The Belief in Immortality and the Worship of the Dead
Chapter 42 : [Footnote 724: Ch. Wilkes, _op. cit._ iii. 101; Th. Williams, _op. cit._ i. 197 _sq._;

[Footnote 724: Ch. Wilkes, _op. cit._ iii. 101; Th. Williams, _op. cit._ i. 197 _sq._; Lorimer Fison, _Tales from Old Fiji_, p. 168; Basil Thomson, _The Fijian_, p. 375.]

[Footnote 725: Th. Williams, _op. cit._ i. 197, 198.]

[Footnote 726: Ch. Wilkes, _op. cit._ iii. 99.]

[Footnote 727: Th. Williams, _op. cit._ i. 198 _sq._]

[Footnote 728: Ch. Wilkes, _l.c._]

[Footnote 729: Th. Williams, _Fiji and the Fijians_, i. 197.]

[Footnote 730: K. Weinhold, _Altnordisches Leben_ (Berlin, 1856), p.


[Footnote 731: _The Zend-Avesta_, Part i. _The Vendidad,_ translated by James Darmesteter (Oxford, 1880), p. 95 (Fargard, viii. 2. 10) (_Sacred Books of the East_, vol. iv.).]

[Footnote 732: W. R. S. Ralston, _The Songs of the Russian People_, Second Edition (London, 1872), p. 318.]

[Footnote 733: Sonnerat, _Voyage aux Indes Orientales et a la Chine_ (Paris, 1782), i. 86.]

[Footnote 734: J. A. Dubois, _Moeurs, Inst.i.tutions et Ceremonies des Peuples de l'Inde_ (Paris, 1825), ii. 225; E. Thurston, _Ethnographic Notes in Southern India_ (Madras, 1906), pp. 226 _sq._]

[Footnote 735: J. Grimm, _Deutsche Rechtsalterthumer_ 3rd ed.

(Gottingen, 1881), pp. 726 _sqq._]

[Footnote 736: Rev. J. G. Campbell, _Superst.i.tions of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland_ (Glasgow, 1900), p. 242.]

[Footnote 737: _The Sacred Books of China_, translated by James Legge, Part iii. _The Li-Ki_, i.-x. (Oxford, 1885) pp. 144 _sq._ (Bk. ii. Sect.

i. Pt. II. 33) (_Sacred Books of the East_, vol. xxvii.); J. F. Lafitau, _Moeurs des Sauvages Ameriquains_ (Paris, 1724), ii. 401 _sq._, citing Le Comte, _Nouv. Memoires de la Chine_, vol. ii. p. 187.]

[Footnote 738: _Relations des Jesuites_, 1633, p. 11; _id._, 1634, p. 23 (Canadian reprint, Quebec, 1858); J. G. Kohl, _Kitschi-Gami_ (Bremen, 1859), p. 149 note.]

[Footnote 739: E. W. Nelson, "The Eskimo about Bering Strait,"

_Eighteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology_, Part i.

(Was.h.i.+ngton, 1899), p. 311.]

[Footnote 740: David Crantz, _History of Greenland_ (London, 1767), i.

237. Compare Hans Egede, _Description of Greenland_, Second Edition (London, 1818), pp. 152 _sq._; Captain G. F. Lyon, _Private Journal_ (London, 1824), p. 370; C. F. Hall, _Narrative of the Second Arctic Expedition_ (Was.h.i.+ngton, 1879), p. 265 (Esquimaux).]

[Footnote 741: P. Kolben, _The Present State of the Cape of Good Hope_ (London, 1731-1738), i. 316; C. P. Thunberg, "An Account of the Cape of Good Hope," in Pinkerton's _Voyages and Travels_, xvi. (London, 1814) p.

142; _Bulletin de la Societe de Geographie_ (Paris), ii, Serie, ii.

(1834) p. 196 (Bechuanas); _id._, vii. Serie, vii. (1886) p. 587 (Fernando Po); T. Arbousset et F. Daumas, _Relation d'un Voyage d'Exploration au Nord-est de la Colonie du Cap de Bonne-Esperance_ (Paris, 1842), pp. 502 _sq._; C. J. Andersson, _Lake Ngami_, Second Edition (London, 1856), p. 466; G. Fritsch, _Die Eingeborenen Sud-Afrika's_ (Breslau, 1872), pp. 210, 335; R. Moffat, _Missionary Labours and Scenes in Southern Africa_ (London, 1842), p. 307; E.

Casalis, _The Basutos_ (London, 1861), p. 202; Ladislaus Magyar, _Reisen in Sud-Afrika_ (Buda-Pesth and Leipsic, 1859), p. 350; Rev. J.

Macdonald, _Light in Africa_, Second Edition (London, 1890), p. 166; E.

Beguin, _Les Ma-Rotse_ (Lausanne and Fontaines, 1903), p. 115; Henri A.

Junod, _Les Ba-Ronga_ (Neuchatel, 1898), p. 48; _id._, _The Life of a South African Tribe_, i. (Neuchatel, 1912) p. 138; Dudley Kidd, _The Essential Kafir_ (London, 1904), p. 247; A. F. Mockler-Ferryman, _British Nigeria_ (London, 1902), p. 234; Ramseyer and Kuhne, _Four Years in Ashantee_ (London, 1875), p. 50; A. B. Ellis, _The Land of Fetish_ (London, 1883), p. 13; _id._, _The Ts.h.i.+-speaking Peoples of the Gold Coast_ (London, 1887), p. 239; E. Perregaud, _Chez les Achanti_ (Neuchatel, 1906), p. 127; J. Spieth, _Die Ewe-Stamme_ (Berlin, 1906), p. 756; H. R. Palmer, "Notes on the Kororofawa and Jukon," _Journal of the African Society_, No. 44 (July, 1912), p. 414. The custom is also observed by some tribes of Central Africa. See Miss A. Werner, _The Natives of British Central Africa_ (London, 1906), p. 161; B. Gutmann, "Trauer und Begrabnisssitten der Wadschagga," _Globus_, lx.x.xix. (1906) p. 200; Rev. N. Stam, "Religious Conceptions of the Kavirondo,"

_Anthropos_, v. (1910) p. 361.]

[Footnote 742: C. Snouck Hurgronje, _Het Gajoland en zijne Bewoners_ (Batavia, 1903), p. 313.]

[Footnote 743: Aurel Krause, _Die Tlinkit-Indianer_ (Jena, 1885), p.

225; Franz Boas, in _Sixth Report of the Committee on the North-western Tribes of Canada_, p. 23 (separate reprint from the _Report of the British a.s.sociation for the Advancement of Science_, Leeds Meeting, 1890); J. R. Swanton, _Contributions to the Ethnology of the Haida_ (Leyden and New York, 1905), pp. 52, 54 (_The Jesup North Pacific Expedition, Memoir of the American Museum of Natural History_).]

[Footnote 744: J. A. H. Louis, _The Gates of Thibet_ (Calcutta, 1894), p. 114.]

[Footnote 745: H. von Wlislocki, _Volksglaube und religioser Brauch der Zigeuner_ (Munster i. W., 1891), p. 99.]

[Footnote 746: W. Jochelson, _The Koryak_ (New York and Leyden, 1908), pp. 110 _sq._ (_The Jesup North Pacific Expedition, Memoir of the American Museum of Natural History_).]

[Footnote 747: W. H. Dall, _Alaska and its Resources_ (London, 1870), p.


[Footnote 748: Lucien M. Turner, "Ethnology of the Ungava District, Hudson Bay Territory," _Eleventh Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology_ (Was.h.i.+ngton, 1894), p. 191.]

[Footnote 749: Mgr. Bruguiere, in _Annales de l'a.s.sociation de la Propagation de la Foi_, v. (Lyons and Paris, 1831) p. 180. Compare Mgr.

Pallegoix, _Description du royaume Thai ou Siam_ (Paris, 1854), i. 245; Adolf Bastian, _Die Volker des ostlichen Asien_, iii. (Jena, 1867) p.

258; E. Young, _The Kingdom of the Yellow Robe_ (Westminster, 1898), p.


[Footnote 750: S. Mateer, _Native Life in Travancore_ (London, 1883), p.

137. Compare A. b.u.t.terworth, "Royal Funerals in Travancore," _Indian Antiquary_, x.x.xi. (1902) p. 251.]

[Footnote 751: Ch. Hose and W. McDougall, _The Pagan Tribes of Borneo_ (London, 1912), ii. 35.]

[Footnote 752: S. K. Kusnezow, "uber den Glauben vom Jenseits und den Todtencultus der Tscheremissen," _Internationales Archiv fur Ethnographie_, ix. (1896) p. 157.]

[Footnote 753: P. S. Pallas, _Reise durch verschiedene Provinzen des Russischen Reichs_ (St. Petersburg, 1771-1776), iii. 75; Middendorff, _Reise in den aussersten Norden und Osten Sibiriens_, iv. 1464.]

[Footnote 754: _Exploraciones y Noticias hidrograficas de los Rios del Norte de Bolivia_, publicados por Manuel V. Ballivian, Segunda Parte, _Diario del Viage al Madre de Dios hecho por el P. Fr. Nicolas Armentia, en los anos de 1884 y 1885_ (La Paz, 1890), p. 20: _"Cuando muere alguno, apenas sacan el cadaver de la casa, cambian la puerta al lado opuesto, para que no de con ella el difunto."_]

[Footnote 755: Karl Bartsch, _Sagen, Marchen und Gebrauche aus Meklenburg_ (Vienna, 1879-1880), ii. 100, -- 358.]

[Footnote 756: For some evidence on this subject, see R. Lasch, "Die Behandlung der Leiche des Selbstmorders," _Globus_, lx.x.xvi. (1899) pp.

63-66; Rev. J. Roscoe, _The Baganda_ (London, 1911), pp. 20 _sq._; A.

Karasek, "Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Waschamba," _Baessler-Archiv_, i.

(1911) pp. 190 _sq._]

[Footnote 757: Rev. N. Stam, "The Religious Conceptions of the Kavirondo," _Anthropos_, v. (1910) p. 361.]

[Footnote 758: Alfred de Nore, _Coutumes, Mythes, et Traditions des Provinces de France_ (Paris and Lyons, 1846), p. 198.]

[Footnote 759: Felix Chapiseau, _Le Folk-lore de la Beauce et du Perche_ (Paris, 1902), ii. 164.]

[Footnote 760: For some evidence on this subject see _Psyche's Task_, pp. 64 _sq._]

[Footnote 761: Carl Bock, _Temples and Elephants_ (London, 1884), p.


Chapter 42 : [Footnote 724: Ch. Wilkes, _op. cit._ iii. 101; Th. Williams, _op. cit._ i. 197 _sq._;
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