Battaglia Mafia: La Famiglia
Chapter 46 : "I don't understand?" Dr. Buhari said."Mancini has been one step ah

"I don't understand?" Dr. Buhari said.

"Mancini has been one step ahead of me this entire time. He knew Mira was here. He knew her condition before I told him."

"I don't know a Mancini." Buhari vehemently denied the accusation.

Giovanni smiled. "Now you insult me by lying to my face." Giovanni continued. "Mancini said something to me today that I only just now considered. Do you know what that was?"

The doctor's gaze lifted. He'd seen fear on a man many times in his life. Even from a small child as his father ruled over his men and brothers with an iron fist, he'd seen others cower. Today the doctor didn't look afraid. He looked petrified. "Mancini said to me that he owns this ospedale and everyone in it." Giovanni stepped closer. His face was barely a breath away. "Are you his?" he asked.

Buhari swallowed. He didn't dare make a move.

"Rispondetemi," Giovanni said.

"Don Mancini contacted my office. He gave me her mother's medical history. I've only given him basic updates. The information helped us treat your wife."

Giovanni patted the side of the doctor's face hard. He grabbed the man by the throat. "You saved her life so you have yours. If you want to keep it you will stop all communication about my wife and her condition with Mancini."

"Understood. Understood, signor."

A nurse entered and quickly made a hasty exit. Giovanni shoved the doctor away. The man left the room without delay. Giovanni returned to Mira's bedside. He dragged a chair close. He pulled the rosary from his s.h.i.+rt pocket and wrapped the pearl strand around his fist. He had to breathe in and out several times, very slowly to calm down. He lowered his head. "Nel nome del Padre, e del Figlio, e dello Spirito Santo. Amen," he began, and the door opened. He turned and saw Father Chris enter. The timing was uncanny. He hadn't seen the father since his wedding.

"Gio," the priest said. He walked over and they embraced. "Cardinal Callori di Vignale called me. Why didn't you, son?"

"I haven't had a chance to think," Giovanni said.

The priest smiled. He glanced to Mira. "How is she?"

"Not well," Giovanni sighed.

"I want to christen the twins, here, now. And we will bless her."

Giovanni was so grateful. He wished it to be a different occasion but even he couldn't deny that his wife and children needed the father's blessing as did he.

"Come, son, we will get through this together."

Sleep stole away his mission to never take his eyes off his wife. He blinked and discovered he slept with his head buried between his folded arms on the bed. The touch on his shoulder jostled him. He lifted his head and glanced back over his shoulder. Dominic stood there. He wore a grey tailored suit and a sad smile. Giovanni had to blink again to be sure. He saw Rocco in his overalls and plaid s.h.i.+rt standing at his side. Zia was on the other side of the bed. She wept, kissing Mira's face, fixing her sheets, begging her to wake up in Italian.

Giovanni had never felt so relieved to see everyone. He stood with the help of Dominic, weak from lack of sleep and eating. Dominic patted him on the back. "So things fall apart when I leave huh?" Dominic chuckled The two embraced. "How is she?" Dominic asked.

"She should wake soon. They brought her out of the induced coma. We have to wait and see." Giovanni's gaze swiveled back to the bed.

"The rest of the family is here. Zia wants a prayer circle. Let them take care of her and la bambini. You and I should go for a drive." Dominic grabbed Giovanni's face. "You haven't eaten, Gio. Have you?"

"I'm not leaving her," he said emphatically. He broke from Dominic. He reached over and brushed Mira's brow with the back of his hand. He had to compete with Zia's touch. She was kissing and stroking Mira's face, whispering to her. Giovanni again realized how wrong he was to keep her from Zia. "I have to be here when she wakes."

He didn't care what anyone said. He wasn't leaving anything to chance. Mira had to open her eyes and see him first. See he was there, and he loved her.

Dominic stepped close. He kept his voice low so Gio only heard it. "Per favore. You need to step outside and have a conversation with me. It's important, Gio," Dominic said.

Rocco came over and Giovanni smiled at his uncle. He hugged him. "Go with Domi, Gio. We are here now."

The door opened and the women in his family entered. His aunts and cousins, older and very spiritual had all come. Zia began giving orders to them. He'd seen them do this before. As his mother lingered near death they prayed for her. She lived for weeks instead of days because of the sheer will of the family not to let her go. And now they would pray for Mira. It should help.

"Now, Gio," Dominic insisted.

With reluctant acceptance Giovanni walked out of the room. He reeked from lack of sleep and tears. He could smell himself. A shower would do him some good. There had to be a place in the hospital to take one. He stopped and signaled for Renaldo. "Go back to Mondello, have Catalina pack me a fresh suit, all my things to shower and change."

"Yes, Boss." Renaldo turned and left.

"They gave me this room. I didn't sleep in it. We can talk here." Giovanni walked a bit stiffly. Sitting up all night as he watched over his wife had wrecked his back. "I want Eve brought here. She should be close. So when Bella wakes she can see her. Bring her."

"It might frighten the child to see her mother this way, Gio. I would advise against it."

His head hurt. His thoughts muddled. "Right. Yes, you are right. I guess I need to clear my head. I'm not thinking straight."

"You haven't slept since this began," Dominic said. "I got the call from Santo and came immediately. Things are not good, Gio. The `Ndrangheta has pulled out of our agreement. They are aligned with Bonaduce yet they still think we are we blind to it. I've left Santo in the Campania. We now have the Polizia di Stato in our yard. The Prime Minister has not returned my call. My contact says that they have the bay under surveillance. They are building a case for trafficking and tracking what we have allowed the `Ndrangheta to export. So we must stop all s.h.i.+pments immediately."

Giovanni flinched. The last thing he needed was the Mafia Criminal Investigation Unit digging into his affairs. Dominic continued, "Mottola is gaining support in the Camorra. Everyone is on edge. The clan bosses blame us for this division, the investigations, the `Ndrangheta, all of it. You were right to bring everyone to Sicilia. Home isn't safe anymore."

"Bulls.h.i.+t. No one chases me out of the Campania. Mottola will pay for this. I'll take the life of every man who stands with him." Giovanni sat down on the edge of the bed.

Dominic said nothing. They both knew that war was just what the authorities hoped for. The best way to infiltrate his organization would be the chaos.

"The women know the truth, Domi. My Bella knows I lied to her. She knows Patri ordered her mother's death. She knows everything." Giovanni lifted his gaze. "That's why she refuses to wake. I think she's given up on me, on us."


"Marietta told her. I have no idea how Marietta found out, but she told her," Giovanni said.

"I might have an idea." Dominic said.


"Catalina took Marietta to Belina. They sat up in the private rooms and dined with Mancini's men."

"She did what?" Giovanni asked. "Who drove her to Belina?"

"Doesn't matter, Gio. The damage is done," Dominic said.

"It does f.u.c.king matter!" Giovanni stood. "Which of my men drove them to Belina? Leonardo? Right? He was the one that took them to Palermo. I want him brought to me."

Dominic shook his head. "Gio, it's happening."

"What's happening?" he asked.

"You. Look at yourself. Who gives a f.u.c.k if it was Leonardo? Who gives a f.u.c.k? He only did what he was told. Mancini got to her, because we didn't tell them the truth," Dominic said.

Giovanni rubbed his brow. "I don't need you reminding me of my mistakes, Domi."

"You need to be thinking clearly!" Dominic shouted. He paced like a caged lion. "You need to keep us from repeating the mistake we made with the Calderones."

The rare occasions when Dominic was bold enough to shout at him always got Giovanni's attention. "So now I'm insane? You motherf.u.c.kers keep throwing Calderone in my face!" he kicked the chair next to him. He picked it up and threw it into the wall. He turned on Dominic. "I regret nothing I did to the Calderones. Nothing!" Giovanni pounded his fist into his hand. "I will get a handle on things. I just need Bella... I need her... to be okay. And then..." He paused. He cut Dominic a glare. "Give me a couple of days, a week. And then I'll deal with the Camorra."

Dominic nodded his head in respect. Giovanni knew Dominic was right. He knew the state of things with the Camorra would weaken him if he didn't act. But nothing, not even his own f.u.c.king empire, could take him away from Mirabella. Not until he was certain she and his bambini were okay.

"The clan bosses have been told of Mira's delivery. Everyone is giving you respect, Gio. But we will have to settle this matter with Mottola, swiftly. Let's discuss it after Mira wakes," Dominic conceded.

Giovanni glanced back at him. "Meet with Lorenzo and Carlo. They have some information on the Armenians. Yeremian is pleased with how we helped him solve his problem in Armenia. He can be an ally against Bonaduce and `Ndrangheta."

"I'll speak with him. I heard that Mancini paid you a visit. Here? I'm sure that didn't go over well," Dominic said.

"He thinks I don't know his game. He wants Bella to recognize him as her father. The minute she does he'll try to end me, separate us. He has no intention of letting his daughters remain married to Battaglia men. As if he has a f.u.c.king say in the matter. What I don't understand is the timing of everything." Giovanni sat on the bed.

Dominic eased his hands into the pockets of his trousers. "It could be his death. The man doesn't have much time left."

Giovanni shook his head. "If Mancini was the one to tell Marietta the truth then he wouldn't unleash her on Mirabella knowing her medical history. I could see it on his face when he laid eyes on Marietta. He hasn't had contact with her."

"You think Armando is undermining him? Trying to stir chaos between our families so he can keep control of his father?" Dominic asked.

"Possibly. But in my gut I feel we are missing something. Question Marietta. Find out exactly how she learned the truth and who told her. There's something we don't know, Domi. I feel it."

"I think you should rest, Gio."

Giovanni tried to rise. Dominic gently pushed him back. "Lie down. Twenty minutes on your back will do you good. When Renaldo returns with your clothes you can shower. Zia Josefina has brought in food for you. I'll have it brought here."

Giovanni wanted to protest. The moment he reclined in the hospital bed the battle was lost. His lids slipped lower and lower. "If any thing happens? If she stirs have them wake me. Immediately," he yawned.

Dominic patted his shoulder. "Rest, brother. I'm here. I'll take care of everything."

* B *

"Christo!" Carmella exclaimed. She turned directly into Lorenzo. "You scared me Lorenzo."

Lorenzo dropped his hand on the stove and trapped her near the counter. "Fixing breakfast are we?" he asked. He stared into her eyes. The exchange was brief. She immediately looked away. Lorenzo lifted her chin and brought her gaze back upward. "Well? Are you?"

"Huh? Yes. I thought everyone needed to eat, especially little Eve. She was so upset yesterday. Pardon," Carmella said and she tried once more to escape. Lorenzo touched her hip and prevented her from leaving. He kept his hand there. She looked down at his touch and back up into his eyes.

"You and I haven't had time to catch up. I hear you still f.u.c.k Armando Mancini?"

"That's a lie!" she said. She pushed her way out from under him and moved over toward the block of knives near the sink. Lorenzo smirked. He watched her with semi-amus.e.m.e.nt. The other half of him was prepared to snap her neck if what Marietta said about her proved true.

"Is it? A lie? So you deny it?" Lorenzo asked.

"Our families are close. I work for Gio and I work for Armando. I have for years. And there have been rumors that I f.u.c.ked them both. For years." Carmella tossed back.

"At one time you did," Lorenzo said.

"We were kids. What you and Armando conspired to do against Gio forever ruined any chance of my having him. You think I don't know what you did? What you are? Gio may not see through your fake loyalty but I do! I know you have been jealous of him for years, and have constantly undermined him."

"So says the wh.o.r.e," Lorenzo plucked an apple from the fruit bowl and bit into it. Lorenzo stepped toward her. "The past is the past. Giovanni never gave a s.h.i.+t about you."

"That's not true! I was his girlfriend!"

"You were his first piece of a.s.s!" Lorenzo chuckled. "As I recall you played a dangerous game between the boys."

"Your fault!" she shot back.

"Me? I didn't spread your legs. You did. Or have you forgotten?" Lorenzo chuckled.

There was no quick comeback. Carmella cast her gaze down. Lorenzo recalled the debt Giovanni had to pay for having Del Stavio make Dominic his little charm necklace. Armando wanted his girlfriend. Giovanni refused to give her up, fought Armando in the street to keep her. Made all the boys fight Armando's boys every day after school. That was until Lorenzo met with Armando secretly behind his cousin's back and made another deal. He wouldn't war with them over p.u.s.s.y. Giovanni was too soft on girls, and love. Together Armando and Lorenzo set Giovanni up to see Carmella for the wh.o.r.e they knew she'd eventually become. Carmella gave her soul to Armando. That was her choice. He could give a s.h.i.+t that she could never live with it. Lorenzo bit into the apple as he glared at her.

"What do you want?" Carmella asked.

"I've heard you've been quite the little helper for the Donna. Fixing her tea?"

Carmella paled. She opened her mouth to deny it. Nothing escaped. Lorenzo slowed down his chewing and watched her. He took a threatening step toward her. "Are you spying on us for Mancini?"

"No," she said.

"What was in the tea?" he asked.

"Nothing," she answered.

"That's a lie, Carmella. You know Battaglia men don't like to be lied to," he smirked.

"I don't know what your wife saw but it was nothing!" Carmella protested.

"I never said my wife saw anything," Lorenzo replied. Before she could bolt he grabbed her by the throat. He threw the apple into the sink hard enough for it to split. Carmella gasped. Her eyes stretched with horror. "What was in the tea, b.i.t.c.h?"

"I didn't do it. I swear it. I couldn't do it. Armando threatened my mother and brother. He left me no choice. Please, Lorenzo. Please don't tell Gio. He'll never forgive me."

"You shouldn't fear Gio," Lorenzo tightened his hold on her throat. "You should fear me."

Carmella wept. "I didn't tell him anything. I knew nothing. Just how she was. That's it. I don't know anything. I'm so sorry."

"You will be, cara, of this I promise you."

"Let her go." A voice spoke behind him. Lorenzo looked back to see Dominic watching them. "Let her go. Now."

Lorenzo let Carmella's throat go. She dropped to her knees gasping for air. She crawled away. Dominic calmly stepped around the kitchen to cut off her escape. He extended his hand. Carmella looked up at him. Dominic nodded that she should accept his offer. She reached with a shaky hand and grasped his. He brought her to her feet.

"Dominic, per favore, I swear to you that I didn't do anything. I swear," she whimpered.

"It's okay. I just want to know everything Armando asked of you. What you two discussed. Don't be afraid. Sit, Carmella." He drew out a chair.

"Are you f.u.c.king kidding me?" Lorenzo snarled. "You think Gio wants to let this one go?"

"Giovanni wants me to handle things right now in his place. Not you. Leave us," Dominic replied.

Chapter 46 : "I don't understand?" Dr. Buhari said."Mancini has been one step ah
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