Enquire Within Upon Everything
Chapter 43 : _Comm._--Mr. Dean; or, Reverend Sir._Con._--I have the honour to be, Mr. Dean (or Rever

_Comm._--Mr. Dean; or, Reverend Sir.

_Con._--I have the honour to be, Mr. Dean (or Reverend Sir), Your most obedient servant.

v. _Archdeacon_.--_Sup._--To the Venerable Archdeacon Hessey, D.C.L.

_Comm._--Reverend Sir.

_Con._--I have the honour to remain, Reverend Sir, Your most obedient servant.

vi. _Clergymen_.--_Sup._--To the Reverend Thomas Dale.

_Com._ and _Con._ same as the preceding.

vii. _Clergymen with t.i.tles_.--When a Bishop or other Clergyman possesses the t.i.tle of _Right Honourable_ or _Honourable_, it is prefixed to his Clerical t.i.tle, but Baronets and Knights have their clerical t.i.tle placed first, as in the following examples:--

_Sup._--To the Right Honourable and Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells.

_Sup._--To the Honourable and Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Norwich.

_Sup._--To the Right Honourable and Reverend Lord Wriothesley Russell, M.A.

_Sup._--To the Honourable and Reverend Baptist Wriothesley Noel, M.A.

_Sup._--To the Reverend Sir Henry R. Dukinfield, Bart, M.A.

No clerical dignity confers a t.i.tle or rank on the wife of the dignitary, who is simply addressed _Mistress_, unless possessing a t.i.tle in her own right, or through her husband, independently of his clerical rank.

242. Judges &c.

i. _Lord Chancellor_.--_Sup._--To the Right Honourable Roundell Palmer, Lord Selborne, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain.

ii. _Master of the Rolls._--_Sup._--To the Right Honourable the Master of the Rolls.

iii. _Chief Justice_.--_Sup._--To the Right Honourable the Lord Chief Justice; or, the Right Honourable Lord Coleridge, Lord Chief Justice of England.

The Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas is addressed in the same form, and are all styled _My Lord_.

iv. _Lords Justices of Appeal_.--The Lords Justices of Appeal are Knights, and should be addressed thus:

_Sup_.--To the Right Honourable Sir W. Milbourne James, Knt.

v. _Judge of County Courts._--_Sup_.--To His Honour John James Jeffreys, Judge of County Courts.


243. Officers of the Navy and Army.

i. _Naval Officers._--Admirals have the rank of their flag added to their own name and t.i.tle thus:

_Sup_.--To the Honourable Sir Richard Saunders Dundas, Admiral of the White.

If unt.i.tled, they are simply styled _Sir_.

_Commodores_ are addressed in the same way as admirals.

_Captains_ are addressed either to "Captain William Smith, R.N.;" or if on service, "To William Smith, Esquire, Commander of H.M.S.--"

_Lieutenants_ are addressed in the same way.

ii. _Military Officers._--All officers in the army above Lieutenants, Cornets, and Ensigns, have their military rank prefixed to their name and t.i.tle.

_Sup_.--To _General_ Sir Frederick Roberts.

_Subalterns_ are addressed as _Esquire_, with the regiment to which they belong, if on service.

244. Munic.i.p.al Officers.

i. _Lord Mayor.--Sup_.--To the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor (_The Lady Mayoress_) of London, York, Dublin; The Lord Provost (_The Lady Provost_) of Edinburgh.

_Comm_.--My Lord (_Madam_).

_Con_.--I have the honour to be, my Lord, Your Lords.h.i.+p's (_Madam, Your Ladys.h.i.+p's_) most obedient humble servant.

ii. The Mayors of all Corporations, with the Sheriffs, Aldermen, and Recorder of London, are styled _Right Wors.h.i.+pful_; and the Aldermen and Recorder of other Corporations, as well as Justices of the Peace, _Wors.h.i.+pful_.

245. Amba.s.sadors.

Amba.s.sadors have _Excellency_ prefixed to the other t.i.tles, and their accredited rank added.

_Sup_.--To His Excellency Count Karolyi, Amba.s.sador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary from H.I.M. (His Imperial Majesty) The Emperor of Austria.

_Sup_.--To His Excellency The Right Honourable Earl of Dufferin, K.P., G.C.M.G., K.C.B., Her Britannic Majesty's Amba.s.sador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Sublime Ottoman Porte.

_Comm_.--My Lord.

_Con_.--I have the honour to be, My Lord, Your Excellency's Most humble obedient servant.

The wives of Amba.s.sadors have also Excellency added to their other t.i.tles.

Envoys and Charges d'Affaires are generally styled Excellency, but by courtesy only.

Consuls have only their accredited rank added to their names or t.i.tles, if they have any.

Chapter 43 : _Comm._--Mr. Dean; or, Reverend Sir._Con._--I have the honour to be, Mr. Dean (or Rever
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