Battaglia Mafia: La Famiglia
Chapter 55 : "I'm going," he said."With Mira coming home it might not be good ti

"I'm going," he said.

"With Mira coming home it might not be good timing. She and the twins need you. I fear Mancini will strike now. I have information that-"

"f.u.c.k Mancini. He won't dare. He has his own mess to clean up since the bombing. It's time I make a stand. Show the other bosses I'm still here. Mira can see to the babies, I see to this. We're going."

He picked up his breakfast of whiskey in a gla.s.s. He walked over to the bar with Dominic watching him. "Giovanni. I've kept some information from you. Because you have been distracted... with Mira and the twins. I can't any longer."

Giovanni stared at Dominic from over his gla.s.s as he sipped.

"Carmella continues to feed me information on the Mancinis."

"And? I already know this. You told me about Gemma, about Isabella, about the bulls.h.i.+t."

"I didn't tell you Carmella's reasons."

Giovanni paused.

Dominic exhaled slowly. "Carmella does the spying for us because Lorenzo caught her in a lie. Apparently she was sent into Villa Mare Blu to spy on you for Armando."

Giovanni lowered his gla.s.s, his eyes narrowed. "Spy on me?"

"She tried to poison Mira," Dominic said.

"Che cosa ha detto?" Giovanni asked again for clarification. When Dominic couldn't find the words to explain Giovanni hurled the gla.s.s to the wall and it exploded. "Say it again! She was in my home to poison my wife and you kept it from me?"

Dominic looked on grimly. "She was threatened by Armando. I sent her back to Mancini. And it was the right thing to do. Gemma was the one who told Marietta about Mira. And now we know that there is a feud with the Mancinis and this Isabella woman. This is the missing piece of information we needed," Dominic said.

Giovanni waved it off. "f.u.c.k this Isabella b.i.t.c.h! f.u.c.k some old wh.o.r.e of Mancini's named Gemma! Why am I just hearing this?" Giovanni demanded.

"You have not been yourself, Gio. Not in days. Weeks. Not since Mira went into the hospital. Don't you see that?"

Giovanni wiped his hand down his face. He tried to focus, but he felt sick. He swallowed and it tasted like shards of gla.s.s. Weak he staggered over to the sofa and sat down on it. Dominic was right. He drank so much lately he was barely conscious. Dominic kept his vice from the men, from everyone, and hid it well. But they all knew. He was weak. Unworthy of his t.i.tle and his family.

"Now do you see? It's all connected, Gio. A woman's body was found in the explosion. They believe it was this Isabella. I did some digging. There was an adopted girl who lived with the Mancini's. Do you remember her? She was older than you and Armando."

Giovanni lifted his head. "I remember her. Vaguely. She was kept away in a monastery or something and then came to live with the Mancinis. I think Flavio mentioned her."

"Why did she want to put our families into war? Do you know? Could it have something to do with Flavio?"

Giovanni shook his head. "I've not seen or heard her name since I was a boy. I have no dealings with her. I don't know. What the f.u.c.k does it matter. She's dead right?"

Dominic sighed. "Yes. I believe so. But with all that we know we need you here to protect Mira, to protect the family. I'll go back to the Campania."

"No!" Giovanni said. "I need to be seen by the men, by all of them, to remind them of my strength. I-I-I can't stay here." He put his brow in his hand. "And like you said Mancini is preoccupied. I'll only be gone a day or two." Giovanni reclined. "As for Carmella, you should not have kept this a secret from me, Domi," he sighed. "I hate secrets.

"She's useful to us."

"And when she isn't, you know what I want," Giovanni said. He glanced to the window. The glare of the sunlight burned his eyes. "Are they here yet?"

"They should be here soon. Renaldo is bringing them in."

The pain in his heart repeatedly hit like a hard stabbing blow. He closed his eyes. Keeping any emotion from his voice he spoke. "Leave me alone. I'll be there soon."


"It's decided, Domi. I need... I need to get away from her-I mean here. This is my mess. I'm the head of this family and I plan to remind every one in the Campania it is still so."

He heard Dominic walk out. He picked up his bottle and poured another drink.

* B *

Mira reached over and checked the blanket on Gino. He slept. Gianni's eyes were alert and wide with wonder. She smiled down at him. "You ready to see Daddy? He will be so happy to see you both." She kissed his forehead. She glanced to the window. Giovanni should have been at the hospital. The fact that he stayed away hurt her more than she cared to admit. It was what she wanted. So she said.

"Bella?" Giovanni whispered.

Mira looked up. Her nipple slipped from Gino's mouth and she returned it. Gino latched on to her nipple and began suckling again. She had cried all yesterday when he failed to take to her breast. Today was such an improvement she couldn't help but cling to her joy.

Giovanni walked in. "He's nursing?" he asked.

"Yes," she replied. "See?"

Giovanni stepped closer and peeked at his son. "That's good, Bella. Zia told me about yesterday. I'm sorry I wasn't here. Are you okay?"

"Why are you here now?" Mira asked him.

Giovanni blinked at her, as if the question caught him off guard. He'd honored her request and left two days ago. "I've been looking after our daughter. I wanted to bring her but I think you are right she should stay home. She misses you, Bella. We both do."

"I miss her too," Mira admitted. "The doctors said we'll be released maybe as soon as next week if Gino did well in his tests today."

Giovanni touched his boy's cheek. "I also came to see what you needed. Maybe we can talk again."


"Bella, I have so much to explain."

"Can't you see what is important? Our sons. That's all. I don't want to sit here and listen to your reasons for your lies. I'm sick of the discussion."

Giovanni stood upright. "I have a question. Do you still love me?"

Shocked by the question she frowned at him. From day one she said she loved him. She could carve it into her skin and he would still ask it of her. "Why do you always need that rea.s.surance? Why can't I be angry with you and still love you?"

"Because I could never be angry for long with the woman I love," he said.

Shocked she couldn't counter the argument. He ranted, and blew up, but once it was done, for Giovanni it was. He never stayed angry with her for long. Somehow she had wounded him. She saw the pain in his eyes. And it was cruel of her to not give her husband what he needed. Mira opened her mouth to take it back, to soothe him but the moment had pa.s.sed. In a flash anger flared in his eyes. She stared up at him. He stared down at her. Without another word he turned and walked out.

Six days pa.s.sed and he didn't return. He'd finally given her the s.p.a.ce she so desperately needed. And the longer he stayed away, the easier it was for her to not think of how badly she wished she had handled that moment differently.

The drive up into Villa Mare Blu was a slow one. The unpaved road meant Renaldo would take care to not jostle the babies in their car seats by decreasing his speed. Mira glanced back to see the car following. Catalina, Zia, and Marietta were at her side every day. She smiled. In just under a week she felt closer to Marietta. She shared everything she knew of their family with her. Told her what Giovanni said regarding her mother's history with Mancini. They both agreed that Mancini was a man they didn't care to know.

The car stopped.

Mira looked over to her sons. Gianni now slept like his brother. "We're here," she cooed to them both. "We're home, babies."

The door opened and Mira stepped out. She glanced over the top of the car. On the step stood Dominic and Rocco. She searched for Giovanni. Within a minute he appeared. He stared at her. She felt a sigh of relief to see him. No matter their issues she wanted him at her side when they brought in their sons.

"Donna, let us take them," Leo volunteered.

She stepped aside. The boys were both unfastened from the back of the car and lifted off the seats in their carriers. Mira sucked down a deep breath and walked toward her husband. She had on a simple white blouse and jeans. She was surprised at how quick her stomach deflated but not enough to return her body to the state it was once in. Marietta told her of a diet, and workout plan that could have her in shape in 28 days. She intended to try it.

Giovanni made no move to approach them. Mira couldn't break from his stare if she wanted to. His gaze s.h.i.+fted to the babies. He then stepped out of the door. The men went around her with the boys. Giovanni accepted the first carrier and lifted it to peer inside. He leaned in and kissed who Mira thought was Gianni. He was then given Gino to do the same.

"Hey, sis," Marietta said. She hooked her arm around Mira's. "Ready to see your room?"

"You finished it?" Mira asked grateful for the distraction. She knew that Marietta took the lead on getting it ready for her homecoming. She went inside with her. Giovanni and his men were already climbing the stairs.

"Yea, your husband wasn't happy when he learned that we were putting a bed inside," Marietta whispered. "Catalina handled him. I think he was drunk. He's been drinking a lot."

"Has he?" Mira frowned.

"You might want to talk to him. Seriously. He spends all day locked in his office with Eve. Only Catalina can go for her." Marietta continued in a hushed voice. "He raised h.e.l.l one day when Cecilia tried. Left the girl in tears. Lorenzo had to talk to him."

"I'll handle it."

"Mama!" Eve yelped her name. Mira stopped. She turned and her little girl ran straight for her. Mira knelt to receive her. Though a bit sore she managed to lift Eve into her arms with the help of Marietta. Eve began crying immediately. Mira kissed her face and tried to soothe her. But her daughter clung to her neck. Eve trembled as if frightened to let go. Her little body shook with deep sobs. "Mama is so sorry, baby. Hey, sweetie, it's okay. It is. I'm so sorry. I'm home. I'm here."

"She's missed you so much, Donna, welcome home," Cecilia said.

"I've missed you too, baby. Mama's so sorry. So very sorry." She hugged her tightly. They'd never been separated for such a long time. Eve settled down but continued to cry. She refused her pacifier. The guilt weighed heavy on Mira as she climbed the stairs with her. The women were all supporting her. Each walked either behind her, or to the side of her and to the front of her as she made her way to the nursery. The men at the door separated so she could enter.

Giovanni had placed the boys both in one crib. Mira put Eve down and her daughter wailed to be picked up once more. Zia thankfully took on the job. Mira walked over to Giovanni's side and looked down at her boys bundled up.

"Why weren't you at the hospital?" Mira asked.

He didn't answer.

He needed a shave. He smelled of whiskey. It was ten in the morning and he reeked of it. She reached in the crib to make sure they were comfortable. She looked back at the family. "Give her to her father." She told Zia.

Giovanni glanced over to Eve. He reached for his daughter and she eagerly went into his arms.

"Thank you, everybody, for all the support, for all the prayers. For taking care of Giovanni and me these past few days. I can't thank you enough. I need to be alone with my family now," Mira said. She hugged a few necks and ushered the crowd out of the nursery. She closed the door. When she looked back Giovanni had leaned a bit so Eve could look at her brothers.

"Lucciola," he said. "These are your brothers, Gianni and Gino."

Eve s.n.a.t.c.hed her pacifier off her string clipped to her s.h.i.+rt. She put it in the crib close to her brother's mouth. Giovanni chuckled. "You will take care of them. Won't you?"

Mira clasped her hands in front of her. "I'll be staying here, Giovanni, for the time being. The boys have a very hard schedule to manage. I need to be with them."

He looked over at her. "To be close to the babies or away from me?"

"I can only focus on them now. They are my priority. Nothing has changed between us."

Giovanni lifted Eve up above his head. "Hear that, lucciola? Mama says nothing has changed. A lot has changed between Mama and I. Hasn't it?"

Eve grinned. Mira braced for the argument she knew would come.

"I'll be leaving tonight," he said and he put Eve down. Their daughter walked over to the crib and grabbed the bars to lift as if she could look up at her brothers.

"Leaving? Why?" Mira asked. "We just came home and you're leaving?"

"Does it matter? I'll be gone. It's what you want. Right? Sleep wherever you want."

"You need to shave. The drinking. Have you eaten?" Mira asked.

"None of it is your concern. If you aren't my wife don't pretend to care."

"Oh I'm your wife. You made it clear that doesn't change. The att.i.tude isn't helping, Giovanni." Mira said.

"You won't discuss it with me!" Giovanni shot back. "You barely look at me now. And you think I need to change my att.i.tude? I'm sick of it!"

"Don't raise your voice at me," Mira hissed. "I'm trying to talk to you."

"Bulls.h.i.+t!" he shouted at her. "We are done talking. No more words! No more apologies! No more of this bulls.h.i.+t!"

Mira blinked at him surprised. He stepped to her. "I'll f.u.c.king drink and do whatever I f.u.c.king want to. And you can stay in here and blame me for it. But you don't dictate anything to me. Two can play this game, Bella."

"Game? You think I'm playing games?" she stepped back. "Who are you right now?"

"Who am I?" he glared at her. "Right now I don't know. I think I need to go back to Sorrento to find out."

"You break my heart," Mira said. "Look at you, this is ridiculous!"

"Who cares? I'm a man with no heart. Remember?" He went for the door but she blocked his escape.

"We can't keep doing this. Not today and not in front of our children. Stay in here with me today for the children. Let's try. If you want to talk I'll listen to you tonight. But stop drinking, and stop punis.h.i.+ng yourself. Deal with our issues like you deal with anything else in your life. Why is it different with me?"

"It just is!" He shoved her aside and stormed out. Mira looked to the door and almost went after him. She looked back to her daughter. Eve dropped her head and started to cry.

"Come here, baby," Mira knelt and Eve came running into her arms. "No, baby. It's okay. I promise. It's okay. Mama will fix it. Somehow. I promise." She held her daughter and tried to not cry as well.

* B *

"It's getting worse, Domi. We have to do something." Catalina paced. She chewed on her nail. "He drinks. He doesn't eat or sleep. He blames Mira now. He's angry with her. He's not reasonable."

Dominic sat at the table staring down in his tea. The fighting was bad enough but now Giovanni wanted to go into battle. With his mental state it could be disastrous. He took a sip from his tea.

"Do you hear me? Did you know they hadn't seen each other in six days? Six days, Domi!" Catalina threw her arms up. She crossed them in a huff. "Maybe today is different. She did say she wanted to be alone with him. That was good, huh? She said her family. Sounds like the old Mira, huh? Maybe? Being home can be good for them. But she had Marietta put a bed in the nursery. She intends to sleep there. I need to find a way to get them to sleep in the same bed. How long does a woman have to wait before she can have s.e.x after giving birth? Huh? If they had s.e.x things would be good, like it is with me and you," Catalina prattled on.

"Sit down, Catalina," Dominic took a sip from his mug.

Chapter 55 : "I'm going," he said."With Mira coming home it might not be good ti
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