Battaglia Mafia: La Famiglia
Chapter 59 : "That's not what the truth does," Marietta said. "The truth chains

"That's not what the truth does," Marietta said. "The truth chains you to facts about who you are and who our mother was. There is peace in ignorance, Mira."

"Not for me. I have to be able to look my husband in the eye. Face what is between us. And I can't trust him or myself to get past our hurt if I'm still clueless. I want you to call her." She handed over the paper. "Call her."

"And?" Marietta asked.

"Tell her we want to meet."

"Are you sure?" Marietta asked.

"Yes. We're going to go see her and get some answers."

"No. I should have never even brought her up." Marietta shook her head emphatically and began to fold the paper.

"Why?" Mira asked.

"There's an army guarding the door. There is no way we can get out of here."

Mira hadn't considered that obstacle. She chuckled. "Our grannie used to say to me when I was a little girl that where there is a will there is always a way," Mira said. "Call Gemma and ask her if she is willing to meet with us. See if she can do it soon. Let me worry about the how."

* B *

The phone rang.

Gemma's soul nearly jumped out of her skin. Her heart raced so fast she clutched her chest for fear of a stroke. She looked up over at the ringing phone on the night table as if it were some creature that had come to life and gave a death roar. Could it be Armando Mancini? He had been angered, and nearly killed by the explosion. She knew he hunted her. Isabella was dead. And that posed another problem. Who were Isabella's allies? Who helped her on her crusade for vengeance? And were they too looking for Gemma to avenge her death?

The phone continued to ring.

Gemma pushed up from the bed to reach over toward it. If she answered it would seal her fate. If she didn't, she'd never know where the threat was coming from. "p.r.o.nto?"

"Hi," a familiar voice greeted her.

Gemma's smiled with relief. "Mio Dio! Marietta? Is that you?"

"Yes. Did I catch you at a bad time?" Marietta asked.

"I can't believe you called and now of all times." Gemma put her hand to her heart. The very last call she expected to receive was from Marietta. "Ciao, cara mia, how are you?"

"I'm good. And you?"

Gemma ran her hand back through her hair. She looked around the small room and couldn't settle on an answer. The evening bus out of Carini into Palermo left in an hour. If she missed it she'd have to catch the next one tomorrow. If Armando hunted for her he'd certainly find her during the daytime travel crowds.

"Gemma?" Marietta called out.

"Yes. Yes, sweetheart. I'm here. You didn't catch me at a bad time," Gemma replied.

"I want to meet." Marietta said.

"You do?" Gemma asked.

"Yes. Tonight. Is that okay? I... My sister and I have questions. You said if we had them we could talk."

Gemma closed her eyes. "Your timing, kid, it couldn't be worse."

"Well that couldn't be helped. To be honest this is Mira's idea not mine. I... I'm angry with you."

Silence settled between them. Gemma put a hand to her forehead and tried to find the words to explain herself. Confession was good for the soul is what she was always taught. There were so many untruths that burdened her soul.

"I'm sorry," Marietta sighed and then continued. "If that hurts you. But you've lied to me so much. If you can't meet I understand."

"No. We have to meet. We should meet. You deserve to know the truth." Gemma said.

"Are you okay? You sound funny?" Marietta asked.

Gemma sniffed. "I'm fine!" she laughed. "Just homesick. In fact I was packing, heading back to Milano."

"Oh... okay well I will call you back in an hour to arrange the meeting spot. Thank you, Gemma. Thank you so much. I love you."

"I love you too, Marietta." Gemma hung up. She sat on the edge of the bed. The bus was the better option. To slip out of Carini before the Mancinis found her.

Gemma couldn't stay put. It was too risky. Agreeing to go to see Marietta could be another set up.

* B *

When he crossed the threshold of Melanzana the anxiety of the past few days slipped from his bones. Dominic walked at his side. Giovanni removed his suit jacket and pa.s.sed it off to Ana who managed the staff.

"The inspector is here, signor," Ana said. "I've made him comfortable for your meeting in the parlor."

"Grazie, Ana," he gave her two cheek kisses.

"How's the Donna? The babies?" Ana gushed. Only on rare occasions did anyone see her smile.

"Bennisima. You'll meet them soon." Giovanni a.s.sured her. He walked through the foyer to the parlor. If Mira and the family were present he'd take the meeting in Villa Rosso. Thankfully he could have it here in his home without interruption.

"You have an hour and we need to be on the road to Chiaiano, before dark." Dominic advised. He glanced back. "Do you want Lorenzo in this meeting?"

"From now on Lorenzo is in every meeting," Giovanni said. He entered the parlor. "Inspector Bonomo, it's good to see you."

"Giovanni!" The inspector stood. He greeted Giovanni with an open arm hug. He kissed him on both cheeks. "I hear congratulations are in order?"

"Two sons. We've named them Gianni and Gino." Giovanni boasted. He snapped his fingers and Arturo came forward to freshen Bonomo's drink. "Please sit," Giovanni said.

"Two sons!" The inspector accepted his new drink. Giovanni observed him. From what he knew of Bonomo he enjoyed a good merlot and a hot young boy to satisfy his appet.i.tes. The inspector watched Arturo with a wolfish grin.

Giovanni's gaze cut over to Lorenzo and his cousin picked up on it as well. He whispered to Arturo to leave and followed the boy out. He then drew the doors closed. The Battaglias have always counted on Bonomo in the past to help them navigate the legal traps set by authorities. Now the media and every political mouthpiece from within the parliament had something to say about the Camorra. Giovanni's marriage to Mira had kept the international press hot on his a.s.s. The unwanted attention was made even worse by the election of a new inspector who promised to clean up southern Italy.

"I'm not going to lie, this is bad. Very bad. It has reached the desk of the Prime Minister. He's been accused of letting lawlessness rule the Campania."

"I understand. It troubles me that our progress in the parliament has devolved to this. And I take personal responsibility for it."

"I hear we have a new inspector?" Giovanni asked. "Who is he?"

Bonomo swallowed his merlot and avoided Giovanni's eyes. "His name is Donatello, and he's a fool if he thinks he alone can rid the Campania of the Camorra."

The words sounded sincere, but Bonomo's inability to look him in the eye when he spoke them gave Giovanni pause. He never trusted a man who could not look him in the eye.

"The true enemy to the good people of Italy is the `Ndrangheta not the Camorra. They are raiders. c.o.c.kroaches!" Giovanni said.

"Bu-but..." the inspector stammered.

"Let me finish." Giovanni gestured for silence. "I know my hands in this aren't clean. I run the sanitation, I make sure nothing traffics in and out of my territories. However the `Ndrangheta have arrived. And I hear they use the bay for their own purposes."

The inspector nodded. He removed his handkerchief and dabbed at his fat jaws and then forehead. "It's true. We have them under surveillance. And your men as well."

Giovanni smiled. At last he had gotten Bonomo to share something useful. "I'm sure Donatello is looking to make a big arrest, something to elevate his position. He does so, then what happens to you?"

Bonomo didn't reply.

Giovanni leaned forward. "All these years and you've never arrested a man in the Camorra. It must have harmed your reputation."

"I have been compensated." Bonomo said. He gave Lorenzo and Dominic a nervous smile before looking Giovanni in the eye. "I'm not complaining."

"Of course not. But I think it's time we elevate your position in the Stato. Eh?"

Bonomo looked around as if confused. "I don't understand?"

"What spoils go to the inspector who brings in a full confession from a clan boss in the Camorra."

Bonomo began to choke. He hacked and coughed while Giovanni and his men watched, offering no a.s.sistance. "Confession? You're going to confess to me? Publicly?" he asked in disbelief.

"Never forget who I am Bonomo. I will not bend or yield to you or anyone." Giovanni replied.

"Forgive me. Of course. But you must understand my confusion. We have never had a clan boss turn himself in. The polizi di stato have yet to level charges to indict any controlling leader in the Camorra. And you sit here and say it could happen?"

"It will happen, before sunrise." Giovanni said coolly.

Bonomo swallowed. He took a long drink from his gla.s.s as his face peppered with sweat. "May I ask, if not you, then who?"

Giovanni stood. The inspector was quick to do so as well. "You will bring the scoundrel in. Be in charge of his full confession of his crimes. I'm sure you will be elevated, promoted."

Bonomo nodded and smiled with grat.i.tude. When the inspector shook Giovanni's hand Giovanni gripped the inspector's hand tightly. "You will remember this generosity. Donatello will no longer investigate my family or our business interests."

"I will. Of course I will." The inspector nodded. He kissed Giovanni's ring, bowed his head and was escorted out.

Dominic cleared his throat. He dusted his tie. "Well the line is cast, Gio. Care to tell me who you plan to pin this confession on for the Inspector?"

"Don't you know, Domi? You know everything else." Giovanni sat and picked up his cigar. Lorenzo returned after having handed the inspector off to one of their men to be escorted off the property. Dominic cast his gaze between Giovanni and Lorenzo in confusion.

"No I don't know," Dominic said. "But it's evident you and Lorenzo have discussed this without me."

"Mottola goes down. The `Ndrangheta goes down. And Santo... bows." Lorenzo grinned as he shared the news. "It's for the best, Gio. Santo can't be trusted. And I've proven it. This is how we show strength and own the territories."

Giovanni leveled an icy stare at Dominic.

"You have not proven it!" Dominic said glancing between the two men. "There is no evidence that Santo caused this breech. None." Dominic directed his comments to Lorenzo. "This war between you and Santo is petty, unfounded, and unproductive. While you sailed the Mediterranean, Santo has been loyal to Giovanni. He's done a lot of good." He then turned to Giovanni to plead his case. "Gio, you pull this trigger there is no going back. The fundamental rules of our brotherhood are broken. What's to make any man who works for you not believe you won't do the same to him?"

Giovanni took a drag of his cigar and blew a ring of smoke. "That's the f.u.c.king point, Domi. That's the f.u.c.king goal! My empire is crumbling, on your watch! Santo's watch! My watch! That can never happen again. I was distracted with my wife and her issues. She thinks it was to control her. Well she has her wish. I'm not distracted anymore. And I will make sure no one dares doubt me, including every man in this family. The message is clear." Giovanni stood. "Betray me and no matter who you are in this family you will bend." He cast Lorenzo a warning glare. He then looked back to Dominic. "No matter who you are."

He turned and walked out.

Dominic couldn't speak.

"Tsk, tsk, Domi," Lorenz stood, and chuckled. "I warned you of this when you stood silent as Gio replaced me with Santo."

Dominic cut his cousin a death glare. "Meaning?"

Lorenzo straightened his tie "Gio needs me. I'm his left hand. You can be his errand boy, and pretend at counseling him. I will keep him strong. This is the way it should always be. Santo is a pretender."

"Bulls.h.i.+t, Lo!" Dominic said. "You didn't do this for Gio. You did it for you. Now you will turn Santo against us. Hand him over to the authorities and he will want revenge. I had it under control!" Dominic shouted. "We are strong as a family of men. That is what Omerta means to us. Gio's full of rage and you stood back and let him loose. That is not how he should lead. That is his downfall."

Lorenzo chuckled. "The problem with you, Dominic, is you think you are his conscience. For Giovanni to be our leader he should have none." Lorenzo shook his head smiling and walked out.

Dominic lowered to his chair. He stared at the floor.

"Signor Domi, is there anything you need?" Arturo asked.

What he needed wasn't in a bottle. He rubbed his brow. No idea formed, just consequence. Before the night ended there would be a lot of consequence.

* B *

"She wants to meet with us. I told her I'd call her back," Marietta said as she entered the door. She paused and blinked at those gathered. Rosetta had been the one to deliver the news that Mira wanted to meet with them all in the nursery. Mira nursed one of the twins while Zia fed the other with a bottle. Catalina stood by the window. Her arms were crossed and her gaze trained to the setting sun out over the beach. Cecelia sat on the bed with Eve helping her turn the page on a book.

"We having some kind of family meeting?" Marietta asked.

"Close the door please," Mira said in a hushed tone, which reminded Marietta she should be conscious of the twins. Marietta did what she was told. "Have a seat," Mira smiled. "I know things have been really hard for the family the past few weeks. A lot has happened." Mira stopped rocking in her chair and stood with Gianni in her arms. She walked over to the crib and placed the sleeping baby inside. She fixed her blouse before turning and addressing them all. "I need your help. What I want to ask of you goes against everything we agreed upon with protecting this family and honoring Giovanni's wishes. I don't want you to think that I don't know this."

"What is it?" Catalina asked.

"It's the truth about Marsuvio Mancini and my mother. The affair they had. The reason for her death. Truths that Giovanni either can't or won't tell me. I need more answers."

Zia put Gino on her shoulder and tried to burp him. "Rocco told me some of it. Mancini and Tomosino were responsible for your mother's death."

"Patri? My Patri killed your mother?" Catalina asked. "That's ridiculous!"

"Yes. He put a contract on her life," Marietta confirmed.

The hurt of the accusation drained the color from Catalina's face. "He wouldn't do that. He would never put a hit on the life of a woman. Patri wouldn't!"

"He did it!" Marietta shot back.

Chapter 59 : "That's not what the truth does," Marietta said. "The truth chains
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