Battaglia Mafia: La Famiglia
Chapter 27 : Marietta paused. She looked around the room to be sure she heard her right. "Are y

Marietta paused. She looked around the room to be sure she heard her right. "Are you speaking to me?"

"I saw how you treated my sister in-law at brunch. What happened on the beach? She was fine a few hours ago."

Marietta stepped to Catalina. "You accusing me of something?"

"Should I be?" Catalina dropped her hands to her hips.

Marietta looked her over. "b.i.t.c.h please. I suggest you be careful of your step around me. I'm not a fan, a friend, or a person on your staff. Bite and I bite back."

Catalina frowned. "What the h.e.l.l does that mean? Is that supposed to make sense to me?"

"I wouldn't suggest you push me is what it means. I'm not your enemy, Catalina. I did nothing to your precious Donna. But if you get in my face it'll cost you your a.s.s."

Catalina laughed. "Beh! I can give a d.a.m.n about your tough girl act. This is my family. You're a stranger. Be careful where you step, Marietta." She took a step toward her. "Because if you get in my way or do anything to hurt Mirabella it's you and me." Catalina looked her over and then marched out of the room.

"She's a royal b.i.t.c.h," Rosetta said.

Marietta cast her gaze over to the other one. "And you're not?"

Rosetta's smile faded.

Marietta shook her head. "You're all crazy."

* B *

Mira had to show a brave face. The more her husband became agitated the more he paced the floor and barked at whoever entered. Two tests had turned into six different tests the doctors needed to run. And now two different doctors were consulting on her case. The small ospedale had a polite staff who showed respect toward Giovanni. But even she had to wonder if they needed to leave this one and head to the bigger ospedale in Palermo.

"Are you okay, Bella?" Giovanni's head turned when she let out an exhausted sigh.

"I'm okay. What do you think is taking so long?"

Giovanni wiped his hand down his face. "I'm not sure, possibly the lab work. That would take a while in this place, don't you think?" he looked around at the minimum equipment and rudimentary tools.

"Can you stop pacing please? It makes me nervous," she smiled.

"Yes, of course, Bella. I wish, the doctor would tell us something." Giovanni stared at the door. "Maybe I should find him. Get some answers."

"No! C'mere, Giovanni." She extended her hand to him. "Come."

He walked over and she took his hand, kissing his ring. "You need to relax. I have no cramping, no bleeding. The worst is over for now. Let them do their job." She put his hand to her belly and he spread his fingers as he held the swell. She pushed at the side of her belly to cause the babies to wake. One gave a powerful kick to his daddy's hand. Giovanni laughed. "He's a strong boy."

"A soccer player," Mira chuckled.

Giovanni leaned in and kissed her belly. The door opened and the doctors entered. Dr. Buhari was the first to speak. "How do we feel Signora Battaglia?"

"Better. I haven't felt a single cramp since we arrived."

"Good. Very good." Buhari looked to Giovanni.

"Go ahead, Doctor. My wife can hear her diagnosis," Giovanni said.

"This is Doctor Pallario. He has joined me to make sure I've missed nothing. We are still dealing with a partial Placenta Previa. Which is good. If we had complete Placenta Previa we would need to take the babies." Mira squeezed Giovanni's hand and listened intently. "However, because of the size of your uterus and the bleeding, we suggest full bed rest for the remainder of your pregnancy."

"Really?" Mira asked alarmed.

"And..." The other doctor spoke again. "An ultrasound must be done weekly. Must."

Mira nodded.

"What are the risks?" Giovanni asked. "What does this mean, will she have the babies naturally or will you have to operate when it is time?"

"I have to be honest with you both, her pressure is increasingly high. If the bleeding becomes worse and the placenta s.h.i.+fts lower we risk her hemorrhaging. Worst case scenario is death, best case scenario would be a full hysterectomy to stop the bleeding. Keeping her calm and in bed is important. It is the most important thing for the health of the babies as well."

"Oh my G.o.d." Mira said. "You're telling me that besides losing my children, my life, if I survive this I might not be able to have anymore children?"

"It's a risk we intend to avoid. We have the best specialists in Palermo. You will be in capable hands."

She glanced over to Giovanni and he paled. Sick. He squeezed her hand and tried to rea.s.sure her with a smile. Mira nodded to her husband that she was okay.

"The good news is the twins have strong heartbeats, they are growing adequately. You should be able to carry them for a few more weeks if we are careful."

"I want Zia. Can you send for her, Giovanni? I want her to come as soon as she can." Mira said through her tears.

He kissed her. "Of course. I'll send for her immediately." He walked over and shook the doctors' hands. "Grazie to you both. I will bring her to the appointments myself. Personally."

Mira began to cry after the doctor's left. Giovanni returned to her side and held her. "No worries, Bella. We will get through this. We will do as the doctors ask."

"I'm so scared."

"Shhh, with me you should never be. I will protect you and our children. Always."

"Yes, Giovanni. But some things even you can't prevent."

* B *

Giuliani smoked a cigar. Santo sat in a chair across from him, watching him as if bored. The Mottola rat glanced up in surprise when Lorenzo walked in. "Where is Gio? I demand to see him now! I came here as a courtesy and you've kept me here for four hours!" He pushed up in his chair. "What the h.e.l.l is going on?" Giuliani demanded.

Behind Lorenzo entered Carlo, Dominic, and Nico. Santo slowly stood. He parted his suit jacket and eased his hands into his pockets.

"Is Giovanni ready for him now," Santo asked. Shock registered on his face at the sight of Lorenzo.

"Gio has been called away. I'm here." Lorenzo smiled. Santo looked him over. Giuliani's gaze volleyed between the men. "I have a few questions for you, Giuliani."

"I've told Dominic all I know." Giuliani answered.

"I'm not Domi or Gio. Ask Santo," Lorenzo said. "Domi's a man of reason. I'm a man of instinct. And what I think is that you told Domi all that you wanted him to know. All that a rat like you could say to protect and serve your own personal interests. Now sit your a.s.s down you Mottola runt. We shall go over the details of Chiaiano, my way."

The man did as he was told. Lorenzo chose a chair. None of the other men did. Santo looked on. Lorenzo hoped he'd say or do something for him to take his b.a.l.l.s as well. But he held his tongue. So he focused on Giuliani.

"Why Chiaiano?" Lorenzo began.

Giuliani looked around. "I don't understand?"

"We are dividing a lot of Battaglia territory for the clans in the Campania. Mottola is the strongest clan next to ours in the Camorra. He can have top pick. Instead he goes for the region clearly under-developed. Why?" Lorenzo asked.

"He is a madman. There has not been a capo di tutti capi in the Camorra in over sixty years. Giovanni has too much power and it worries the other clan bosses. When Giovanni took down the Calderone family and moved into the triangle it made my cousin nervous. They don't believe he is cleansing his business."

"What do they believe about Gio?" Lorenzo asked. "Look at me when you speak, Giuliani. Santo won't help you."

The man sweated profusely. He wiped his hand down his face and wiped the wet stain onto his pants. "Ah, er... I... they think he is undeserving of the t.i.tle. That he wishes to change the Camorra to the traditions of the Mafioso, like the Sicilians. They believe he is partnering with the `Ndrangheta to seize more control over the clans. It's what Mottola is telling the other bosses."

Lorenzo cut Santo a look. "And you have heard none of this?"

Santo stared at Lorenzo with a stoic face. Lorenzo's gaze then s.h.i.+fted over to Dominic. "We need to pay a visit to Mottola. A sit down. A personal one."

Dominic nodded. "Giovanni said you can decide on this one. Take Carlo and Nico."

"Wait!" Giuliani spoke up. "He's not there. He has travelled to a place just outside of Turkey to meet with the Armenians. He won't return for another week or so. That is why I was able to come here for this visit."

Lorenzo sat back and considered the news. He then leaned forward when he spoke to Giuliani, keeping him locked in his sight. "This business with the Armenians, are we talking an alliance with Yeremian?"

Giuliani's voice was shaky, his gaze s.h.i.+fted from one man to the next when he spoke. "I don't know who he meets with."

"This means Mottola doesn't want just Giovanni's territories he wants his friends as well." Lorenzo glanced to Dominic. "This is good news if we act now. We can pay a visit to Yeremian and see if he is aware that his interests are now being divided within the Campania."

Santo cleared his throat. "I want to be heard in front of Giovanni before we act on any information."

Lorenzo laughed. "I'm home, Santo. You will be heard in front of me and Gio," he smiled. Santo did not. He returned his gaze to Giuliani. "Giovanni will meet with you tonight." He turned and left.

* B *

Marietta returned to her room hopeful. But when she found it empty her heart dropped. It had been over five hours. Dinner would be served soon. Lorenzo had better be back by then. She was sick of wandering these halls in search of him. The sideways glances of the women, the snarky att.i.tude of one in particular was wearing her down. And she was growing a bit anxious over the news of Mirabella. Since the incident on the beach she's felt a reoccurring soreness in her pelvis, possibly sympathy pains.

If Marietta were honest with herself she'd have to admit she liked Mirabella. Especially when Mira showed her b.i.t.c.hy side in defense of her dead friend Fabiana. There was a quiet strength to Mirabella that Marietta would have never guessed from her surface beauty and poise. This she could respect.

Around the room were castaway clothes. Marietta had asked that no one clean their room. She didn't want strangers going through her things. And she didn't quite trust the Battaglias not to snoop. Besides she was Lorenzo's wife and this was their domain. She would keep it tidy.

The Battaglias didn't trust her. Lorenzo warned her they might not. In his life it was wise to be leery of strangers. The family and staff seemed to watch her as if she was some thieving wh.o.r.e Lorenzo brought home off the streets. Marietta walked around the room picking up his clothes. Her hubby was the biggest slob. Marietta stooped and picked up his trouser pants. A gold chain dropped out of the pocket.

She stared at it for a moment. When she bent to retrieve the necklace she touched the charm and her hand froze. Marietta picked up her precious jewelry and inspected the necklace with such relief tears clouded her vision. But slowly her smile began to fade. Lorenzo told her he didn't know where it was. Why was it in the pocket of his pants? Why lie about it?"

She tossed the clothes to the bed. She checked to see if the clasp had broken once again. It was intact. What did that mean? Marietta clenched it in her fist and looked around his and her things. No matter how she tried to understand his deception it made no sense.

Lorenzo had plenty of explaining to do.

* B *

Catalina waited in the hall. When she saw Dominic approach she walked up to him. "I want to talk to you."

He glanced at her and then pa.s.sed her without a word. She caught up with his steps. "Now, Domi. I'm serious. I want to talk to you now."

He walked into the room he occupied when staying at Villa Mare Blu. She followed him and closed the door.

"Are we over?" she asked.

"I said we were," he answered.

"And you mean it?" she asked.

"I meant it, Catalina. We're done."

"How could you say that to me? After everything we've been through. How?" she demanded.

Dominic sighed. "It's because of everything we've been through. I need a break. You need a break. If we don't take one we will lose each other for good."

"We already have. You called off our engagement!" she shouted at him.

"I did not!" he said through clenched teeth. "You did when you went to Gio behind my back."

"I'm sorry, Domi. Forgive me. It was a mistake. I make them sometimes. Don't punish me like this. I can't take it," she choked down her emotion and tried hard not to cry. "I'm not going back to Milan. Not until Mira has the babies. That's two and half months away. We can work on us. Together."

Catalina couldn't breathe. Each time she tried her chest went tight and her lungs became restricted. She approached him. "Please, I'm begging you."

"Stop it, sweetheart," he forced her hands down from his face. "We're done."

"Please." She touched him again. He grabbed her by both her arms and yanked her forward. There was such raw hurt in his eyes she believed he suffered too. "Please," she brought her trembling lips close to his. They brushed over but he drew back from her kiss. "I love you, Domi, I'll do anything. I swear it." He loosened his hold on her. She broke free to wrap her arms around his neck and claim the kiss. She felt his resistance soften. Dominic forced her back up against the wall causing the picture to their left to fall off the hook and the gla.s.s to shatter when it hit the floor. Catalina gasped as he forced her up the wall, his hand stroking her between her thighs as he licked and sucked her neck.

She smiled through her tears. She laughed. "Yes, baby, yes, Domi! Yes!"

The door opened to his room and he released her before undoing the zipper to his pants. Dominic looked back and Catalina quickly fixed her dress and brought it down.

"Oh my G.o.d! I'm so sorry. Forgive me. The Donna's here. Giovanni needs your help, Domi. I knocked."

"The h.e.l.l you did!" Catalina hissed at Rosetta.

Dominic walked out of the door. Catalina's heart raced. She still had tears on her face. And Rosetta's smug smile made her boil with fury. "What the h.e.l.l do you think you're doing? I know you did this on purpose."

"Oh please. Everyone knows that you and Domi are not to fool around in Giovanni's house. How was I to guess you were in here begging for s.e.x?"

"That's a lie!" Catalina shouted at her. She charged at Rosetta to strike her.

"It's the truth." Rosetta stepped back. "And here's something else, Catalina. Dominic deserves better. You're going to lose him. Not because of me, but because of you." Rosetta smiled and walked out. Catalina double blinked. She sat down because her legs felt weak. What happened between her and Dominic wasn't the forgiveness she sought. It was l.u.s.t. Feeling desperate and lost she closed her eyes. Maybe he was right. Maybe she did need time to live outside of his protective shadow. But how could she when loving him was all she's ever desired until now? Could she ever let Domi go?

* B *

"Too much fuss over me. I'm fine!" Mira said at the bottom of the stairs. The family had her boxed in. Before she could ask Giovanni to confirm it, he swept her up in his arms. "No. Giovanni, put me down! I'm too heavy. Don't!"

Her protest didn't matter. Giovanni carried her effortlessly up the stairs and a troop of his men followed him close in case he wavered. Mira smiled at the determination on his face that made his jaw thrust forward and his lips tightly pressed. She knew she weighed a ton but he'd never let any of them see his struggle. And he did as he intended, he carried her directly to bed. So many people gathered in their bedroom she felt claustrophobic.

Chapter 27 : Marietta paused. She looked around the room to be sure she heard her right. "Are y
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