Battaglia Mafia: La Famiglia
Chapter 50 : "Bella, let's wait for the doctor. And then I'll take you, sweetheart,&q

"Bella, let's wait for the doctor. And then I'll take you, sweetheart," he took her hand and tried to kiss it but she s.n.a.t.c.hed it away. Mira glared at him.

"I'm not keeping you from them. You had a complicated delivery. Your heart stopped."

She frowned.

"It's true. The doctors said your recovery is miraculous. It'll take a minute. Okay?"

"Liar," she said.

"I'm not lying to you, Bella," Giovanni said.

"Not. This!" she said, and struggled to capture her thoughts. "Liar," she said and her eyes welled with tears. It dawned on him what she truly meant. The lies he told about her sister, and father. The omission of truth had caused the premature birth of his sons and her suffering.

"Let's not do this now," he reasoned.

"Go!" she said pointing to the door.

Stunned he froze.

"GO!" she shouted and pointed to the door.

"I won't go dammit. I've been here every day, every minute. I've been worried. I was here when the babies were born. I was here when you... when we almost lost you. I will be here."

"GO!" she shouted again.

Giovanni rubbed his temples. "Stop this, Bella. You know me. I'm not going anywhere."

She turned away from him and slumped down on her pillows. The rebuff cut him to his core. He wasn't sure what to say next. But he knew he had to say something.

"You want to do it now? Let's do it now." He brought the chair back to the bed. "I lied to you. I learned who Marietta was and who your father was after the wedding. I didn't believe it at first. How could I believe something so incredible? And when I did believe it, I couldn't face it. The idea that our fathers were connected this way, Bella. How could I have handled it any different? It's my job as your husband to spare you the ugliness-"

"Stop!" she said.

She looked back at him. "Go, please. Beg you. Go."

Giovanni sighed. The look in her eyes left no room for negotiations. She didn't deserve the stress of his presence. He understood that. It took considerable effort to stand but he did so. Mira turned back over to her side and looked away. He hesitated. He searched his brain for a reason to delay his leaving her bedside. He wished he could force her to look at him. But nothing came to him. Defeated, Giovanni left. He kept walking. He walked until he arrived at where the hospital kept his sons.

Inside he found only one nurse present. She smiled at him with her eyes. Giovanni put on the breathing mask and hospital robe. He walked over to Gino and stared at his son. The boy moved his hand. He kicked his foot. "You know don't you, Gino? Mama's awake."

The baby breathed slow and easy. It had to be a sign of improvement. Giovanni's racing heart calmed. It dawned on him that his Bella could be mad now, but when she saw their boys everything would certainly change. It had to.

"Signor, the doctors are with your wife. They want you to come."

He backed away from Gino, removing his mask and his robe. He handed it over to the nurse and hurried to meet with them. He arrived to find all three doctors present. Though the late hour the men looked alert and excited.

"Your wife is doing well. We're all surprised."

Mira stared at him. She wore no expression. But Giovanni smiled at her. "She can't speak. Not fully," he said without judgment.

"Her speech may be impaired a bit. If she requires physical therapy we can arrange it. But she seems to be recovering well."

"Babies?" Mira said to the men.

"Can I take her to the boys?" Giovanni asked.

The doctors exchanged a look. "Of course. I'll have chair brought in."

The other doctor excused himself as well. Giovanni extended his hand to Buhari. The man looked surprised. He extended his hand and shook Giovanni's. They exchanged a nod and the doctor left. Mira continued to stare at him She didn't bother to say what she felt. And there were too many words for him to express his feelings. So they stared in awkward silence. Before long a nurse brought in a wheelchair. Giovanni walked over to the bed. She looked up at him as if she wanted to reject him but he knew she could not. He scooped her up in his arms. Her arm eased around his neck. To hold her again felt right. He carried her to the chair and put her down in it gently. Mira let go of him as soon as she was seated. Giovanni wheeled her out.

"I did as you asked, Bella. We named them Gino and Gianni. Gianni was born He came out at over three pounds. Gino struggled. They had to remove him by cesarean. He was two pounds. They had problems with their lungs." Giovanni told her everything he could without taking a breath. He wheeled her slowly, wanting to delay their arrival so he could prepare her. Mira didn't speak. If she spoke to him maybe he'd better understand her disappointment in him. The silence was the worst punishment she could give.

He had to open the door and ask for a.s.sistance before he was able to push her through. He wheeled her to Gino first.

"This is Gino," he said.

"Beautiful," Mira whispered. She put her hand on the gla.s.s. Giovanni watched her. She stared and cried tears of what he hoped were joy. He could see the smile on her face as she looked at Gino. "Wrong? What?" she asked. She looked up at him for an explanation.

"Right now his lungs. But look at him, Bella. He's moving his feet. He hears you," Giovanni said.

"Mama. I. Here," Mira said. "Mama. Here," she said again.

"Do you want to hold Gianni?" Giovanni asked.

She looked back at him surprised. She nodded yes. He could kiss her in that moment. But he didn't dare try. "Nurse?"

Giovanni wheeled her into position and put down the break on the chair. The nurse brought the baby over as she had done before. Mira needed more help getting into position. She was weak. He could tell without her saying so. When he put their son in her arms he saw such love and happiness restored to her. He stroked her hair and knelt beside them. "Gianni. He's our champion. He was in a hurry to come into the world. The doctors said he was down in the birth ca.n.a.l pus.h.i.+ng his way out."

"Love. Him," Mira said.

"I love you both." Giovanni said.

Mira's gaze slipped over to him. His heart fluttered in his chest. The moment was brief. Her attention returned to their boy. "Small," she said.

"He's tiny, but growing. He's four pounds today. The doctors said when they are both five pounds we can take them home."

"Good." Mira nodded. "Love. You," she kissed their son's tiny forehead. Giovanni observed, he couldn't leave her side. The time she had with him felt short. He could see the anguish on her face when they took Gianni away. She pointed back to Gino.

"He's too weak now, Bella. You can't hold him yet. But soon."

She nodded that she understood, and wiped at her tears.

"Are you ready? To go?"

She shook her head no. "Stay. Me. Please me stay?" she asked.

Giovanni released the brake. He wheeled her over to the incubator and parked her chair there. Mira was given a glove and she then was able to slip her hand into the sleeve of the chamber. It was the only way she could touch Gino. He and the others never did. They feared how weak and small he was. But Giovanni knew Mira needed to feel their child and he sensed Gino needed her touch.

"Baby. My. Baby," she said softly. She swallowed and tried to say more but her words didn't form. He stepped back and gave her, her moment. Everything was right with the world again.

In the darkness Mira blinked. She was awake. After what felt like the deepest sleep of her life she was alert and aware. She blinked and stared at the ceiling before her gaze lowered to her surroundings. At some point after visiting the kids she drifted. Giovanni must have put her to bed. She turned her head to the right slightly. Her husband was there. He slept slumped in an uncomfortable hospital chair. Though her mind processed slowly, the events of the evening came back with rapid clarity. She and he had exhausted themselves by staying so close to their sons all night. By the time they returned to her room she was half asleep. He put her in bed and she allowed it. She didn't have the strength to deny him.

Her heart hurt. Mira pressed her lips together to keep from crying. Giovanni slept with his head dropped back, and his mouth open. Had he taken to sleeping in the chair since this nightmare began? Careful not to dwell on his torment she cast her gaze away from him. Mira closed her eyes. She wanted out of the bed. She wanted her children. She needed to be with the boys. And what about Eve? Her poor baby girl had never been separated from her. Not even on their honeymoon. Eve had to be terrified.

She s.h.i.+fted in the bed. Her body felt stiff, almost frozen. The movement of her head exhausted her. So she vowed to gather her strength. She had no idea what she would say to Giovanni. How they could possibly go forward. But his betrayal and her lack of faith in him had taken them too far from each other.

"Morning," she heard him groan.

She looked over and realized he was awake. Or had she woken him with her soft grunts to find comfort on the hospital bed?

"How did you sleep, Bella?" he asked with a deep yawn.

She nodded her head to indicate she felt fine. And she did. Other than the rigid stiffness to her joints she felt better.

"Hungry? I'm sure you are. I'll call Zia and tell her to bring you something good to eat," he said.

"Zia?" she asked. A surge of hope pierced her heart. If Zia were near then she'd finally have the support she wanted.

He smiled at her. "Everyone is here. Zia prayed over you for two days."

Mira had no idea how long she'd been out of it. She vaguely recalled hearing their voices, and responding to the pleas to wake from her deep sleep in her head. But her thoughts faded and cleared irregularly. She could trust nothing. Part of her thought Fabiana would walk through the door.

Giovanni dialed a number. He spoke to someone in Italian and laughed. He looked over at her and smiled. Mira managed to smile back at him. She loved her husband. Even now. The door opened and Catalina and Marietta rushed inside. She was shocked to see them so early, so soon.

"You're awake!" Catalina exclaimed. "I could barely sleep. I was out the door as soon as the sun came up." She kissed Mira on both cheeks. "How do you feel?"

Mira nodded to her.

Marietta stepped closer to the bed. "Hi," she said.

What was Mira to do? How was she to go from no family to having a sister, a twin? She glanced to Giovanni who stared at her with so much love it was impossible to reconcile the facts. How could he think she wouldn't want to know her sister? It infuriated her even more. Mira extended her hand to Marietta. And her sister accepted.

"Hi," Mira managed to say.

The immediate connection between the women hurt him deeply. Not because of jealousy or envy. It was because the sisters were denied this bond due to his insecurities. Giovanni glanced to Lorenzo who noticed the way the sisters held hands and smiled at each other. Lorenzo looked up at him and gave him an encouraging nod.

"It's good to see you two together," Giovanni said.

His reply was sincere but felt awkward in the moment. Both Mira and Marietta looked at him with distrust. Zia and Rocco arrived and his Bella lifted on her elbows with a wide grin. Tears coursed down her cheeks. There was such a flurry of excitement he had the urge to shut the reunion down and chase them all from the room. Mira needed her rest. She needed him, the inner beast whispered darkly in his ear. Trust no one with her. Keep her to yourself it said.

"Love you," Mira said, and pointed to Giovanni. She then put her hand to her heart to express herself. "I... love you. Gio."

Giovanni felt relieved. Everyone went quiet because the tears in Mira's eyes showed how much she suffered when she tried to communicate. "Alone." Mira said to Giovanni. "Me. Them." She pointed at Mira, Catalina, and Zia. "Alone. You, go," Mira said. She looked at him directly. "Please, Gio."

"We'll be out in the hall." Giovanni agreed. "Come let's give them a minute." He put on a brave face as if the request was his idea. It hurt that she dismissed him in front of the family. But her saying she loved him did soothe a bit of the sting. He reasoned she didn't single him out. She wanted to see her sister and the other ladies. It made sense. There were too many in the room at once.

He and the men left. Giovanni paused at the door. He glanced back to see Mira being hugged again by Zia. Their eyes met. She blinked and her gaze s.h.i.+fted elsewhere. With a sad smile he closed the door.

"I was so worried. So scared!" Zia said with tears in her eyes.

"I... good." Mira managed to speak. Her words formed easier when she took her time and felt less agitated. As soon as Giovanni left the room the crus.h.i.+ng weight on her heart lifted. "I feel... happy," she smiled. She looked to Marietta and then to Catalina. "Do every... one... do you... know?" she asked.

"Know what?" Zia asked. She looked across the bed at Catalina and Marietta. "What is it?"

Mira smiled. She reached for Marietta's hand again and squeezed it. "Sister. Mine. She is mine."

Zia straightened from her lean. She looked at Marietta and then back to Mira. "Sister? You two are related?" she asked.

"Yes. Found out," Mira sighed. She closed her eyes and tried to speak slow and precisely. "Giovanni knew. Kept it from us. Lied."

"Mira, he only meant-" Catalina interjected.

"He knew. Lied," Mira said with emphasis that silenced her sister in law. "No matter reason... wrong." Mira swallowed and continued. "All knew," she looked to Zia. "Rocco. Lorenzo. Domi. All knew. Because that's... how it works... with the men. They know. We don't. Their terms only," Mira said.

Zia put her hands to her mouth. She blinked at Marietta and for a long moment she stared at their hands. Understanding settled in and Zia lowered her hands to cover Mira's and Marietta's. "You're upset with Gio?"

Mira laughed. Tears welled up in her eyes. "Upset? No. Angry!"

"Mira, please understand why he did what he did," Catalina pleaded. "Please try to."

Mira shook her head. "He wrong."

"Mira?" Catalina pleaded.

"Wrong! Wrong! He... is why... I'm in this bed right now."

"That's not fair," Catalina shouted. "Gio has been here every second, Mira. He's been at your side. He's been sick with worry for you and the babies. And let's not forget it was you who got out of the bed and confronted him. You knew the risk and you did that. You put the babies at risk, not my brother!"

Shocked Mira and everyone else fell silent. The accusation hit too close to her heart. It was true. She could have handled things differently. But the shock and pain over the truth made her react irresponsibly. In doing so she put her children's lives in jeopardy. And the worst part of it was she never even considered her role in any of it until Catalina said so.

"I... to blame. Me." Mira wiped at her tears. She dropped her head. "Babies. My babies. I hurt babies."

Zia hugged her. "Hush now. They are okay. Let's not focus on who is to blame. Let's focus on healing our family. That's what is important." Zia kissed her face. "Gio loves you. Don't punish him. He's punis.h.i.+ng himself already."

She didn't want to hear the defense of her husband. There was no defense for what he'd done. One minute she loved him with all her heart, but the next she wanted out. She wanted to break from the obsessive love that had now controlled her life and made them both into people she didn't like. "I need help," she said. She had to collect her thoughts to articulate in a clear precise manner. "Across the hall from my room. It is where I want. Babies. Babies' room."

"We've already decorated the nursery, Mira," Catalina said, with a sad smile. "I'm sorry for my harsh tone earlier. I'm sorry. It's just that I've been so worried about you and Gio. I didn't mean..."

Mira shook her head and put up her hand. "Listen. Babies' room. My room too!" Mira pointed at herself. She glanced up at Zia, then let her gaze connect with Catalina, and finally Marietta. "Room for me. Me and Babies. I want it. No Giovanni. Don't tell Giovanni. Just do it."

"Mirabella," Zia said. "I know this is a shock for you. I am so sorry that you were denied your sister. But the more important matter is your wellbeing and the health of the babies. No?"

Mira nodded in agreement.

Zia stroked the back of her head and smoothed her hair. "Don't be ruled by your anger at your husband. It does him and you no good. Please. Let us focus on the blessing G.o.d has given us."

"I can't. I don't want to fight him. Hurt him. Need s.p.a.ce. Help me." Mira wept.

Zia pulled her to her breast and Mira sobbed against it. The girls were silent before Marietta cleared her throat. "I'll help you, Mira," she said.

Chapter 50 : "Bella, let's wait for the doctor. And then I'll take you, sweetheart,&q
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