stranger things have happened. She could have phoned, I guess. I just never heard about it."

"But she did talk about him?"

"Not really. Oh, wait, no . . . she maybe said something to me once, maybe twice. About him needing to find Jesus. But then, she thought everyone did, including me, so I didn't really think too much about it."

"But you don't know if she ever talked to him about it," Brinkman clarified and O shook her head.

"Let's back up a second," Montoya suggested. "Courtney, Mary, did go out with friends, though? She did things, had a social life?"

"I guess, if you could call it that. But it wasn't the normal stuff. She didn't hang out at the local pub or go to concerts or games or anything like that."

"Isn't she too young for the pub?" Brinkman asked and Dean Usher tensed another notch.

Ophelia sent Brinkman an exasperated, don't-play-dumb, we-both-know-about-fake-IDs look. "She usually went to the library after we ate, then she'd jog back, change clothes, and go to the chapel for an hour or two to pray or whatever it was she did there."

"The chapel on campus?"

"Yeah, but I don't think she got that far that night," Ophelia said, her foot no longer bouncing. "She didn't come back to change like she always does and she wouldn't have gone to the chapel in her running gear."

"You keep tabs on her?" Brinkman asked.

Another bored glance his way. "No way. After the first week of school, I didn't ask her anything. She had a way of twisting everything and I mean every everything to G.o.d. It didn't matter if I was studying or on the phone or going to the shower, she was right there, always with a cheery face and a suggestion that I find Jesus. You know, I was raised Catholic, went to St. Theresa's in Santa Lucia. That's in California, by the way."

"I thought you were from Lafayette," Montoya said.

"I mean when I was younger. My dad was transferred to Lafayette during my junior year. It was a real p.i.s.ser."

"Anyway, all that Catholic school, and I never had to go and beat the bushes to find someone to convert. Most of the kids I went to school with at St. Theresa's were cool about it; kept all the G.o.d-stuff to themselves. No way were they out on some kind of mission to save the world. But Mary, she's like one of those born-agains. Avid. Rabid. All of the above. So, no, I did not not keep tabs on her. In fact, I tried to avoid her. She was a real freak-out. I'd already put in a request for a new roommate." keep tabs on her. In fact, I tried to avoid her. She was a real freak-out. I'd already put in a request for a new roommate."

Montoya glanced at Dean Usher, who nodded.

Chapter 50 : Four rings.s.h.i.+t!Click.His heart nearly stopped."Hi, this is Abby. Leave a mess
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