Battaglia Mafia: La Famiglia
Chapter 38 : Marietta however looked beautiful. She wore a cream summer dress with spaghetti straps.

Marietta however looked beautiful. She wore a cream summer dress with spaghetti straps. Her curvy figure was perfectly outlined in the thin material and the hem stopped mid thigh, inching higher when she walked. To be so pet.i.te she had curves like a dancer. She had thick thighs, a round shapely a.s.s, flat stomach, and perfectly pert t.i.ts. She wondered if Marietta worked out.

"Am I disturbing you?" Marietta asked.

"No. I'm waiting on the doctor. Sit. Please. Talk with me," Mira said.

For a minute it looked as if Marietta wouldn't accept her invite. But that moment pa.s.sed. She walked to the edge of the bed and sat on it. "You look funny," Marietta said.

"Funny?" Mira asked. She touched her face. "Funny how?"

"Tired. Under the eyes," Marietta said. "Did you get any sleep?"

"Not much. I am tired. But I guess that comes with the territory." Mira smiled. "How are you feeling? Catalina said you were sick after you had lunch together?"

Marietta waved off the concern. "She and I got off to a bad start. That's my fault. I've never been good at making friends." Marietta peeked up at her from under her dark lashes. "I didn't have many friends when I grew up. I feel really bad about how I've treated you. Especially with your hospitality and everything. You really have been nice. I was hoping we could start over."

"Oh, forget about that. I knew you'd like me eventually," Mira winked. Marietta frowned and looked away. Did she say something wrong, Mira wondered? An awkward silence settled between them. Mira tried again. "So, did you have fun yesterday when you went to Paler-"

"Do you know much about your mother?" Marietta blurted.

Taken aback Mira couldn't respond. Marietta was quick to explain her question. "I'm sorry. Forgive me. I'm curious. Yesterday when I was with Catalina I told her I was adopted and didn't know my birth mother. She said your mother died when you were young. Is that true?"

"Yes, it is. She died I think when I was two," Mira said.

"You think? Why don't you know for sure?" Marietta asked.

Mira felt her smile waver, and a deep pang of regret stab her chest. "My mother had a complicated life. She ran off from home, returned with me as a baby, and then left me behind when I was only a toddler. All for... she died shortly after. She was... she was a drug addict."

Marietta stood. She walked around the bed and began to pace. "Did she die from the drugs? Are you sure?"

Am I sure? It was a very uncomfortable topic. Who the h.e.l.l does she think she is? Mira watched her pace, uncertain of the point for the line of questioning. Part of her wanted to tell Marietta to mind her own d.a.m.n business and stay out of hers. The other half of her truly did want to be friends with Lorenzo's wife. Maybe the story of her mother would help Marietta cope with whatever seemed to have her agitated. Marietta stopped pacing and looked at her as if she expected a response.

"I believe so. It's what my grandparents told me when I was old enough to understand her death. I never pressed for details."

"But what was she like? Did they tell you that? Do you have any memories of her at all? A picture?" Marietta's eyes stretched. "Do you have her picture?"

"I beg your pardon?" Mira frowned.

"Oh f.u.c.k this s.h.i.+t! You need to know the truth," Marietta pointed an accusatory finger at Mira. "You walk around here clueless! You don't know s.h.i.+t about her. About who I am. Who we are."

Alarmed Mira pushed back into her pillows. Something wild and angry was now in Marietta's eyes. She didn't trust her. Not at that moment. The door opened and Giovanni walked in with her tall dark African doctor. Both men stopped at the sight of Marietta. The look she gave Giovanni was as lethal as the one she aimed at Mira. And without a word she stormed out of the room.

"What the h.e.l.l was she doing in here?" Giovanni demanded.

"Oh stop it, Giovanni. We were just talking. She was upset," Mira said. She then looked to the doctor. "Ciao, dottore Buhari. Good to see you."

"I hear last night was uncomfortable?" the doctor asked.

"She left the bed. She went downstairs by herself," Giovanni said with evident disapproval.

"I was fine. I got hungry and couldn't sleep. The boys have been really active," Mira reasoned.

"Let's check your pressure. Do a quick pelvic exam and decide if we need to do more?" the doctor advised.

Mira nodded. She winked at her brooding husband as the doctor got out his equipment. And though her attention was focused on the condition of her pregnancy, she couldn't help but wonder about the curious visit from Marietta.

* B *

"Morning!" Catalina sang.

Marietta buried her face in her hands.

"I said morning!" Catalina chirped.

Marietta looked up at the perky Catalina who breezed into the room in a bright pink summer dress that was strapless. Her thick brown hair cascading about her shoulders made her even more beautiful. The spoiled princess sat at the table with a cup of cappuccino and tossed her bangs from her eyes. She stared at Marietta with an arched brow for a response.

"What has you so happy?" Marietta asked.

"Let me show you!" Catalina rose from her chair and walked down the table. She put the newspaper in front of Marietta. She tapped her magenta red nail on the article. The headline in Italian announced the successful fas.h.i.+on show for Mirabella's company Fabiana's. Marietta stared down at the image of the models posed in a store window. Each garment they wore was more stunning than the other.

"That, my dear is me! I did this. See right there. My name is mentioned. As soon as the doctor finishes with the Donna I will deliver the good news," Catalina said.

"What good news?" Rosetta entered the room and paused.

"None of your business," Catalina answered.

Marietta ignored them both. The article talked of Mirabella's accomplishments. Her sister was fierce to have done so much at a young age. Marietta once had dreams of turning her furniture business into something grand and profitable. But she could never focus long enough to make those dreams a reality. And her management of funds was always off. She ended up owing too much money in taxes and went bankrupt.

"Buongiorno," Cecilia walked in with little Eve. Marietta's gaze s.h.i.+fted from the article to the little girl. It was as if she were seeing people with a new perspective. The little brown toddler with blue eyes sucked on a red pacifier. She walked on bowed legs toward the table. The baby looked up at Marietta and blinked. She never liked kids. And kids never liked her. But if she were to have a little girl Marietta had to wonder if the child would be as beautiful as baby Eve.

The baby must have been a mind reader. She s.n.a.t.c.hed her hand free of Cecilia and walked over to Marietta. She stopped at her chair and raised her arms as if demanding to be picked up.

"Look at Eve, she never goes to anybody," Rosetta said, who had been at the table eating silently. Catalina glanced up. Everyone looked to Marietta expecting her to respond. Eve sucked her pacifier and waited. Marietta gave an awkward smile and reached to lift the kid. Eve was placed on her lap. She rested against her breast and sucked her pacifier in a way she'd seen the toddler do with Mira. Marietta stroked her arm. "She's a special little girl," said Marietta.

"She likes you. That must mean you're part of the family now," Catalina chuckled. "Little Evie is a hard one to impress."

The other women agreed. Holding Eve in her arms felt natural. Being an auntie felt natural, she could really get into it. Marietta smiled. She needed to talk to Mirabella. Tell her everything. Her first attempt had been a disaster. Mira must think she's nuts.

Marietta needed to learn more about the family she never knew existed. Maybe see an image of her dead mother. But to do so meant she had to reveal the truth to Mira and she had no way of knowing what the truth would mean for all of them. Whatever she decided she must do so quick. Lorenzo would return soon, and she didn't trust herself with him.

Carmella, the servant girl, carried in a tray of food and a few men came in and sat at the table. Marietta was given a plate for Eve. The toddler spat out her pacifier and started to reach into the plate to grab the fruit she liked. Marietta laughed. She helped Eve and felt a little of the weight of sadness lift from her heart.

* B *

"How is she, Doctor?" Giovanni paced. The way he glared at the man and watched him closely had to have made the doctor nervous. Mira wished Giovanni would relax and trust the doctor to do his job.

"Her pressure is still elevated," Dr. Buhari said.

"It is?" Mira gasped. "But I have been doing everything you said."

"No you haven't! You got out of bed, Bella," Giovanni pointed an accusatory finger at her. "You got out of bed after I explicitly told you not to."

"Oh stop saying that. You're my husband not my jailor. I walked around a little bit. Not a lot." She looked from Giovanni's frustrated face to the doctor's concerned one. Mira felt such guilt her voice cracked with emotion. "Is he right, Doctor? Am I the cause?"

"I doubt a trip downstairs last night helped matters. But I have to tell you, we are going to have to take you in soon. After your last test results I had my concerns. We have to be cautious. I will call the ospedale and have them ready a room for you."

"My babies? Will I have to deliver them? It's too soon." Mira said.

"We'll make that decision later. Can you return to Palermo in the morning?" Dr. Buhari asked.

"No. No, Giovanni, tell him. We aren't ready. It's too soon!" Mira exclaimed.

"Bella, calm down, sweetheart." He stepped to the doctor. "Should we take her in now? To be safe?"

"No. No more excitement today. Tomorrow is fine. We will take it from there. Trust me we won't take the babies unless absolutely necessary." He patted her hand. "Now rest. I will see you in the morning."

"Grazie," Mira said.

Giovanni stepped in front of the doctor. "I think you should stay."

"Well I have to be back at the ospedale. I need to make arrangements for her." Dr. Buhari said.

"You can use a phone here to make those arrangements. Bella may need you. Stay." Giovanni said.

"Don Battaglia, I am sorry but I have to decline," the doctor said.

Giovanni smiled. "I insist."

Flabbergasted the man looked to Mira for help. What could she say? She wanted him to stay as well. She felt her husband's nervousness and quietly agreed with him. Giovanni opened the door and Leo stepped inside. "Take the doctor to his room and make sure he has everything he needs."

The doctor looked again to Mira for help. She felt awful, but Giovanni could not be refused by either of them. The man nodded. He walked out.

"Was that necessary, Giovanni?" Mira asked.

"If it protects you and my sons then yes it was," Giovanni replied. "Besides it's not a prison. Many would like to spend the night here. They'll make sure he's accommodated."

"I agree. I have to be honest, I feel better now that you asked him to stay." Mira moved her legs over the bed and placed her feet on the ground. She put her hand to her side. The babies were unnaturally still. It wasn't surprising considering the fact that they kept her up all night. Mira reached for a pastry just as Giovanni returned to her side.

"Sit back, Bella," he ordered.

She did as she was told. He stacked the pillows behind her to ensure she was comfortable.

"I'm okay." Mira tried to rea.s.sure him.

"No stress today. None. Don't talk about that company, or do anything with it. Do you understand?" Giovanni said in a stern voice.

"I understand." She nodded her head like a good girl. She munched on the cream filled pastry he pa.s.sed her. Lately her hunger was like that of a truck driver. Who knew sitting on your a.s.s made you crave food?

"I had a meeting later today in Bagheria. I won't be going. I have to deal with Lorenzo and Carlo." He started toward the door.

"Something wrong?" Mira asked with a mouthful.

"Nothing to worry about. They've arrived a few minutes ago. Just got word."

* B *

Marietta pa.s.sed a crying Eve over to Cecilia. She may be her aunt but she knew nothing about how to settle a tantrum. She did suffer a pang of embarra.s.sment over the much-needed rescue. When she checked her watch she found the morning had slipped away. The doctor's visit had to have concluded.

She intended to see Mira. And it dawned on her how to approach the subject with her sister. Something that Gemma said in her letter. A true test to prove they were sisters. She would show her the necklace. When she pushed back from the table Carlo and Lorenzo walked in. Marietta froze. They looked haggard and sleep deprived in their appearance. They wore the clothes they left in. Her man's eyes were so heavy with exhaustion she wasn't sure he was looking at her or through her. Lorenzo smiled. He had kept his promise and returned sooner than forty-eight hours.

"Cara." He walked toward her and grabbed her up into an embrace. She shoved him off. There was such a ruckus on the terrace with everyone's excitement over their surprise return no one barely noticed her rejection of him.

"I want to talk to you! Now!" she seethed. "Now!"

"No. I have to see Giovanni. Give me an hour and meet me in our room." He kissed her cheek and squeezed her a.s.s. "In our bed," he said. No matter how hard she tried to push out of his embrace he had a tight grip on her. He bit her cheek. "Be nice. I've missed you," he said.

When he released her she tried to slap him but he caught her wrist. He leaned in and his tone held a clear threat. "Don't ever do that in front of the family. I said we'd talk later."

She s.n.a.t.c.hed her arm away.

"You a.s.shole. I hate you." She turned and stormed away. When she looked back he wasn't even staring after her. He was busy hugging and laughing with the others. Blinded by her tears and hurt beyond her own comprehension she went to her room. Once inside she found her purse. She found her necklace.

"f.u.c.k you, Lorenzo. f.u.c.k you," she said. She fast walked out of her room. Just as she turned the corner she saw Giovanni descend the stairs. She stayed out of sight. When he was gone she raced up the stairs and hurried to Mira's room.

* B *

Giovanni sought his cousin with his eyes. The wild tale he was told at four in the morning had left him reeling. Mottola had taken betrayal to a whole new level. The offenses were beyond any of Giovanni's original understanding.

Eve raced for her father crying for his attention. He picked her up and kissed her. The affection calmed her immediately. She grinned and leaned in to kiss him once more.

"Gio!" Lorenzo walked over. "We have to talk. Now."

"I know." He glanced to Carlo who ate, chewed, and swallowed in a hurried manner. He nodded for him to come as well. Carrying Eve in his arms, his bambina waved at Lorenzo from his over his shoulder.

* B *

Marietta pushed the door open. Mira glanced up when she walked in. Marietta closed the door behind her to ensure they would have privacy. "Hi there? I hear Lorenzo is back. You must be happy," Mira said.

Around Marietta's neck she wore her necklace. Mira stared at her with a smile. There was no hint of recognition in her face. Maybe Marietta stood too far from the bed for Mira to see the charm. So she stepped closer.

"Are you okay?" Marietta asked with genuine concern. "Do you feel okay for a visit?"

"Oh I'm fine. Don't let my grumpy husband fool you. I'm more than capable of having a conversation without going into labor," she chuckled.

Marietta sat on the edge of the bed. Mira blinked at her. She showed no reaction to the necklace Marietta wore. So Marietta touched it to draw her eyes to it. "Do you recognize this, Mira?"

Mira sat forward. She squinted at the necklace and then looked up into Marietta's face. "It's beau-" Mira studied it again and looked up into Marietta's eyes.

At last Marietta saw the light of awareness in Mira's eyes. She reached behind her neck and released the clasp to take the necklace off. She then handed it over to Mira. "It was given to me as a child, by a mother I never met. You have one like it don't you?"

Chapter 38 : Marietta however looked beautiful. She wore a cream summer dress with spaghetti straps.
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