Battaglia Mafia: La Famiglia
Chapter 48 : "Maybe. Or maybe since you witnessed my madness and the Calderone slaughter none o

"Maybe. Or maybe since you witnessed my madness and the Calderone slaughter none of you trust me."

This time Rocco didn't blink.

Giovanni nodded that he understood. "My wife and bambini need to be well before I strike. I have to see her through this. Get the babies out of this hospital to some place safe. Then we return to Sorrento and settle things."

"That doesn't sound like a plan." Rocco said with concern.

"She comes first. Period." Giovanni didn't waste another minute on the conversation. He left the room and started toward Mira's but stopped himself. First he'd check on his sons and then he'd see to his wife.

"What eats you?" Dominic asked.

Carlo poured himself another drink. They waited for Lorenzo. Dominic could always tell when trouble brewed between the two best friends. Carlo was tense, solemn, fewer words than customary were spoken when he arrived. He wore a black suit, s.h.i.+rt and tie. He had a fresh shave and trimmed mustache. On the outside he looked well put together. But his eyes were red-rimmed and heavy lidded. He had to have suffered through a night of drinking.

Carlo turned from the bar and sipped his whiskey before Lorenzo strolled in.

"Started early huh?" Lorenzo asked Carlo.

The answering silence was all the confirmation Dominic needed. There was definitely something brewing between them. "We don't have much time," Dominic said. "I know a lot went down in Armenia, and I want to hear all about it. But first you need to know what we face."

"Where is Santo?" Lorenzo asked.

"Home. Holding back the Camorra off our," Dominic said.

"You shouldn't trust him. I believe he helps Mottola. I can't prove it but I believe it."

"Well until you can prove it I can't act. Can I? Besides. We need him now. However we choose to use him." Dominic stepped forward. "Gio is not himself with Mira and his sons in danger. He can't focus on these matters. Not like we can."

"Send me to Sorrento," Carlo said.

"What?" Lorenzo glanced over to him.

"I'll go and work with Santo. Hold things down until Gio is ready to deal with it." Carlo set his drink on the bar. "I can leave tonight."

"The f.u.c.k you can! I need you here with me," Lorenzo said. "Mancini is ready to kick in our door. We can't get out of Sicily without some serious b.l.o.o.d.y s.h.i.+t. I need my ace," Lorenzo argued.

"I'm not your f.u.c.king trained dog. Find another ace," Carlo hissed.

Lorenzo's brows drew down in concern. Dominic observed the stoic posture of Carlo. He glanced to Lorenzo. He started to understand a bit more about them both in that moment. "Nico is here and Renaldo. I think we should send Carlo back to Sorrento. The sooner the better," Dominic said.

Lorenzo threw up his hands in defeat. Carlo pushed up from the bar. "I can pay Mottola a visit," Carlo said.

"No." Dominic replied. "It's Gio's call and for now he's not ready to make it, but soon. You go and keep an eye on Santo. Report back on the situation with the `Ndrangheta."

"Carlo, this is bulls.h.i.+t. We're a team." Lorenzo reasoned.

"f.u.c.k you, Lo. Be a team with someone else," Carlo said. He then walked out of the meeting. Dominic's brows lifted. Lorenzo watched Carlo go with a face flushed with anger.

"What's between you two now?" Dominic asked. "Evidently something is."

"We'll work it out." Lorenzo waved it off. "Maybe you're right. He's good for Sorrento now. But I want some action done about the Sicilians. f.u.c.k Mottola. Mira and Marietta are in danger. I can feel it."

Dominic nodded in agreement. "Maybe I should pay Mancini a visit?"

"No. I don't think it's safe for you to do that alone." Lorenzo advised.

"We need to know how Marietta found out," Dominic said.

"Mancini," Lorenzo replied.

Dominic shook his head in response. "Couldn't be. Mancini wouldn't let this one go so sloppy. Someone else told her. What has she said to you?"

"Nothing yet. I'll get it out of her tonight." Lorenzo went to the bar. "What about the wh.o.r.e? You planning on keeping Mirabella's hired as the family cook?"

Dominic chuckled. "She's on her way back to Mancini."

Lorenzo glanced over his shoulder.

"She's going to get some answers for me. Let us know Armando's movements. First call will come tonight. I think it's a better plan than ending her life. What about you?"

"I guess." Lorenzo shrugged.

"Sit, Lo. We have to talk about Bonaduce, the clan bosses, and I want to know about the Armenians."

"Shouldn't Carlo be a part of this discussion?" Lorenzo looked to the door with a furrowed brow.

"You update him before he leaves. Time is short. I need to get back to the ospedale." Dominic unb.u.t.toned his suit jacket. He chose the closest chair to sit in. He rested the side of his face in his hand. He hadn't seen Catalina yet. He wasn't sure what he'd say when he did. All he knew was that right now he needed her comfort desperately. There would be many dark days coming their way.

* B *

"Gino had a rough night, signor. He has a fever. We're treating him now. In his fragile state it's not good," The neonatal specialist said.

"And Gianni?"

"He's gained a pound already. He's at four pounds. You can hold him today."

The news rocked him to his core. He looked from the doctor to the baby. Holding his son was more than he had hoped for. "I would like that."

The nurse took him by the elbow and led him over to the chair. Giovanni sat with a bubble of excitement expanding in his chest. The other nurse brought over a tightly wrapped bundle. Giovanni positioned his arm as instructed and his son was placed in his care. He stared down at the little face. The boy's eyes were closed. But he breathed on his own, which was remarkable for two days. "Ciao, Gianni. Sono Papa," Giovanni said with a smile. "Papa's here piccoletto."

He rocked with Gianni in his arms for ten minutes before the short visit was terminated. Giovanni then returned to Gino. His son didn't kick or move his hands as before. He lay still and his breathing appeared a bit labored in his tiny chest. He could see how the fight to exist exhausted him with every breath. "You must stay strong, Gino. Fight for life. Mama will be up soon and she will want to meet you." He pressed a kiss to his fingers and then to the top of the incubator.

Giovanni removed his mask and the hospital gown before he left the room. He found many people in the halls. Many of those gathered were members of the family of men who worked for him. Some brought gifts. The Battaglias had taken over the ospedale. Though the threat of Mancini loomed, he felt certain his wife and children were safe with so many friendly faces to encourage them on. When he reached Mira's room he half hoped to find her sitting upright and talking from her bed. His heart sank to see her as he left her. Zia stood and set aside her bible. Giovanni never took his eyes off his wife.

"She hasn't responded to the doctors. They are worried, Gio. I can tell by the way they keep coming in here."

Giovanni put his arm around her shoulders. "She's strong. She will wake. Give her time."

"The boys?" Zia asked.

"Gino isn't well. He struggles. Can you go see him? Take Josefina. Pray for him." Giovanni kissed Zia's brow.

"Of course. I can't wait to see him. They wouldn't let me in earlier." Zia turned and signaled for his aunt and she stood. Josefina and Zia could be twins, and both were only related through marriage. His aunt wrapped her shawl around her shoulders tightly and the two of them kissed Giovanni on both cheeks before they left. The others sat in separate corners of the room watching and praying. Giovanni ignored everyone but Mira. He brought the chair to her bedside and sat in it. He took her hand in his.

"Sweetheart, it's been two days. The doctors think you should have woken by now. I know you're tired, but we need you, Mira. Can you hear me, my love?" He kissed her knuckles. He got no response, not even a flicker beneath her eyelids. "I held Gianni today. In my arms, Bella!" he said with tears of joy. "He's four pounds now. That's good. Soon he will need his mother. Your breast. Remember, we talked about how to juggle two babies on your b.r.e.a.s.t.s?" he chuckled. The joke echoed to silence. Giovanni closed his eyes. "Gino is sick. He's fighting for his life, Bella. He needs you, needs to hear your voice. See you. He needs his mother. Please. Please, for them if not for me. Please wake up."

Giovanni opened his eyes.

No sign of her understanding him could be seen.

He closed his eyes again and vowed to wait.

* B *

Catalina shared with Marietta that she wanted to visit the babies. Marietta sensed Catalina feared Mira's prognosis. They all did. So she didn't question Catalina's decision. She continued on to Mira's room. When she entered, the small gathering of little old ladies with their bibles surprised her. Giovanni sat next to the bed staring at his wife. He didn't bother to look around or acknowledge them. And Mira's condition seemed unchanged. The longer she slept Marietta had to wonder what the medical implications would mean.

"No change?" Marietta asked.

"None," he answered.

"What do the doctors say?" Marietta pressed.

"They've run their tests on her brain mostly. They said everything looks good, but they won't know for sure until she wakes," he replied.

"How long, Giovanni? How long before wakes? A day, a week? What?"

"As long as it takes!" Giovanni's gaze lifted to Marietta. "You aren't needed here. I will make sure to call when we know more."

Marietta sighed. "She's my sister. Of course I'm needed here. I won't be separated from her again."

Giovanni looked away. Marietta didn't want to fight with him. Lorenzo warned her against it. Yes she knew who he was, but he didn't seem as intimidating as everyone claimed him to be now. He was a broken man, torn apart by his fears and guilt. She understood his warring emotions. They both knew if Mira didn't wake soon it had to mean something was terribly wrong with her.

After an uncomfortable silence settled between her and the Don her gaze swept the others. Two ladies rocked in their chairs with their eyes closed. They seemed to be in prayer or some kind of meditation. Another stared directly back at her with a scowl of disapproval. And yet another read from her bible softly, aloud. It felt a bit too chaotic. Her sister should have peace and quiet. But she knew she shouldn't raise the objection.

Instead she found a chair and brought it around the bed. She sat in it and focused on Mira. She and Giovanni both stared at her and waited.

* B *

Rosetta approached the kitchen with Eve on her hip. The little girl had been fussy with her parents gone so she and Cecilia took turns at entertaining her. To her surprise Rocco and Dominic were both at the kitchen table eating. Rocco looked up. Dominic did not. She heaved Eve higher on her hip and walked in.

"Ciao," she said. She went to Rocco and kissed him on the cheek. He immediately reached for Eve who went to him with a bit of reluctance. Dominic continued to eat.

"Ciao, Dominic," Rosetta said again.

He glanced up and winked.

She smiled. "I didn't know you were here." She took a seat at the table. Neither Rocco nor Dominic turned her away. Eve had removed her pacifier and started to nibble from Rocco's fork. "How's the Donna? Does anyone know? I had to come home to see after Eve. Catalina and I took turns with the babies. They are so cute. Have you seen them, Domi?"

"Not yet. I intend to go back soon," Dominic replied.

"Can I go?" Rosetta chirped.

Dominic smiled.

Rosetta could barely stand it when he smiled in return. He was so devilishly handsome. How any woman controlled their desires around Dominic was a mystery. "I want to see the Donna and the babies. I want to make sure they're okay."

"They will be fine!" Rocco declared. "Won't they, Eve? Just fine."

Dominic wiped his mouth with his napkin and then tossed it to his plate. "Stay with Eve. I'll call if there is any change," he walked over and leaned in to kiss Eve. The toddler turned her face upward to kiss Dominic on the lips. He smiled. Rosetta observed with envy. Maybe someday soon he'd do the same for her. She reached and touched Dominic's hand. He paused.

"Call me if there is any change. Promise?"

He kissed Rosetta on the top of her head and squeezed her hand. "I promise."

She reluctantly had to let his hand go. She watched him leave until he disappeared out of the kitchen. When she looked back to Rocco she saw him staring directly at her with disapproval.

"What? What is it?"

Rocco didn't answer.

Rosetta sighed. "I know better than to cross any lines with Dominic."

"Good," Rocco said.

Rosetta rolled her eyes.

* B *

Lorenzo found Carlo on the outside terrace. His friend smoked a cigar and stared out across the land to the sea. He walked over and joined him. Carlo made no attempt to acknowledge him.

"I never got to thank you. For Marietta," Lorenzo began.

Carlo dropped his head back and exhaled a thick wave of smoke.

"What is it? What has you p.i.s.sed?" Lorenzo asked.

"I need a break. I'm sick of this s.h.i.+t," Carlo said. "I need to get back home. See my woman, gamble, cut throats, what the f.u.c.k ever... I need to go," Carlo sighed.

"I'm talking about me and you brother. Something is between us. I feel it."

Carlo sat forward. He cut Lorenzo down with an angry glare. "I'm your friend. Not your brother. I had a brother. He's dead now. Remember?"

"You blame for me that?" Lorenzo asked.

"Should I?" Carlo asked.

Lorenzo shook his head. "What the f.u.c.k did Marietta say to you? Did she tell you I killed your brother? That I lied to you?"

Carlo stared at him.

Chapter 48 : "Maybe. Or maybe since you witnessed my madness and the Calderone slaughter none o
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