Battaglia Mafia: La Famiglia
Chapter 24 : "What exactly did Catalina say?" Giovanni asked."You're getting to

"What exactly did Catalina say?" Giovanni asked.

"You're getting to be a big girl aren't you, baby?" Mira cooed at Eve. "Soon we have to buy you your own bed."

Eve laughed and started playing with her bracelet.

"What did she say, Bella?"

"Huh? Oh, remember the man? The one that got the visas for Fabiana and me? I think his name was Manchichis?"

"Mancini?" Giovanni corrected her.

"Him. Yes. She said the jeweler was his. And some other Dons here in Sicily. That the jeweler only made custom pieces for the mafia families. So I figured..." Mira lifted Eve and let her hug her belly. "My mother must have met some Sicilians in America. Someone made a counterfeit bracelet. Isn't that strange?"

Giovanni didn't answer.

"Not surprising," Mira continued. "If I hadn't had it tested to prove it was real gold I would have thought it was fake. My mother was a strange woman."

"Take the bracelet off Eve. I couldn't get the clasp open last night." Giovanni demanded.

Mira looked over to her husband. He looked pale. "What's wrong? You feel sick?"

"Take it off, Bella. Now!"

She removed the bracelet from Eve's wrist. She turned it over and looked at the insignia. "See? Here it is? This is the one that looks like it belonged to Del Stavio."

Giovanni took the bracelet and never looked at it. He got up from the bed and went to retrieve her bag. Mira found it odd that he knew exactly where to put it. "It's destiny isn't it, honey?"

He glanced back at her.

"That bracelet is how I knew you were a man of your word. I swear when you found it for me that was the s.e.xiest thing." Mira smiled. "Remember? When I ran from your room and you came after me. Remember what you told me? I think the next day we made Eve."

Giovanni smiled. "Yea, I remember."

"If my purse wasn't s.n.a.t.c.hed... if Mancini never leased that building to us... if you weren't Lorenzo's cousin and met me in Bellagio... we'd never have Eve. Our family, and our life together may have never happened. Destino." Mira blew him a kiss.

Giovanni returned to bed. He took Eve from her and pulled her over to sit closer. She liked the quiet moments between them. Eve seemed to settle down when her father held her.

"I was thinking that I would take Eve down to Mondello's beaches. Catalina said there are some great shops there she wants to show me. Will it be okay? I mean I'm scared of this placenta thing," Mira said.

"No. You shouldn't go for long walks in the shopping market. A walk over to Serenity, our villa, would be okay but nothing more strenuous."

"Wanna come? We can let Eve build sand castles," Mira joked.

"Can you delay it? There's something else you should know," Giovanni sighed.

"Okay?" Mira asked.

"Lorenzo has returned." Giovanni answered.

Mira felt a surge of relief to hear that Lorenzo had returned. It had been months. Although Lorenzo wasn't her favorite person she had begun to worry about him. It just didn't seem like Lorenzo to stay away for so long.

"He came in last night? Really? Where has he been?"

"Off getting married," Giovanni answered.

Mira froze. "Say that again?"

"Lorenzo married an American black woman named Marietta. You met her at the wedding. She came to Eve's birthday party also."

"My G.o.d. He did?" Mira put a hand to her chest. "I had no idea they were that serious."

Giovanni shrugged. He looked away as if uncomfortable with the conversation. "They will be staying here for now," he said. "Lorenzo and I... we have business. So I think you should make her feel at home. But... keep your distance. I want to look into her past. Learn more about who she is and where she is from."

"That makes no sense. How am I to make her feel comfortable if I keep my distance?" Mira asked.

"We don't know her, Bella. Bringing someone new into the family has to be done with caution. I think we keep it polite but not delve into anything personal. Let things develop."

Mira nodded. She understood the rules of their life. Trust no one. But still she couldn't help but be curious. She met Marietta at Eve's birthday party after the wedding and the woman was kind of standoffish. Lorenzo choosing a black woman for his wife felt odd too. She knew of the scorn her husband received for his choice. Mira suspected he received some from Lorenzo too, but never heard or saw any proof of it.

"I guess he's over Fabiana," Mira said. "Well I need to get up and get dressed. I want to meet with Sophia and prepare a great dinner to celebrate."

"Why?" Giovanni asked, bouncing Eve on his lap.

"We didn't get invited to the wedding. Let's make it a celebration for them. To show we're happy for them both," she eased out of bed smiling. She looked back over and discovered Giovanni watched her. "Take her to Cecilia's room. Then come join me in the shower. I want a back rub."

He smiled and nodded. "Will do."

* B *

"I don't want to get out of bed. Can we lay here all day?" Marietta asked.

They were wrapped in each other's arms on a mattress that felt as soft as clouds. The curtain around their bed was drawn. She felt like royalty. And with the doors to the balcony in their room open she could hear the sea.

"We can stay here for as long as you like. But I think we should get dressed and see the family. They really want to meet you."

"Bulls.h.i.+t," Marietta chuckled.

"Why do you say bulls.h.i.+t?" Lorenzo asked. He smacked her playfully on the a.s.s.

"For starters look at you. What happened to you last night? Did King B freak out because we arrived unannounced? I'm not stupid, Lo. Your homecoming was not welcomed with roses. Right?"

"My cousin has a different way of showing love. Trust me everything is fine." He took her chin and forced her face up to look into her eyes. "Enough of this s.h.i.+t with King B and Queen B. You will address him as Don Giovanni for now, and Gio when you two are more familiar. You will address Mirabella as Donna. Always, unless she tells you different. Do you understand?"

"I understand. But in private she's Queen Black Barbie and he's King Barbarian. Okay?"

Lorenzo chuckled. He shook his head and laughed until he winced in pain. "Let's shower together. I wash your back you suck my d.i.c.k-"

She elbowed him hard and he howled in pain. Marietta shot up. She rubbed his side as he turned over in agony. "I'm sorry, baby. I forgot. My G.o.d how hurt are you?" He remained balled tight. Panic went through her. "Lo? Lo? Talk to me. How bad is it? I'm so sorry." She pulled on his shoulder. "Lo?"

Like the release of a tightly wound spring he seized her. Marietta squealed. He kissed her face and tickled her. She kicked under him and tried to push him off. Lorenzo bit her neck hard. Marietta laughed and shook her head.

"I want a morning kiss," he said.

She lifted her arms around his neck. "Come here and I'll give you one."

"A proper kiss," Lorenzo dropped over to his back and pulled her with him. He then lifted her by her hips. Marietta braced her hands to the headboard. Lorenzo cupped her a.s.s with both hands and lifted her as if she weighed nothing. He brought her p.u.s.s.y down on his bruised face.

"Lo... Wait!" she gasped.

He groaned and swept his tongue up from her p.u.s.s.y to the swollen nub of her c.l.i.t. Shock held her immobile for a moment. She b.u.mped her head on the headboard as her eyes fluttered shut. His mouth nibbled her and then he proceeded to tickle her c.l.i.t with his tongue and started foreplay that sent spasms of pleasure through her pelvis. Marietta worked her hips as her p.u.s.s.y was rubbed back and forth over his open mouth. His tongue teased the entrance of her p.u.s.s.y. And the involuntary clenching of her inner walls left him gasping, wheezing. The climax he drove through her had her beating her head against the hard wood and digging her nails into the grain.

Lorenzo lapped up her sweet juices and she trembled and wept with joy. He brought her down his chest and opened his legs to force her to lie back between them. Her knees were spread. Her feet rested on either side of his hips, on the bed. The glistening pink walls of her p.u.s.s.y were on display. He thumbed her and her breath gusted from her. The sight of her beautiful body, the thin gold chain she wore around her waist that connected to the diamond piercing in her navel, and her bushy curly hair splayed wildly around her face excited him. Something akin to raw, primitive love inside of Lorenzo sharpened the hardcore edge of l.u.s.t making his c.o.c.k pulse for domination.

Her large eyes glittered. "What you waiting for, baby?" she asked.

"No one will ever touch you again, Marie. I'll kill any man that does. Do you understand me?"

She reached down and touched herself for him. "Of course not. I'm your wife. Forever."

Lorenzo groaned. He watched her fingers play with her sweet p.u.s.s.y. He wanted her to feel him. The stretch of his c.o.c.k, the heat of his d.i.c.k as he owned her. He put a hand to hers to stop her and she moved her hand away. He angled his c.o.c.k at her opening and she stretched her arms above her head. He was sitting up. She laid flat to her back. She wrapped her legs around his waist as soon as he entered her. He had dragged her a bit closer and his d.i.c.k tunneled deeper. His gaze fastened on her nipples. The dark almond brown peaks tightened as her b.r.e.a.s.t.s quivered with each measured thrust. She arched her hips to angle his strike better.

He lifted her to bring her to his chest, in the upright position, but he slipped out of her. "Come on, baby, slide that juicy p.u.s.s.y over my d.i.c.k," he chuckled.

Marietta centered her s.e.x and eased back down on him. Lorenzo wielded a steady stare of dominance neither could break. He now had her by the hips and controlled her rise and fall on his d.i.c.k with ferocious intensity. Through gritted teeth she breathed in and out of flared nostrils. When their bodies joined this way she felt desperately in love with him. It explained why they'd f.u.c.k three to four times a day on the yacht. There was never enough s.e.x for either of them.

And she loved to watch him too. The muscle alongside his jaw flexed and she cupped the side of his face in her hand, while holding on to him with her other arm around his neck. Marietta knew he was no closer to a climax than she. Which meant he'd be f.u.c.king her all morning. She clung to him, shuddered against him and gave in to his pa.s.sion.

This is what it felt like to be married...

* B *

Mira nodded that she agreed with everything on the menu for the family brunch she intended to serve. Most had already started gathering on the outside terrace for coffee and pastries. "Looks very delicious, Sophia."

"Donna, I have a request," Sophia said in a voice so soft she barely heard her.

"Okay?" Mira asked.

"My sister is ill. She lives in Bagheria. I need to see to her." Sophia turned and looked to the floor instead of Mira as she shared the story of her sister's chronic illness. Mira felt her heart break with sympathy. "I hate to do this with you and the family here but I have to leave this afternoon. I would like Carmella to come and see to the cooking and household needs. She needs the work, Donna, and she is a good girl. I swear she would not do anything-"

"It's okay," Mira smiled. Carmella's return meant so little in the grand scheme of things. It was silly for her to be jealous of the woman. "She can come back and work here. Do you need anything? Anything?"

"No." Sophia said with tears in her eyes. She walked over and hugged Mira. The gesture was so tight Mira felt another pang of sympathy. "Forgive me, Donna, I have no choice."

"Of course you don't." Mira rubbed her back. "No worries, Sophia. Anthony has been a great help and Carmella will be too. Thank you for taking care of my family."

"Grazie, Donna. Tante grazie."

Mira let her go. She picked up a tray of meat and cheeses and so did Sophia. They brought the food to the family. Everyone was gathered except for the newlyweds. However, they were the talk of the conversation.

"But who is she, Gio? This woman he married. I barely remember her from the wedding," Catalina said.

"She came to Eve's birthday party," Rosetta chimed in. "But of course you arrived too late to meet her."

"Oh shut up," Catalina tossed back.

"It doesn't matter who she is, Catalina. Make her feel welcome. Okay?" Mira said. She noticed Dominic's chair was empty. She hoped that he would arrive before Lorenzo and his wife did so they could toast the couple together.

"Donna," Carlo stood from his seat and Mira walked over and greeted him.

"How are you, Carlo?" Mira asked.

"Bennisima. Good to see you." He kissed her on the left and then the right cheek.

"If only Zia and Rocco were here. We'd have all the family," she said. She returned to the head of the table where Giovanni sat. She saw his plate was empty and picked it up. He and Eve would starve themselves rather than eat from the plate fixed by anyone other than her. Mira didn't mind. Which would probably have Fabiana turning over in her grave. Neither of them were the type of women to be found barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen. Mira smiled to herself and stacked the plate with everything she knew her hubby and baby liked.

Once done with her mommy and wifely duties she returned the plates to them and gave her daughter a sweet kiss. Silence fell over the family. Mira lifted her head and her gaze. Lorenzo entered the room holding hands with the woman she'd seen before.

Marietta was quite lovely. She wore a turquoise maxi dress with a very high split up her right thigh. The low scoop neckline revealed a respectable hint of cleavage. And her figure rivaled every woman's in the room. She was a bit fairer skin than Mira but with her hair drawn back from her face in a curly puff her features were similar to Mira's. Strikingly similar.

Which explained why the family stared at her and then glanced back at Mira with evident shock. Or it could be Lorenzo's appearance. He wore a white long sleeve s.h.i.+rt un-tucked from his dark trousers and opened at the collar to reveal his muscular chest. He had a gold chain around his neck. He would be devilishly handsome if it weren't for the fresh bruises to his face and the line around his neck as if he'd been strangled. Why was it each time she saw Lorenzo he had bruises to his face? Mira shook her head and smiled.

"Benvenuti! Welcome!" Mira exclaimed. She hurried down the table to them both. Her legs didn't move as fast as she liked. "Congratulations to you both! Giovanni told me the news this morning. I'm so happy, so very happy for you."

Lorenzo kissed Mira's cheek and she embraced him. She then turned to his wife. "You're Marietta right?" Mira asked.

Marietta glanced to all the others staring at her. Besides the black Barbie before her there wasn't a friendly smile in the room. She instantly felt unwanted.

Before her now was the woman the media constantly speculated about. Mirabella was strikingly beautiful as a pregnant woman. She wore an all white-layered dress that flattered her expanding curves. And though her skin was several shades darker than Marietta's she could see pa.s.sion marks on her neck. What the h.e.l.l? Who walked around with hickies on their neck? Face to face with Madame Mafia, Marietta recognized the resemblance they shared. It made her uncomfortable. Lorenzo squeezed Marietta's hand and she opened her mouth to speak.

"Yes I am Marietta. Pleased to meet you, Donna," Marietta said.

"Donna?" Mirabella laughed. "Call me Mira."

Marietta nodded and removed her hand from the woman's.

Mira pointed to two chairs reserved for them. "Have a seat. I know you must be hungry. Sophia prepared everything. If you want fish we have some on the table over there with some fresh pasta salads."

Lorenzo escorted Marietta to the table. She waited for him to pull out her chair and then eased in like a lady. He sat next to her. The family was a lot to take in. The men at the table leered at her with hard relentless stares. Carlo wore an amused smile over her discomfort.

The women at the table were equally hostile in their silent staring. And when she looked down the table to the man who sat at the head of the family, Don Giovanni Battaglia, she found it hard to hold his stare. The Don was as intimidating as his reputation. And like any other kingpin he remained stoic and observant of her. What Marietta found unique was his striking violet blue eyes. They were cold as ice. She didn't understand how he fit with a woman like Mirabella, who gushed and ran her mouth while everyone else sat silent.

"We have to celebrate. I'm so happy for you both. We're going to have a big dinner and party for you. Giovanni insists." Mira nodded her head. "Right, sweetheart?"

Don Giovanni continued to stare at Marietta, he didn't answer. And the blue-eyed little brown toddler in his lap ate her food as if Marietta hadn't joined the table.

Mira continued. "Today I want to invite you to join me and the girls on the beach. Unfortunately I can't go out sightseeing, but the private beach we have is beautiful. We can have a picnic, take some of the things from brunch with us. How does that sound? I would love to get to know you better. Oh look at me. I'm talking your head off. Please, help yourself. I can't believe Lorenzo got married," Mira chuckled. She waddled like a duck back down to her husband and daughter. Marietta nearly laughed at how ridiculous she moved. She rolled her eyes to her and her fake offer of friends.h.i.+p. She had no intention of spending a day with her. Maybe she and Lorenzo could go visit the grotto he told her about. As she reached for the food she felt the cold stare of someone else at the table. Marietta looked up into the eyes of a woman with dark raven hair and piercing eyes. The woman glared back. Someone addressed her as Catalina. Whoever the b.i.t.c.h is, she better watch her step.

Everyone returned their attention to their meal. Mira rejoined Giovanni at the end of the table. He was feeding Eve from his plate. "Baby, maybe you should say something. Congratulate them in front of the family," Mira whispered.

Chapter 24 : "What exactly did Catalina say?" Giovanni asked."You're getting to
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