Battaglia Mafia: La Famiglia
Chapter 62 : Gemma continued. "I went back to Philly to work. Manny didn't return. It was

Gemma continued. "I went back to Philly to work. Manny didn't return. It was as if he didn't care anymore what became of Lisa. And then one day, after two years of not seeing her Lisa walked into the club. Shocked us all. She pulled me aside. She demanded to know where Marietta was. Said she was going to the police and she would name, names." Gemma breathed out a long breath. "I panicked. I knew Capriccio would silence her. I knew more of the truth then. So she and I went to Chicago. I was going to help her to get you, but one of the girls tipped Capriccio off to Lisa's return. He figured it out. He had to cover his trail. You see, Capriccio had lied to us all. He approached the Battaglias and gave them information on Mancini. Offered to kill Lisa. Tomosino refused to put an order out on a woman and child. Cappriccio would have to act alone. And he was too much of a coward then. But things had changed in reagards to his courage when Lisa returned. .He didn't want any of Lisa's allegations to get out through the mob. The mobsters in America, Italy, Sicily, would have killed us all for the games we played. Not to mention what Manny would have done." Gemma wiped at her tears. "Lisa was discarded and so were you because that's what those men do to their They always go home to their wives."

"Who killed my mother?" Mira asked.

"When Lisa and I showed up in Chicago at the Leones to demand her daughter they learned that you were half black Marietta. And Lisa learned the truth about my role in it all."

"Capriccio killed her?" Mira asked, cutting to the real truth.

"Yes. His sister and Lisa got into an ugly argument. She had Lisa arrested. Capriccio bailed Lisa out. It was the last time she was seen alive. Two weeks later her body was found. They said she had died of a heroin overdose, but it was another lie. A Capriccio lie." Gemma looked directly at Marietta. "When I found out the truth and that her body was unclaimed I contacted Marsuvio Mancini. He came to America. I hated him for what he did so I told him you were dead too. I truly believed that it was best. He had Lisa's body brought to her parents. And he left you, Mira, behind."

"Why was Capriccio's name on my birth certificate?" Marietta asked.

"Octavio wanted his name off your fake certificate. And Capriccio couldn't risk Manny learning the truth about you. So he put his name on it, in case it ever surfaced. If Manny learned the truth he'd kill Capriccio and all of his sons."

"Or maybe not, since he left his daughters behind." Mira said.

"That's it right there!" Marietta pointed a finger at her "That's the truth, Mira. Right there. See, Gemma didn't call Mancini, Manny, whoever the h.e.l.l he is. I guarantee he never knew she was involved. Capriccio probably told his boss about our mother's death and blamed it on her addiction. They kept me a secret to protect their They hid me to cover up our mother's murder." Marietta leaned forward with her hands flat to the table. "You know what I think? I think you were never my mother's friend. I think you conveniently spun this story to hide the truth. That it was your fault she's dead. I believe it with everything in me. I hate you."

Gemma wept.

"I've heard enough. If what you say is true, it wasn't Tomosino who killed my mother. It was you and Capriccio. Marietta's right. When Mama came back and confronted the mob and threatened to go to the police that signed her death warrant. I don't know this Mancini, but I know my husband. There is no way any man in this life would have let you two live if he knew what you had done."

"What do we do now?" Zia asked.

"You should see Mancini," Catalina said to the shock of them all. "My Patri was a cruel man, but I can't believe he had your mother killed. You're right. This woman tells you only part of the truth. You need to see Mancini yourself."

"No! No!" Zia said. "We can't go to him. It's too dangerous."

"Yes. We should see our father. You're coming with us, Gemma. You try to leave the villa you will be stopped," Mira said.

"I won't leave." Gemma looked to Marietta and gave her a sad smile. "I'm sorry, for the lies. I didn't want you to hate me."

"Too late. I already do," Marietta said.

* B *

Rosetta answered the phone on the first ring. "Domi?"

"It's me. What's the emergency, Rosie?" Dominic said.

"Thank you for calling, Domi. I didn't know what to do. If the Donna knows I called you, she'd never forgive me."

"What's the problem?" Dominic asked.

"They have a woman here. She is pretending to be my cousin Ines. Her real name is Gemma. The Donna called a meeting with all of us to help convince the men to let her inside. She had Zia lie to the men. Renaldo hasn't returned and well... they have her out in the beach villa. She's supposed to tell them the truth about the Donna and her sister. What happened to their mother."

The line went silent.


"It's good you called me. Don't worry. No one will know. I'll take care of it."

Rosetta hung up the line. She sat back on the pillows and smiled. Cecilia returned in the room. The twins were sleeping. Cecilia had Evie who had just completed her bath.

"Was that the phone?" Cecilia asked.

"Nope." Rosetta lied.

Cecilia glanced up at Rosetta who met her stare with a challenging one of her own. Cecilia ignored her and began to dress Eve. Rosetta was sure she was making progress with Domi.

* B *


Giovanni paced before Mottola. His sleeves rolled up to his elbows, his fists both bloodied and bruised. Mottola had been beaten to his knees. Mottola looked up with his good eye. He dropped his head in defeat.

"This has to stop!" Dominic tried to push past Lorenzo.

Lo turned and blocked his pa.s.s. "Giovanni needs this."

"No. He doesn't. He's out of control." Dominic warned.

Lorenzo smirked. "Looks fine to me."

Dominic could not get to Giovanni without making a scene with Lorenzo. After Mottola was dragged in, the torture and beatings were done with Giovanni taking the lead. He knew his brother. The darker he sank into this madness the harder it would be for him to come out of it. They had left these days behind with the Calderones. They were now close to being legitimate. And it was never what Lorenzo wanted. This is all Lorenzo wanted.

"We have to get you both back to Sicily," Dominic said.

Lorenzo's brows lowered. He shoved Dominic back out of the earshot of the other men. "Why?"

"Mira and Marietta have found a woman named Gemma. Know her?"

Lorenzo's eyes widened.

"They have her at Villa Mare Blu. Interrogating her."

"How the h.e.l.l did they get her past the men?" Lorenzo asked.

"Renaldo went on some errand in Palermo. Every man of any use is here, doing this!" Dominic hissed. "It's time to end it. Now!"

Lorenzo nodded. "I agree."

Dominic felt a sliver of relief. The men all around observed as Giovanni yanked back the head of Mottola and whispered in the man's ear his fate. Dominic and Lorenzo waited for the moment to end the macabre show.

"Kill me!" Mottola said in defiance.

Giovanni let him go. Mottola was worth more to him alive. But he had reached his limit. "Stand him up!" Giovanni ordered.

Three of his men rushed Mottola and forced him to stand. Covered in sweat and fueled with adrenaline, Giovanni wiped his brow with the back of his bruised b.l.o.o.d.y hand. He glanced back at Lorenzo and Dominic then started to the door. Mottola was dragged behind him. He tossed it open and walked inside. Immediately Mottola wept and cried out in horror. What was left of his sons and nephews was a ghastly sight. Only two of them remained alive. The Armenians had gone beyond the limits and even Giovanni had a hard time looking upon their cruelty.

"Noooo!" Mottola begged. "No!" he

"Shall I send them home crippled with your body to bury? Or should I bury them with their mothers and wives?" Giovanni asked.

Mottola looked up confused.

Yeremian hollered for his men to bring out their hostages. The women, old and young were brought out of the back room with their hands tied and mouths taped. The fear for his loved ones broke the man. He fell forward on his hands and knees. He literally crawled to Giovanni for mercy.

"I will do it. Spare my daughters and wife and I'll do it." Mottola begged. He took Giovanni's hand and smeared his own blood over his fist and knuckles with his kiss of respect.

Giovanni stroked the back of his head and smiled. "Very good. And to show you that I too own responsibility in the failure of our clans to protect the Camorra I will make a sacrifice as well."

Santo was forced into the room at gunpoint. He looked around at men he considered brothers, bewildered. "Giovanni? What is this? What the h.e.l.l is going on?"

Carlo hit Santo to the back of his head so hard the man crumbled and fell to his hands and knees. Dazed, Santo's head bowed as he groaned and tried to keep from collapsing. Giovanni walked over to his childhood friend and trusted confidant. He had no doubt that Santo worked for his own purposes and had no reason to seek proof of his indictment. Giovanni had judged him guilty and that was all that was needed.

Santo looked up at him and shook his head slowly. "I have not betrayed you, brother. I'll prove it. Give me a chance and I'll prove it."

Giovanni smiled. "I will give you a chance. In the morning you will meet with the `Ndrangheta. But the meeting will be for the benefit of the Polizi di Stato. They will seize everything and you will confess to working for them solely. Against my family and our wishes. With your testimony the war of our clans ends."

"I will be a marked man in prison. A dog. I can't go back to prison. I can't!" Santo said.

"You do this, Santo, and it proves your loyalty. I will work out your release. You failed me. You let this happen. This is on your head. Prove to me that your alliance to our famiglia is the only one you serve."

"But I have, Gio. I've spent years in prison to prove my loyalty. I've lost my family, everything. For you! For our clan."

"So this sacrifice should be even easier to withstand. No?"

Santo looked to Mottola who had all but collapsed in his grief over his sons. He glanced back to Lorenzo and Carlo who sneered in return. And lastly he looked to Giovanni. "Si."

"Andiamo," Giovanni said to his men. Yeremian followed him as the men dealt with preparing Santo and Mottola for their debut. He glanced over to Yeremian. "Let the women go. Drop the men off at the church doorstep."

"Are you sure? It's easier to bury them all." Yeremian said.

Giovanni nursed his bruised hand. He looked over to Dominic whose wishes were clear in his eyes. He looked to Lorenzo who desired the opposite. And though he came home to release his demons, the evening had drained him of too much of his soul. "Let them go." Giovanni addressed Yeremian. "Grazie."

Yeremian smiled. They embraced. Giovanni continued to the car. Once inside the back of the vehicle he groaned and inspected his hand. The right hand had swollen. He feared that at least one of his knuckles was broken.

Lorenzo got in the back seat with him. "We have to catch a flight out now."

"What? What's wrong? Is it Bella? The babies?"

"Yes." Lorenzo said. "Our wives have decided to do their own little interrogation. They've brought a woman named Gemma into the villa. Got her inside around Renaldo and the men by saying she was Ines. Dominic has already called ahead to have our plane ready. We will be there in two hours."

Giovanni grunted. He exhaled a deep breath of frustration. "Who is this woman?"

"Gemma Scafidi. She is the one that told Marietta the truth of Mancini. Not sure if she works for him or not. Don't worry. We'll get to the bottom of it."

"That's it. We're coming out of Mondello. After tonight there is no reason to keep the family in Sicily."

"Agreed." Lorenzo said.

Later "She's your Donna. Who are you to keep us locked up in here like this?" Marietta shouted.

Renaldo glanced to Mira and then to Marietta, he shrugged but didn't answer. Out of all of Giovanni's men he was the most unshakable to his convictions. A man of orders. And someone had given him the order to keep them all under his watch until Giovanni returned.

Mira looked over to Gemma. Her plan had nearly worked. Zia provided the distraction for the men by claiming to have fallen off the bottom step. Gemma and Marietta got to the car first. Mira arrived last after locating her gun for protection.

However by the time she crept around the house Renaldo was there. He had returned from wherever he had been and marched them all back inside. Renaldo informed them that Giovanni was on his way and no one was to leave. And for two hours they were kept downstairs to wait. Mira knew that the moment her husband walked through the door there would be no way to convince him of what she needed.

She glanced to Gemma who sat there stone cold silent, as if sentenced to death. She glanced to Marietta who paced. The gun she carried remained concealed by her jacket pocket. She could never pull it out on Renaldo. He was family to her. As were all these men. But she had to do something. And do it quick.

"I need to go check on the babies." Mira stood.

Renaldo glanced up. "Forgive me, Donna, but I've been told for you to not leave my sight," he said in Italian. Renaldo spoke broken English and not very well.

"It can't wait. They're babies idiot!" Marietta said.

Mira smiled at Renaldo. "I won't be long."

Renaldo stepped forward to stop Mira and from behind a vase was smashed over his head. The blow was so severe the six foot three tall man dropped immediately. Mira gasped. Marietta wielded the weapon.

"What the h.e.l.l are you doing?"

"Getting us out of here!" Marietta said, panting hard. "I had to think of something."

"I was going to distract him. Come up with something! Not this!" Mira shouted at her. "My G.o.d. Is he okay?" Mira went to her knees. She touched him and turned him. He was breathing.

"Let's go!" Marietta said to Gemma. "Now!"

Mira got a pillow from the sofa and put it under Renaldo's head. There was no blood. He groaned a bit but didn't fully wake.

"Get his keys!" Marietta said. When Mira ignored her she dropped to her knees and removed his keys. "He drives the black truck. Let's go! Now d.a.m.n it!"

Mira did as she was told. The gun in her pocket felt heavy as her guilt over their actions. She had no time to think about it. They were going to have to see this one through. And Marietta was the only one bold enough to make sure of it. When they raced out of the front door three men stopped them. Mira did the unthinkable. She removed the gun that Giovanni had given her and turned it on the men. Leo was the first to look at her with surprise.

"Let us go," she said.

"We can't. The boss..."

"Do it, Leo! Now!" Mira leveled the gun. Marietta and Gemma never knew she had the weapon. They both looked at her with surprise. The men stepped aside. Marietta bolted for the truck and Mira gave Leo an apologetic smile. "I'll take the blame for this, Leo. Giovanni won't punish you."

Leo looked on as if he didn't believe her. They piled in the truck and reversed out. Marietta sprayed dirt and rocks in a cloud of dust in their wake. Mira felt a pang of guilt for leaving her babies. "I'm not sure how we should do this."

"Huh?" Marietta glanced over at her. "Are you for real? You say that now?"

"I just... didn't think it through," Mira said.

Marietta accelerated. "This is it, Mira. We either take a stand and end this or we let our husbands tell us what to believe."

Chapter 62 : Gemma continued. "I went back to Philly to work. Manny didn't return. It was
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