A Literary and Historical Atlas of Asia
Chapter 7 : 1120 B.C.; Josiah killed by Necho II. of Egypt, 609 B.C.; Necho vanquished by Nebuchadne

1120 B.C.; Josiah killed by Necho II. of Egypt, 609 B.C.; Necho vanquished by Nebuchadnezzar, 605 B.C.

=Carmel=, Palestine. 33N. 35E. Mountain on which Elijah slaughtered the priests of Baal. Napoleon used one of the monasteries situated here as a hospital, 1799. Visited by Lamartine, 1832.

=Cawnpur= ('city of Krishna'), United Provs. 26N. 80E. Scene of the ma.s.sacre of Europeans by Nana Sahib during Mutiny, 1857. (See Trevelyan's 'Cawnpore.')

=Cayster=, Asia Minor. 38N. 28E. River made famous by Virgil in the 'Georgics' and Ovid in the 'Metamorphoses.' Remains of Ephesus are near its mouth.

=Celebes=, Malay Archipelago. 4S. 121E. Discovered by Portuguese, 1512; established fort at Maca.s.sar, 1525; driven out by Dutch, 1660; taken by British, but yielded to Dutch, 1814.

=Ceylon=, Indian Ocean. 8N. 81E. Visited by Portuguese, 1505; driven from island by Dutch, 1658; ceded to Britain by Treaty of Amiens, 1802; annexed, 1815.

=Chakan=, Bombay. 19N. 74E. Captured by Malik Ahmad, 1486; by Shaista Khan, 1662; by Lieut.-Col. Deacon, 1818.

=Chakdaha=, Bengal. 23N. 89E. Bp. of Karta Baba, who f. the Kartabhaja sect.

=Champaner=, Bombay. 22N. 74E. Taken by Mahmoud Begara, 1484; plundered by Humayun, 1535.

=Chanar=, United Provs. 25N. 83E. Supposed to have been f. by Bhartrinath.

Taken by Humayun, 1537; by Akbar, 1575; attempted seizure by Major Munro, 1763. Near fort is tomb of Saint Shah Kasim Sulaimani.

=Chandaur=, Bombay. 20N. 74E. Taken by the Mogols, 1635; by Aurungzebe, 1665; by Colonel Wallace, 1804; British possession, 1818.

=Chanderi=, Central India. 25N. 78E. Seized by Ghiyas-ud-din, 1251; by Mahmoud Khilji I., 1438; by Jean Baptiste Filose, 1811; by Sir Hugh Rose, 1858.

=Chandernagore= ('city of the moon'), Bengal. 23N. 88E. Ceded to French by Aurungzebe, 1688; taken by British, 1757; restored to French, 1816.

=Chandragiri=, Madras. 14N. 79E. Said to have been f. by Immadi Naras.h.i.+ma Yadava Rayalu, 1000. Res. of deposed Vijayanagar kings. Conquered by Hyder Ali, 1782.

=Charsadda=, Punjab. 34N. 72E. Mentioned by Ptolemy and Arrian; visited by Hieun Tsiang.

=Chaul=, Bombay. 19N. 73E. Occupied by Portuguese, 1516; pillaged by Gujerat troops, 1529; Ahmadnagar army defeated by Portuguese, 1594; taken by Mahrattas, 1740.

=Chemulpo=, Korea. 37N. 127E. In Russian-j.a.panese war, Russians defeated by Admiral Urin, 1904. (See McKenzie's 'From Tokyo to Tiflis.')

=Chengalput=, Madras. 13N. 80E. Said to have been f. by Timmarajah.

Captured by French, 1751; by Clive, 1752; place of refuge of British troops, 1780.

=Chetwai=, Madras. 11N. 76E. Occupied by Dutch, 1717; taken by Hyder Ali, 1776; British possession, 1790.

=Chhapia=, United Provs. 27N. 82E. Bp. of Swami Narayan, incarnation of Krishna.

=Chidambaram= ('the atmosphere of wisdom'), Madras. 11N. 80E. Taken by French, 1753; unsuccessfully attacked by British, 1759; captured by Major Monson, 1760; unsuccessfully attacked by Sir Eyre Coote, 1781.

=Chi-fu=, China. 38N. 122E. Convention held between Sir Thomas Wade and Li Hung Chang, 1876; meeting-place of blockade runners, 1904-5.

=Chiknayakanhilli=, Madras. 13N. 77E. Pillaged by Mahrattas, 1791.

Burial-place of Dodda Deva Rajah.

=Chillianwallah=, Punjab. 33N. 74E. Sikhs defeated in doubtful battle by Lord Gough, 1849. (See Malleson's 'Decisive Battles of India.')

=Chinchvad=, Bombay. 19N. 74E. Res. of Moroba, incarnation of Ganpati, and scene of his miracles.

=Chin-Kiang=, China. 35N. 108E. Partially destroyed by Tai-pings, 1853.

=Chinsurah=, Bengal. 23N. 88E. F. by Dutch, 1656; routed by British under Colonel Forde, 1758; occupied by British, 1795; restored to Dutch, 1814; ceded to British, 1825.

=Chitakul=, Bombay. 15N. 74E. Captured by Portuguese, 1752; by Fazl-ullah Khan, 1763.

=Chitrakut=, United Provs. 25N. 81E. Mentioned in the 'Ramayana' as scene of wanderings of Rama and Sita, and here they were sought out by Bharat.

=Chittagong=, Burma. 22N. 92E. Visited by Portuguese, 1618; belonged to Mogol empire, 1666; taken by British, 1760.

=Chupni=, Bengal. 25N. 92E. Bp. of Akhay k.u.mar Datta, prose-writer of Bengal.

=Cnidus=, Asia Minor. 37N. 27E. Supposed to have been f. by Triopas.

Famous for the wors.h.i.+p of Venus. Near the coast of Cnidus Conon defeated the Spartan fleet, 314 B.C. Bp. of Eudoxus, Ctesias, and Sostratus.

=Cochin=, Madras. 10N. 76E. Taken from the Portuguese by Dutch, 1633; captured by British, 1795; ceded by treaty to British, 1814. Visited by Vasco da Gama, 1502; by St. Francis Xavier, 1530. (See Hakluyt's 'Voyages.')

=Coimbatore=, Madras. 11N. 77E. Taken by British from Tippoo Sahib, 1799.

=Colgong=, Bengal. 25N. 87E. Death of Ghiyas-ud-din Mahmoud, last king of Bengal, took place here, 1539.

=Colombo=, Ceylon. 7N. 80E. Taken by Portuguese, 1517; ousted by Dutch, 1603; conquered by British, 1796.

=Colophon=, Asia Minor. 38N. 27E. Supposed to have been f. by Andracmon of Pylos or by Mopsus. Bp. of Homer, Mimnermus, and Nicander.

=Colossae=, Asia Minor. 38N. 29E. Now represented by Khonas, bp. of Nicetas Khoniates. Mentioned by Xenophon and Herodotus. St. Paul sent a letter to its church during his imprisonment at Rome.

=Conjeveram=, Madras. 13N. 80E. Captured by Mussulmans, 1310, 1646; by Mahrattas, 1677; by Clive, 1752; burnt by French, 1757.

=Coringa=, Madras. 17N. 82E. Became British possession, 1759. Inundated and partially destroyed by ocean, 1787, 1832.

=Cossimbazar=, Bengal. 24N. 88E. British defeated by Surajah Dowlah, 1757.

Contains tomb of first wife of Warren Hastings.

=Covelong=, Madras. 13N. 80E. Captured by French, 1750; by Clive, 1752.

=Cranganore=, Madras. 10N. 76E. Fortress erected by Portuguese, 1505; ceded to Dutch, 1660; sold to Rajah of Travancore.

=Cunaxa=, Asiatic Turkey. 33N. 44E. Cyrus the Younger killed here in a battle with his brother, Artaxerxes Mnemon, 401 B.C.

=Cydnus=, Asia Minor. 37N. 35E. River up which Cleopatra sailed to meet Antony.

=Cyprus=, Asiatic Turkey. 35N. 33E. Seat of wors.h.i.+p of Aphrodite; bp. of Barnabas. Conquered by Arabs, 646; retaken by Greeks, 648; secured by Haroun-al-Raschid, 802; by Comnenus, 1184; ruled by Guy de Lusignan, 1193; occupied by Turks, 1570; ruled by British, 1878. (See Kinglake's 'Eothen,' Hakluyt's 'Voyages.')

=Dafar=, Arabia. 17N. 54E. Described in 'Travels of Marco Polo' as Dulfar.

Chapter 7 : 1120 B.C.; Josiah killed by Necho II. of Egypt, 609 B.C.; Necho vanquished by Nebuchadne
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