Enquire Within Upon Everything
Chapter 37 : Synod, _sin_-od, not _sy_-nod.Tenure, _ten_-ure, not _te_-nure.Tenet, _ten_-et, not _te

Synod, _sin_-od, not _sy_-nod.

Tenure, _ten_-ure, not _te_-nure.

Tenet, _ten_-et, not _te_-net.

Than, as spelled, not thun.

Tremor, _trem_-ur, not _tre_-mor.

Twelfth, should have the th sounded.

Umbrella, as spelled, not um-ber-el-la.

Vase, vaiz or varz, not vawze.

Was, woz, not wuz.

Weary, _weer_-i, not w_ar_y.

Were, wer, not ware.

Wont, wunt, not as spelled.

Wrath, rawth, not rath: as an adjective it is spelled wroth, and p.r.o.nounced with the vowel sound shorter, as wrath-ful, &c.

Yacht, yot, not yat.

Yeast, as spelled, not yest.

Zenith, _zen_-ith, not _ze_-nith.

Zodiac, _zo_-de-ak.

Zoology should have both o's sounded,as zo-_ol_-o-gy, not _zoo_-lo-gy

_Note._--The tendency of all good elocutionists is to p.r.o.nounce as nearly in accordance with the spelling as possible.


--ace not iss, as furn_ace_, not furn_iss_.

--age, not idge, as cabbage, courage, postage, village.

--ain, ane, not in, as certain, cert_ane_, not cert_in_.

--ate, not it, as moder_ate_, not moder_it_.

--ect, not ec, as asp_ect_, not asp_ec_; subj_ect_, not subj_ec_.

--ed, not id, or ud, as wicked, not wick_i_d, or wick_u_d.

--el, not l, _mod_el, not _mod_l; _nov_el,not _nov_l.

--en, not n, as sudd_en_, not sudd_n_.--Burden, burthen, garden, lengthen, seven, strengthen, often, and a few others,have the _e_ silent.

--ence, not unce, as influ_ence_, not influ-_unce_.

--es, not is, as pleas_es_, not pleas_is_.

--ile should be p.r.o.nounced il, as fert_il_, not fert_ile_, in all words except chamomile _(cam)_, exile, gentile, infantile, reconcile and senile, which should be p.r.o.nounce ile.

--in, not n, as Lat_in_, not Lat_n_.

--nd, not n, as husba_nd_, not husb_an_, thous_and_, not thous_an_.

--ness, not n_iss_, as careful_ness_, not careful n_iss_.

--ng, not n, as singi_ng_, not sing_in_; speaki_ng_, not speak_in_.

--ngth, not nth, as stre_ng_th, not stre_nth_.

--son, the _o_ should be silent; as in treason; _tre-zn_, not _tre-son_.

--tal, not tle, as capi_tal_, not capi_tle; _me_tal, not met_tle;_ mor_tal_, not mor_tle_; periodi_cal_; not periodi_cle_.

--xt, not x, as ne_xt_, not ne_x_.


198. Punctuation.

Punctuation teaches the method of placing _Points_, in written or printed matter, in such a manner as to indicate the pauses which would be made by the author if he were communicating his thoughts orally instead of by written signs.


199. Writing and Printing

are subst.i.tutes for oral communication; and correct punctuation is essential to convey the meaning intended, and to give due force to such pa.s.sages as the author may wish to impress upon the mind of the person to whom they are being communicated.


Chapter 37 : Synod, _sin_-od, not _sy_-nod.Tenure, _ten_-ure, not _te_-nure.Tenet, _ten_-et, not _te
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