Yandai Xie Jie No. 10
Chapter 9 : Act 09: 419 {For One Night} Girl: h.e.l.lo? Hang Hang: …Sorry, wrong number… Girl: … [3

Act 09: 419 {For One Night}

Girl: h.e.l.lo?

Hang Hang: …Sorry, wrong number…

Girl: …

[3 minutes later]

Girl: h.e.l.lo?

Hang Hang: I still…

Girl: Yes, I just want to let you know that you didn't call the wrong number, your name is displayed on the phone screen.

Hang Hang: You are?

Girl: You won't know even when I tell you.

Hang Hang: …

Girl: …

Hang Hang: I'm looking for Liang Ze.

Girl: Who's that?

Hang Hang: …

Girl: …

Hang Hang: I feel a bit dizzy

Girl: I'm even more dizzy than you are, still having a hangover.

Hang Hang: Then you must rest well.

Girl: Ah, you're so nice! Thank you!

Hang Hang: …Bye.

Girl: Bye.

Hang Hang, still holding his cellphone, wanted to slap his mouth a few times. This was the epitome of cerebral hypoxia =.=

What did he just do? Comforted some woman he didn't even know??

It didn't take a genius to figure out what this was…that Idiot had a 419 with that woman?

This was being busy? Busy to bed someone?

Bang! Hang Hang flung his cell phone at the cas.h.i.+er counter. Hang Hang believed he was really angry. This was no joke.  How could…he not be angry?

Ying Ying was weighing and sealing bags of dog food when she witnessed this scene. She wanted to ask what happened but didn't dare, so she pretended not to see anything and not to know anything.

Hang Hang gulped down a cup of warm water. They hadn't been in touch with each other for more than half a month. He noticed his mood had been up and down lately, so he figured out a plan? Well, he was thinking that if there were no customers in the evening, he would take Small Leaf and X-chinchilla along with their baby to go see Liang Ze, and to bring some food supplies for Ikkyu as well…

He must be crazy!

Luckily he called before hand. Imagine if he had just gone there directly. It would have been…

These days were pretty tough on Hang Hang. Every day he missed 365 questions from the other man, missed "h.e.l.lo" from the other man every afternoon, and missed "Um what are you eating" every evening (each time Liang Ze was really quick with his action, and Hang Hang was hardly able taste anything =.=), and every night he missed Liang Ze asking for help with uncapping anything that looked like a bottle.

Hang Hang thought Liang Ze's life was no better either; aside from having to finish writing his novel, there was no one there to remind him to eat dinner, no one to ask him to take a rest, and no one to talk with him. He was thinking of going over to see how Liang Ze was doing, but now there was no need since the other person was living such a good life!

Ha, Hang Hang wished that he had just taken advantage of the situation; the bait was within his reach — yet he let other people have it first!  f.u.c.k!

w.a.n.g w.a.n.g messenger made its ding dong sound. Hang Hang was standing right in front of his laptop, yet he didn't bother looking at it. He was in no mood to do business right now.

"Twenty packages." Ying Ying got up.

"Good. The courier will come to pick them up in a moment. Double check them first, and don't make a mistake."

"No problem. Anything else?" Ying Ying went to the sink to wash her hands.

"Uh…watch the store for me."


Ying Ying sat down as Hang Hang moved out. "Watch the store for a bit. I'll head out."


"I'll be back soon."


Hang Hang pushed open the door to exit the shop. As the cold breeze rushed by him, he tightened the collar of his coat to keep warm, and marched towards the corridor of willow trees. The trees had withered, some leaves still tenaciously hanging on to the dried out branches. In the yard, the wrought iron table and chairs were still standing.

There was no destination in mind as he did not know where to go. He just wanted to take a walk to calm himself. Hang Hang found it quite ironic that, at his age, he was still having such thoughts about that Idiot. He really did not know what was going on with his heart. Most of the time it was calm, a few times it was flipping with joy, and recently it was like a surging wave.

No expectation, no disappointment; yet it was difficult to follow this advice. Unconsciously, he was expecting too much, so now he only received more and more disappointment.

His cell phone began vibrating inside his coat, and Hang Hang took it out to check— it was Qi Ji.

"h.e.l.lo?" Why is he calling at this time?

"Xiao Hang, will the store be less busy in the afternoon? Meng Nan went out to play yesterday, and now he is covered in dirt."

"Ah, it should be, try calling the store and ask Ying Ying."

"You're not there?"


"Where are you?"

"At Yinding Bridge."

Yinding Bridge

"Ah? This…why're you there?"

"To look at the water."

"…you, are you alright?"

"Me? I'm ok.  Actually, I'm great. It's sunny out today, so I want to take a walk!"

"Hang Hang…today…it's really windy." Qi Ji was sweating with worry as he held onto the phone.

"Right, if it's not windy, where is the sun from?"

"The wind…is it strong?"

"Strong, each strong wave hitting against the water surface, such beautiful scene."

"Then I…am I disturbing you?"

"Yes, I'm hanging up"

"Are you sure that you're ok?"

"Yup, I'm doing fine."

"Okay, I'll see you in the afternoon."


Hanging up, Hang Hang leaned against the stone fence, staring blankly at the water. It would not be long until the water turns into an ice rink, right? After this year, how long would it be before the ice rink melts again?

The strong wind suddenly rolled up the dried leaves and dust and chased them through the air. Hang Hang held his breath.


Three hours went by, Liang Ze opened his eyes and felt his whole body aching along with a severe headache.

With the upper half of his body leaning against the headboard, he lit up a cigarette, squinted his eyes and turned to look around — f.u.c.k! There was an uninvited guest! And it was a girl too =.=

Liang Ze slapped his face a few times, and then looked at the female body lying next to him, the body completed wrapped up in a blanket with only a small face poking out, long hair spreading all over the pillow.

How could this be?

Knocking on his head a few more times, Liang Ze tried to recall some memories. Unfortunately, his brain was so uncooperative that not even the slightest image of the previous night came back to him…

Sitting there for ten minutes, Liang Ze took out a second cigarette. He tried using his hand to push the girl lightly. The girl moved a bit, turned her body and went back to sleep.

"Hey, wake up!" Liang Ze was very anxious to find out the cause for a not-so-misinterpreted demeanor. This was not an add-on to a healthy life, right?

The girl was woken up by such a loud voice.  She opened her blurry eyes and looked back at Liang Ze. "What did you say?" This movement successfully exposed her s.h.i.+ny white breast to Liang Ze's view.

"Uh." Liang Ze was suddenly dumbfounded.

The girl froze for a moment, not understanding what made him have such reaction. On reflex, she looked down in the direction of Liang Ze's eyes and then laughed, "What?"

"You are…" Liang Ze was not one bit embarra.s.sed since he had slept with several women; however, he just wanted to know the ident.i.ty of this unnamed woman.

"Xie Jin Yan."

"Oh, Jin Yan." Liang Ze only nodded.

"What do you wanna say?" the girl looked at him and said to herself: such a handsome face but a bit naive.

"This…I want to ask…Jin Yan, you…what did you and I do in bed?"

The girl turned over with an obvious look on her face, "s.h.i.+n Jing Bing!" {Translator input: This time, she used the correct word for s.h.i.+n Jing Bing (神经病) LOL}


"We're not devout men and women that you should ask such a no-brainer question.  Isn't that too silly?"

"This…" Liang Ze scratched his head. "You mean…you and I…did that…last night?"

"Whether we did it or not I can barely remember. I had a lot to drink last night, too. I only recall that it was Lao Gao who put us into the same taxi."

"Oh…" Liang Ze's memories came back to him a little. Yes, there was such event. It was past 11 when Lao Gao called him last night while completely drunk. He said little bro, come out and drink with us! At that time Liang Ze was writing his novel, so he answered that your handsome little brother is very busy. Unexpectedly Lao Gao shouted loudly: Liang Ze! You've got to come! If you're not coming then you're not respecting your brother! He continued to decline until there were no more excuses left to use, so he had to swallow it down and go to the place. He really couldn't offend this uppercla.s.sman; his high school years with this person were the worse time of his life. Luckily, in the last couple of years of high school, the situation started to get a bit better.  He only received some insults such as: a typical person who only use his upper body to think than to the lower body. That was considered as kind; some vicious one like: turned him into a perennial drinking buddy and then getting involved with prost.i.tution and much more =.=

Liang Ze did not have such good relations.h.i.+p with this man. However, that year he did take a really good care of him, so it was reasonable for him to be nice to the other man for once, right?

Going drinking is a bad habit; that Liang Ze understood very well. Although drinking could lead him to do something stupid and dangerous, he never did something like murdering someone. On the other hand, he did turn into a son of a b.i.t.c.h after drinking, not even one ounce of logic left in him =.=

"Any recollection?" The girl smiled.

"Not so profound."

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Looked at the girl laughing heartily, Liang Ze's mouth opened wide. What the f.u.c.k just happened! This person must have drunk herself to insanity. Liang Ze was not scared of a 419. Rather, he was scared of this! Yup, they were right in front of his face. {Translator input: The girl's b.r.e.a.s.t.s LOL}

"Do you remember that we didn't do it?" The girl propped herself up on a pillow and leaned over to take the cigarette from Liang Ze's mouth. This time her nudity was in his full view.

"I don't remember." Liang Ze answered truthfully.

"Alright, no need to think about it. If we didn't do it last night, then we'll do it now."


The next half hour, the bed was shaking loudly as Liang Ze was telling himself — done, no need to think whether it (419) happened or not, the condom was even on, very pleasurable =.=

The girl stood up and went to take a bath.  She put on her clothes when she was done and gave him a kiss before heading to the door.

At the last second, he received her business card: Director of x.x.x Publis.h.i.+ng House.

"Ah, right." She stopped right when she was about to open the door. "I picked up your call this morning since it kept on ringing over and over. Your name is Liang Ze, right?"

"Yes, it's written so on my ID…"

"Uh, there was a man who called you twice. The first time he thought he got the wrong number."

"Ok, I'll look back to the call history. What did he say?"

"Nothing much, he said he felt dizzy.  I said I also felt dizzy, and he told me to take a good rest."

"…" The phrase 'he must be an idiot' was on the tip of his tongue, but Liang Ze did not say it.

"Thank you for a nice evening. Ah wait, I should say a nice morning." The girl mused.


"You're really not an ordinary size!" {Translator input: she used wood here, BUT! We all know what a man's wood is, so I don't need to have to elaborate it further, do I? XDDDD}

After that girl left, Liang Ze lay back down on his bed. This person was so not an ordinary girl, she literally wanted to drain him dry =.= Remembering her mentioning a phone call, Liang Ze checked his call history.

The last caller was — Hang Hang.

Oh my G.o.d! It was Shuaige!

Liang Ze excitedly dialed back. He did not get to see him these days. He still remembered he made a note to take a day off to go see him this weekend! He quickly wrote the remaining two-thirds of his unfinished ma.n.u.script.

Miss him, really miss him, really want to see — him ^_^

Liang Ze did not expect his first call to not go through. He called again, and it did not go through, either. He did not try to call a third time, thinking Hang Hang must be busy.

And he waited until nine at night to call again. Hang Hang picked up.

Hard work really paid off. In order for him to call Hang Hang easily, he made this number the top one on his list =.=

"Shuaige!" Liang Ze said with excitement.

"What?" Hang Hang said apathetically.

"Shuaige! I heard you called me this morning." Liang Ze did not think much of Hang Hang's nonchalant tone, thinking the other man must be tired from a busy day.


"Ha ha ha, missing me."


"Oh, are you being embarra.s.sed?"


"Me? What about me?"

"Never mind. A woman answered the phone early this morning.  I was thinking that you must have been busy not to be able to answer it."

"Oh, yeah, she told me. She said you even advised her to take a good rest!"



"A little."

"That's right. Business tends to be booming at night, so you must be busy!"

"Thanks to your blessing."

"Ha? I'm not even there, what blessing did I bestow."

"What did you want to say?"


"Nothing to say? Then I'll hang up." Hang Hang was about to hang up.

"Hey, Shuaige! Are you upset?"

"Why would I be?"

"I don't know. I wouldn't ask if I knew! Your voice doesn't sound happy."

"I'm fine."

"Ah, that's good. I'll come over this weekend. Will you be there?"



"I'm going on vacation."

"The f.u.c.k! You're not missing me one bit?"

"Why should I be missing you? You already have someone to miss you."

Liang Ze's brain immediately thought Hang Hang must have misunderstood that he was no longer single, and left Hang Hang be the sole member of this Single Club? "Oh, Shuaige! The woman from this morning is not my girlfriend."

"Yeah, I know. Obviously not."

"There's nothing between us."

"I know, because she said she doesn't even know your name!"

Liang Ze did not detect the jealousy in Hang Hang's tone; instead, he actually thought Hang Hang was looking down on him {Translator input: I'm giving the f.u.c.k up with Liang Ze >.<} and="" thus,="" "don't="" look="" down="" on="" me.="" when="" you="" called,="" nothing="" actually="" happened,="" but="" then="" after="" that,="" something="" did="" happen!"="">

"You!" Hang Hang almost could not hold onto his sanity and wanted to scream: You hateful motherf.u.c.ker!

"I did it for several rounds, She really was something, ha ha ha ha! It was good that I work out regularly!" {Translator input: That's it! I'm going to leave his life here and save mine LOL}

Click Click. Phone line was cut.

"h.e.l.lo? Shuaige! Shuaige!"

He dialed again — disconnected.

What is wrong with this person =.= Liang Ze was quite upset. Even if Hang Hang was really busy, at least let him finish his sentence! Ay, this was this Idiot's way of thinking…

With a blank mind, he stared at the computer screen, Liang Ze's fingers typed swiftly across the keypad. Even if you're not there this weekend, I'm still coming over! I must take a look at Small Leaf and her husband!

Mother F***!

Hung up my call, off, off, off!

Miser! Treacherous! Selfis.h.!.+

Liang Ze pounded each word with anger. A little bit hurtful. Obviously, he really does miss him…

Proofread: Evie

Chapter 9 : Act 09: 419 {For One Night} Girl: h.e.l.lo? Hang Hang: …Sorry, wrong number… Girl: … [3
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