Enquire Within Upon Everything
Chapter 62 : _Use_ as a detergent. 538. Acetate of Lead with Opium Take twenty grains of acetate of

_Use_ as a detergent.

538. Acetate of Lead with Opium

Take twenty grains of acetate of lead, and a drachm of powdered opium, mix, and add an ounce of vinegar and four ounces of warm water, set aside for an hour, then filter.

_Use_ as an astringent.

539. Creosote.

Add a drachm of creosote to a pint of water, and mix by shaking.

_Use_ as an application in cutaneous diseases.

540. Galls.

Boil one drachm of bruised galls in twelve ounces of water until only half a pint remains, then strain, and add one ounce of laudanum.

_Use_ as an astringent and sedative.

541. Ointments and Cerates

These remedies are used as local applications to parts, generally ulcers. They are usually spread upon linen or other materials.

542. Camphorated.

Mix half an ounce of camphor with one ounce of lard, having, of course, previously powdered the camphor, by adding a few drops of spirits of wine.

_Use_ as a discutient and stimulant in indolent tumours.

543. Chalk.

Mix as much prepared chalk as you can into some lard, so as to form a thick ointment.

_Use_ as an application to burns and scalds.

544. For Itch.

Mix four drachms of sublimed sulphur, two ounces of lard, and half a drachm of diluted sulphuric acid together.

_Use_ as an ointment to be rubbed into the body.

545. For Scrofulous Ulcerations.

Mix one drachm of ioduret of zinc and one ounce of lard together.

_Use_ twice a day to the ulcerations.

546. Catechu.

Mix one ounce of powdered catechu, two drachms and a half of powdered alum, one ounce of powdered white resin, and two ounces and a half of olive oil, together.

Use for flabby and indolent ulcerations.

547. Tartar Emetic.

Mix twenty grains of tartar emetic and ten grains of white sugar with one drachm and a half of lard.

_Use_ as a counter-irritant in white swellings, &c.

548. Pills.

549. Strong Purgative.

Take of powdered aloes, scammony, and gamboge, each fifteen grains, mix, and add sufficient Venice turpentine to make into a ma.s.s, then divide into twelve pills.

_Dose_, one or two occasionally.

550. Milder Purgative.

Take four grains of powdered scammony and the same quant.i.ty of compound extract of colocynth, and two grains of calomel; mix well, and add two drops of oil of cloves, or thin gum-water, to enable the ingredients to combine properly, and divide into two pills.

_Dose_, one or two when necessary.

551. Common Purgative.

Take of powdered jalap and compound extract of colocynth each four grains, of calomel two grains, mix as usual, and divide into two pills.

_Dose_, one or two occasionally.

552. Tonic.

Mix twenty-four grains of extract of gentian and the same of purified green vitriol (_sulphate of iron_) together, and divide into twelve pills.

Chapter 62 : _Use_ as a detergent. 538. Acetate of Lead with Opium Take twenty grains of acetate of
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