Battaglia Mafia: La Famiglia
Chapter 13 : "Ciao!" Eve said.Dominic started up the stairs so Catalina had to step to the

"Ciao!" Eve said.

Dominic started up the stairs so Catalina had to step to the side. She held Eve to her heart and smiled at Cecilia. "How are you? I didn't know you had come with the family."

"I'm good thank you. I take care of Eve. The Donna and Don have left to visit Bagheria."

"Where's Rosetta?" Catalina turned on the step and started down. The name hadn't fully left her mouth when she saw Rosetta approaching. And her cousin looked really beautiful in a dark blue summer dress with thin straps. She wore her hair styled like Catalina's with bangs and long wispy curls. Catalina frowned at how much Rosetta favored her.

"Boungiorno, Catalina. You made it."

Things had changed between Catalina and Rosetta. They would never be close, but the hostility between them was tolerable. "S, why haven't you returned to Palermo to see your father and mother?" Catalina asked. She s.h.i.+fted the weight of her niece in her arms. Eve now rested her head on her shoulder.

"I intend to. I have a project I'm working on for the Donna," Rosetta smiled. "In fact this is one of them, you like?" Rosetta turned for her to get a good look at the blue dress. Catalina opened her mouth to respond but Rosetta's attention was averted to the stairs. A girlish smile and blush rose in her cousin's cheeks. Catalina glanced back to see Dominic coming down from the rooms. He didn't look at either of them. He appeared deep in thought. Catalina's gaze swiveled to her cousin and she couldn't help but feel anger clench in her gut.

"Ciao, Domi! Welcome home," Rosetta said.

"Ciao," Dominic grumbled. He walked over to Catalina. Eve's head popped up. Dominic took her from Catalina's arms and held her up above his head to get a good look at her. Eve grinned down at him. Dominic kissed both of Eve's cheeks before handing her back to Catalina. "I need to pay a visit to a few people. I'll be home this afternoon. Thanks for the talk, the time on the train," he winked.

"Prego, ciao," Catalina said and kissed him goodbye. Dominic turned and headed for the door but Rosetta stepped in his way. Catalina believed her cousin did so on purpose. Dominic blinked in surprise. He greeted Rosetta with a kiss to both cheeks and then left. Rosetta's head turned to watch him go.

"I saw that," Catalina seethed.

"Saw what?" Rosetta asked with a touch of sweetness in her voice.

Catalina narrowed her eyes on her cousin. "Don't even dare cross that line. I'll cut your f.u.c.king throat."

Rosetta batted her long lashes. Her forced innocence infuriated Catalina. But mindful of Eve in her arms she resisted striking out. And then Rosetta took a step toward Catalina never breaking the stare off between them. "I was happy to see him as I am you. He's a brother to me. Like he once was to you. I don't cross those lines, Catalina. It would be obscene. Family f.u.c.king famiglia, tsk, tsk, so unnatural."

Catalina took a step toward Rosetta. Cecilia reached and touched her arm. "Signorita Catalina? Eve hasn't had lunch. Sophia's here. She's prepared one for us. Care to join us?"

Catalina bit down hard on her bottom lip until it pulsed. She glared at Rosetta who didn't blink. She wasn't going to take the bait. Rosetta was just a jealous rat. Why waste the energy? She heaved Eve in her arms and looked over to Cecilia. "Where's Carmella? I'll want some adult conversation at lunch."

Rosetta chuckled and crossed her arms.

Catalina glared at Rosetta. "I haven't seen Carmella since the wedding."

"She left," Cecilia answered.

"Huh? Why?"

"The Donna sent her away. She was jealous. She took one look at Carmella and knew Giovanni would be tempted since she is now fat and pregnant." Rosetta called back over her shoulder as she headed up the stairs.

"Not true!" Cecilia interjected. "The Donna didn't send her away. Don Giovanni did. I heard him tell her to leave. He preferred that I stay and help Sophia."

Both explanations for Carmella's absence seemed odd. Carmella loved Giovanni when they were kids, obsessed over him when they were adults. But Catalina had never seen the two of them even close to intimate in all these years. It wasn't like Mira to be jealous of anyone. And lord knows she had good reason. The way the women glared at her and refused to talk to her unless spoken to at the wedding had left Catalina's teeth on edge.

"Lunch?" Cecilia reminded her.

Catalina's stomach growled. "Sure, let's have lunch."

* B *

St. Tropez, France- "Sign here, mademoiselle. And here." The clerk with a nasal voice and disapproving smirk instructed in French.

"She wants you to sign your name," Lorenzo said, interpreting the lady's instruction.

The pen slipped and Marietta fumbled to pick it up. She tried again to sign but her fingers were weak from the nervous tremors in her hand. She peeked up at the woman who tapped the line she was to sign with a pointy half polished nail. The clerk's face was austere, her manner haughty. Their eyes met. Cool brown eyes observed her from above a pointed nose.


A hundred b.u.t.terflies swarmed in her gut. If she signed the doc.u.ment then it was official. Am I ready? The touch of Lorenzo's hand, a slow caress of her spine, broke through her reserve. She signed her name next to his on a contract written entirely in French.

Apparently Lorenzo had more influence with these people than she initially believed. She didn't know French law, but she figured a marriage contract would take weeks if not months to get pushed through for two non-French citizens. However, they were a day away from getting married.

"Merc," The woman said with a nod of her head.

Another woman began to explain the process and Lorenzo listened attentively. He spoke fluent French. Marietta didn't. So instead of paying attention she inspected her diamond ring. The gem flashed, sparkled and caused beams of color to dance before her eyes.

"We're done, cara. Tomorrow you will be my wife. Tell me you're excited." Lorenzo hugged her in front of everyone.

Marietta smiled. "Very much so. I really am!"

Carlo entered the office and a bell chimed over the door. He didn't approach. Again he had that remote, cool... intense manner of his that drew her attention. He'd been absent most of the day. The way his lips thinned into a firm, straight line indicated he disapproved. Why that hurt Marietta's feelings she wasn't sure. f.u.c.k him. She kissed Lorenzo in front of Carlo, but peeked at Carlo to see if he watched.

"Bonjour, Lorenzo!" A man's deep voice bellowed. The man walked out from around the counter. He greeted Lorenzo as if they were old friends. The two embraced. Marietta glanced to Carlo. He leaned against the door and his gaze never left her.

"Come here, Marie," Lorenzo said. He extended his hand. "I want you to meet the man that will make it all happen for us."

She stepped forward and took Lorenzo's hand. The stranger arched a brow with approval. "Enchante mademoiselle Marietta," he took her hand and kissed it. Marietta nodded her h.e.l.lo but removed her hand from his. "She's lovely, Lorenzo. I'd expect nothing less," he said but kept staring at Marietta's b.r.e.a.s.t.s. He raked her from head to toe with his leer. She knew that look. Lorenzo gave the man a shove to the shoulder and the stare off was broken. He said something in French that had the man both laughing and apologizing. Together they started to walk off. Marietta figured the meeting between the two would be the part of the deal where money exchanged hands.

"I won't be long, cara." Lorenzo called back over his shoulder. "Carlo, keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn't try to escape," he winked and entered the door to the office of the man. It closed.

Marietta gazed down at her ring. It was the most beautiful and valuable piece of jewelry she'd ever owned. She thought of her adoptive mother and the talks they would have about her being a wife and mother when she was a little girl. She felt a pang of regret for how things were left between them. Though her adoptive mother never spared her the wrath of her abusive father, there was love between them. And she wished they weren't so far apart now. What family did she have to share something this special with?


Marietta jumped. Carlo peered over her shoulder at her ring. She turned and found herself closer to him than appropriate. Marietta took a step away. "It's better than nice, it's beautiful," she said. She extended her hand so he could get a full view.

"I see you made him bend down to his knees to put it on your finger," Carlo said.

"Oh you saw that? Yes. Lorenzo did it in front of everyone at the jewelry store. He's very happy to be mine," she smiled.

"Why are you doing this?" Carlo asked. "You don't know him. You sure as h.e.l.l don't love him. So I have to wonder why do you want to marry him?"

"I don't owe you an explanation," Marietta said. The accusation cut her to the bone. She didn't understand the hostility. Carlo's gaze lowered and his dark eyes held a sinister challenge that made the hairs to the back of her nape stand on end. But she didn't blink. Lorenzo would kill him if he touched her. Of course he wouldn't have to because she'd rip his b.a.l.l.s off first.

"I think you should go back to America. Take the ring and go. I'll give you money. Whatever you want. End it now," Carlo said.

Stunned, her mouth dropped open. She never thought she and Carlo were friends, but never enemies. She saw how Carlo stared at her. She caught desire in his eyes several times and deep down inside his cool hardness enticed her. They had formed a friendly enough bond around Lorenzo to mask hostility. There was nothing flirtatious in his manner now. Now he looked deadly serious. "I do love him." Her voice came across weak. She cleared her throat. "And I will marry him. And you know what else?"

Carlo's left brow winged up with amus.e.m.e.nt. "Dica?"

"The first thing I will do as his wife is break the bond between the two of you," she finger poked his chest.

A flash of predatory rage pa.s.sed over Carlo's stony face. Marietta stepped forward to show her bravery. He was indeed dangerous, and something else. She couldn't put her finger on it but there was something off about Carlo. Still she held her ground. "For you to come at me like this behind his back proves you aren't his best friend. I won't have you doing anything to hurt my man. And trust and believe, Carlo, taking me out of his life will hurt him, and before I go I will end you!"

Carlo let go a mocking laugh until it lowered to a soft chuckle. The women in the office were staring. Marietta could sense it. She didn't dare break the stare off with him. He smiled and it was deceptive. "Trust and believe me, bella, I will be here for Lorenzo long after you are gone. And if I want to make you disappear I know many ways to do it."

Marietta crossed her arms. "We'll see, playboy."

"We're done!" Lorenzo announced behind her. But she and Carlo couldn't take their eyes off one another. Lorenzo swept her up from behind and spun her around then planted her on her feet.

"Ti amo, bella. You have made me the happiest man in the world by agreeing to be my wife."

"I love you too, Lorenzo. So much."

To her surprise he picked her up again with a manly growl. Marietta laughed as the others watched. He kissed her and she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. She was the happiest woman in the world. Lorenzo ended the kiss and she slid down his tall frame. Grinning up at him she couldn't look away from the man she loved. She loved him with all of her heart.

When given the chance she glared at Carlo.

Carlo winked and tipped his head to the challenge.

* B *

Armando Mancini strolled toward the front of his family home a bit curious. He was summoned. The men said Dominic Battaglia had come to pay a visit. Once he saw the Battaglia runt standing there alone, the anger in his gut tightened. The fool had arrived with no entourage to protect his scrawny neck.

This intrigued and tempted Armando.

"Ciao, Dominic," Armando said.

Dominic nodded. Armando gave him the customary embrace and cheek kiss. "This is a surprise? Come sta?"

"Molto bene, grazie. I would have called first but I just arrived in Palermo and thought it would be okay to pay you a visit. Giovanni sends his h.e.l.lo."

Armando chuckled. "Of course he does."

He started off to his office. Dominic followed. Armando hadn't expected any Battaglias after the last unannounced visit. But even if they were brave enough to visit his home they certainly wouldn't do so alone. He glanced back at Dominic. He had always known this one had bigger b.a.l.l.s than the others, considering the h.e.l.lhole he escaped as a boy.

"How is Don Mancini?" Dominic asked of Armando's father when they entered the office. Armando went to his bar and reached for the crystal decanter of freshly poured wine. "He's doing quite well. He's in the garden. Is that why you came to visit? To see Papa?" Armando turned with He walked over and handed one to Dominic and then returned to his desk to take a seat. "Please sit. I'm curious about this visit."

Dominic sat. He let the wine swirl in the bottom of the gla.s.s but didn't take a sip. "As you know Giovanni has returned to Villa Mare Blu. He's brought his wife and baby daughter. It's a holiday for them."

"I've heard," Armando said. "I am disappointed that he didn't call to inform us of this holiday."

"That's why I'm here." Dominic grinned. "I came to let you know of our intention to stay, until the babies are born."

"Babies? Twins?" Armando asked.

"Yes. We are blessed. Twin boys."

Armando glared at Dominic from over the rim of his wine as he took a sip. "So you are consigliere again?" When Dominic didn't answer Armando chuckled. He knew that Dominic killed Catalina's husband Franco. They all did. He also knew that he was stripped of the t.i.tle consigliere for the dastardly deed. Though it appeared the punishment was brief. Another weakness of Giovanni's was this dirt rat who they adopted into the family. Armando sat his gla.s.s down on the coaster. "Forgive me. I find it funny how you Camorra pretend at understanding Cosa Nostra. One day a consigliere, the next day an errand boy, the next day consigliere again," Armando chuckled.

"We are no pretenders, I a.s.sure you," Dominic replied. His unfazed manner set Armando's teeth on edge.

"Of course you are pretenders. The Camorra is the lap dog of the Mafia. We Sicilians own the traditions you play with in Italia."

Dominic sighed. "We are just as Sicilian as you. Our fathers took the same oath of omerta, instilled the same values. The Camorra is stronger because of our mutual Sicilian blood."

"Is that what Giovanni teaches you?" Armando asked, with a sardonic smile.

"I'm not here to debate you, Armando. We exist. And that will never change. I'm here to pay respect to your family and inform you that we will be in Sicily for some time. If that is a problem, you should tell me now."

Armando sat forward. "You've got some f.u.c.king nerve arriving here without my blessing. If I do have a problem you were foolish enough to make it easy for me to rectify it."

Dominic stood. He put the gla.s.s of wine down on the table without having a sip. Another insult. "But you won't, Armando. Will you? Until the old man dies you play at being the mafia Don. And my guess is Mancini doesn't want a Battaglia war, he never has."

Armando smiled. "You'd be surprised by what my Papa wants these days."

Dominic started for the door.

"Come sta Mirabella?" Armando asked, slouching back in his large wing back chair.

Dominic stopped.

He turned his gaze back over his shoulder. Armando rocked back in his chair. The cold congested look of rage on Dominic's face was the first show of emotion since his arrival. Armando was pleased he had pushed the right b.u.t.ton. "Tell her that my Papa sends his love and blessings for the twins."

Dominic gave a single nod of his head and then walked out. Armando stroked his chin. The Battaglias had a secret and it was the same secret his father carried. Armando guessed that if he uncovered why those b.i.t.c.hes mattered he'd finally have the means to destroy Giovanni Battaglia. He smiled. That indeed would be gratifying.

"Dominic Battaglia?" entered his office and spat the words with distaste. "What the f.u.c.k is Dominic Battaglia doing showing his face around here? Did you invite him?" was Armando's left hand. And when Armando took the crown from his father, would be his consigliere. Armando picked up his wine and sipped it. stood there with his hands in his pockets.

He lowered the gla.s.s of wine back to the table. "He came to say that Giovanni Battaglia will be staying in Sicilia for the next couple of months. He and his black wife."

"Let me deal with him, a nice little accident on his drive back to Mondello."

"No," Armando said. "The old man wouldn't like it. Besides, I have a better plan."'s brows lowered with interest. Armando leaned forward on his desk. "Giovanni's wife. She's here to give birth to twins. That means they have a doctor in mind. Find out who it is. I'd like to meet him." nodded his head and walked out.

Armando smiled. Giovanni was home. It felt like old times.

* B *

Mira sat up on the exam table. She was helped down to her feet. Giovanni insisted on being the one to put on her underwear and then shorts. The gesture was so sweet but a little oppresive. Mira was still able to manage the effort, however, she knew allowing her husband the priveledge appeased him. They were always both so tense when making a doctors visit. And of course he took the liberty to touch her intimately. He pulled up her shorts and kissed her nose.

"I can't believe you had him come to Sicily." Mira smiled.

Chapter 13 : "Ciao!" Eve said.Dominic started up the stairs so Catalina had to step to the
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