Enquire Within Upon Everything
Chapter 59 : Take one drachm of powdered gum arabic, and two ounces of confection of senna, and mix,

Take one drachm of powdered gum arabic, and two ounces of confection of senna, and mix, by gradually rubbing together in a mortar, with half an ounce of castor oil.

_Dose_, from half an ounce to an ounce.

_Use_ as a purgative.

495. Sulphur and Senna Confection.

Take of sulphur and sulphate of potash, each half an ounce; confection of senna, two ounces; oil of aniseed, twenty minims; mix well.

_Dose_, from one to two drachms.

_Use_ as a purgative.

496. Cream of Tartar Confection.

Take one ounce of cream of tartar, one drachm of jalap, and half a drachm of powdered ginger; mix into a thick paste with treacle.

_Dose_, two drachms.

_Use_ as a purgative.

497. Antispasmodic Electuary.

Take six drachms of powdered valerian and orange leaves, mixed and made into an electuary, with a sufficient quant.i.ty of syrup of wormwood.

_Dose_, from one to two drachms, to be taken two or three times a day.

498. Decoctions.

These should only be made as they are wanted; pipkins or tin saucepans should be used for the purpose; and no decoction should be boiled longer than ten minutes.

499. Chimaphila.

Take one ounce of pyrola (chimaphila, or winter-green), and boil it in a pint and a half of water until the water is reduced to one pint; then strain.

_Dose_, from one to two ounces, four times a day.

_Use_ in dropsies, as a diuretic.

500. Logwood.

Boil one ounce and a half of bruised logwood in two pints of water until the water is reduced to one pint; then add one drachm of bruised ca.s.sia, and strain.

_Dose_, from one to two ounces.

_Use_ as an astringent.

501. Dandelion.

Take two ounces of the freshly-sliced root, and boil in a quart of water until it comes to a pint.

_Dose_, from two to four ounces, that is to say, from an eighth of a pint to a quarter of a pint.

_Use_ for sluggish state of the liver.

502. Embrocations and Liniments.

These remedies are used externally as local stimulants, to relieve deep seated inflammations when other means cannot he employed, as they are more easily applied locally.

503. Anodyne and Discutient.

Take two drachms of sc.r.a.ped white soap, half a drachm of extract of henbane, and dissolve them by a gentle heat in six ounces of olive oil.

_Use_ for glandular enlargements which are painful and stubborn, about half an ounce to be well rubbed into the part twice a day.

504. Strong Ammoniated.

Add one ounce of strong liquid ammonia to two ounces of olive oil, shake well together until properly mixed.

_Use_ as a stimulant in rheumatic pains, paralytic numbnesses, chronic glandular enlargements, lumbago, sciatica, &c.

_Note_ that this embrocation must be used with care, and only employed in very obstinate cases.

505. Compound Ammoniated.

Add six drachms of oil of turpentine to the strong ammoniated liniment above.

_Use_ for the diseases mentioned in the preceding paragraph and chronic affections of the knee and ankle joints.

506. Lime and Oil.

Take equal parts of common linseed oil and lime water and shake well.

_Use_ for burns, scalds, sun peelings, &c.

Chapter 59 : Take one drachm of powdered gum arabic, and two ounces of confection of senna, and mix,
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