A Literary and Historical Atlas of Asia
Chapter 18 : =Wandewash=, Madras. 12N. 80E. Lally-Tollendal defeated by Sir Eyre Coote 1760.=Wei-hai

=Wandewash=, Madras. 12N. 80E. Lally-Tollendal defeated by Sir Eyre Coote 1760.

=Wei-hai-wei=, China. 37N. 122E. Great Chinese a.r.s.enal established, 1883; seized by j.a.panese, 1895; leased to British, 1898. (See Diosy's 'New Far East.')

=Wi-ju=, Korea. 40N. 125E. Here Manchus entered Korea, 1627; j.a.panese entered Manchuria, 1894, 1904. (See McKenzie's 'From Tokyo to Tiflis.')

=Wu-chang=, China. 30N. 114E. Captured by Taiping rebels, 1853.

=Yakutsk=, Eastern Siberia. 62N. 130E. F. by Cossacks, 1632.

=Yalu=, Korea. 40N. 125E. j.a.panese under Admiral Ito defeated Chinese fleet at mouth of Yalu, 1894; pa.s.sage forced by j.a.panese during Russo-j.a.panese War, 1904. (See McKenzie's 'From Tokyo to Tiflis.')

=Yamaguchi=, j.a.pan. 34N. 131E. Mission established by St. Francis Xavier, 1550.

=Yanbo=, Arabia. 24N. 38E. Landing-place for Egyptian pilgrims. (See Burton's 'Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah,' Burckhardt's 'Travels in Arabia.')

=Yarkand=, Chinese Turkestan. 38N. 78E. Annexed to Chinese Empire, 1757; captured by Dungans, 1864; recaptured by Chinese, 1877. (See 'Travels of Marco Polo.')

=Yokasuka=, j.a.pan. 35N. 140E. Will Adams, the English pilot, landed here, 1600; tomb in vicinity of town.

=Yokohama=, j.a.pan. 35N. 140E. Became residential treaty port, 1858; totally destroyed by fire, 1866. (See Lafcadio Hearn's 'Out of the East'

and 'Glimpses of Unfamiliar j.a.pan,' Kipling's 'From Sea to Sea.')

=Zebulon=, Palestine. 33N. 35E. Mentioned several times in the Bible; visited by Lamartine, 1832.

=Zileh=, Asia Minor. 40N. 36E. Formerly celebrated for wors.h.i.+p of Anaitis.

Here Julius Caesar defeated Pharnaces, and uttered famous words, 'Veni, vidi, vici.' (See Suetonius' 'De Vita Caesarum,' I. 37.)




B. Bay C. Cape G. Gulf Is. Island L. Lake Mt. Mountain Pk. Peak Pen. Peninsula Pt. Point R. River Str. Strait Vol. Volcano

_Those places marked with an asterisk (*) appear also in the Gazetteer_

PAGE =Abakansk=, Siberia. 54N. 92E., 94

=Abarim Mts.=, Palestine. 32N. 36E., 12

=Abas.h.i.+ri=, j.a.pan. 43N. 144E., 88

=Abazbi=, N.W. Frontier Provs. 34N. 72E., 58

=Abbottabad=, N.W. Frontier Provs. 34N. 73E., 58

=Abdon=, Palestine. 33N. 35E., 12

=Abel-beth-Maachah=, Pales. 33N. 36E., 12

=Abel s.h.i.+ttim=, Palestine. 32N. 36E., 12

[*]=Abila=, Palestine. 33N. 36E., 13

=Abistadah, Lake=, Afghanistan. 33N. 68E., 58

[*]=Abohar=, Punjab. 30N. 74E., 58

=Aboo Mt.=, Rajputana. 25N. 73E., 59

=Abra River=, Philippine Is. 18N. 120E., 77

=Abreojos=, East Indies. 23N. 130E., 75

=Abring=, Kashmir. 34N. 77E., 58

=Abu Arish=, Arabia. 17N. 43E., 44

=Accho=, Palestine. 33N. 35E., 12

=Achin Prov.=, East Indies. 5N. 96E., 74

=Achzib=, Palestine. 33N. 35E., 12

=Actinia Haven=, Siberia. 76N. 98E., 94

[*]=Adalia=, Asia Minor. 36N. 31E., 46

=Adalia, Gulf of=, Asia Minor. 36N. 31E., 46

=Adam's Bridge=, Ceylon. 9N. 80E., 63

[*]=Adam's Peak=, Ceylon. 7N. 80E., 63

=Adana=, Asia Minor. 37N. 36E., 46

[*]=Aden=, Arabia. 13N. 45E., 44

Chapter 18 : =Wandewash=, Madras. 12N. 80E. Lally-Tollendal defeated by Sir Eyre Coote 1760.=Wei-hai
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