Plain English
Chapter 10 : Exercise 6 Mark the interjections in the following sentences. Notice those which expres

Exercise 6

Mark the interjections in the following sentences. Notice those which express emotion and those which imitate sound.

1. Oh! Is it possible.

2. Hurrah! We have good news at last.

3. Whirr! Whirr! goes the giant machine.

4. Come! Keep up your courage.

5. What! I cannot believe it.

6. Courage! We shall yet win.

7. Bravo! Let those words ring down the centuries.

8. Ding-dong! the bells ring out the hour!



Since there are forty-two elementary sounds used in the formation of our words and only twenty-six letters to represent these sounds, some of these letters must necessarily represent more than one sound.

Of the forty-two elementary sounds, eighteen are vowel sounds, but we have only five vowels with which to represent these sounds, so each vowel has several different sounds.

Therefore we must have a key to p.r.o.nunciation to indicate the various sounds which are represented by these letters used in forming the words.

When you look up words in your dictionary you will find the vowels marked by certain signs to indicate the p.r.o.nunciation. These signs are called diacritical marks.

The following table gives the diacritical marks for the vowels. Study this table and learn to p.r.o.nounce the words you look up. When you have determined the correct p.r.o.nunciation of the word, repeat it over to yourself aloud a number of times until you have accustomed your ear to the correct p.r.o.nunciation.

Different dictionaries use different keys to p.r.o.nunciation. This table is taken from the dictionary which we are using in connection with this course--Winston's New Universal Self-p.r.o.nouncing Dictionary.

Key to p.r.o.nunciation

[=a] as in _late_, _fade_.

a as in _mar_, _father_.

[.a] as in _mask_, _dance_.

a as in _cat_, _had_.

aw as in _awl_, _fall_.

[=e] as in _he_, _feet_.

[~e] as in _her_, _verge_.

e as in _let_, _men_.

[=i] as in _line_, _time_.

i as in _tin_, _little_.

[=o] as in _vote_, _home_.

o as in _orb_, _form_.

o as in _lot_, _odd_.

oi as in _oil_, _join_.

[=oo] as in _moon_, _school_.

oo as in _cook_, _foot_.

ou as in _out_, _house_.

[=u] as in _mute_, _unit_.

u as in _nut_, _drum_.

The spelling lesson for this week is composed of words containing the different vowel sounds. Look up in your dictionary and mark all the _a's_ in Monday's lesson, all the _e's_ in Tuesday's lesson, all the _i's_ in Wednesday's lesson, all the _o's_ in Thursday's lesson, and all the _u's_ in Friday's lesson. In's lesson note the use of _w_ and _y_ as vowels.


Pause Adjective Lazy Quality Advance


Resemble Descend Adverb Interjection Complete


Limit Define Distinct Imprison Civilize


Form Footsteps Proof Report Common


Union Under Unusual Summer Commune

Comply Employ Vowel News Lawful



Dear Comrade:

We are studying in this lesson a most interesting part of our language, the words that are the names of things. If we could trace these names of things and the order and time of their coming into the language of men we would have a progressive history of mankind. Way back yonder in the dim dawn of history, men lived upon fruit and nuts. They had no knowledge of the use of fire and could not use foods that required cooking. They communicated with one another by signs. Then they discovered fire and invented the bow and arrow. They could now use fish and flesh for food and they commenced to use articulate speech. This stage has been called the Middle Stage of Savagery. With the invention of the bow and arrow, began the third stage of savagery which merged into the first stage of barbarism with the invention of pottery.

There are three stages of barbarism before we come to the beginning of the era of civilization which begins with the use of the phonetic alphabet and the production of literary records. All tribes that have never attained the art of pottery are cla.s.sed as savages and those who possess this art but have never attained a phonetic alphabet and the use of writing are cla.s.sed as barbarians. Civilization began with the spoken and written language and it has been well said that all that separates us from savagery is a wall of books. It is upon the acc.u.mulated wisdom of the past that we build. Without this we would be helpless.

So these various names of things have come to us with developing evolving life. As the men of the past gained a knowledge of the use of fire, as they learned to bake the clay and make various utensils; to heat and forge the iron into weapons; to conquer nature in all her phases, to feed the race, to clothe the race, to shelter the race more adequately, our language has grown in volume, strength and beauty.

The study of words and their uses is of great importance to you. Master the few rules necessary and watch your words daily. We are living in an age full of wondrous things and yet many of us have almost as limited a vocabulary as the men of those bygone days, who had never dreamed of the marvels that are commonplace to us.

As you use your dictionary watch closely the meaning of the words and choose the words that most aptly express your ideas. Listen to good English spoken as often as you can. _Read_ good English. Mark the difference between good and bad English and gradually you will find yourself using good English naturally and continually.

Chapter 10 : Exercise 6 Mark the interjections in the following sentences. Notice those which expres
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